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Educators, why choose Bookshare?

Everyone deserves the opportunity to read to learn. Yet too many students are excluded due to difficulty reading standard print. For students with a learning difference who struggle to decode words written on a page, students who have a visual impairment and cannot see the text of a book, or students who have a physical impairment and cannot hold a book or turn its pages, standard printed materials can be barriers to learning.

What does Bookshare offer?

Bookshare is the world’s largest online library of accessible educational materials with over 1 million titles including textbooks, statewide curriculum, and novels in a wide variety of genres.

How do I get Bookshare for my students?

Bookshare is FREE for qualifying US students and schools. Students in countries around the world may also obtain Bookshare memberships.  

With Bookshare, students can read what they want, when they want, and how they want so they can learn without limits.

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