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Yo os salvaré a todos

by Emilie Frèche

Dos diarios: Uno, de unos padres que no logran comprender qué llevó a su hija Eléa, de 17 años, a unirse al Estado Islámico. Otro, de Eléa, que nos irá descubriendo poco a poco cómo llegó a cruzar la frontera entre la influencia y la convicción. <P><P>Debido a que no tiene noticias de Eléa, su hija de 17 años reclutada por el Estado Islámico y desaparecida en Siria hace seis meses, Laurence comienza a escribir un diario. Escribir le impide entregarse por completo al dolor que la roe todos los días, a la rabia de no haberlo visto venir, y no haber sido capaz de entender que todo iba a cambiar. Laurence le habla a su hija y le cuenta todos los días su tristeza y su participación en grupos de desradicalización, su lucha para crear conciencia, tratando de impedir la salida de otros adolescentes... para de alguna manera contrarrestar la falta de su hija, para noperderlo todo por completo... <P><P>A sus palabras responden las del diario personal de Eléa, escrito un año antes. Y así descubrimos poco a poco cómo los sueños de futuro, el primer amor, las amistades, fueron reemplazados por la manipulación, la sumisión, el extremismo...

Yo quiero ser una estrella de Instagram: La guía definitiva

by Ignacio Esains Malditos Nerds

La guía más divertida y accesible, ilustrada y eficaz para convertirte en una estrella de la red social más popular y expansiva del momento. Más de mil millones de usuarios comparten sus fotos en Instagram... Pero eso no significa que sea tan fácil convertirse en influencer. INSTAGRAM es tu mejor pantalla.¡Ganá seguidores, likes y comentarios!¿Cuándo postear una foto?¿Cómo sacarte la mejor selfie?¿Cómo editar tus fotos y videos? ¿Cómo vivir de tu INSTAGRAM?No hace falta ser un profesional.Aprendé los mejores trucos de fotografía de la manera más sencilla.Destacate en medio del ruido.Descubrí cómo vender lo que mejor sabés hacer. ¡Convertite en una estrella!

Yo quiero ser YouTuber

by Ignacio Esains

La guía más completa para convertirte en una estrella del canal de video más popular del mundo, con un paso a paso para encontrar tu propia identidad, consejos técnicos, aplicaciones y los mejores tips. Los youtubers han conquistado el mundo. En la última década, YouTube ha reemplazado a la televisión en los hábitos de una generación entera. Los youtubers son irreverentes, sinceros, e imprimen su personalidad en cada uno de sus videos. En estas páginas vas a conocer a los más populares, y entender cuál es la diferencia entre un youtuber de 100 suscriptores y los ídolos que superan los cinco millones. Youtube es el medio de expresión del futuro. No todos los youtubers son iguales. Algunos apuestan por la comedia. Otros crean detallados tutoriales sobre sus hobbies favoritos. Y los más audaces confiesan sus secretos más íntimos a sus seguidores en formato de "vlog". Este libro te enseña una serie de trucos para perderle el miedo a la cámara. Cómo controlar el tono de tu voz. Dónde mirar. Cómo escribir un guión. Cómo responder a los comentarios de tu comunidad y enfrentar a los temidos "trolls". Todo lo necesario para crear tu propio canal. ¿Qué tipo de cámara tengo que comprar? ¿Dónde debo instalar el micrófono? ¿Cuál es la mejor iluminación para mi cuarto? Yo quiero ser youtuber" tiene capítulos enteros dedicados a todas tus preguntas técnicas, desde las distintas aplicaciones de edición de video hasta los programas indicados para el streaming de videojuegos en vivo y en directo. Además, consejos para hacer que tu canal sea más visible en las búsquedas, las opciones más importantes de análisis de YouTube y la respuesta a la pregunta que muchos se hacen ¿cómo puedo vivir de mi canal?

Yo soy el idiota

by Varinia Painivilo (Americavi)

Yo soy el idiota, la segunda parte de la serie «Yo soy», llega cargada de emoción, reflexiones sobre la vida adolescente y muchísimo humor En su primer semestre de universidad, el ex capitán de fútbol Diego Copeland está angustiado y lleno de dudas. Abatido, decide jugar una última carta e intentar conseguir el perdón de Savannah viajando, nada más y nada menos, que al resort donde las niñas ricas hacen «sanación espiritual». Pero ¿servirá de algo simplemente aparecer y decir «lo siento»? Savannah no es la de antes, ha aprendido valiosas lecciones, ha madurado, y no está dispuesta a repetir los errores que tanto lo hicieron sufrir. ¿Logrará Diego evitar la separación definitiva y hacer que Savannah y él se entiendan de alguna forma?

Yo te salvaré

by Matt De la Peña

“Yo te salvaré de Matt de la Peña, obra ganadora de la medalla Newbery, es una “novela conmovedora que hace alentar y apoyar a los más débiles y desamparados.” -SLJ Kidd huye de su pasado y su futuro. No tiene ni mamá ni papá, siente que no le beneficia de nada estar en el hogar de acogida para jóvenes donde vive, más que las terapias que recibe ahí. Tampoco siente que forma parte de la comunidad de la playa donde trabaja, a menos que encuentre una razón para quedarse. Olivia es rubia, tiene ojos azules y un padre adinerado. Es la chica más guapa de Cardiff. Ella le oculta algo a Kidd, pero ¿podrían alguna vez estar juntos de todos modos? Devon trata mal a las personas, es misterioso e impulsado por un deseo de muerte. Es un mejor amigo y un peor enemigo a la vez. Siguió a Kidd hasta la playa y no se irá hasta que le enseñe algunas lecciones de vida. Y a Olivia. “Una novela psicológicamente tensa [...] con personajes intrigantes y bien desarrollados ... [que] permanecerán en las mentes de los lectores.” -Booklist “De la Peña captura hábilmente los lados resbaladizos de una personalidad esquizofrénica en esta novela conmovedora que hace alentar y apoyar a los más débiles y desamparados.” -SLJ Finalista al Premio Amelia Elizabeth Nombrado “Mejor libro para jóvenes” por el ALA-YALSA Seleccionado como “Quick Pick” por el ALA-YALSA Selección del Junior Library Guild

Yo! Yes?

by Chris Raschka

This book captures the street poetry between two boys-one black, one white, one shy, one outgoing, one nerdy, one street-smart. At first the boys are shy and awkward but in the end their friendship explodes off the page.

Yo Yo Love

by Daaimah S. Poole

Sassy and savvy Kayla Johnson is a serious college student at Philadelphia's Temple University. She's also a fine-looking woman, with ginger-colored skin and more curves than the Liberty Bell. But if Kayla's all that, how come she can't find a man worthy of her charms? When Kayla sets off on a manhunt for Mr. Right, she finds herself hooking up with every hustler, nut, and fast-talking player in Philadelphia. There's Emar, the basketball hotshot who makes his best moves off-court; handsome Terry, who gets downright scary during a weekend in Jersey; and Reese, who'd be da bomb if he'd only drop his white girlfriend. But it's Kayla's relationship with smooth and sexy Wil that really rocks her world and teaches her how to fight for a man-and for her own independence. Because love doesn't get truly crazy until it's the real thing...and the only people who don't get played are the ones who stay out of the game...

The Yo-Yo Prophet

by Karen Krossing

Calvin is the smallest guy in his high school, and a perfect target for Rozelle and her girl gang. His mother is dead, his father is long gone and his only remaining relative, his grandmother, is getting too sick to run her dry cleaning business. The only time Calvin feels in control is when he's working his yo-yo. When he takes up street performing, Rozelle demands a cut and insists on being his manager. To get media attention, she markets him as a yo-yo genius who can predict the future, dubbing him the "Yo-Yo Prophet." Calvin begins to believe his own hype, but as Gran's condition deteriorates, he realizes that it will take more than fame and adulation to keep his family intact.

Yo-yos (Rigby PM Chapter Books Emerald Levels 25-26, Fountas & Pinnell Select Collections Grade 3 Level P)

by Cathy Hope

The yo-yo is one of the oldest toys in the world, and it is enjoyed by people from many different cultures. <P><P>Yo-yos are made up of many small parts and can be made from a variety of different materials to help them spin. Follow the step-by-step instructions to make your own yo-yo, and with some practice, you can perform exciting yo-yo tricks.

Yoko Ono: Collector of Skies

by Nell Beram Carolyn Boriss-Krimsky

This lyrical biography explores the life and art of Yoko Ono, from her childhood haiku to her avant-garde visual art and experimental music. An outcast throughout most of her life, and misunderstood by every group she was supposed to belong to, Yoko always followed her own unique vision to create art that was ahead of its time and would later be celebrated. Her focus remained on being an artist, even when the rest of world saw her only as the wife of John Lennon. Yoko Ono’s moving story will inspire any young adult who has ever felt like an outsider, or who is developing or questioning ideas about being an artist, to follow their dreams and find beauty in all that surrounds them.


by Mary H. Choi

&“Sneaks up on you with its insight and poignancy.&” —Entertainment WeeklyFrom New York Times bestselling author Mary H.K. Choi comes a funny and emotional story about two estranged sisters and how far they&’ll go to save one of their lives—even if it means swapping identities.Jayne and June Baek are nothing alike. June&’s three years older, a classic first-born, know-it-all narc with a problematic finance job and an equally soulless apartment (according to Jayne). Jayne is an emotionally stunted, self-obsessed basket case who lives in squalor, has egregious taste in men, and needs to get to class and stop wasting Mom and Dad&’s money (if you ask June). Once thick as thieves, these sisters who moved from Seoul to San Antonio to New York together now don&’t want anything to do with each other.That is, until June gets cancer. And Jayne becomes the only one who can help her.Flung together by circumstance, housing woes, and family secrets, will the sisters learn more about each other than they&’re willing to confront? And what if while helping June, Jayne has to confront the fact that maybe she&’s sick, too?


by Mary H.K. Choi

From New York Times bestselling author Mary H.K. Choi comes a funny and emotional story about two estranged sisters and how far they'll go to save one of their lives - even if it means swapping identities.Jayne and June Baek are nothing alike. June's three years older, a classic first-born, know-it-all narc with a problematic finance job and an equally soulless apartment (according to Jayne). Jayne is an emotionally stunted, self-obsessed basket case who lives in squalor, has egregious taste in men, and needs to get to class and stop wasting Mom and Dad's money (if you ask June). Once thick as thieves, these sisters who moved from Seoul to San Antonio to New York together now don't want anything to do with each other.That is, until June gets cancer. And Jayne becomes the only one who can help her.Flung together by circumstance, housing woes, and family secrets, will the sisters learn more about each other than they're willing to confront? And what if while helping June, Jayne has to confront the fact that maybe she's sick, too?

Yon Ill Wind (Xanth #20)

by Piers Anthony

There had been a magic flux, the moment he changed form, resulting in a temporary weakness of the Interface. The spell required to fix him in this situation had done it, for even the most trifling Demon magic was stronger than that of all the lesser creatures combined. For the next few hours, it would be possible for things to pass through, entering Xanth without being twisted to some other time. That could mean significant mischief. Ordinarily he would automatically shore up the Interface to prevent such a nuisance, but as Nimby he couldn't. It was his policy to ignore the activities of his associated region, but the Interface the local creatures had established was useful, and helped keep things quiet, so he quietly supported it. He just had to hope that nothing really obnoxious passed from Mundania into Xanth, before the Interface healed itself.

The Yoruba Of West Africa (Celebrating The Peoples And Civilizations Of Africa Series)

by Jamie Hetfield

Many Yoruba from West Africa were brought to the Americas as slaves. Their culture has powerfully influenced the religion, art, and cuisine of our country. Kids will be fascinated to discover the roots of so many traditions.

Yosemite at Last: And Other Tales from Memory Creek Ranch (Circle C Milestones #5)

by Susan K. Marlow

Andi and Riley are together at last-but the adventures don't stop in their happily-ever-afterEveryone's favorite frontier heroine, Andi Carter, is back! Only she's Andrea Prescott now, and she and her husband, Riley, are starting their lives together.From their honeymoon in Yosemite--and the holdup that happens on their way--to the corners of their new home on Memory Creek ranch, just down the road from Circle C, Andi and Riley's first year of marriage is full of excitement in Yosemite at Last.Always high on action and danger, Susan Marlow's beloved Circle C adventures continue to grow in these new short story collections that fans can't wait to pick up.


by Andrés Acosta

Si madurar es difícil, hacerlo en medio de un caos epidemiológico y ante una amenaza hacia la seguridad nacional es aún más complicado, aunque tal vez sea la única esperanza para sobrevivir. Bosco es hijo único, pero suele platicar con su hermana imaginaria. A pesar de embrollarse con sus propias mentiras, es aceptado en una nueva escuela y ahora debe terminar sus estudios si no quiere acabar como cargador (aunque la idea lo seduce un poco). Tiene una familia en la que sus padres se quieren y lo quieren, y él lo que desea es que se divorcien. Así es el mundo de Bosco, unadolescente como puede serlo cualquiera, pero su vida (y la de todos) cambiará drásticamente cuando se desate una epidemia de influenza atípica y tenga que quedarse en cuarentena con su amiga Moscamuerta, experta en programación de videojuegos y en defensa personal.

You and Your Adolescent, New and Revised edition

by Laurence Steinberg

"Relax! The horror stories you have heard about adolescence are false." This is Dr. Laurence Steinberg's reassuring message to parents in this newly revised edition of his classic book You and Your Adolescent, which Publishers Weekly says is "filled with solid advice for the parents of adolescents." Among the new topics in this updated edition: * An expanded definition of adolescence to age 25, recognizing that college graduates often remain dependent on their parents for an extended period, creating a new parent-child dynamic * A discussion of social media that addresses whether parents of preteens and young teens should monitor use of these new communication tools * What new research into the adolescent brain tells us about teenage behavior As Dr. Steinberg writes, "Most books written for parents of teenagers were survival guides (many still are). Nowadays, adolescence is too long--15 years in some families--for mere survival. Knowledge, not fortitude, is what today's parents need. That's where this book comes in."

You Are The Everything

by Karen Rivers

Can you want something—or someone—so badly that it changes your destiny? <p><p> Elyse Schmidt never would have thought so, until it happened to her. When Elyse and her not-so-secret crush, Josh Harris, are the sole survivors of a plane crash, tragedy binds them together. It’s as if their love story is meant to be. Everything is perfect, as perfect as it can be when you’ve literally fallen out of the sky and landed hard on the side of a mountain—until suddenly it isn’t. When the pieces of Elyse’s life stop fitting together, what’s left? <p> You Are the Everything is a story about the fates we yearn for, the fates we choose, and the fates that are chosen for us.

You Are Here, This Is Now: The Best Young Writers and Artists in America (A Push Anthology)

by David Levithan

This provocative collection of stories and art was drawn from winners of the 1999, 2000, and 2001 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.

You Are More Than Magic: The Black and Brown Girls' Guide to Finding Your Voice

by Minda Harts

&“Every parent of a Black or brown girl should buy this book, read it to their child, and pass it along to the other parents in their circle.&”—Evette Dionne, National Book Award longlisted and Coretta Scott King honor-winning author of Lifting as We Climb Perfect for graduation gifts and other transitional milestones, this guide is for girls of color looking to find their voice and claim space as they prepare for high school, college, and their careers, from the bestselling author of The Memo: What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table.When you&’re a girl of color, figuring out how to find your voice and make sure everyone around you can hear it is essential. CEO and bestselling author Minda Harts knows—she&’s been there. And she&’s ready to walk you through it all with her own stories of success and the missteps that helped her grow—from running for high school student council when she was barely tall enough to reach the podium, to starting her own com­pany, The Memo LLC, that helps women of color advocate for themselves and their ca­reers. Now she&’s here to hype you up and be real with you about: • Building your squad: what to look for in a friend, finding mentors, and setting boundaries for healthy relationships • Saying what you mean without saying it mean: prepping yourself for self-advocacy, negotiations, and tough conversations • Leaning into courage: affirming yourself, dealing with no&’s, and speaking up even when you feel like the &“only one&” With lots of practical advice and real-life anecdotes, as well as questions for reflection and further resources, this book is all about finding your own unique path to success—at school, at work, at home, and beyond. Success is far from magical, but you&’ve al­ready got the tools you need to figure out your next best moves. And your stand-in big sis Minda is here to help you every step of the way!

You Are Not Alone: Hope for Hurting Parents of Troubled Kids

by Dena Yohe

"I can't tell you how to keep your child from making mistakes. But I can equip you with facts, tools, and resources. I can show you that you can survive this nightmare. I can encourage you that one day--somehow--you can thrive again."--Dena Yohe, You Are Not Alone You would go to the ends of the earth for your child. So, if your teenager or young adult is in the midst of crisis due to self-injury, mental illness, depression, bullying, or destructive choices, you probably feel broken, powerless, and isolated. Dena Yohe wants you to know you are not alone. You are not a bad parent. And you are going to be okay. Dena has been where you are. In You Are Not Alone, she speaks from experience as she offers healthy ways to maintain your other relationships, suggestions for responding to friends who don't understand, and ideas for keeping up your emotional and spiritual well-being when your world feels as if it's crashing down. It is possible to find purpose in your pain, joy beyond your fear, and hope for every tomorrow. Includes prayers, exercises, websites, and other helpful resources.From the Trade Paperback edition.

You Are Not Here (Push)

by Samantha Schutz

A startling novel about love and grief from the author of the acclaimed memoir I Don't Want to Be Crazy.Annaleah and Brian shared something special - Annaleah is sure of it. When they were together, they didn't need anyone else. It didn't matter that their relationship was secret. All that mattered was what they had with each other.And then, out of nowhere, Brian dies. And while everyone else has their role in the grieving process, Annaleah finds herself living outside of it, unacknowledged and lonely. How can you recover from a loss that no one will let you have?

You Are So Awesome: Uplifting Words to Help You Shine

by Summersdale Publishers

Never doubt your awesomeness Be the boss of your thoughts and feelings, and don’t let any negative vibes get you down with this little book of feel-good quotes and statements. Dip into it whenever you need a boost and let the encouraging words help you reflect on how amazingly awesome you are.

You Are the Universe: Ram Dass Maps the Journey

by Amy Buetens

You Are the Universe is an impactful guidebook, chronicling the unconventional journey and self-discovery of Ram Dass, one of the world&’s most beloved spiritual teachers.Sourced from five decades of recordings, Ram Dass shares his life story and transformative teachings in his own words with honesty and humor. He offers teens and adults of all ages life-altering inspiration for understanding universal truths, navigating their unique paths with compassion and awareness, and living a meaningful life. Vibrant hand-drawn and water-colored images illustrate Ram Dass&’s captivating story of transformation. You Are the Universe offers an accessible perspective on our world through Ram Dass&’s eyes, and explores timeless answers for today&’s most urgent questions. EXPERT GUIDANCE: Psychologist and spiritual teacher Ram Dass dedicated his life to educating others on the keys to spiritual fulfillment and happiness, drawing wisdom from a lifetime of experience. STRENGTHEN THE MIND AND THE SOUL: Ram Dass offers advice for teens on how to approach anxiety, engage in social justice, and find their path through the example of his experiences and wisdom. GORGEOUS ILLUSTRATED NOVEL: With beautiful watercolor illustrations, this book is a perfect gift for both those familiar with Ram Dass's teachings and those new to his philosophy. INTRODUCTION TO SPIRITUALITY: Sourced from the archive of Ram Dass&’s recordings, You Are the Universe explores his most vital teachings and introduces young people to spirituality in an easy to read and approachable way. A MUST-READ PREQUEL: You Are the Universe sets the stage for Ram Dass&’s iconic spiritual growth manifesto Be Here Now.

You Asked for Perfect

by Laura Silverman

For fans of Adam Silvera and Nina LaCour comes a timely novel about a teen's struggle when academic success and happiness pull him in opposite directions.<p><p>Senior Ariel Stone is the perfect college applicant: first chair violinist, dedicated volunteer, active synagogue congregant, and expected valedictorian. And he works hard—really hard—to make his success look effortless. A failed calculus quiz is not part of his plan. Not when he's number one. Not when his peers can smell weakness like a freshman's body spray.Ariel throws himself into studying. His friends will understand if he skips a few plans, and he can sleep when he graduates. But as his grade continues to slide, Ariel realizes he needs help and reluctantly enlists a tutor, his classmate Amir. <p><p>The two have never gotten along, but Ariel has no other options. Ariel discovers he may not like calculus, but he does like Amir. Except adding a new relationship to his long list of commitments may just push him past his limit.

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