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타이밍: Isländernes Lovbog I Fristatens Tid. Text I, Volume 1... (Timing #1)

by Mary Calmes 메리 카메

절친 샬롯의 결혼식에 들러리를 서러 한 여름에 서부 텍사스로 가야 하는 스테판 조스. 설상가상으로 그곳에서 수백만 달러가 걸린 계약을 따내는 임무까지 맡는다. 하지만 이것보다 더 나쁜 소식이 있었으니, 그건 바로 샬롯의 결혼식에서 그녀의 오빠인 랜드 할로웨이를 만나야 한다는 것! 스테판과 랜드는 첫만남부터 삐끗한 사이. 샬롯은 결혼식에 오빠가 참석하지 않을 거라고 맹세했지만, 정작 텍사스에 도착하자마자 랜드를 만나게 된 스테판은 마음이 편치 않다. 게다가 지금까지의 태도와는 다르게 스테판에게 이상한 관심을 보이기 시작하는 랜드. 스테판은 랜드의 이런 갑작스러운 변화가 혼란스럽지만, 오래전부터 몰래 랜드를 좋아하던 그였기에 랜드에게 기회를 주자고 마음 먹는다. 짧은 결혼식 기간 동안 스테판과 랜드의 관계는 놀라울 만큼 발전하지만 그때 스테판이 맡은 계약 건에 큰 문제가 생긴다. 바로 스테판의 회사에서 매입을 원했던 땅의 주인이 살해된 것. 이와 더불어 누군가가 스테판을 죽이려 하는데... 과연 스테판은 이 위기를 무사히 벗어날 수 있을까?

Χριστουγεννιάτικος πειρασμός: Regency Holiday Collection (Marsden Descendants Ser. #Vol. 2)

by Nτόουν Μπρόουερ

Ο Χριστουγεννιάτικος πειρασμός είναι μια ματιά σε κάθε ένα απο τα ζευγάρια του Νόβακ Σπρίνγκς βλέπουμε πως τα πάνε, όταν ο κάθε ένας βρίσκει το ταίρι του. Κάντε ένα ταξίδι μνήμης μαζί τους και δείτε τα πράγματα που τους αρέσουν - ιδιαίτερα τα Χριστούγεννα.

21 Smiles

by David Connor E. F. Mulder

Spring has sprung, and with it, smiley faces. When yellow crocuses bloom all over town in the shape of an emoji during April’s first warm days, reporter Nero Storm is sent out to discover their meaning and origin.Nero has little to smile about himself, what with dysfunctional family drama and a tragic love life. The previous fall, it seemed as if he might have finally met the man of his dreams in dog daddy, ride share operator, and charity organizer Z. Though the two spent but ten morning and evening car rides together, sparks flew. Unfortunately, at the end of that time, Nero witnessed a crime, and Z disappeared.Now, as the rest of the world looks forward to a new beginning promised by spring, Nero is left to wonder. Are the smiley face flowers a message for him, and will he ever see Z’s smile again for real?

30,000 On The Hoof

by Zane Grey

The story of a new life in the Apache Territory.

.45-Caliber Cross Fire

by Peter Brandvold

Fugitive Cuno Massey is recruited to hunt down a gang of gunrunners who stole a wagon of weapons, intending to sell them to a Mexican general waging war against Yaqui Indians. To even the odds, Cuno forms an alliance with a Yaqui queen as savage as she is beautiful. With so much firepower and so many deadly players on the warpath, Cuno knows he's sitting atop a powder keg with a sizzling fuse...

.45-Caliber Deathtrap

by Peter Brandvold

After Cuno Massey's business partner is murdered by a gang of outlaws, he takes to the trail to find the killers. But Cuno's mission of vengeance becomes a rescue mission when he learns that the outlaws have kidnapped a young Chinese woman.

.45-Caliber Desperado

by Peter Brandvold

Cuno Massey killed a pack of Deputy U.S. Marshals, but only because they were about to rape the women he was escorting to safety. Thrown into a federal penitentiary, he faces a death sentence-until the beautiful Camilla and her cutthroat gang bust him out and head for the Mexican border.

.45-Caliber Firebrand

by Peter Brandvold

Cuno Massey finds himself stuck in the middle of a feud between a weary old rancher and a band of Indians hungry for revenge. With warring braves surrounding the ranch and a doomed man begging for help, Cuno?s the only rider left who stands a chance to save the rancher?s daughter for a savage massacre.

.45-Caliber Widow Maker

by Peter Brandvold

Cuno Massey is determined to start a new, peaceful life. But when he comes across a prison wagon under attack, he can't just ride on. A gang of outlaws is hell-bent on granting four hardened convicts an early release, and with the only lawman down, the marshal is badly outnumbered. Dispensing frontier justice from the barrel of his Colt .45, Cuno does his best to even the odds and keep the murderous animals where they belong.

À cœur ouvert (Histoires de cœur #3)

by Andrew Grey Julie Bénazet Éric Jansen

Histoires de cœur, tome 3La dernière chose à laquelle Liam Southard s'attendait en fuyant son père abusif, c'était d'être recueilli par un couple de ranchers gays. En un rien de temps, il se remet sur pied, trouve un travail et accepte enfin son homosexualité. Et puis un beau matin, il se retrouve menacé d'une arme. Pour la défense de Troy Gardener, il sait qu'il n'aurait pas dû pointer son fusil sur le jeune homme aux incroyables yeux bleus. Entre son mariage qui vient de s'effondrer et la solitude qui le rend fou, perdu dans cette vieille cabane au fin fond du Wyoming, il a des circonstances atténuantes. Il s'excuse auprès de Liam et découvre très vite qu'ils ont plus d'une chose en commun. Mais avec le père de Liam qui débarque à l'improviste et une société minière qui menace la survie du ranch, difficile de commencer une histoire d'amour. Une chose est sûre, ils n'auront pas le temps de s'ennuyer.

À cœur perdu (Histoires de cœur #4)

by Andrew Grey Julie Bénazet Éric Jansen

Histoires de cœur, tome 4Le chanteur country Willie Meadows est un imposteur. Il n'est jamais monté sur un cheval, et ses vêtements « western » proviennent d'une boutique de Los Angeles. Pas étonnant que Wilson Edwards, le véritable homme de ces bottes d'opérette, souffre d'un blocage créatif. Déterminé à retrouver l'inspiration, Wilson achète un ranch dans le Wyoming afin d'apprendre le véritable quotidien d'un cow-boy, même s'il n'a aucune intention de gérer son entreprise. C'est alors qu'apparaît Steve Peterson, désespéré, démuni et affamé après avoir échappé aux griffes de la secte de son père qui gère un hôpital de « déprogrammation » pour homosexuels. Steve était censé entraîner des chevaux pour l'ancienne propriétaire du ranch, mais le travail a disparu avec son futur employeur. Heureusement, Wilson a une solution temporaire : Steve peut gérer le ranch tandis qu'il ira régler ses affaires à Los Angeles. Mais lorsqu'il revient, c'est à peine si Wilson reconnaît l’endroit. Il y a des chevaux dans l'écurie, et le ranch est en parfait état. Soudain, il se trouve inspiré non pas par le mode de vie des cow-boys, mais par Steve lui-même. Mais la secte est encore après Steve, et la peur du scandale de Wilson signifie qu'il est encore dans le placard. En sortir pourrait tuer sa carrière – mais nier ses sentiments pour Steve pourrait tuer la seule partie de lui qui est réelle.

À la poursuite de Seth (Véritables compagnons #1)

by Bénédicte Girault J. R. Loveless

Véritables compagnons, numéro hors sérieLe vétérinaire, Seth Davies arrive à Senaka, Wyoming, en quête de paix et d'anonymat pour échapper à son passé. Depuis toujours, il n'est qu'une cible pour les problèmes et la douleur et Seth en a déjà eu plus que sa part. Kasey Whitedove, après un coup d'œil à Seth en déduit le pire. Aucun homme blanc ne peut aimer les animaux de la manière dont s'attend la population Cheyenne et Kasey rend le premier jour de Seth à Senaka plus que pénible. Puis, un accident met Kasey dans la position inconfortable de devoir revoir ses croyances - tout en désirant ardemment Seth - en dépit du danger de se révéler en tant que loup-garou et des sombres secrets de la vie de Seth. Poursuivre Seth et le tenir à l'abri de son passé va devenir le rôle le plus important de la vie de Kasey.

À toute vitesse

by Lily Karey Damon Suede

À toute vitesse : L’amour n’attend pas. Patch Hastle a grandi vite, abandonnant sans un regard en arrière son Texas natal pour New York afin de se faire un nom comme DJ et mannequin. Lorsque ses parents meurent de façon brutale, il retourne chez lui afin de vider la ferme familiale avec l’intention de déguerpir le plus vite possible. C’était sans compter sur le testament qui laisse la direction de la ferme à son pire ennemi : le magnifique meilleur ami de son père qui a fait de ses années de lycée un enfer. Tucker Biggs tourne en rond. Vingt ans après sa carrière dans le rodéo, il s’enracine dans son rôle de gardien de la ferme des Hastle. Il sait que le fils « je sais tout » de son ami le déteste toujours, mais lorsque Patch apparaît plus mature, ressemblant à un péché sur pattes dans un jean moulant, Tucker transforme son retour en leçon sur les vieux singes à qui on n’apprend pas à faire la grimace. Patch et Tucker batifolent, mais ils ne sont pas dupes. Lorsque la ferme sera vendue, ils comptent en rester là et prendre des chemins séparés. Avec le temps qui passe, la vie du citadin et du campagnard traditionaliste s’entremêle. S’ils veulent que cela dure plus longtemps que la neige au soleil, ils feraient mieux de comprendre ce qui est important – et vite.

The Abernathy Boys

by L. J. Hunt

Meet Bud Abernathy, age nine, and his brother, Temp, age five: two cowboys determined to see the Old West. The boys are headed for the Goodnight Ranch, where their daddy once was known as "Catch'em Alive" Jack for his ability to catch live wolves with his bare hands. To get to Goodnight, the brothers and their horses, Sam and Geronimo, will have to cross the caprock, a vast desert that is the loneliest place on earth. They're determined to do it -- and to do it alone. Some would say that the story of the boys' journey is a mighty tall tale. But it's entirely true.

Abilene Gun Down

by Jory Sherman

Silas Colter is as cold and cunning as any other lifelong lawbreaker. After he suckered in Dan and Jed Brand to help drive stolen cattle to Abilene, the scheme went bad, with Colter killing Dan and two lawmen -- and leaving Jed to hang. Now, he's assumed Jed's identity to cut a swath of blood through the West. To avenge his brother and clear his name, Jed hunts the vicious Colter across the plains, dodging bounty hunters and a relentless U.S. Marshal whose motives are as personal as Jed's. All Jed knows is that if he ever wants to see the end of the Owlhoot Trail, someone's going to have to die....

Above Rubies

by Fyn Alexander

The year is 1885 and all May Jakobsson wants is a home of her own and a woman to love. Leaving behind her poor immigrant family, she claims her one hundred and sixty acres under the Homestead Act in Dakota Territory. Life on the farm is lonely and there seems no hope of meeting the right woman, or any woman with her inclinations. That is, until an itinerant seamstress arrives in town.When wealthy Boston socialite Temperance Lowell decides to take her sewing machine and travel the rails staying in different towns, she is seeking adventure while escaping Boston where the woman she was having an affair with is getting married. The last thing she expects is to meet a tall, shy woman wearing men’s clothes to whom she is instantly attracted.Not only does their attachment cause an uproar in the town of Livingstone, especially among the men who were already hostile to a woman like May, and were more than interested in the beautiful and elegant Temperance, but it confuses May who, in her own words, is “as common as the dirt I dig.” Temperance, a little older and very sure of herself, knows May is the woman for her.Can they make a life together in a rough town among farming folk? Will their love survive the challenges thrown their way?

Above the Clouds (Chronicles of the Golden Frontier #3)

by Gilbert Morris J. Landon Ferguson

When gold is found in her once-barren mine, Jennifer DeSpain's sudden riches allow her to lavish wealth on her loved ones. But she's about to discover the pressures and temptations that could ruin her most precious relationships.

Absaroka Ambush (The First Mountain Man #3)

by William W. Johnstone

The Price of Gold<P><P> A wagon train winding through the remote reaches of teh Rocky Mountain high country can attract plenty of scavengers--some of them human--like Vic Bedell and his gang of cutthroats. All he wants is the women, who can be traded for gold mine supplies...or used for whatever else he has in mind. But he didn't count on Preacher leading that train.<P> The Color of Blood<P> Bedell's first mistake is leaving the First Mountain Man for dead. His second mistake is underestimating Preacher's strength...and cunning. And Preacher needs all he can get to lead a hundred and fifty helpless ladies out of captivity...through fifteen hundred miles of unforgiving territory filled with hostile Indians--and the deadliest threat of all: Bedell and his wild avengers...

Absaroka Ambush (first Mt Man)/Courage Of The Mt Man: Courage Of The Mountain Man

by William W. Johnstone

The Price Of Gold A wagon train winding through the remote reaches of the Rocky Mountain high country can attract plenty of scavengers--some of them human--like Vic Bedell and his gang of cutthroats. All he wants is the women, who can be traded for gold mine supplies...or used for whatever else he has in mind. But he didn't count on Preacher leading that train.He Color Of BloodBedell's first mistake is leaving the First Mountain Man for dead. His second mistake is underestimating Preacher's strength...and cunning. And Preacher needs all he can get to lead a hundred and fifty helpless ladies out of captivity...through fifteen hundred miles of unforgiving territory filled with hostile Indians--and the deadliest threat of all: Bedell and his wild avengers...

Accidental Courtship

by Lisa Bingham

The Bachelor Meets His MatchNo women are allowed at the Batchwell Bottoms mining camp—yet Dr. Sumner Havisham headed West seeking a job there. When an avalanche strands her and several mail-order brides, she’s up against strict rules—and stern mine superintendent Jonah Ramsey. But nothing will stop her—especially from helping Jonah, who needs her healing in more ways than one.For Jonah, his job is a refuge from his past. He has good reasons to stay far away from the spirited Sumner, especially since he thinks he has nothing to offer. But as tensions rise, her caring and skill ignites a love he’d never thought he’d find. Can they save the dreams they’ve worked so hard for—and claim a life together?

The Accidental Cowboy

by Heidi Hormel

COWBOY IN A KILT When former bronc rider Lavonda Leigh is asked to guide a Scottish archaeologist through the Arizona desert, she's expecting a fussy egghead. But then she discovers tall, strong Jones Kincaid competing at the local Highland games. She can't help her interest in him-and that's before he puts on his cowboy hat and hits the trail like a pro. Jones is after more than he's letting on. His quest could clear a past scandal and let him live his dream-studying the old West. But as he spends time with Lavonda in this rugged landscape, he realizes that what he wants isn't just academic-he yearns for a life with her on the ranch. If she discovers his deception, this professor-turned-cowboy will lose his reputation...and Lavonda, too.

Accidental Cowgirl: A Whisper Creek Novel (Whisper Creek #1)

by Maggie Mcginnis

USA TODAY BESTSELLER. In her Loveswept debut, Maggie McGinnis tells the tale of a city girl who's running on fumes--and the cowboy who shows her all the good things she's been missing. After being betrayed by her con man ex-fiancé, Kyla Bennett nurses a broken heart. But Kyla's friends have other ideas and when they whisk her off to Whisper Creek, a dude ranch staffed by cowboys so hot they dim the Montana sunset, all Kyla wants to do is hide under a quilt. Then in rides Decker Driscoll. He's hauling about as much emotional baggage as Kyla, but when he stands close by, both of them want to stay close--and begin to succumb to an undeniable attraction. After experiencing personal tragedy, Decker never thought he'd see Big Sky country again. But now that his family's Whisper Creek property is in deep with a Vegas gambler, Decker's back for the summer--and spending all his time running from "cowgirls" who come to the dude ranch to score some dudes. Then he meets Kyla, a kindred spirit who brings on a stampede of protective feelings . . . and a powerful hankering to sear her with a new brand of love.

Accidental Dad

by Lois Richer

A Family for the Rancher In a heartbreaking instant, rancher Sam Denver becomes guardian to his baby nephew and the young foster twins his late brother and sister-in-law hoped to adopt. With the Triple D ranch to run and two sets of grandparents to look after, the guarded cowboy is desperate for help. But when the children's maternal aunt finally returns home to Buffalo Gap, Kelly Krause's difficult past prevents her from believing she has much to offer Sam or the little ones. Yet when custody of the twins is in jeopardy, Sam discovers just how much his makeshift family needs Kelly...if only she'll stay.

Accidental Family: Montana Groom Of Convenience Accidental Courtship His Forgotten Fiancée A Mother For His Family (The\bachelors Of Aspen Valley Ser.)

by Lisa Bingham

Make-Believe MarriageWhen newborn twins are dropped on Charles Wanlass’s doorstep—along with a note begging him to protect them—he knows he needs help to give them a proper home. The only solution: entering a marriage of convenience with mail-order bride Willow Granger. But soon the handsome pastor longs for their make-believe family to become real…Willow will do whatever it takes to keep her missing friend’s babies safe. She’s drawn to Charles’s steadfast caring and honesty, but she’s sure she doesn’t have the proper background or courage to ever be a worthy wife or mother. But as danger closes in, she and Charles will risk everything to face down their fears—and turn their temporary home into a lifetime of love.

Accidental Homecoming (The Stirling Ranch #1)

by Sabrina York

New York Times bestselling author Sabrina York kicks off her brand-new Stirling Ranch miniseries by asking does blood make you family? It&’s time to face the past he&’s been running from. Danny Diem&’s life is upended when he inherits a small-town ranch. But learning he has a daughter in need of lifesaving surgery is his biggest shock yet. He'd never gotten over telling his ex Lizzie Michaels that he wasn&’t the marrying kind. But her loving strength for their little girl tugs at his heartstrings—and makes him wonder if he&’s ready to embrace the role he&’s always run from: father.From Harlequin Special Edition: Believe in love. Overcome obstacles. Find happiness.The Stirling RanchBook 1: Accidental HomecomingBook 2: Recipe for a Homecoming

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