Special Collections

Anti-Racism 101 for Kids and Teens

Description: Subscribe and read about how you can challenge racism in your own life. These books will help give you a better understanding of racist institutions and attitudes, and what you can do to dismantle them. #kids #teens #general

Showing 26 through 32 of 32 results
Category Title Author Date Added Action
Teens A Young People's History of the United States Howard Zinn and Rebecca Stefoff 06/02/2020
Teens How It Went Down Kekla Magoon 06/02/2020
Teens All American Boys Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely 06/02/2020
Teens In the Shadow of Liberty Kenneth C. Davis 06/02/2020
Teens Black Lives Matter Duchess Harris and Sue Bradford Edwards 06/02/2020
Teens Just Mercy Bryan Stevenson 06/02/2020
Teens Stamped Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi 06/02/2020

Showing 26 through 32 of 32 results