Advanced Search

Advanced search helps you find books by narrowing your search using one or more search criteria:

  1. Select the "Collection to Search" (Bookshare or a partner collection).
  2. Select your search and sort criteria. For example:
    • Specify a particular book by "Title," "Author,” or other category.
    • Filter by language, grade, category, etc. and set the sort results order.
  3. Click the "Advanced Search" button to begin your search.

Need more information on searching? Visit Bookshare's Find Books page for general information or the Help Center to get more tips on searching for books.

Can't find the book you want? Try searching our partner collection, the Internet Archive, or request to add the book to the Bookshare collection.

Find Results For

Use these controls to specify title, author, ISBN, or to set additional search parameters. Select Search at any time to perform your search.


Filter By Category (selecting none searches all)

Use these controls to specify a category for your search. If you do not click a box, you are selecting all categories. Select Search at any time to perform your search.