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Calling All Fortniters!
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Call of the Last Survivor
by Ken A MooreWill Mikaleh and her friends unravel the mystery of the ruby key and discover who—or what—is the Lone Survivor? Of all the squads in what remains of the known world—that is, after the onset of “The Storm” and the mysterious zombie hordes that came with it—no squad has a reputation like Squad #43! Helmed by the valiant Mikaleh (a mighty Soldier) and her sidekick Janet (a stalwart and even-tempered Constructor), they’re known across the multiverse of servers as the deadliest dispatchers of Mist Monsters and Husks in all the land. Their reputation for finding and freeing survivors is unmatched, and they’re second-to-none when it comes to discovering clever tricks and secrets. Rounded out by Sam (an Outlander) and Sammy (a Ninja)—a quirky pair, who fight like brothers but always reconcile like best friends—Squad #43 seems on an unstoppable trajectory to combat The Storm and restore the world, bit by bit, to something like its former self. Yet Mikaleh can hardly believe her eyes when she returns to base camp one morning—after a long evening of satisfying zombie-killing—to find that the Husks appear to have. . . reached out to them! A mysterious message, seeming to be from the very monsters themselves, urges Squad #43 to attend a secret rendezvous in Canny Valley where more will be revealed. Never one to turn down a mystery, Mikaleh soon finds her squad plunged into a strange intrigue beyond her wildest dreams
Battle Storm
by Cara J. StevensOn an island where everyone is a warrior, only the strong survive. The Impossibles, a squadron of inexperienced soldiers, have been recruited from across the globe, tasked with the directive to train, fight, and win the ultimate victory in Fortnite’s Battle Royale. In this series of Fortnite novelizations, follow Zane, Jax, Asha, Jin, and Blaze as they seek out adventure, uncover mysteries, and battle to become the ultimate winners of the Battle Royale. The first book in this exciting new series, Battle Storm leaps into their first exciting adventure: No one had been down to the island in person since the storm first hit, but shortly after the air turned toxic, the army began using it as a virtual training ground, building squads and pitting them against each other to see who would rise up and who would fail miserably. Some came to explore. Others came for glory. But whatever their reasons, once they were on the battlefield, it was every squad for themselves. The Impossibles, the latest recruits, have everything to lose and even more to gain by moving up the ranks, but first they will need to come together as a squad and prove themselves on the battlefield. Do they have what it takes to be the next champions, or will they risk everything only to fail and lose it all?
The Alien Conspiracy
by Cara J. StevensOn an island where everyone is a warrior, only the strong survive. The Impossibles, a squadron of inexperienced soldiers, have been recruited from across the globe, tasked with the directive to train, fight, and win the ultimate victory in Fortnite’s Battle Royale. In this series of Fortnite novelizations, follow Zane, Jax, Asha, Jin, and Blaze as they seek out adventure, uncover mysteries, and battle to become the ultimate winners of the Battle Royale. The second book in this exciting new series, The Alien Conspiracy, leaps into their second thrilling adventure: Jin has always had his theories about what is happening on the island, but now it turns out they may not be that far-fetched after all: the mysteries from outer space and the comet, the rocket, and The Visitor—alien or impostor?
Clash At Fatal Fields
by Devin HunterTwelve-year-old Grey gets sucked into a hacked, virtual reality version of Fortnite Battle Royale along with one hundred other players. To get home, he must become one of the top five players before the season ends, or he’s stuck in Fortnite for another two months.
Grey logs into Battle Royale as usual, but unlike before he passes out and wakes up in the lobby and everything is as real as can be. Four others stand there with him as an admin tells them they are the “new meat” and their game has been hacked. Their consciousness will be trapped in this version of Fortnite until they can become the top five players for a season.
New to the fighting arena but ambitious, Grey sets out for glory with one hundred other players on a flying bus. As they jump and land on the island to battle, he struggles to figure out the tools as people come to kill him. He dies quickly, much to his disappointment. Maybe this won’t be as easy as he thought.
While waiting for the next game in the lobby, someone gives him some tips to help him out and he fares a bit better. They form a duo in hopes of both escaping the game together. Will Grey be able to escape, now that he has an ally?
Betrayal at Salty Springs
by Devin HunterGrey has improved a ton with the help of his friends, and he’s closing in on the top tier of players. But then his closest friend announces that he’s been asked to join a new squad on the top tier and leaves them in hopes of making the top five with his new squad. Grey is devastated, and their play struggles. He falls back several ranks and begins to wonder if it’s even possible to escape the game this season. Some players have been there for many seasons…some aren’t even trying to leave because they like it so much. Maybe he should just accept it as his life. A former rival tells him to snap out of it—he’s too good to slide back so far. They end up in a squad and do well enough to scale the ranks again. Grey has a chance to screw over his old Ally/Friend by taking his place on the Top Tier team, but will he?
Battle for Loot Lake
by Devin HunterTwelve-year-old Grey has been sucked into a hacked, virtual reality version of Fortnite Battle Royale along with one hundred other players. To get home, he must become one of the top five players before the season ends, or he’s stuck in Fortnite for another two months. Grey and his friend have gone up in ranks and are learning how to build structures to improve their tactics. While they’re not at the top by any means, they are solidly in the middle of the pack. They aspire to be like the Top Player, who has been unbeatable for fifteen games in a row. No one knows how the Top Player does it, but everyone is chasing him. Before Grey can aspire to beat the Top Player, though, he has to get through the Rival players that are just above him. These players are threatened by him and his friend and hunt them down in every battle. Grey wants to beat them, but he can’t figure out how. How can Grey survive long enough to beat the Top Player? And will he ever escape the Fortnite world?
Killer Fortnite Strategies
by Jason R. RichMaster Strategies for Achieving #1 Victory RoyaleKiller Fortnite Strategies: The Ultimate Unofficial Battle Royale Guide is an all-new, full-color, unofficial guide for adult gamers specifically covering the Windows PC and Mac versions of Fortnite: Battle Royale. With pro tips, expert strategies, and in-depth information, this guide covers everything from tweeking your computer and customizing your keyboard for your own personal game play experience to advanced tactics for resource gathering and weapon utilization. Features: Hundreds of full-color screenshots Customizing tips for the ultimate gaming experience Thorough exploration of the island In-depth information on weapons, ammo, and loot items Proven strategies for resource gathering and building structures Expert combat and survival tactics Tips for avoiding the storm and surviving the End Game (the Final Circle) And more! Regardless of your skill or experience level playing Fortnite: Battle Royale on a PC or Mac, this info-packed resource will up your game, improve your kill scores, and help you achieve #1 Victory Royale.
Fortnite Battle Royale Hacks
by Jason R. RichThe Ultimate Fortnite Guide… There is no second place!Fortnite Battle Royale Hacks is the Fortnite strategy book you’ve been waiting for! This Fortnite Battle Royale book focuses on the seven core elements of gameplay, giving you the TOP SECRET know-how to turn you into a Fortnite pro. This Fortnite strategy guide includes: Character Section, Customization, and Improvement Parachuting from the Battle Bus and Choosing an Ideal Landing Location Safe Exploration of the Island and Avoiding the Storm Finding and Gathering the Best Weapons, Ammo, and Loot Acquiring Resources (Wood, Brick, and Metal) Building Fortresses and Structures Surviving Combat to Become the Last Person StandingFor Playstation 4, Xbox One, Windows PC, and Mac, the Fortnite game transports gamers to an island that’s in the direct path of a strange and deadly storm. This free edition is a quest for survival?as one hundred players get trapped on the island, but only one will ultimately survive!Fortnite players must explore their surroundings to gather resources and then build protective shelters, plus locate weapons and loot (medical packs, potions, ammo, etc.)?all while attempting to defeat enemies in battle as the storm approaches, slowly making more and more of the island inhabitable. With so much at stake, you need the most up-to-date, comprehensive Fortnite book there is.This unofficial Fortnite Battle Royale strategy guide book for gamers ages 8 and up provides the tips and information needed to greatly improve your chances for survival. Fortnite Battle Royale Hacks is the ultimate unauthorized guide book that includes proven strategies for defeating opponents using weapons, tools, resources, and structures.Because the Fortnite Battle Royale game never offers the same play experience twice, this Fortnite Battle Royale tips book teaches you to adapt your offensive and defensive fighting strategies as needed to dramatically increase your chance of survival during each and every action-packed battle.This full-color, information-packed, 98-page Fortnite Battle Royale book for kids, teens, and adults is expertly designed to help first-time players greatly shorten the game’s learning curve and allows readers to abandon their “noob” status quickly, while dramatically improving their fighting, building, exploration, and survival skills. Experienced players will get an edge over their competitors with this legendary guide! With limited training activities and tutorials built into the game, Fortnite Battle Royale Hacks is the MUST READ game guide for beginner, intermediate, and advanced players… This is THE Fortnite cheat book for all the tips and tricks you won’t learn anywhere else.
An Unofficial Encyclopedia of Strategy for Fortniters
by Jason R. RichIn addition to the Solo game play mode (which pits each gamer up against up to 99 others in a real-time battle), the Duos mode allows gamers to team up with one friend in a quest to defeat all other gamers during a match. Meanwhile, the Squads mode allows teams of four players to enter into a match and work together as they battle against up to 96 other gamers. The Duos and Squads game play modes are permanent features built into the game, and they’ve proven to be extremely popular, since Fortnite: Battle Royale is, for the most part, cross-platform compatible. Thus, someone experiencing the game on a PS4 can team up with a PC user, for example, to play against a random section of other gamers, in real-time. An Encyclopedia of Strategies for Fortniters: Duos and Squads Strategies will be the first book in this unofficial strategy guide series to offer in-depth coverage of Fortnite: Battle Royale’s team-oriented game play modes. Thus, this unofficial strategy guide will be chock full of proven strategies and game play tips designed to help teams achieve victory in the Fortnite: Battle Royale matches they participate in. This expanded (approximately 176-page) guide will include a comprehensive overview of the Fortnite: Battle Royale game, with a special focus on the game’s team-oriented game play modes. The full-color book will appeal to readers age 8 and up, regardless of which gaming platform they’re using. Throughout each match, gamers must: Focus on survival Avoid the deadly storm Explore the island Gather resources Build structures and fortresses Find, collect, and utilize weapons and ammunition Acquire and use loot items Engage in combat against enemy soldiers with the goal of becoming the last person alive at the end of the match When experiencing any of the team-oriented game play modes, cooperative gameplay (teamwork) and communication with team members become vital. An Encyclopedia of Duos and Squads Strategies will soon be an indispensable resource for gamers experiencing the Duos or Squads game play modes (or any of the other team-oriented game play modes added to Fortnite: Battle Royale on a temporary basis).
An Encyclopedia of Strategy for Fortniters
by Jason R. RichThe Ultimate Unofficial Encyclopedia for Fortniters is a full-color, easy-to-read, unofficial reference tool that explains—from “A” to “Z”—everything players need to know in order to consistently win matches and successfully control their characters.
The Ultimate Unofficial Encyclopedia for Fortniters provides a comprehensive overview of the game—making it easier for first-time players to quickly get acclimated with the game—while, at the same time, it introduces more experienced players to countless advanced tips and strategies that will allow them to quickly improve their skills and survival rates. The tips and strategies included are related to safe exploration, creative building, offensive and defensive fighting techniques, and cunning survival skills.
Each of the more than one hundred topics covered within The Ultimate Unofficial Encyclopedia for Fortniters includes a detailed description, full-color screenshots, and appropriate tips and strategies that apply to the current and future versions of the game. This book is a must-read guide and information-packed resource for every Fortnite: Battle Royale player.
by Grant TurnerThe only how-to and strategy guide you need to be the last player standing in the hottest video game on earth!Are you ready to take your game to the next level and dominate your opponents? Ready to learn how to destroy your fellow gamers and win the ultimate Battle Royale? If so, you're ready for Fortnite: The Ultimate Unauthorized Guide.Starting with simple instructions on how to download and install the game on all platforms (Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox and PC--and now on your mobile device!), Fortnite: The Ultimate Unauthorized Guide divulges all the essential information needed to navigate through the Fortnite world like a pro.Whether playing Battle Royale or Save the Earth mode, readers will learn how and where to unearth the best items, discover essential combat strategies and weapons use, identify ideal landing zones and build the perfect fort or base. Also included are maneuvering tactics and even advice on how to manage resources and cash, buying the coolest skin and flashing the best dance moves. With secret cheats, hacks, unlockables, and much more, this is an essential guide to everything Fortnite!