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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal

by Naomi Klein

A #1 New York Times–bestselling author makes the case for a Green New Deal in this “keenly argued, well-researched, and impassioned” manifesto (Washington Post).An instant bestseller, On Fire shows Klein at her most prophetic and philosophical, investigating the climate crisis not only as a profound political challenge but also as a spiritual and imaginative one. Delving into topics ranging from the clash between ecological time and our culture of “perpetual now,” to the soaring history of humans changing and evolving rapidly in the face of grave threats, to rising white supremacy and fortressed borders as a form of “climate barbarism,” this is a rousing call to action for a planet on the brink.An expansive, far-ranging exploration that sees the battle for a greener world as indistinguishable from the fight for our lives, On Fire captures the burning urgency of the climate crisis, as well as the fiery energy of a rising political movement demanding a catalytic Green New Deal.“Naomi Klein’s work has always moved and guided me. She is the great chronicler of our age of climate emergency, an inspirer of generations.” —Greta Thunberg, climate activist“If I were a rich man, I’d buy 245 million copies of Naomi Klein’s ‘On Fire’ and hand-deliver them to every eligible voter in America . . . Klein is a skilled writer.” —Jeff Goodell, New York Times“Naomi Klein is the intellectual godmother of the Green New Deal—which just happens to be the most important idea in the world right now” —Bill McKibben, founder

Samba Perdido

by Richard Klein

Passado no colorido Rio de Janeiro, Samba Perdido é um livro instigante de memórias do Brasil. Situado nos anos 1960, 1970 e 1980, o livro fornece um poderoso insight de um período em que o pais lutava para sair de uma ditadura e se descobria como uma sociedade livre e democrática. Em paralelo a esse drama, Samba Perdido narra o caminho do autor em obter sua própria identidade brasileira como filho de imigrantes ingleses imersos na complexidade do país. Richard Klein nasceu no Rio de Janeiro em 1962 – o mesmo ano em que os Rolling Stones e os Beatles gravaram seus primeiros singles e no mesmo ano em que o Brasil ganhou a sua segunda Copa do Mundo de futebol. Seu pais judaico-ingleses, haviam se mudado para um florescente Rio de Janeiro logo após a 2ª Guerra Mundial e prosperaram. Eles nunca, entretanto, se adaptaram totalmente à sua nova terra, – e certamente ao futebol ou ao rock and roll. Richard, no entanto, cresceria para amar ambos. Richard mostra, em primeira mão, a vida, a diversão e os excessos da elite de sua geração privilegiada pelo regime militar. Sob uma ótica ao mesmo tempo estrangeira e nacional, o autor surpreende o leitor com piadas, aventuras, reflexões e fatos, ao mesmo tempo que consegue fornecer uma imersão em uma época maravilhosamente conturbada da história brasileira. 

Introduction to Biblical Interpretation: 3rd Edition

by William W. Klein Craig L. Blomberg Robert L. Hubbard, Jr.

Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, now in its third edition, is a classic hermeneutics textbook that sets forth concise, logical, and practical guidelines for discovering the truth in God&’s Word.With updates and revisions throughout that keep pace with current scholarship, this book offers students the best and most up-to-date information needed to interpret Scripture.Introduction to Biblical Interpretation:Defines and describes hermeneutics, the science of biblical interpretationSuggests effective methods to understand the meaning of the biblical textSurveys the literary, cultural, social, and historical issues that impact any textEvaluates both traditional and modern approaches to Bible interpretationExamines the reader&’s role as an interpreter of the text and helps identify what the reader brings to the text that could distort its messageTackles the problem of how to apply the Bible in valid and significant ways todayProvides an extensive and revised annotated list of books that readers will find helpful in the practice of biblical interpretationUsed in college and seminary classrooms around the world, this volume is a trusted and valuable tool for students and other readers who desire to understand and apply the Bible.

Tischtennis – Das Praxisbuch für Studium, Training und Freizeitsport (Sportpraxis)

by Timo Klein-Soetebier Axel Binnenbruck

Dieses Lehrbuch verknüpft erstmals wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu der Sportart Tischtennis mit praktischen Handlungsempfehlungen für Training und Wettkampf. Es wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Tischtennis-Bund (DTTB) konzipiert und richtet sich insbesondere an Sport-Studierende mit Praxismodulen sowie an trainingswissenschaftlich- und pädagogisch-interessierte Trainer*innen und Übungsleiter*innen im Breiten- und Freizeitsport.Mithilfe der Buchinhalte können Sie die technischen und taktischen Elemente der Sportart Tischtennis erlernen und Ihre Spielfähigkeit unter verschiedenen Wettkampfbedingungen – z. B. Doppel und Einzel – weiterentwickeln. Darüber hinaus lernen Sie als Trainer*in praxisnahe didaktisch-methodische Ansätze kennen, um unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte zu setzen und ein angepasstes Tischtennistraining für nahezu jede Zielgruppe planen und durchführen zu können.Abrufbare Videos, beispielsweise zum Aufschlagtraining oder zur Beinarbeitstechnik, veranschaulichen Trainingsinhalte und ermöglichen einen einfachen Praxistransfer. Zusätzlich erhalten Sie einen vertiefenden Einblick in die Besonderheiten, Alleinstellungsmerkmale und aktuellen Entwicklungen im Tischtennis. Insgesamt bietet dieses Lehrbuch die optimale Basis sowohl für Ihre eigene persönliche Entwicklung im Tischtennis als auch für die Wissensvermittlung an zukünftige Instrukteure dieser Sportart.

Never Call Me a Hero: A Legendary American Dive-Bomber Pilot Remembers the Battle of Midway

by N. Jack Kleiss Timothy Orr Laura Orr

Hailed as "the single most effective pilot at Midway" (World War II magazine), Dusty Kleiss struck and sank three Japanese warships at the Battle of Midway, including two aircraft carriers, helping turn the tide of the Second World War. This is his extraordinary memoir. NATIONAL BESTSELLER • "AN INSTANT CLASSIC" —Dallas Morning NewsOn the morning of June 4, 1942, high above the tiny Pacific atoll of Midway, Lt. (j.g.) "Dusty" Kleiss burst out of the clouds and piloted his SBD Dauntless into a near-vertical dive aimed at the heart of Japan’s Imperial Navy, which six months earlier had ruthlessly struck Pearl Harbor. The greatest naval battle in history raged around him, its outcome hanging in the balance as the U.S. desperately searched for its first major victory of the Second World War. Then, in a matter of seconds, Dusty Kleiss’s daring 20,000-foot dive helped forever alter the war’s trajectory. Plummeting through the air at 240 knots amid blistering anti-aircraft fire, the twenty-six-year-old pilot from USS Enterprise’s elite Scouting Squadron Six fixed on an invaluable target—the aircraft carrier Kaga, one of Japan’s most important capital ships. He released three bombs at the last possible instant, then desperately pulled out of his gut-wrenching 9-g dive. As his plane leveled out just above the roiling Pacific Ocean, Dusty’s perfectly placed bombs struck the carrier’s deck, and Kaga erupted into an inferno from which it would never recover. Arriving safely back at Enterprise, Dusty was met with heartbreaking news: his best friend was missing and presumed dead along with two dozen of their fellow naval aviators. Unbowed, Dusty returned to the air that same afternoon and, remarkably, would fatally strike another enemy carrier, Hiryu. Two days later, his deadeye aim contributed to the destruction of a third Japanese warship, the cruiser Mikuma, thereby making Dusty the only pilot from either side to land hits on three different ships, all of which sank—losses that crippled the once-fearsome Japanese fleet. By battle’s end, the humble young sailor from Kansas had earned his place in history—and yet he stayed silent for decades, living quietly with his children and his wife, Jean, whom he married less than a month after Midway. Now his extraordinary and long-awaited memoir, Never Call Me a Hero, tells the Navy Cross recipient’s full story for the first time, offering an unprecedentedly intimate look at the "the decisive contest for control of the Pacific in World War II" (New York Times)—and one man’s essential role in helping secure its outcome. Dusty worked on this book for years with naval historians Timothy and Laura Orr, aiming to publish Never Call Me a Hero for Midway’s seventy-fifth anniversary in June 2017. Sadly, as the book neared completion in 2016, Dusty Kleiss passed away at age 100, one of the last surviving dive-bomber pilots to have fought at Midway. And yet the publication of Never Call Me a Hero is a cause for celebration: these pages are Dusty’s remarkable legacy, providing a riveting eyewitness account of the Battle of Midway, and an inspiring testimony to the brave men who fought, died, and shaped history during those four extraordinary days in June, seventy-five years ago.

The Marquise of O -: And Other Stories

by Heinrich Kleist

In The Marquise of O-, a virtuous widow finds herself unaccountably pregnant. And although the baffled Marquise has no idea when this happened, she must prove her innocence to her doubting family and discover whether the perpetrator is an assailant or lover. Michael Kohlhaas depicts an honourable man who feels compelled to violate the law in his search for justice, while other tales explore the singular realm of the uncanny, such as The Beggarwoman of Locarno, in which an old woman's ghost drives a heartless nobleman to madness, and St Cecilia, which portrays four brothers possessed by an uncontrollable religious mania. The stories collected in this volume reflect the preoccupations of Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811) with the deceptiveness of human nature and the unpredictability of the physical world.

Entstehung, Struktur und Steuerung des deutschen Schulsystems: Eine Einführung

by Klaus Klemm Isabell van Ackeren-Mindl Svenja Mareike Schmid-Kühn

Für jene, die (künftig) als Lehrkräfte oder in anderen Positionen im Kontext von Schule arbeiten, ist es unerlässlich, über ein orientierendes Wissen zum Schulsystem zu verfügen. In Anlehnung an die Themenstruktur der Module zum bildungswissenschaftlichen Studium bietet dieses Open-Access-Lehrbuch in komprimierter und präziser Form zentrale, wissenschaftlich fundierte Grundlagen zur Entstehung, Struktur und Steuerung des deutschen Schulsystems und seiner Qualitätsentwicklung. Eine konzentrierte Themenwahl und die grundlegende Einführung zentraler Begriffe und problemorientierter Zusammenhänge garantieren ein vertieftes Basiswissen, das sowohl im Rahmen von Lehrveranstaltungen als auch zur Prüfungsvorbereitung unentbehrlich ist. Hierzu tragen auch Reflexionsaufgaben am Ende aller Kapitel bei.Über eine grundlegende Aktualisierung der herangezogenen Forschungs- und Datenlage hinaus bietet die 4. Auflage nun einen systematischen Blick auf die (nicht) staatlichen Akteure, die aufunterschiedlichen Ebenen des Bildungssystems Einfluss nehmen. Darüber hinaus werden Querschnittsthemen (wie Inklusion und Digitalisierung) stärker akzentuiert, die das Bild von Schule prägen.

Braillorama Maart 2024

by Christo De Klerk Marie De Klerk Philip Jordaan

Monthly Magazine

Das Retinale Pigmentepithel – Physiologie und Pathologie

by Alexa Karina Klettner Stefan Dithmar

Dieses Buch bietet eine aktuelle Quelle zu einem der Hauptakteure bei Netzhauterkrankungen - dem Retinalen Pigmentepithel (RPE). Im gesamten Buch werden die physiologische und die pathologische Funktion des RPE gleichberechtigt behandelt, um dem Leser zu helfen, das RPE als Ganzes zu verstehen. Darüber hinaus werden die Entwicklung des RPE in Diagnostik und Therapie sowie einige praktische Erkenntnisse über experimentelle RPE-Modelle behandelt. Retinal Pigment Epithelium in Health and Disease hebt neue Erkenntnisse der RPE-Forschung hervor und enthält den aktuellen Wissensstand zu jedem vorgestellten RPE-Thema. Dieses wichtige Merkmal hebt dieses Buch von anderen Publikationen ab, da die Kapitel nach einem Schema aufgebaut sind, das vom Allgemeinen zum Speziellen führt, um eine präzise Sammlung der bekannten Fakten zu bieten. Die Kapitel sind von namhaften Experten verfasst, die derzeit als Berater, Grundlagenwissenschaftler und Gruppenleiter auf dem Gebiet tätig sind undso eine fachkundige Anleitung zu den aktuellen Aspekten und Zukunftsaussichten dieses Themas bieten.

Grundkurs Datenbankentwicklung: Von der Anforderungsanalyse zur komplexen Datenbankanfrage

by Stephan Kleuker

Mit diesem Buch erhalten Studierende einen kompakten und praxisorientierten Einstieg, mit dem sie bereits früh im Studium sehr gut zurechtkommen. Die verschiedenen Phasen einer Datenbankentwicklung werden mit ihren Vorgehensweisen, Konzepten und möglichen Problemquellen vorgestellt. Gerade die Anforderungsanalyse und die Möglichkeit zur Erstellung mächtiger SQL-Anfragen werden als besonders praxisrelevante Aspekte betont. Durch die im zweiten Teil detailliert vorgestellte Integration von Datenbanken in die umgebende Software sind Studierende nach der Lektüre in der Lage, in Praxisprojekten erfolgreich mitzuarbeiten. Das Buch deckt inhaltlich eine Einführungsvorlesung vollständig ab. Die 5. Auflage wurde um das Thema JPA (Objekt-Relationale-Persistenz), Trigger in Java ergänzt. Zusätzlich werden Unterschiede zwischen Oracle, Maria DB, SQLite und Apache Derby erläutert. Neben vielen kleinen Beispielen zur Verdeutlichung einzelner Aspekte wird ein durchgehendes Beispiel genutzt. Alle Kapitel schließen mit Wiederholungsfragen und Übungsaufgaben, deren Lösungen online zum Download zur Verfügung stehen.

A entrega especial de são Valentim

by Sharon Kleve

O marido de Vickie levou seu cachorro, esvaziou a sua conta bancária e fugiu com a sua secretária. A única coisa que ele a deixou foi um carro financiado para ela pagar e um gosto azedo em sua boca.  Depois de um bom beijo, Jake sente o gosto de Vickie, agora ele quer mais. Depois entregar pacotes o dia inteiro, ele quer mesmo é desembrulhar o seu pacote. 

Le rosse si divertono di più

by Sharon Kleve

La vita di Ambrosine Dubreauil è tranquilla, calma e rilassante fino a quando il sexy Remy LaCroix entra in Chi vuole il Voodoo, il suo negozio di voodoo in Bourbon Street a New Orleans, e intreccia la sua vita alla sua. Il rifugio per alligatori di Remy accoglie animali feriti, li riabilita e poi li rilascia nella palude. Quando visita il Chi vuole il Voodoo, in cerca di una pozione per proteggere i suoi alligatori dai bracconieri, incontra la bella sacerdotessa Ambrosine. Pozioni, talismani e incantesimi non sono in grado di proteggere il cuore di Ambrosine dall'affascinante accento della Louisiana di Remy, dal suo amore per gli animali e dalla sua chiassosa famiglia.

O amor me encontrou

by Sharon Kleve

Quando Chloe Miles acaba pegando um nome fora da lista do amor ela não esperava encontrar o se grande amor. Ela apenas queria ter um encontro com um  cara bom e solteiro.  Ela não queria ninguém que tenha problemas com bebida e nem esteja desempregado. E nem aqueles que não sabem o significado de monogamia.   Mitch Brodin não sabia que o seu coração estava nas mãos da lista do amor. Seu destino mudou no momento em que pôs os pés na loja de Roy procurando por uns conselhos para lhe ajudar com seus filhotes de gato.  Chloe é  vivida, imprevisível e bem divertida, enquanto ele é metódico, previsível e bem... cínico. Não estava nos seus planos se apaixonar. Mas é isso que acontece quando você não está procurando o amor.    Chloe olhou dentro da alma de Mitch e o amor a encontrou. 

Salva-me: Um romance de Sage McGuire

by Sharon Kleve

Em Salva-me, a Peculiar, Investigadora Privada Sage McGuire tem as suas capacidades de autodefesa todas bem afinadas, mas mesmo assim vai precisar de ser salva de uma violenta e cruel lagosta. Para além de crustáceos assustadores, ela tem, também, um admirador secreto conhecido por Sr. Emoji Sorridente, um confuso e grande caso, bem como o outro caso do homem ladrão-de-malas com quem ela se vê obrigada a ter um certo mano-a-mano. A Sage é uma mulher obcecada com a sua falta de habilidade para as artes culinárias. E mesmo quando ela chumba na aula de culinária, continua, ainda assim, determinada a dar ao seu namorado sexy-como-tudo, Carter Morgan, a refeição que ele nunca mais irá esquecer. Este é só mais um dia típico na vida da nossa Investigadora Privada McGuire. A Sage voltará em breve com ABRAÇA-ME – Um romance de Sage McGuire

The Shattered Spectrum: A Survey of Contemporary Theology

by Lonnie D. Kliever

A survey of modern theology shows the current diversity in Protestant and Catholic thought and clarifies new theological concepts.

Sovereign Fictions: Poetics and Politics in the Age of Russian Realism (Thinking Literature)

by Ilya Kliger

An exploration of Russian realist fiction reveals a preoccupation with the absolutist state. The nineteenth-century novel is generally assumed to owe its basic social imaginaries to the ideologies, institutions, and practices of modern civil society. In Sovereign Fictions, Ilya Kliger asks what happens to the novel when its fundamental sociohistorical orientation is, as in the case of Russian realism, toward the state. Kliger explores Russian realism’s distinctive construals of sociality through a broad range of texts from the 1830s to the 1870s, including major works by Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Pushkin, Lermontov, Goncharov, and Turgenev, and several lesser-known but influential books of the period, including Alexander Druzhinin’s Polinka Saks (1847), Aleksei Pisemsky’s One Thousand Souls (1858), and Vasily Sleptsov’s Hard Times (1865). Challenging much current scholarly consensus about the social dynamics of nineteenth-century realist fiction, Sovereign Fictions offers an important intervention in socially inflected theories of the novel and in current thinking on representations of power and historical poetics.

The Secret Life of Sharks: A Leading Marine Biologist Reveals the Mysteries of Shark Behavior

by A. Peter Klimley

Marine biologist Pete Klimley swims with the sharks. He was one of the first scientists to free-dive among sharks, and he has spent nearly thirty years studying shark behavior, sometimes swimming in schools of several hundred sharks. From his firsthand observations he has learned that sharks are not the vicious man-eaters that we imagine, but fascinating animals with complex behaviors.Most people who think of sharks at all think immediately of great white sharks. But there are more than four hundred species of shark. Dr. Klimley has studied several species, most notably the great white and the hammerhead. (He describes the great white as the athlete among sharks, and the hammerhead as the Ph.D. of the shark world.) In The Secret Life of Sharks Dr. Klimley reveals the significant discoveries he made about hammerhead navigation and great white eating habits. By studying hammerheads gathered around underwater seamounts, Dr. Klimley learned that hammerheads rely on sophisticated tracking of ocean-floor magnetism to navigate. His long-term study of great white sharks off the California coast demonstrated that these huge sharks prefer to eat seals and sea lions because of the energy contained in their fatty bodies. They are selective eaters, not the man-eaters we expect, and they sometimes go weeks between meals. But Dr. Klimley did observe a ritualized behavior that great whites practice in order to avoid deadly disputes over prey that one shark has captured and another wants.Although we have learned a great deal about shark behavior, says Dr. Klimley, there is much that we do not know. Unfortunately we are destroying these magnificent creatures of the deep through overfishing and degradation of the oceans. Already some populations of sharks have declined steeply.Vividly written by one of the foremost authorities on sharks, The Secret Life of Sharks is a fascinating account of some of the world's most magnificent animals.

Agnes Varda: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series)

by T. Jefferson Kline

Over nearly sixty years, Agnès Varda (b. 1928) has given interviews that are revealing not only of her work, but of her remarkably ambiguous status. She has been called the “Mother of the New Wave” but suffered for many years for never having been completely accepted by the cinematic establishment in France. Varda's first film, La Pointe Courte (1954), displayed many of the characteristics of the two later films that launched the New Wave, Truffaut's 400 Blows and Godard's Breathless. In a low-budget film, using (as yet) unknown actors and working entirely outside the prevailing studio system, Varda completely abandoned the “tradition of quality” that Truffaut was at that very time condemning in the pages of Cahiers du cinema. Her work, however, was not “discovered” until after Truffaut and Godard had broken onto the scene in 1959. Varda's next film, Cleo from 5 to 7, attracted considerably more attention and was selected as France's official entry for the Festival in Cannes. Ultimately, however, this film and her work for the next fifty years continued to be overshadowed by her more famous male friends, many of whom she mentored and advised. Her films have finally earned recognition as deeply probing and fundamental to the growing awareness in France of women's issues and the role of women in the cinema. “I'm not philosophical,” she says, “not metaphysical. Feelings are the ground on which people can be led to think about things. I try to show everything that happens in such a way and ask questions so as to leave the viewers free to make their own judgments.” The panoply of interviews here emphasizes her core belief that “we never stop learning” and reveal the wealth of ways to answer her questions.

Alain Resnais: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series)

by T. Jefferson Kline

Among the most innovative and influential filmmakers of the twentieth century, Alain Resnais (1922–2014) did not originally set out to become a director. He trained as an actor and film editor and, during the sixty-eight years of his working life, delved into virtually every corner of filmmaking, working at one time or another as screenwriter, assistant director, camera operator and cinematographer, special effects coordinator, technical consultant, and even author of source material. From such award-winning documentaries as Van Gogh and Night and Fog to the groundbreaking dramas Hiroshima mon amour, Last Year at Marienbad, and Muriel, Resnais’s films experiment with such themes as consciousness, memory, and the imagination. Distinguishing himself from associations with the French New Wave movement, Resnais considered his films to be “anti-illusionist,” never allowing his spectators to forget they were watching a work of art. In Alain Resnais: Interviews, editor Lynn A. Higgins collects twenty-one interviews with the filmmaker, twelve of which are translated into English for the first time. Spanning his entire career from his early short subjects to his final feature film, the volume highlights Resnais’s creative strategies and principles, illuminates his place in world cinema history, and situates his work relative to the New Wave, American film, and experimental filmmaking more broadly. Like his films, the interviews collected here reveal a creator who is at once an intellectual, a philosopher, an entertainer, a craftsman, and an artist.

Elektromagnetische Feldtheorie für Fortgeschrittene: Tensoranalysis, spezielle Relativitätstheorie und kovariante Formulierung der Maxwellgleichungen

by Harald Klingbeil

Dieses Buch bietet einen behutsamen Einstieg in die Tensoranalysis, in die Grundlagen der speziellen Relativitätstheorie und in die relativistische Formulierung der Elektrodynamik. Die Maxwell’schen Gleichungen im Vakuum und die kovariante Form der Maxwellgleichungen werden intensiv behandelt. Auch Dipole und die Abstrahlung elektromagnetischer Wellen bilden inhaltliche Schwerpunkte.Mathematisch präzise und durch ausführliche Rechnungen leicht verständlich, stellt das Buch eine Verbindung zwischen Elektrotechnik, Mathematik und Physik her. Für diesen Vertiefungsband ist ein Grundwissen der Elektrodynamik hilfreich, wie es im Band „Grundlagen der elektromagnetischen Feldtheorie — Maxwellgleichungen, Lösungsmethoden und Anwendungen“ des Autors oder vergleichbaren Lehrbüchern vermittelt wird.Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Musterlösungen vertiefen den Stoff und helfen bei der Kontrolle des Lernerfolgs. Ein umfangreicher Tabellenteil am Ende des Buchs erlaubt die Nutzung alsNachschlagewerk.In der vorliegenden vierten Auflage wurden zahlreiche Themen überarbeitet, neue hinzugefügt sowie an vielen Stellen kleinere Ergänzungen des Textes vorgenommen, um die Verständlichkeit weiter zu erhöhen und die Darstellung zu vervollständigen.

Intuition And Beyond: A Step-by-Step Approach to Discovering the Voice of Your Spirit

by Sharon Klinger

Would you like to create more abundance in your life and experience financial freedom? Have better success in choosing the right business and personal relationships? Reach a higher expression of your creativity and ingenuity? And live a healthier, more fulfilling life? In this immensely practical and insightful book, Sharon Klingler helps you to open the door of possibility by learning to listen to a voice that doesn't even make a sound - the voice of your intuition. In three clear sections, you can discover:--What intuition is and how to identify your intuitive voice--How notable people past and present have used intuition to inform their most important decisions--Your current I. Q. or Intuition Quotient from answering a simple questionnaire--The A, B, Cs of Applied Intuition and how to create the intuitive experience at will

Pacific Skies: American Flyers in World War II

by Jerome Klinkowitz

From 1941 to 1945 the skies over the Pacific Ocean afforded the broadest arena for battle and the fiercest action of air combat during World War II. It was in the air above the Pacific that America's involvement in the war began. It was in these skies that air power launched from carriers became a new form of engagement and where the war ultimately ended with kamikaze attacks and with atomic bombs dropped over Japan. Throughout the conflict American flyers felt a compelling call to supplement the official news and military reports. In vivid accounts written soon after combat and in reflective memoirs recorded in the years after peace came, both pilots and crew members detailed their stories of the action that occurred in the embattled skies. Their first-person testimonies describe a style of warfare invented at the moment of need and at a time when the outcome was anything but certain. Gathering more than a hundred personal narratives from Americans and from Japanese, Pacific Skies recounts a history of air combat in the Pacific theater. Included are the words of such famous aces and bomber pilots as Joe Foss, Pappy Boyington, Dick Bong, and Curtis Lemay, as well as the words of many rank-and-file airmen. Together their stories express fierce individualism and resourcefulness and convey the vast panorama of war that included the skies over Pearl Harbor, Wake, and Guadalcanal and missions from Saipan and Tinian. As Pacific Skies recounts the perilous lives of pilots in their own words, Jerome Klinkowitz weaves the individual stories into a gripping historical narrative that exposes the shades of truth and fiction that can become blurred over time. A book about experiencing and remembering, Pacific Skies also is a story of unique perspectives on the war.

Live Your Life: My Story of Loving and Losing Nick Cordero

by Amanda Kloots Anna Kloots

Amanda Kloots bravely reflects on love, loss, and life with her husband, Broadway star, and Tony Award nominee Nick Cordero, whose public battle with COVID-19 and tragic death made headlines around the world.In March 2020, Broadway star and Tony Award nominee Nick Cordero was hospitalized for what he and his wife, Amanda Kloots, believed to be a severe case of pneumonia. Entering the hospital, they had every reason to believe that Nick—a young father and otherwise healthy man—would return home. After an eventual diagnosis of COVID-19 that led to Nick’s being placed on a ventilator, Amanda took to documenting their journey on social media, showing the dangers COVID-19 posed to everyone, regardless of age. Her updates quickly captivated millions, inspiring people around the globe to dance each day to Nick’s song “Live Your Life” and offer positive thoughts and prayer. When he passed away after ninety-five grueling days in the ICU, the world grieved for Amanda, her infant son, Elvis, and the future COVID-19 had snatched away from them.Live Your Life is the story of Nick and Amanda’s life together—of their beautiful relationship, of Nick’s dramatic fight for survival, of those sudden tragic months that permanently changed her world and ours—and of their interrupted future as a family. From the confusing early days of his illness to searching for signs of hope in every update from the doctors to the healing sound of Elvis’s laughter, Amanda details how she approached even the most devastating moments with the personal optimism and faith that have shaped her life. Written with her sister Anna Kloots, who was with her every step of this journey, Live Your Life explores how Amanda’s willingness to accept help from an entire community of people—friends, family, and even total strangers—played a vital role in enduring this hardship. In the process, she offers a touching meditation on how even the worst times have silver linings that deepen our connections to the world around us and to the people who matter most. What emerges is an inspiring and unexpectedly uplifting message for life in the time of COVID, a vision of courage for anyone coping with overwhelming loss or the collective trauma of what the pandemic has taken from us. A poignant reflection on love, hope, motherhood, and the transformational power of music, Live Your Life is a love letter to Nick and a reminder that, sometimes, celebrating life today is the only path through tomorrow’s darkness.Live Your Life includes 16 pages of color photos exclusive to the book.

Intimate Histories: African Americans and Germany since 1933 (Explorations in Culture and International History #12)

by Nadja Klopprogge

Intimate Histories focuses on intimate relations as sites of shared pasts connecting African American and German history in the years between 1933 and 1990. By tracing topics that include anti-miscegenation laws, forced sterilization, casual sexual encounters, marriage, and friendships, Intimate Histories broadens our understanding of African American–German relations during the so-called “century of extremes.”

Adopting Alyosha: A Single Man Finds a Son in Russia

by Robert Klose

Although single women have long been permitted to adopt children, adoption by unmarried men remains an uncommon experience in Western culture. However, Robert Klose, who is single, wanted a son so badly that he faced down the opposition and overcame seemingly insurmountable barriers to realize his goal. The story of his quest for a son is detailed in this intimate personal account. The frustrating truth he reports is that most adoption agencies seem unsure of how to respond to a single man's application. During the three years that it took for him to proceed through the adoption maze, Klose met resistance and dead ends at every attempt. Happenstance finally led him to Russia, where he found the child of his dreams in a Moscow orphanage, a Russian boy named Alyosha. This is the first book to be written by a single man adopting from abroad. The narrative of his quest serves as an instructional firsthand manual for single men wishing to adopt. It details the prospective father's heightening sense of anticipation as he untangles bureaucratic snarls and addresses cultural differences involved in adopting a foreign child. When he arrives in Russia, he supposes the adoption will be a matter of following cut-and-dried procedures. Instead, his difficulties are only beginning. Although he meets kind and generous Russians, his encounter with the child welfare system in Moscow turns out to be both chaotic and bizarre. However, his dogged ordeal pays off more bountifully than he ever could have hoped. In the end he comes face to face with a little boy who changes his life forever.

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