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Showing 15,226 through 15,250 of 22,047 results

Psychotherapieausbildung in Österreich: Überblick Methoden Entscheidungshilfen

by Natalie Eller Gerhard Stumm

Dieses Buch bietet eine Orientierungshilfe für den Ausbildungsweg zur Psychotherapeut:in, der in Österreich mehrstufig angelegt ist. Nach einem methodenübergreifenden ersten Abschnitt folgt die langjährige Fachausbildung, für die rund 20 anerkannte Psychotherapiemethoden und über 40 Ausbildungseinrichtungen zur Auswahl stehen.Die Methoden und Ausbildungsangebote sind - differenziert nach psychodynamischen, humanistischen, systemischen und verhaltenstherapeutischen Ansätzen - kompakt nach einem einheitlichen Raster dargestellt. Dies ermöglicht einen Vergleich der inhaltlichen Ausrichtung der verschiedenen Methoden sowie der Schwerpunktsetzung, Dauer und Kosten der einzelnen Ausbildungswege.Das Kompendium liefert darüber hinaus wertvolle Informationen und Tipps zur Ausbildungssituation, zu den gesetzlichen Grundlagen, zu den Berufsaussichten, zur Akademisierung und zur zukünftigen Gestaltung des Ausbildungsangebots in Österreich.Es bietet somit eine praktische Entscheidungshilfe und unterstützt Interessent:innen und Psychotherapeut:innen in Ausbildung in Österreich in Hinblick auf ihren Ausbildungsweg.

The Irish Repertory Theatre: Celebrating Thirty-Five Years Off-Broadway (New Directions in Irish and Irish American Literature)

by Maria Szasz

The Irish Repertory Theatre: Celebrating Thirty-Five Years Off-Broadway is the first book-length history of the multi-award winning Off-Broadway Irish Repertory Theatre Company, from its beginning in 1988 to its thirty-fifth season in 2023. The book considers how the Irish Rep’s plays and musicals reflect the Irish diaspora, the relationship between Ireland and America, and what it means to be Irish and Irish American, both historically, and in the twenty-first century, including how the Irish Rep is showcasing more diverse voices and experiences, from women, the LGBTQIA+ community, and Irish and Irish American people of color.

Vaatchirurgie (Operatieve zorg en technieken)

by Jennifer Mandelli Leoni Reimert

Dit leerboek biedt inzicht in de theoretische en praktische aspecten van de vaatchirurgie.Het boek is geschreven voor operatieassistenten in opleiding. De achtergrondinformatieen de beschreven pre-, per-, en postoperatieve fasen van de operaties kunnen bijdragenaan de benodigde (praktische) kennis. Tevens kan dit boek dienen als naslagwerk voormedewerkers op de operatiekamer en voor verpleegkundigen die werkzaam zijn opchirurgische verpleegafdelingen waar vaatchirurgische patiënten worden verpleegd.Deze zesde, herziene druk van Vaatchirurgie is opgedeeld in drie delen. Het eerste deelgaat in op de algemene vaatchirurgische basiskennis, de vaatchirurgische principes, demogelijkheden voor diagnostiek en de vaatpatiënt. Deze informatie komt ook terugin de andere hoofdstukken van het boek. In het tweede deel worden achtereenvolgenscarotischirurgie, dialysechirurgie, thoracale, abdominale en perifere vaatchirurgie,amputaties en orgaandonatiechirurgie behandeld. Zowel de open chirurgische techniekenals de gesloten endovasculaire technieken worden beschreven. In het derde deelkomt veel voorkomend specifiek instrumentarium aan bod.Nieuw in de zesde druk is de toevoeging van de operatiebeschrijving van het thoracoabdominale aneurysma en het iliacale en poplitea aneurysma. Tevens is er meer aandacht voor andere facetten van een vaatpatiënt en is er meer uitleg over endovasculaire materialen.Online is het complete boek beschikbaar via de code die is opgenomen in het boek.De reeks ‘Operatieve Zorg en Technieken’ is bestemd voor de opleiding tot operatieassistent. Naast het basisboek bestaat de reeks uit een aantal vervolgdelen, waarin de verschillende specialismen van de chirurgie worden behandeld.Deze reeks benadert de beroepsuitoefening van de operatieassistent zo dicht mogelijk,waarbij de gebruikte illustraties en afbeeldingen deze benadering ondersteunen.

Cerebral Cortex Development: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2794)

by Koh-Ichi Nagata

This volume explores the latest developments in the study of the cerebral cortex. The chapters in this book cover a wide array or established methods such as in situ hybridization of brain slices; two-photon FRET/FLIM imaging of cerebral neurons; BioID analysis of actin-binding proteins; generation of iPS cells using Sendai Virus vectors; in vivo whole-cell recording from the mouse brain; and locomotor assays in Drosphila larvae and adult flies. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Comprehensive and thorough, Cerebral Cortex Development: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource that will help both expert and novice researchers further enhance their understanding of this important field.

Regulierung, Governance und Medienethik in der digitalen Gesellschaft (Mediensymposium)

by Marlis Prinzing Josef Seethaler Mark Eisenegger Patrik Ettinger

Unsere stark von netzbasierten und global verflochtenen Machtstrukturen geprägten Gesellschaften offenbaren angesichts globaler Herausforderungen und Krisen (u.a. menschengemachter Klimawandel; Corona-Pandemie; Big Data und Überwachung) ungelöste Fragen zu Ethik und Regulierung der öffentlichen Kommunikation, zu deren Klärung die Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft einiges beitragen kann. Die Pandemie beispielsweise ist unter anderem eine kommunikative Herausforderung, an der sich die prägende Bedeutung eines ethischen Kompasses für die Orientierung und Qualität von Journalismus erweist. Für demokratische Gesellschaften bleibt der öffentliche Diskurs zwar konstitutiv, aber zugleich gewinnt die Fähigkeit, mit Dissonanz und Streit umzugehen, immer mehr an Bedeutung. Die Beiträge des Bands befassen sich mit Theoriebildung und Normsetzung, Regulierungs- und Governancestrukturen, Regulierungsinhalten und Regulierungsherausforderungen, sowie mit Überlegungen zu einer Neujustierung der Kommunikations- und Medienethik.

Fuel Cells: From Birth to Maturity (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Ulf Bossel

The book presents the scientific history of the early days of fuel cells (1838 to 1845). The fuel cell effect was discovered by the Swiss scientist Christian Friedrich Schoenbein. while the English lawyer and scientist William Robert Grove perfected the idea into a working power source. But around 1870 Siemens invented the power generator and electricity was produced by rotating shafts of water wheels, engines and turbines. The book presents for the first time the complete communication between C. F. Schoenbein and R. W. Grove (1838 to 1868). Also, the original analysis based on the physical understanding of 1850 has also been revised and corrected. The updated fuel cell analysis leads to full agreement between theory and experiment.Updated and corrected fuel cell theoryHistoric review of discovery of fuel cell effect and early development of fuel cell generatorsComplete correspondence between Schoenbein and Grove from 1838 to 1868 (first publication)

On the Alternative Punishment to the Death Penalty in China

by Gui Huang

This book presents a study of alternative penalties to the death penalty in China, aiming to promote theoretical exploration of death penalty reform in China as well as long-term penal reform. Currently, China is endeavouring to control the use of the death penalty and is gradually moving towards its abolition. The factors influencing the choice of the punishment option to replace the death penalty are complex and varied and include the traditional punishment culture, penalty concepts, the political system, the punishment system, public opinion and human rights, etc. Given the differences between China and developed Western democratic states, when we examine these influencing factors, we cannot ignore the culture of the punishment and the special political and legislation system in China. In this light, this work examined and analysed the factors that influence the choice of punishment option to replace the death penalty in this special political system with its clearly Chinese characteristics. Criminal policy and public opinion are two significant and typical factors involving obvious political considerations in China. The former normally reflects and carries out the will of the Government as expressed to the national management; the latter responds to the majority of citizens’ view on the current legal system and it is, to a great extent, the basis for national leadership’s running of the country. Even though life imprisonment without release (hereinafter, LWOR) has been stipulated by the Ninth Amendment for the crime of corruption, it should not be the preferable option as the alternative sanction to the death penalty because it is a kind of cruel torture and violates the constitutional principle of human rights protection. On the contrary, life imprisonment with possibility of release (hereinafter, LWPR) would be an option, but the termination mechanisms for inmates should be set out in accordance with the principle of proportional justice; aggravatedlife imprisonment can be chosen to replace the death penalty in China. In addition, there needs to be improvements made to the relevant criminal systems. By examining China's death penalty reform and long-term imprisonment reform, this book not only explains the methodology of the reform theoretically, but also pays attention to the issues of legislation and judicial practice. This book is of interest to scholars and researchers in the fields of criminal justice, penal reform issues, and crime control in China.

Gender in der US-amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahl 2016: Clintons Feminität in den TV-Debatten als strategisches Mittel und Angriffspunkt (BestMasters)

by Lisa Marie Simmack

In einer stark männlich geprägten US-amerikanischen Politik trat Hillary Clinton 2016 als erste aussichtsreiche weibliche Präsidentschaftskandidatin an. Ihr Gegenkandidat Donald Trump nahm dies zum Anlass, im Wahlkampf wiederholt mit diffamierenden, oft sexistischen Kommentaren auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Gender und konkret Hillary Clintons Feminität rückten damit in den Vordergrund des polarisierenden und feindseligen Wahlkampfes. Clinton stand in drei TV-Duellen ihrem Kontrahenten gegenüber und versuchte, die Bürger*innen von ihren Kompetenzen als Frau für das höchste politische Amt der USA zu überzeugen. Studien zu Wahlverhalten zeigen, dass die Entscheidung der Wähler*innen am Tag der Wahl nicht bloß davon abhängt, welche Argumente und Positionen die Politiker*innen in den Debatten anführen und vertreten. TV-Duelle nehmen verstärkt eine zentrale Rolle für den Ausgang der Wahlen ein. Dieses Buch analysiert den Genderaspekt (konkret Clintons Feminität) in den drei TV-Debatten und untersucht, inwiefern Clintons Weiblichkeit von Trump als Nachteil dargestellt, von Clinton selbst jedoch als Vorteil genutzt wurde, um rhetorisch zu punkten. Hierzu werden die Debatten- und Kommunikationsstrategien der beiden Politiker*innen systematisch analysiert.

Easy Day for the Dead: A Seal Team Six Outcasts Novel (The SEAL Team Six Outcasts Novels)

by Howard E. Wasdin Stephen Templin

Infusing the hardcore intensity of their New York Times bestselling memoir, SEAL Team Six, into two pulse-pounding novels, Howard E. Wasdin and Stephen Templin plunge readers into the electrifying action of the Outcasts, the elite SEAL warriors who covertly defy the rules when America&’s safety is on the line. They are the heroes the world will never know…Working under the radar in Special Ops unit Bitter Ash, these men and women take on the missions no one else wants. Every op is the highest possible risk and any moment could be their last. Now, they must parachute into the harsh desert on the border with Afghanistan, to meet a beautiful agent who will lead them to an Iranian biological warfare site they are to destroy with a suitcase-size nuke. And, like most missions, nothing goes according to plan, with a maniacal Revolutionary Guard officer a razor&’s edge away from exposing them. Then the team must free a hostage in Lebanon before the fight takes them halfway around the world—in a frantic battle of courage and stealth that America cannot afford to lose.

Consumed: A Novel

by David Cronenberg

“An eye-opening dazzler” (Stephen King) about a pair of globetrotting, gore-obsessed journalists whose entanglement in a French philosopher’s death becomes a surreal journey into global conspiracy from legendary filmmaker David Cronenberg.Stylish and camera-obsessed, Naomi and Nathan thrive on the yellow journalism of the social-media age. Naomi finds herself drawn to the headlines surrounding a famous couple, Célestine and Aristide, Marxist philosophers and sexual libertines. Célestine has been found dead, and Aristide has disappeared. Police suspect him of killing her and consuming parts of her body. Yet Naomi sets off to find him, and as she delves deeper into the couple’s lives, she discovers the news story may only skim the surface of the disturbing acts they performed together.Journalist Nathan, meanwhile, is in Budapest photographing the controversial work of an unlicensed surgeon named Zoltán Molnár, once sought by Interpol for organ trafficking. After sleeping with one of Molnár’s patients, Nathan contracts a rare STD called Roiphe’s and travels to Toronto, determined to meet the man who discovered the syndrome. Dr. Barry Roiphe, Nathan learns, now studies his own adult daughter, whose bizarre behavior masks a devastating secret.These parallel narratives become entwined in a gripping, dreamlike plot that involves geopolitics, 3-D printing, North Korea, the Cannes Film Festival, cancer, and, in an incredible number of varieties, sex. Consumed is an exuberant, provocative debut novel from one of the world’s leading film directors, a writer of “fierce sculptural intensity” (Jonathan Lethem, The New York Times Book Review) who makes it “impossible to look away” (Publishers Weekly).

The Trouble with Brothers (Sleepover Squad #3)

by P. J. Denton

It's Kara's turn to host the Sleepover Squad's latest party, and she couldn't be more excited! Until her annoying brothers get wind of the event, and promise they're going to play all kinds of practical jokes on the Squad. That is, unless Kara agrees to be their slave. Oh no! Poor Kara is running herself ragged trying to keep up with her rotten brothers' demands, without letting her friends find out. She's worried her pals won't want to come to her house--or, worse, that they'll want to disband the Squad! But when the rest of the Squad finds out what's going on, they tell Kara to quit being the boys' slave and relax. After all, no matter what those creeps can do to them, these girls know something the boys don't: getting mad isn't the same thing as getting even....

Alien Rock: The Rock 'n' Roll Extraterrestrial Connection

by Michael C. Luckman

Whether you&’re a UFO skeptic, believer, or merely a rock music fan, Alien Rock takes you on a fascinating and irreverent journey exploring the extraterrestrial stories of your favorite rock icons. From Elvis to the Beatles and from Michael Jackson to Marilyn Manson, countless rock stars have claimed to have seen, communed with, been inspired by, and sometimes even descended from extraterrestrials. Now you can discover these stories for yourself in this illuminating, all-access pass to rock&’s unearthly encounters—some friendly, some frightening, and some frankly bizarre.From John Lennon spying a UFO from his penthouse in 1974 to Jimi Hendrix&’s claim that he was a messenger from &“another place,&” there is no extraterrestrial tale neglected. With witty prose and in-depth research, Alien Rock provides a fascinating new perspective on the long, strange trip that is rock history, and suggests that, wherever the road takes us, we may not be traveling alone.

A Beginner's Guide to Short-Term Trading: Maximize Your Profits in 3 Days to 3 Weeks

by Toni Turner

Trade you way to financial success!Are you tired of playing the "buy-and-hope" game with your stocks? Savvy stock trader Toni Turner shows you the ins and outs and ups and downs of short-term trading. You'll learn how to buy and sell stocks on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis, so you can own the right stocks at the right time. Turner's clear, common-sense advice, easy-to-follow explanations, and helpful examples will help you invest in the exciting and profitable world of short-term trading quickly and safely. In this revised edition, you'll get completely up-to-date information on: -New products such as ETFs and expanded coverage on sector investing-Resources for choosing an online broker New SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) rules and regulations-Updated charts and graphs with current examplesA Beginner's Guide to Short-Term Trading is the hands-on book designed to get you actively involved in every step of the trading process. Now you can take control of your portfolio and secure the financial freedom you've always dreamed of. Start planning your trades today!

Katie's Hero (Crimson Romance Ser.)

by Cody Young

London, 1940Katie&’s got a guilty secret and she&’s hiding out in London. Bombs are falling all around her, but she doesn&’t care if she lives or dies.Michael is a handsome young pilot who likes to play the hero, especially when there&’s a pretty girl involved. But duty calls him away, just when Katie needs him the most. Wounded and full of regrets, he&’s not sure she&’ll give him a second glance.Tom is a lovable rogue, or that&’s what he likes to think. He&’s touring the world at the Army&’s expense, but he&’s missing Katie more every day. Could he wrangle another chance with her - after everything he&’s done?Sensuality Level: Sensual

Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again

by Teresa Giudice K.C. Baker

Teresa Giudice, star of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, has seen it all but nothing could compare to the media firestorm that ensued after she was convicted on federal fraud charges—and sentenced to fifteen months in prison. What was a skinny Italian to do? Keep a diary, of course…In her very first tell-all memoir, Teresa comes clean on all things Giudice: growing up as an Italian-American, starting a family, dealing with chaos on national television, and coming to terms with the reality of life in prison. Featuring scans from her coveted prison diary, Turning the Tables captures some of the most memorable moments of her stay, including the fights she witnessed, the awkward conundrum of being trapped when a fellow inmate had a…guest…over, and the strength she found while confined between four concrete walls. Now with an exclusive bonus chapter, Teresa reflects on the days following her December 2015 release, and the heart-wrenching weeks leading up to the night she had to say good-bye to her husband, Joe…who has left to serve his own prison sentence. Even at her lowest of lows, Teresa was able to live la bella vita by staying positive and realizing her purpose. Friends, foes, and fans have speculated about Teresa’s life off-camera, but nothing will prepare you for the revelations she makes in this entertaining and ultimately heartwarming memoir.

The Everything Mediterranean Cookbook: Includes Homemade Greek Yogurt, Risotto With Smoked Eggplant, Chianti Chicken, Roasted Sea Bass With Potatoes And Fennel, Lemon Meringue Phyllo Tarts And Hundreds More! (The Everything Books)

by Peter Minaki

Hundreds of recipes for healthy Mediterranean meals!People who live in the Mediterranean region enjoy one of the healthiest diets in the world--they have the lowest rates of chronic diseases and one of the highest life expectancies in the world. Thanks to a local diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and of course, olive oil, a healthy lifestyle is a staple of the Mediterranean culture. Open The Everything Mediterranean Cookbook, 2nd Edition to find 300 of the most sumptuous--and healthy--recipes that the Mediterranean has to offer, including:Breakfast baklava french toastFried calamariRoasted beets with almond-potato skordaliaGreek summer sangriaLemon meringue phyllo tartsJust because you don't live in the Mediterranean doesn't mean you can't eat like you do! With this easy-to-use cookbook, you have everything you need to enjoy the lush, vibrant foods of the Mediterranean--all at home!

Vatican II on Church-State Relations: What Did the Council Teach, and What's Wrong With It?

by M. Y. Ciftci

Should religion and politics be kept apart? What should be the relationship between the church and the state? M.Y. Ciftci answers these questions by studying the most important event in the recent history of the Catholic Church: The Second Vatican Council (1962-65). The book provides a new interpretation of the Council’s teaching on church-state relations to better appreciate its flaws and need for reform. By paying attention to the (often overlooked) importance given by the Council to the lay apostolate, it reveals how the Council did not reform, as is often thought, but retained a flawed conception of the laity’s role in politics. It then proposes a new framework for understanding church-state relations using the ressourcement method of returning to scripture and tradition, and by a critical dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan and various Protestant biblical scholars of the Powers in the New Testament. Ciftci shows how fruitful an self-consciously ecumenical approach can be for political theology. As most ressourcement theologians have overlooked political issues, and since ecumenical theology rarely touches on issues of church-state relations, this work makes an original contribution to the ressourcement project and to ecumenism.

Redefining Global Markets: The Regionalisation of Global Value Chains (SpringerBriefs in Economics)

by Erika Majzlíková

This book analyses the possible regionalization of global value chains, particularly in manufacturing. Amidst calls for an industrial renaissance in Europe and a resurgence of manufacturing jobs in the United States, the dynamics of global value chains have been reshaped by global pandemics, geopolitical tensions, and increased automation. Employing a multi-regional input–output model, the book scrutinizes the decline in offshoring afer the mid-2010s. It sheds light on regionalization as a pivotal force redefining global markets, and focuses on Europe and North America, revealing the strengthening of regional ties. Discussing future challenges, the book will appeal to scholars, students, and researchers, as well as practitioners and policy-makers interested in a better understanding of (de)globalization nuances connected to the evolving role of manufacturing in global value chains.

Digitalization and Competition Policy in Japan

by Shuya Hayashi Koki Arai

This book organizes the intent and purpose of the Japanese competition law (Antimonopoly Act) to address the digitalized socio-economy and provides a detailed explanation of its basic content as well as advanced issues. It includes an overview of Japanese law and its international position, a basic understanding of the big data and AI issues in today's competition law, and perspectives on high-tech regulation. In addition, it includes a variety of important topics, ranging from exploring principles to tackle digital regulatory realities, to understanding and analyzing the competitive realities of multisided markets. It also examines the relationship between information and competition law and that between consumer and competition law.Digitalization is a key concept in our economy and society today. Carbon neutrality initiatives, the need to improve productivity, globalization, and new ways of working are all seeking breakthroughs by way of digitalization. What’s more, digitalization requires free and fair competition in order to encourage technological innovation. The search for transparent and clear competition laws is essential to promote efficient and effective research and development and to promote public awareness through competition.

Penile Color Duplex-Doppler Ultrasound in Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosis and Management: A Complete Guide to Best Practices

by Eduardo de Miranda Felipe Carneiro

Penile Color Duplex-Doppler Ultrasound (PDU) is one of the most important tools available to assess patients with erectile dysfunction (ED), which is a prevalent condition affecting near 50% of men over 50 years of age. Hemodynamic evaluations through PDU have also prognostic value and help choose the best treatment strategy for ED. Although PDU is an objective diagnostic method, the lack of standardized protocols is one of its main limitations and might lead to great variability in performing and interpreting penile hemodynamic studies in both clinical practice and scientific research. These factors have contributed to the fact that PDU is often considered unreliable, as it may lead to mistaken treatment protocols. The aim of the present book is to provide a complete guide to performing an adequate hemodynamic study through PDU with pharmaco-induced erection. It will provide a detailed and illustrative overview of the most common pitfalls for a correct conduction ofthis diagnostic procedure. We will also provide an extensive review of the basic principles in erection physiology and pharmacology, allowing a broader understanding of the implications of PDU in clinical practice. This book will appeal to radiologists and urologists. Its highly informative content will become the ultimate guide not only for fully trained physicians who want to optimize and standardize their procedures, but also for residents and trainees of these specialties. In addition, it will be a useful resource for sexual medicine practitioners, and may reach other specialties and/or healthcare areas such as primary care physicians, gynecologists, psychiatrists and psychologists.

Stressbewältigung: Das Manual zur psychologischen Gesundheitsförderung (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Gert Kaluza

Mit diesem Manual werden Sie fit für die Durchführung des psychologischen Gesundheitsförderungsprogramms: Gelassen und sicher im Stress. Es wird seit über 25 Jahren erfolgreich eingesetzt und von den gesetzlichen Krankenkassen als geprüfte Präventionsmaßnahme gefördert. In Teil I finden Sie Hintergrundwissen aus der Stressforschung: kompakt, fundiert und verständlich. Teil II enthält die Trainingsbausteine: (1) Entspannungstraining: entspannen und loslassen. (2) Mentaltraining: förderliche Denkweisen und Einstellungen entwickeln. (3) Problemlösetraining: Stresssituationen wahrnehmen, annehmen und verändern. (4) Genusstraining: erholen und genießen. (5) Ergänzungsmodule zu Stressbewältigung durch Sport und Bewegung, Pflege des sozialen Netzes, Zielklärung, gesunden Umgang mit der Zeit und der 4xA-Strategie für den Akutfall. Aus dem Inhalt: Didaktische Hinweise für eine kompetente Durchführung des Trainings – abwechslungsreiche Gestaltung durch viele praktisch erprobte Übungen – Teilnehmerunterlagen, die informieren und motivieren – alle Trainingsmaterialien stehen zum Ausdrucken online zur Verfügung. Der Autor: Prof. Dr. Gert Kaluza ist psychologischer Psychotherapeut und als Trainer, Coach und Autor im Bereich der individuellen und betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung tätig. Nach 20jähriger Tätigkeit an Universitäten gründete er 2002 sein eigenes Fortbildungs- und Trainingsinstitut, das GKM-Institut für Gesundheitspsychologie, das er bis 2022 selbst leitete.

Energieeffizientes Bauen: Grundlagen (erfolgreich studieren)

by Franz-Josef G. Bürger

Der Arbeitsbereich des „Energieeffizienten Bauens“ bietet eine gute Zukunftsperspektive. Die fachliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema „Energieeffizientes Bauen“ erfordert interdisziplinäres Arbeiten. Architekten und Bauingenieure werden bei der Planung und Ausführung der gebäudetechnischen Einrichtungen zunehmend mit den Aufgabenstellungen des Maschinenbaus und der Elektrotechnik konfrontiert. Die Buchinhalte beschreiben die naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für die richtige Wahl der Baumaterialien und Baukonstruktionen im Hinblick auf Energieeffizienz, Nachhaltigkeit und Methoden zur Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung. Aufgaben am Ende der Kapitel ermöglichen die Selbstkontrolle und Festigung des angeeigneten Wissens.

The Everything Hinduism Book: Learn the Traditions and Rituals of the "Religion of Peace" (The Everything Books)

by Kenneth Schouler Susai Anthony

Yoga. Karma. Reincarnation. Most Americans are familiar with a few basic ideas of Hinduism, but are unfamiliar with the big picture. This beginner&’s guide covers the major Hindu thinkers and their philosophies as well as the dharma, the moral way of life that Hindus practice. In a straightforward style, the authors explain the philosophy, gods, texts, and traditions of the world&’s third-largest religion, including: the power of karma; Yoga as a path to God; the authority of the Vedas; the development of Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism; the legacy of Mohandas Gandhi; Hinduism in popular culture; and more. This guide is stimulating reading for westerners who want to learn the basics of this ancient and mystic religion.

The Make-Ahead Cookbook: Cook For a Day, Eat For a Week

by Lydia Kessler

Hundreds of make-ahead meals that are satisfying and stress-free!Tired of thinking about what's for dinner? With The Make-Ahead Cookbook, you can whip up a week's worth of home-cooked dishes in just one day, so you never have to worry about getting meals into the oven. Offering more than 250 recipes, this book shows you how to make mouthwatering meals that can be made in advance and frozen until needed. Whether you're looking for breakfast, lunch, or dinner (or dessert!), each recipe includes step-by-step instructions for not only making the dish, but also reheating and assembling it, so that preparing a delicious meal is always simple, quick, and stress-free. You'll rediscover the satisfying taste of homemade meals with easy-to-prepare recipes like:Cinnamon Raisin Monkey BreadBasil and Mozzarella Stuffed TomatoesAvocado Chicken BurgersHoney Mustard Baked Pork ChopsMacadamia Chocolate Squares Complete with plenty of meal-planning tips, The Make-Ahead Cookbook helps your family create tasty dishes that are ready when you are!

How to Start Your Own Religion: Form a Church, Gain Followers, Become Tax-Exempt, and Sway the Minds of Millions in Five Easy Steps

by Philip Athans

Yes, world domination and eternal adoration can be yours!"The way to make a million dollars is to start a religion."-Attributed to L. Ron Hubbard, founder of ScientologyWouldn't you like to control countless worshippers with a single word? To call forth bountiful offerings of gold and silver? Wouldn't you love to make your acolytes bow in awe of your greatness?Starting a new religion can be fun and profitable. You'll laugh along with Philip Athans (founder, leader, and sole member of the Church of Phil), as he shows you how to:Gather the flock and keep 'em coming back for moreOrganize mysterious and complex ritualsInterrogate (or just ridicule) the hell out of nonbelieversRecruit celebrity spokespeople, from Tom Cruise to Uma Thurman If you've ever felt the need to sacrifice on an altar beneath a blood-red moon, or just make Friday a holy day (three-day weekend, anyone?), this is the only sacred creed you need.Live long and prosper.

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