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Showing 15,951 through 15,975 of 20,395 results

Desert Wives: A Lena Jones Mystery (large Print 16pt) (Lena Jones Series #2)

by Betty Webb

When P.I. Lena Jones's Pima Indian partner Jimmy Sisiwan is arrested in the remote northern Arizona town of Walapai Flats, Lena rushes to his aid. She finds a town up in arms over a new uranium mine located only ten miles from the magnificent Grand Canyon. Jimmy's sister-in-law, founder of Victims of Uranium Mining, has been murdered, and the opposing side is taking hits too. Then Ike Donohue, the mine's public relations flack, is found shot to death, casting suspicion on Jimmy and his entire family.Lena finds not only a community decimated by dangerous mining practices, but a connection to actor John Wayne and the mysterious deaths tied to the 1953 filming of The Conqueror. Now it's up to Lena to uncover the decades-old tragedy no one in Walapai Flats wants to discuss.

Nightzone (Posadas County Mysteries #19)

by Steven F. Havill

"Authentic and fast-paced, Night Terrors is a thrilling plunge into the mind of an obsessed killer. This is something you don't want to miss!" —Stephen Jay Schwartz, LA Times bestselling author of Boulevard and BeatRetired FBI profiler Lyle Barnes is falling apart mentally. Psychologist and trauma expert Daniel Rinaldi thinks he can help Barnes through his terrible night visions. Barnes, however, is also the target of an unknown assassin whose mounting list of victims paralyzes the city and lands Lyle in protective custody. Then Barnes disappears, drawing Daniel and the joint FBI-Pittsburgh PD Task Force into a desperate manhunt.Meanwhile, the mother of a youthful confessed killer awaiting trial is convinced that her son is innocent and appeals to Daniel for help. Against his better judgment, he becomes involved, and soon suspects that much about the case is not as it appears.Can Daniel and the law officials find the missing Barnes before the killer does? Are these two seemingly unconnected cases somehow linked?

Final Payment: A Posadas County Mystery (Posadas County Mysteries #0)

by Steven F. Havill

The rugged Cat Mesa country north of the village of Posadas is hosting the first annual Posadas 100, a cycle-cross bicycle race that promises to attract more than 140 competitors. Despite enough injuries during the pre-race practice to promise a spectacular and dangerous race, Undersheriff Estelle Reyes-Guzman has even more pressing concerns on her mind. Someone has been using Jerry Turner's big Cessna 206 and then returning it to its hangar at the Posadas airport. Did the airplane end up in Mexico?Estelle has worries at home as well. Facing his first public piano recital, her prodigiously talented seven-year-old son is stubbornly refusing to tell anyone what he plans to play, and it's making everyone, including his music teacher, very nervous. The day of the big race brings a tragedy that doesn't look like an accident, and as the investigation continues, puzzling connections surface deep in Mexico.

The Dead Shall be Raised & The Murder of a Quack: A British Library Crime Classic (British Library Crime Classics #0)

by George Bellairs

Mystery crime fiction written in the Golden Age of Murder"[W]orthy of Agatha Christie at her fiendish plotting best." —Booklist STARRED reviewTwo classic cases featuring Detective Inspector Littlejohn.In the winter of 1940, the Home Guard unearth a skeleton on the moor above the busy town of Hatterworth. Twenty-three years earlier, the body of a young textile worker was found in the same spot, and the prime suspect was never found—but the second body is now identified as his. Soon it becomes clear that the true murderer is still at large...* * *Nathaniel Wall, the local quack doctor, is found hanging in his consulting room in the Norfolk village of Stalden—but this was not a suicide. Against the backdrop of a close-knit country village, an intriguing story of ambition, blackmail, fraud, false alibis and botanical trickery unravels.

Puedes manifestar tus sueños como yo - Parte tres

by D. S. Pais

Técnicas de manifestación 1. Técnica de manifestación: La pregunta 2. Manifestar en 17 segundos 3. Técnica de manifestación: La Caja de manifestación 4. Técnica de manifestación: Buscar pruebas 5. Técnica de manifestación: Ser el receptor 6. Técnica de manifestación: Tener disposición 7. Técnica de manifestación con agua 8. Técnica de manifestación: Pedir permiso 9. Técnica de manifestación: Definir las intenciones y dejarlas ir 10. Técnica de manifestación: Preparar el camino 11. Técnica de manifestación: Hacer una lista 12. Técnica de manifestación: El proceso del tapete

Leg mich hin

by Tamara Hart Heiner

Das Leben ist mehr als nur das Atmen. Kylee Mansfield weiß, was es heißt, allein zu sein. Ihr Vater verließ sie, als sie sieben Jahre alt war, und ihre Mutter heiratete erneut einen Alkoholiker, der sie missbrauchte. Kylee findet Wege, der Realität zu entfliehen, meist indem sie einen Schmerz durch einen anderen ersetzt. Die Dinge nehmen eine tödliche Wendung, als ein gezackter Schnitt an ihrem Arm auftaucht, von dem sie nicht weiß, woher er stammt. Sie bittet ihren Nachbarn Price Hudson, ihr zu helfen, die Wahrheit herauszufinden. Aber Price zeigt ihr viel mehr als nur ihre Vergangenheit - er zeigt ihr, was es heißt, am Leben zu sein. Ein herzzerreißender, wunderschöner paranormaler Liebesroman.

Vivere nel passato (Le Cronache di Kerrigan: Gabriel #1)

by W. J. May

Il passato è una lezione. Il presente, un dono. Il futuro, una motivazione. Questo spin-off della serie Le Cronache di Kerrigan scritto da W. J. May, autrice best-seller di USA Today, può essere letto anche autonomamente. Come puoi costruire un futuro, quando una parte di te è intrappolata nel passato? I problemi di Gabriel Alden sarebbero dovuti finire. L'uomo che l'aveva ridotto in schiavitù era stato distrutto. La ragazza che avrebbe dovuto uccidere era diventata la sua salvatrice. Le persone tra le quali si era dovuto infiltrare erano diventate una famiglia. Allora perché, se tutti gli altri avevano avuto il loro lieto fine, lui non si sentiva parte di quella felicità? Ricordi dolorosi, ombre minacciose, segreti terribili lo tormentano senza sosta, lo seguono mentre gira per il mondo alla ricerca della verità. Riuscirà a scappare dal suo passato? Avrà mai l'occasione di costruirsi un futuro? Per quanto ancora potrà scappare, prima che i suoi fantasmi lo raggiungano? Una cosa è certa, i problemi di Gabriel sono appena iniziati...

Cómo Saber si la Mujer es para Casarse

by Pílula Digital

De pronto usted es un hombre que de vez en cuando se sorprende pensando en la cantidad de cosas malas que ocurren entre las parejas que conoce, y luego se pregunta: “¿Valdrá realmente la pena casarse?” -- El padre o el pastor pueden decir que Sí, que aún vale mucho la pena, pero resulta que todavía puede haber muchas dudas en su corazón... bueno, por lo menos hasta que usted encuentre una mujer que considere ESPECIAL. En caso de que llegue a la conclusión de que, -- a pesar de todo lo que ya vio y escuchó por ahí sobre los casamientos -- que aun así VALE la pena casarse, -- ¡y que QUIERE casarse!', no demora mucho y otra DUDA hace nido entre sus PENSAMIENTOS: “¿Cómo SABER si la elegida es la mujer correcta para casarme?” -- Delante de estos CONFLICTOS, ¡quiero decirle que puede quedarse tranquilo! Pues en este libro usted aprenderá sobre los diferentes tipos de mujeres que existen por todo el mundo; en cuáles vale la pena invertir; cuáles debe EVITAR a toda costa; y también cómo tratarlas; si quiere disfrutar de una relación feliz con la persona que escogió.


by Esteban Navarro Soriano

In 1960, Gretel, a nine-year-old girl, returns home after playing with some friends at the park. To her surprise, neither her mother, nor her grandfather, nor her brother are there. They never showed up, and after the time stipulated by law, the authorities officially declare them dead. Thirty years later, she must return, now as a police inspector, to investigate a series of crimes related to fairy tales.

L'Isola maledetta: Racconto breve

by Patrice Martinez

Sorpresa dalla tempesta, la barca da pesca di tre marinai si allontanò dalla costa. Uno degli uomini viveva praticando il cabotaggio da tempo immemore, il secondo, un solido e caloroso visigoto, aveva rotto con il suo passato da furfante, e il terzo era arrivato da poco a bordo come giovane marinaio. Ma l'oceano li spinse fino a un arcipelago, dove di notte emergeva il fascio luminoso di un faro. Sbarcarono sulla costa della più piccola delle isole, in un mare scatenato che aveva fracassato una parte della barca. La visione del faro perduta sull'isolotto, non li attirava affatto, ma dovettero recarvisi perché non c'era niente in quel luogo austero. Quando raggiunsero la porta della torre, una disavventura li portò a porsi molte domande su un dramma che vi ebbe luogo qualche settimana prima.

Un tramway nommé désir

by Valerian Markarov

Voici un recueil de nouvelles en prose qui vous permettra d’apprécier la diversité de l’œuvre de son auteur. Il contient des histoires poignantes sur la destinée humaine, l’amour et la mort, la passion et la solitude, le passé mystérieux et l’avenir fantastique. La réalité se mêle à la fiction et la frontière entre les deux est souvent ténue. Romantiques et philosophiques, gaies et inquiétantes, toutes les histoires sont écrite de la plume inimitable d’un maître qui ne cesse de surprendre ses lecteurs avertis par un dénouement inattendu.

Sviluppatore Web da Principiante a Professionista Retribuito, Volume 1: Costruisci il tuo Portfolio imparando Html5, CSS e Javascript passo dopo passo grazie ai manuali (Sviluppatore Web da Principiante a Professionista Retribuito #1)

by Bolakale Aremu

So che ci sono risorse online più che sufficienti per insegnare ai principianti assoluti tutto ciò di cui hanno bisogno per imparare lo sviluppo web da zero. Ma questo libro è diverso perché affronta alcuni problemi dello sviluppo web. La credibilità di uno sviluppatore web va ben oltre le sue credenziali. Si tratta infatti della forza del suo Portfolio. Le opportunità di lavoro spesso derivano da esempi di lavoro e competenze concrete, piuttosto che da una laurea. Pertanto, è necessario acquisire le competenze necessarie. Questo libro non solo vi aiuterà a imparare in maniera adeguata e a costruire un portfolio straordinario, ma vi fornirà anche un aiuto e un supporto continui. Con questo libro e il mio team di assistenza e supporto dedicato, 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, non avrete nulla da temere. Ho aiutato molti sviluppatori web ad aggiornare le loro competenze in materia di sviluppo, ad avviare carriere di successo e ad essere assunti per lavori da remoto. Ho notato che anche i principianti più ambiziosi possono incorrere in problemi, come l'incapacità di decidere da dove iniziare. A volte si perdono completamente per strada e hanno quindi bisogno di ulteriore aiuto. La verità è che tutti, prima o dopo, hanno bisogno di aiuto per imparare correttamente l'html5, il CSS o il Javascript nel loro percorso formativo. In questo libro ho raccolto un numero sufficiente di sfide di codifica e le loro soluzioni. Avrete a disposizione schede informative regolarmente aggiornate, esercizi di codifica, uno splendido portfolio di sviluppo web per mostrare i vostri esempi di lavoro, progetti pratici e grafici/screenshot utilizzati in questo libro. Potrete inoltre ricevere ulteriore assistenza utilizzando il link di supporto gratuito in fondo a questo libro. Vi aiuteremo a studiare a fondo. Infine, se acquisterete questo libro, vi aggiungerò alla mia comunità di sviluppatori web in modo che possiate continuare a imparare e a riceve

Liar Liar: A Cat Deluca Mystery (Cat DeLuca Mysteries #1)

by K. J. Larsen

A sinister Episcopal Bishop shows up to confirm Lottie and Josie Albright's niece at the new frame church built on the corners of four Western Kansas counties. Suddenly, the Reverend Mary Farnsworth flees to the anteroom after dropping the chalice during communion. Josie, a psychologist, lingers after the service to comfort her, but Lottie orders her sister to leave when they discover Reverend Mary's body. As Deputy Sheriff, Lottie's duty bound to attend to the death.Back at the county-wide picnic, an elderly lady informs Lottie that a man kneeling next to her scared Reverend Mary into a heart attack. Lottie soon learns that the beloved Reverend Mary was a woman without a past, and that the rogue Bishop has unexpected ties to Western Kansas. A sheriff from an adjacent county, unaware that Josie is an FBI consultant, assumes that seizing control of the investigation will be easy and instead arouses the twins' wrath.Forgetting that the past is always present, Lottie's investigation into old documents riles up murderous century-old rivalries....

The Dungeon House: A Lake District Mystery (Lake District Mysteries #7)

by Martin Edwards

"Readers who enjoy British procedurals will find this multidimensional, multigenerational case very satisfying." —BooklistThe magnificent Dungeon House and gardens overlook Cumbria's remote western coast with its mix of beaches, dunes, and fells, Roman ruins, and nuclear plant. Twenty years ago, the wealthy Whiteleys called it home. But not a happy one. Malcolm Whiteley had begun to disintegrate under financial and emotional pressures. He suspected various men in their social circle of being his wife's lover. After a disastrous party for the neighbours, Lysette told Malcolm their marriage was over. Sadly an old Winchester rifle he had been hiding was at hand…Fast forward to today. Hannah Scarlett's cold case team is looking into the three-year-old disappearance of Lily Elstone whose father Gray had been Malcolm's accountant. The investigation coincides with yet another disappearance of a teenage girl: Shona Whiteley, daughter of Malcolm's nephew Nigel, who now lives in the Dungeon House despite its tragic history. As Hannah's team digs down into the past, doubts arise about what really happened the night Malcolm killed his wife and 16-year-old daughter Amber, then himself.Most of the people once close to the Whiteleys still live nearby. And one Joanna Footit, and her secrets, now returns from London. While Hannah leads the complex police inquiries, it is her lover, historian Daniel Kind, who supplies Hannah with the lead that unlocks the whole. Does it come too late?

Biología Molecular y Celular: Una guía introductiva para aprender biología celular y molecular

by Bolakale Aremu

Este libro está diseñado para estudiantes que quieran aprender y apreciar temas biológicos básicos mientras estudian las menores unidades de la biología: moléculas y células. La biología celular y molecular es una disciplina dinámica. Hay miles de oportunidades en los campos médicos, farmacéuticos, agricultores, e industriales. Además de prepararte para una diversidad de trayectorias profesionales, entender la biología molecular y celular te ayudará a tomar buenas decisiones que pueden beneficiar tu dieta y salud.

Sensual Seduction: Go get them!

by Pílula Digital

Do you wish to improve your GAME and ATTRACT the right kind of women? Are you interested in MASTERING the ART OF SEDUCTION and learning how to carry an ENTICING conversation, leaving a POSITIVE IMPRESSION? In case you are into someone or simply desire to ADVENTURE yourself in the market, KNOW that there are several proven ways to MAXIMIZE your CHANCES of finding LOVE. This e-Book is EXCLUSIVELY dedicated for that: to HELP you avoid unsuccessful dates and FIND someone that really MATCHES with you. Good read!

Shanghai mon amour

by Mimi Costalunga

Sie: das Au-pair-Mädchen. Jung, unerfahren, spontan. Er: der Vater des Kindes. Alleinstehend, ehrgeizig, autoritär. Wo: Shanghai, China. Lilou Renaud wagt den Schritt in eine unbekannte Welt, um ihrem beschaulichen Leben in Saint-Damien en Médoc zu entkommen. Sie ist geflohen, um Klarheit darüber zu gewinnen, was sie wirklich vom Leben will, und hat ... Mathis Tang gefunden. Der ehrgeizige, elegante Chef eines großen Modeunternehmens ist nicht der Herr mittleren Alters, den sie erwartet hat. Als Sohn einer französischen Mutter und eines chinesischen Vaters verkörpert er den Charme von Ost und West, und Lilou kann nicht anders, als sich zu ihm hingezogen zu fühlen. Für Mathis ist Lilou wie eine frische Brise. Sie ist die Einzige, die es versteht, seinen Sohn Lucien in die richtige Richtung zu lenken, und bringt den Familiensinn in ihr Leben zurück, auf den der Mann zu verzichten glaubte. Aber wo ist die Mutter von Lucien? Warum gibt es keine Bilder von ihr im Haus, warum kann niemand sie erwähnen? Was ist das Geheimnis, das Mathis so gut verbirgt und das ihn zu quälen scheint? Der gegenseitigen Anziehung nachzugeben, ist nicht das Klügste, wenn unzählige Hindernisse lauern. Aber wer kann schon weise sein, wenn das Herz im Weg steht? Ein romantisches Abenteuer in der pulsierenden Metropole Shanghai.

Su Lord Gitano: Magia y Caos #1 (Magia y Caos #1)

by Jane Charles

Una aventura encantadora, eso es todo lo que Lady Charlotte Beck anhelaba, pero nunca la tuvo. No con dos hermanos mayores siendo los acompañantes más diligentes. Sin embargo, cuando su familia es convocada al Castillo Keyvnor para la lectura de un testamento, Charlotte difícilmente puede contener su emoción. No es que crea en esas tonterías sobre fantasmas o magia. Lord Adam Vail ha pasado los últimos dos años en la finca de su abuelo cuidando de su hermano mayor hasta que sucumbe a una enfermedad debilitante. Lo único que ha hecho soportable estar en Hollybrook Park es que está cerca de la familia gitana de su madre. Sabe que la magia, los fantasmas y el mal son muy reales y cuando Lady Charlotte rechaza las preocupaciones de su abuela, Adam se encuentra protegiéndola de un fantasma muy real y asesino. Sólo una cosa puede salvarla de un destino mortal.

Beso invernal (Fuego Draconiano #4)

by Deborah Cooke

Un beso puede derretir su frío corazón... El misterioso elixir Sangre de Dragón le concede la inmortalidad a Magnus, el mayor enemigo de los Pyr, y a sus secuaces. Los Pyr deben destruir su fuente de poder y Delaney, el marginado, jura completar la misión él mismo. Delaney fue exiliado por sus impulsos peligrosos, y el éxito en eliminar el elixir lo redimirá o terminará su sufrimiento. Pero sus planes no toman en cuenta su repentina tormenta de fuego... ni a la ardiente Ginger Sinclair. La tormenta de fuego revitaliza a Delaney, devolviéndolo a su antiguo ser. Y cuando Ginger se entera de la misión de Delaney, se da cuenta de que no puede resistirse a un hombre fuerte con fines nobles.

Bartholomew Roberts' Justice: Eine Piratengeschichte (The Pirate Priest #2)

by Jeremy McLean

⚓ Feinde wohin man blickt. Der Schatz eines Königs am Horizont. Der Pirat Roberts setzt die Segel.⚓ Bartholomew Roberts hat das Piratenleben mit einer rücksichtslosen Hingabe angenommen, sehr zur Freude seiner neuen Crew. Unter seiner Führung sieht ihr Schicksal rosig aus, doch die Stimmung an Bord der Royal Rover ist nicht wie sie scheint. Bevor Roberts und seine Crew den nächsten Erfolg einheimsen können, muss er seine Crew zunächst vor dem Galgen retten und aus einem Gefängnis befreien. Danach entscheidet sich Roberts für eine Position, mit der viele Besatzungsmitglieder nicht einverstanden sind, und entfacht so einen Funken der Rebellion. Walter Kennedy möchte währenddessen unbedingt Captain der Royal Rover werden. Er sieht seine Chance gekommen. Wird Walter seinen alten Freund wegen seines Ehrgeizes verraten? Kann Roberts seine Überzeugungen und seinen Kopf gegen diejenigen behaupten, die sich ihm widersetzen? Das und mehr erfahren Sie in seinen Kurzgeschichten voller Action, Abenteuern, Piraten und Freibeutern, die im Goldenen Zeitalter der Piraterie dort spielen, wo Roberts Prüfungen ihn hinführen.

Cómo llevarse a una chica sexy a la cama

by Pílula Digital

Si quieres APRENDER a CONQUISTAR y llevarte a la cama a cualquier mujer, estás en el lugar adecuado. Te voy a dar 7 EJERCICIOS MENTALES extremadamente EFECTIVOS para llevarte a CUALQUIER mujer a la cama. Así que quédate conmigo hasta el final de este EBOOK y te garantizo que tu ÉXITO con ellas aumentará, ¡y MUCHO! ¡Feliz lectura!

The Magician's Daughter: A Valentine Hill Mystery

by Judith Janeway

"A suspenseful tale, told from the title to the end with wit and warmth by a very talented writer." —Nancy Pickard, award-winning authorSummer in Benteen County, Kansas, is a season possessed of all the gentle subtlety of an act of war. Winter, of course, is no better, but remembrance of its frosts and blizzards and winds that begin to suck away your life before you walk a dozen steps has grown faint by the early hours of a Sunday morning in late June. While some try to sleep, and Sheriff English and his ex-wife try sex, the Reverend Peter Simms takes an early walk in the park and encounters someone counting coup. When the Sheriff's part-Cheyenne brother, Mad Dog, arrives to meditate, he finds the Reverend's mutilated corpse. Mad Dog is the obvious suspect and he begins to hang out in the town jail while Sheriff English widens his net. English picks up several suspicious characters, and an increasingly dark history for the Simms family. The case grows stormier, and so does the weather. As a tornado gathers to hurl its fury on the hapless town, the fury of the killer rises to meet it.

Carnage on the Committee (Robert Amiss/Baroness Jack Troutbeck Mysteries #10)

by Ruth Dudley Edwards

"The literary cognoscenti ('the superciliati,' she calls them) hold no terror for this ribald satirist."—New York TimesWhen the chairperson of the prestigious Knapper-Warburton Literary Prize dies in suspicious circumstances, Robert Amiss (the token sane member of the judging panel) wastes no time in summoning Baroness "Jack" Troutbeck to step into the chair. Speculation that a killer may be targeting the judges does not worry the baroness in the slightest—it's the prospect of immersing herself in modern literature that fills her with dread. But noblesse must oblige, even when it means joining the ranks of the superciliati sitting in judgment of the literati.With the baroness at the helm, the judges resume the task of whittling away at the shortlist. But the killer, too, has resumed work and is whittling away at the judges one by one....

11,4 Light Dreams

by Nicholas Avedon

In the Paris of the 23rd century where everything is for sale, pure emotions are of great value to those who cannot live them. Ariel de Santos is a creator of Vivid Dreams, one of the few artists capable of shaping emotions to seduce and inspire a world that has forgotten to dream. This is the story of Ariel de Santos, one of the most renowned living artists of the Southern European States, a man tormented by his pacts with the devil and addicted to Trank, the universal drug. Through his eyes, we will witness an escape from the past in the most ambitious human endeavor in history, a journey without return to a destination in the stars.

La sindrome del coniglio

by Victor John D. Lao

Travis e Cola Zodiac sono una giovane coppia, originaria della città di Metherin. Stanno per diventare genitori per la prima volta e per loro è una gioia immensa. Tuttavia, l'ecografia mostra che c'è qualcosa di diverso nel loro bambino. Quando arrivano in ospedale, un certo dottor Crox cerca di trattenere Travis in ogni modo, impedendogli di assistere al parto della moglie, che definisce un caso speciale. Due agenti di polizia, di pattuglia all’ospedale quel giorno, notano che il dottore ha iniettato a Travis una dose di sonniferi tale da fargli perdere i sensi. Alla richiesta di spiegazioni, il dottore sostiene di averlo fatto per calmarlo, ma gli agenti decidono di approfondire la questione. Così, uno di loro segue il dottor Crox nel suo laboratorio sotterraneo. Il giorno dopo, Travis si sveglia e corre immediatamente nella stanza della moglie. Rimane sorpreso nel vedere il bambino: il loro peggior incubo era diventato realtà. I neogenitori hanno paura che il figlio non possa vivere come gli altri bambini. Il disturbo viene chiamato “sindrome del coniglio”, a causa della conformazione fisica del bambino che ricorda, appunto, quella di un coniglio. I medici si sono affezionati molto al bambino e promettono di tenere sotto controllo le sue condizioni di salute. Tuttavia, il proprietario di un circo ha dei programmi diversi: si offre di prendersi cura del bambino, ma i genitori rifiutano la proposta. Non vogliono dare via il loro primogenito. Cola e Travis Zodiac si assicurano che il figlio conduca una vita piuttosto normale, pur riservandogli delle cure speciali. Fanno di tutto affinché le persone lo accettino così com’è. Il mistero si infittisce quando il bambino cresce e i genitori cercano di scoprire la causa del suo disturbo.

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