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Darkness (Archangel Trilogy #1)

by Joseph R. Meister

Destroyed by the death of her parents in a fire, Lilith tries to retake the reins of her life in a new city. After being attacked by a bizarre creature on her first day of class, her arrival at the school will set in motion a chain of unpredictable and catastrophic events and, without pretending it, she will be involved in a ruthless war between the powers of heaven and hell. Addictive, enveloping, and overwhelming, this novel is the starting point of the Archangel Series, overflowing with witchcraft, romance, and action. For fans of series such as Charmed, The Secret Circle and Supernatural.

Sagaces ante su hora: Personas con VIH y SIDA nos hablan de sus vidas

by Ann Richardson Dietmar Bolle

Son jóvenes y tienen una enfermedad letal. Es el año de 1991. Los diagnósticos por VIH van en aumento y no hay una cura a la vista. Procedentes de todos los rincones del mundo, cuarenta y un hombres y mujeres jóvenes nos hablan de vivir con VIH y SIDA. Tienen que sobrellevar el estigma, el reproche y la culpa asociados a la enfermedad. Se encuentran con desafíos al contarle a sus padres y parejas, en el intento de mantenerse sanos y cuando buscan trabajo, mientras se enfrentan con un futuro acortado. A pesar de ello, mantienen un compromiso de celebrar las alegrías de la vida tanto como puedan. Este libro es un testimonio de la resiliencia del espíritu humano. Publicado por primera vez en 1992, este libro cuenta sus historias únicas en sus propias palabras. “Esta colección de historias verdaderas es tan potente como cualquier gran clásico de ficción.” Sir Ian McKellen.

Muerte en el Canal

by McDowell Brains

El antiguo depòsito de esclavos africanos, es la ubicaciòn de la mas extraña prisiòn en el mundo. Elìas Nicholas creciò de ser un prisionero a un magnate. El cruel y retorcido joven magnate, no se siente vivo a menos que satisfaga el sàdico placer de usar la tortura fìsica y emocional para obtener dramàticos resultados de sus victimas. Y nadie en el mundo lo entiende exepto su esposa. Cuando la horrible verdad sobre su injusta condena se hace pùblica, existen dudas sobre si Nicholas, calladamente anida sentimientos de venganza contra el Estado. Nicholas sabe que sus reformadores estan empeñados en averiguar esto. Y el esta determinado en darles algo de que preocuparse. Pero cuanto tiempo podrà mantener esto?

Death on the Saint-Lawrence

by Agnès Ruiz

“A tumultuous investigation full of twists and turns for Detective Rachel Toury.” Detective Toury’s niece discovers a dead body on the shore of the Saint Lawrence River. A particularly awkward investigation for Rachel Toury when a family member becomes more involved than she had anticipated… Agnes Ruiz is the author of several best-sellers. She had huge success with her first novel “Ma vie assassinée”. She writes for both adults and children. Her short stories featuring the investigations of detective Rachel Toury have also been very successful in Europe as well as North America. Several translations are available. She is originally from Normandy (France) and lived in Canada for almost 20 years.

Victima Inocente: Ilegal. No es culpable:

by McDowell Brains

Después de dieciocho años de servicio en la prisión, la verdad de repente se hizo pública. Nicholas no mató a una chica universitaria, el cargo de asesinato por el cual fue encarcelado. Ahora, Nicholas no quiere salir de la prisión. Él dice que es el único hogar que conocerá. Él dice que su vida ha cambiado por completo a través de su experiencia en la prisión. Si vuelve a vivir con la gente común en la sociedad, sería muy peligroso. Pero el estado dice que una vez que no tiene más cargos contra una persona, no tiene más autoridad para mantenerlo bajo custodia. ¿Debería el estado seguir el proceso, liberar a Nicholas para que sea la peor pesadilla de la gente? ¿O debería Nicholas tener derecho a vivir y elegir el lugar donde le gustaría experimentar que el estado respetara la vida y le permitiera permanecer en prisión?

De blik van de zoon

by Núria Añó

Paula is een kleuterjuffrouw die geen kinderen kan krijgen en samen met haar man adopteren ze Daniel, een roodharige baby. Na een paar jaar valt de biologische moeder in deze idyllische omgeving binnen en verbreekt ze de rust die tot dan toe heerste. Door verschillende stadia, vanaf het moment dat het kind thuis aankomt tot aan zijn volwassenheid, neemt 'de blik van de zoon' ons mee in karakters als de grootmoeder, een vrouw met karakter en een speciale voorliefde voor dit kleinkind, hoewel Paula als zij een voorbeeld zijn van de problematische relatie tussen moeder en dochter. Of Sophie, de jonge vrouw die lijkt samen te vallen met het ontwaken van de puberteit van Daniel. Met een klassieke dansachtergrond zijn we getuige van het verhaal van een liefde die het voor en na zal markeren en waar iedereen veel meer gemeen heeft dan het lijkt. "De thema's van haar boeken staan volop in de belangstelling en laten ons niet onverschillig omdat het een uitnodiging is om na te denken in een wereld waar de banaliteit haar imperium uitoefent." - L'Ull crític, 17-18 "De lezer krijgt een stimulerend verhaal, dat openstaat voor de gevoelens van verschillende karakters en dat een gevoeligheid vereist om elk leven in het verhaal te begrijpen." - Dr. Alexandra Santos Pinheiro, Resonancias Literarias, nr. 153 "Een intieme, bijna fluisterende literatuur die eerder spreekt over de personages en hun gemoedstoestand dan over andere dingen." - Justo Sotelo, Professor "De zoektocht naar identiteit, begraven schuldgevoelens - en soms niet zozeer - permanente angst voor de mogelijkheid van verlies, maar ook van een liefde die verder gaat dan bloedbanden zijn enkele van de thema's die de lezer in deze roman zal aantreffen. […] Feiten die begrepen lijken te worden en die de roman consequent op het juiste moment onthult, geven de indruk een verhaal te lezen dat op schaal is ges

Come Realizzare i Vostri Sogni e Obiettivi

by Dave McAllen

In questo consiglio-ossessione che definisce la generazione, un autore importante passa attraverso tutte le schifezze per mostrarci come smettere di cercare di essere costantemente "perfetti", in modo che possiamo raggiungere il nostro pieno potenziale ed essere persone più felici. La storia è piena di consigli su come agire, comportarsi e fare tutto alla perfezione, raggiunti attraverso l'imitazione di un mentore. Così, ci sono giudici e veggenti che stabiliscono se si farà fortuna nella vita, se si eccellerà in una carriera e quant'altro. Ma Dave vi presenta la cruda realtà e la confortante verità: “Rule your destiny yourself”. “Come realizzare i vostri sogni e obiettivi” è il suo antidoto alla mentalità viziata e priva di sentimenti che ha infettato il mondo e riconfigurato una generazione, avvantaggiandoli con ogni dritta di grande pregio. Dave non è d'accordo sul fatto che, corroborato sia da ricerche storiche che da esempi accurati, le persone di successo diventino quello che sono oggi dipenda, non dalla capacità dei padrini e degli esperti di prevedere con precisione il nostro destino, ma dall'imparare a conoscere sé stessi e rimanere concentrati sui propri sogni. Tutti gli esseri umani hanno debolezze e mancanze con perdenti e vincitori, alti e bassi, grandi e piccole - non tutti noi possiamo diventare eccezionali e bravissimi. Ma se la direzione naturale della nostra vita viene cambiata, diventa un disastro ancora più grande. Dave ci consiglia di fare uno studio approfondito su noi stessi in modo da poter essere fedeli verso ciò che siamo stati destinati a diventare. Una volta fatto questo, abbracciate la vostra personalità di fondo e smettete di mettere il vostro destino nelle mani di altre persone - siano essi vostri coetanei, genitori, insegnanti, ecc. fatevi coraggio, evitate i sentimenti, rimanete concentrati, siate agguerriti e non vi rammaricate mai.

Cowtown: Barbecue Apocalypse (Cowtown)

by Charlie Podrebarac

Sure to incite laughter and hunger at the same time, Barbecue Apocalypse! compiles barbecue-centric strips into one hilarious, slow-smoked collection, combining the strip&’s trademark proclivity for cows and pigs with the perfect theme. Standard barbecue terminology is sliced into puns, seasoned with ridiculousness, then grilled to one-panel perfection in this delicious Cowtown collection chock-full of those beloved livestock one-liners.

Movies According to Savage Chickens (Udig Ser.)

by Doug Savage

Here&’s looking at you, movie buffs. Follow the yellow brick road inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream to discover why Quentin Tarantino and children&’s fairy tales should never mix, why Indiana Jones can&’t stand gardening tools, and Fry from Futurama can&’t ever catch a break. Your challenge: Identify all 34 movies in this e-book original collection of Doug Savage&’s delightfully absurd Savage Chickens comics.

Last Kiss: Casual Fridays (UDig)

by John Lustig

It&’s all in the job description–or is it? It&’s never just another day at the office in John Lustig&’s Last Kiss comics series, a vintage-with-a-twist collection of 1950s and 60s art reimagined with Lustig&’s cheeky modern dialogue. Last Kiss takes doctors, nurses, lawyers, stay-at-home moms, and flight attendants, aims at controlling bosses, sexual harassment, bad tippers, and, of course, overindulging on the clock, and lets fly. This e-book original collection invites you to enjoy the inanity of working life and have a few laughs along the way.

Medicine Is the Best Laughter: A Close To Home Collection (Close to Home)

by John McPherson

Cartoonist John McPherson&’s comics may be close to home, but thank your lucky stars that his erratic characters haven&’t made themselves too comfortable in your home. McPherson&’s ode to everyday life is punctuated with the off-the-wall personalities who can turn any normal occurrence into something ridiculous. The only way to read these cartoons and their comical characters—from inept surgeons to cruel chiropractors—is to expect the unexpected. Close to Home debuted in 50 newspapers in 1992 after McPherson left his engineering job to become a full-time cartoonist, and today the comic strip runs in nearly 700 newspapers worldwide. His characters are regularly confronted with everyday dilemmas, including aggressive acupuncture and leaky laughing gas tanks, and their responses are always cleverly unpredictable. The situations are somehow both outlandish yet relatable, and anyone is sure to burst out in laughter at this original e-book collection of all of Close to Home&’s boldest and best takes on everything medical.

Shakespeare According to Savage Chickens (Udig Ser.)

by Doug Savage

All work and no play made cartoonist Doug Savage a dull boy, until the day that he decided to draw two chickens on a yellow sticky note, followed by enough characters and absurdly amusing situations over the years to cover an entire cubicle farm. Now, in Savage&’s trademark style, comes Shakespeare According to Savage Chickens, an entertainingly comical e-book original collection. From Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and Hamlet to King Lear, the cast of Savage Chickens pays homage, in its own way, to classic literature. Sit back in your seat and enjoy the comedy of Chickens in Shakespeare.

Marmaduke: Walking Adventures (Marmaduke)

by Brad Anderson

Humans aren&’t meant to fly, but that&’s often what they do when they walk a certain exuberant Great Dane. Come along for the ride when Marmaduke takes off on his latest laughable adventure. Whether he&’s windmilling through puddles or hurdling fences, this e-book original collection by Brad and Paul Anderson compiles the best of Phil and Dottie&’s whirlwind attempts to wrangle their strong-willed (and strong-legged) dog.

Marmaduke: Master of the House (Marmaduke)

by Brad Anderson

It&’s nice to come home after a long, tiring day, collapse in your favorite chair and relax with your dog. Only, most dogs don&’t push you out of your chair in the process. Or claim the entire sofa. Or demand maid service. Or…you get the point. Join America&’s most lovable Great Dane, Marmaduke, as he asserts himself as master of the Winslow family home in this e-book original collection by Brad and Paul Anderson.

Last Kiss: Sex Day (UDig)

by John Lustig

What do you get when you mix 1950s style with a twentieth-century sensibility? No, not Mad Men. Even better: John Lustig's Last Kiss. Lustig has rewritten the classic 50s- and 60s-era comic strip First Kiss into a hilariously silly commentary on life, love, and the pursuit of great sex. In this e-book original collection, he tackles that touchiest of themes (then or now)--sexual politics—in outrageously entertaining and deliciously saucy colorized comics.

Cowtown: Snooty Artist (Cowtown)

by Charlie Podrebarac

Cowtown hits the art scene, poking fun at the culture of galleries, museums, and of course, cows and pigs. Snooty Artist focuses its poignant jokes on beret-wearing &“artists&” and incompetent circus clowns with the popular comic strip&’s signature wordplay and twisted life musings. Sprinkle a pig here and a cow there, and you have a sharply funny collection that sets its sights on something we all love to playfully ridicule: art and artists.

Marmaduke: Animals & Other Pets (Marmaduke)

by Brad Anderson

Kids are always bringing home strange pets and begging their parents to let them keep the animals, but rarely does that scenario get flipped around. Meet Marmaduke, a Great Dane who constantly keeps his humans on their toes. From local wildlife, other dogs, and people, his loving but long-suffering humans, Phil and Dottie Winslow, never know what or who he&’s going to bring home. Join Brad and Paul Anderson as they pull together some of Marmaduke&’s best-loved antics in this e-book original collection.

Forget Me Not

by Alyson Derrick

2023 National Book Award for Young People&’s Literature Longlist Perfect for fans of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Five Feet Apart, this tender solo debut by the coauthor of New York Times bestseller She Gets the Girl is a &“punch to the gut in the best way&” (Booklist, starred review) about the strength of love and the power of choosing each other, against odds and obstacles, again and again.What would you do if you forgot the love of your life ever even existed? Stevie and Nora had a love. A secret, epic, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. They also had a plan: to leave their small, ultra-conservative town and families behind after graduation and move to California, where they could finally stop hiding that love. But then Stevie has a terrible fall. And when she comes to, she can remember nothing of the last two years—not California, not coming to terms with her sexuality, not even Nora. Suddenly, Stevie finds herself in a life she doesn&’t quite understand, one where she&’s estranged from her parents, drifting away from her friends, lying about the hours she works, and headed towards a future that isn&’t at all what her fifteen-year-old self would have envisioned. And Nora finds herself…forgotten. Can the two beat the odds a second time and find their way back together when &“together&” itself is just a lost memory?

When a Ghost Talks, Listen: A Choctaw Trail Of Tears Story (How I Became A Ghost Ser.)

by Tim Tingle

Ten-year-old Isaac, now a ghost, continues with his people as they walk the Choctaw Trail of Tears headed to Indian Territory in what will one day become Oklahoma. There have been surprises aplenty on their trek, but now Isaac and his three Choctaw comrades learn they can time travel--making for an unexpected adventure. The foursome heads back in time to Washington, D.C., to bear witness for Choctaw Chief Pushmataha who has come to the nation's capital at the invitation of his dear friend Andrew Jackson. You cannot blame the people before you for mistakes their ancestors made, Chief Pushmataha tells the little band. In doing so, the general makes a powerful and timeless lesson, one made more so as the reader travels from graveyards to boarding schools, from 1824 to 2018, experiencing firsthand the joy of never leaving.

Don’t Let Them Bury My Story

by Viola Ford Fletcher and Ike Howard

Every day, I have lived through the massacre. While our country may forget this history, I cannot.” Viola Ford Fletcher Viola Ford Fletcher’s memoir “DON’T LET THEM BURY MY STORY” vividly captures the lasting impact of the Tulsa Massacre on her life. As the oldest survivor and last living witness of the tragic events that unfolded in 1921, she shares her testimony with poignant clarity. From the terror of her childhood as a seven-year-old fleeing the burning streets of Greenwood to her current role as a 107-year-old family matriarch seeking justice for the affected families, Mother Fletcher takes us on a journey through a lifetime of pain and perseverance. Her story is a powerful reminder that some wounds never fully heal, and we must never forget the lessons of our history.

Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Legacy of Yangchen (Chronicles of the Avatar Book 4)

by F. C Yee

From F. C. Yee, the New York Times bestselling author of Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi and Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Shadow of Kyoshi comes a thrilling chapter in the Chronicles of the Avatar series and a page-turning follow-up to Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Dawn of Yangchen. Common enemies make for strange friends . . . Avatar Yangchen has succeeded in bringing a measure of stability to Bin-Er, but her successes have been limited to a single city, and rumors concerning Unanimity—a weapon capable of total obliteration—have led to increasing tensions among the Four Nations. Desperate to restore diplomacy, Yangchen attempts to de-escalate hostilities between heads of state. But in the wake of a brutal assassination and the freeing of Unanimity, Yangchen is forced to bring Kavik—the trusted former companion whose betrayal crushed her—back into her fold. As the Four Nations teeter on the brink of conflict and she begins to unravel the power-hungry Zongdu Chaisee’s true agenda, Yangchen is forced to measure the worth of humanity and how much can be sacrificed in the name of balance. Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Legacy of Yangchen, the taut and provocative fourth installment in the Chronicles of the Avatar series, follows Avatar Yangchen as she charts the course of her legacy, finally making peace with her choices and facing Avatarhood with the courage it demands.

Amber & Clay

by Laura Amy Schlitz

Welcome to ancient Greece as only genius storyteller Laura Amy Schlitz can conjure it. In a warlike land of wind and sunlight, “ringed by a restless sea,” live Rhaskos and Melisto, spiritual twins with little in common beyond the violent and mysterious forces that dictate their lives. A Thracian slave in a Greek household, Rhaskos is as common as clay, a stable boy worth less than a donkey, much less a horse. Wrenched from his mother at a tender age, he nurtures in secret, aided by Socrates, his passions for art and philosophy. Melisto is a spoiled aristocrat, a girl as precious as amber but willful and wild. She’ll marry and be tamed—the curse of all highborn girls—but risk her life for a season first to serve Artemis, goddess of the hunt. Bound by destiny, Melisto and Rhaskos—Amber and Clay—never meet in the flesh. By the time they do, one of them is a ghost. But the thin line between life and death is just one boundary their unlikely friendship crosses. It takes an army of snarky gods and fearsome goddesses, slaves and masters, mothers and philosophers to help shape their story into a gorgeously distilled, symphonic tour de force. Blending verse, prose, and illustrated archeological “artifacts,” this is a tale that vividly transcends time, an indelible reminder of the power of language to illuminate the over- and underworlds of human history.


by Lia Mills

Spring, 1915: Katie Crilly gets the news she dreaded: her beloved twin brother, Liam, has been killed on the Western Front. A year later, when her home city of Dublin is suddenly engulfed by the violence of the Easter Rising, Katie finds herself torn by conflicting emotions and loyalties. Taking refuge in the home of a friend, she meets Hubie Wilson, a friend of Liam's from the Front. There unfolds a remarkable encounter between two young people, both wounded and both trying to imagine a new life.

Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Spiritual Growth (Face To Face / Spiritual Growth Ser.)

by Kenneth Boa

When you're serious about following Christ, you long to become more like Him. You also know that the Bible contains the life-changing truths that will help you reach that goal. Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Spiritual Growth helps you turn your devotional times into a daily experience of transformation. Adapting and personalizing select Bible passages, Dr. Kenneth Boa offers you a refreshing and encouraging way to "renew your mind" as you meditate on and pray about: the attributes of God, the works of God, my relationship with God, the character I want to cultivate, my relationship with others. This inspiring approach will change both your life and the way you view the Scriptures. Prepare to discover the Bible afresh as a marvelous source of prayer and reflection that enables you to love God completely, love yourself correctly, and love others compassionately. Face to Face prayer books help you bring new richness to your devotional times. By connecting Bible reading with personal prayer, they help you approach both in a new way. Get ready to rediscover the Bible as your most treasured prayer book-guiding you into prayers that are alive, faith-filled, and powerful because they're grounded in God's word.

Discipleship: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 4 (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works #Vol. 4)

by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"Cheap grace is the mortal enemy of our church. Our struggle today is for costly grace." And with that sharp warning to his own church, which was engaged in bitter conflict with the official nazified state church, Dietrich Bonhoeffer began his book Discipleship (formerly entitled The Cost of Discipleship). Originally published in 1937, it soon became a classic exposition of what it means to follow Christ in a modern world beset by a dangerous and criminal government. At its center stands an interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount: what Jesus demanded of his followersand how the life of discipleship is to be continued in all ages of the post- resurrection church. "Every call of Jesus is a call to death," Bonhoeffer wrote. His own life ended in martyrdom on April 9, 1945. Freshly translated from the German critical edition, Discipleship provides a more accurate rendering of the text and extensive aids and commentary to clarify the meaning, context, and reception of this work and its attempt to resist the Nazi ideology then infecting German Christian churches.

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