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Showing 4,726 through 4,750 of 19,852 results

Buried Too Deep: An Aurelia Marcella Roman Mystery (Aurelia Marcella Roman Series #0)

by Jane Finnis

The spring of 98 AD is a time of optimism in the turbulent frontier province of Britannia. The season looks set fair for peace and prosperity, and business is brisk at Aurelia Marcella's inn on the road to York.But soon a wagon arrives bearing a local farmer seeking treatment for a grievous sword wound. Before the farmer dies, he tells Aurelia his family is in grave danger and hints that her sister's family, living near him, is also threatened. Aurelia sends for her twin brother Lucius, who is a government investigator. Together they head for the eastern coast to investigate and to check out a shipwreck bearing valuable official cargo. A band of piratical Gauls is working the area—are they cover for something worse?Then friction between native farmers and Roman settlers turns into open violence. Both sides resort to terrorist tactics, all building to a terrible climax at the annual festival for the sea god. Beneath it all flows a current of subtle, personal agendas....

Return to the Same City (Hector Belascoaran Shayne Detective Novels #0)

by Paco Ignacio Taibo II

Hector Belascoaran Shayne has danced with the dead. Luke Estrella does the rumba in white patent leather shoes. Together, they make the perfect pair to lead each other into an inferno under an azure Acapulco sky: a hell populated by mariachis and machine guns, incompetent bikini contest judges, and at least one killer who is closer to Hector than he thinks....

Concrete Desert: Return Of The Thin Man, Stealing The Dragon, Concrete Desert (David Mapstone Mysteries #1)

by Jon Talton

"Talton's summer mystery, a first novel, shows how fertile the desert can be as a mystery setting... A stunning debut." —Booklist STARRED reviewHaving recently lost his job as a history professor, David Mapstone returns to his boyhood home of Phoenix, Arizona, to find the city dramatically changed. It's now a haven for wealthy retirees and a seasonal retreat for West Coast "sophisticates," but pockets of his earlier life—some welcome, some not—remain. Mapstone eagerly accepts a temporary job from his old friend, Maricopa County Chief Deputy Mike Peralta: look into still-open cases and see if he can close any. He is settling into his new job when his college sweetheart appears at his door one evening. True to his memory of her, she is there because she wants something. Her sister is missing, and she wants Mapstone to look for her.Mapstone's search for the missing woman is quickly resolved when her body is discovered in the desert, but he is stunned to find the dead sister in circumstances identical to a sensational 40-year-old unsolved murder. Mapstone's dogged investigation of both murders bridges the chasm of clashing cultures, meshing his own long-ago memories with the tangled doings of newcomers and their acolytes, young women eager to share the lifestyle of tainted wealth, drugs, and careless violence.

Bullet Hole (Alan Saxon Mysteries #1)

by Keith Miles

In the world of championship golf, the stakes are high and passions run to match. And never more so than at the British Open Championship, particularly when it is played at Saint Andrews, venerable home of the game.For Alan Saxon, too long ago a champion and once again in top form, this is a crucial tournament, and he must carefully prepare himself. But his ritual is rudely interrupted by the appearance of a young, pretty golf groupie who starts by demanding a lift and ends up naked and dead in his bed.She is not the only casualty, and it fast becomes clear that someone wants Saxon out of the open. As the championship builds to its climax, at last Saxon thinks he knows who the killer is—but then he must decide: which hole is the bullet hole?

Chained: A Kate Turner, D. V. M. , Mystery (16pt Large Print Edition) (Kate Turner, DVM, Mysteries #3)

by Eileen Brady

"Brady's years of experience as a veterinarian supply plenty of amusing stories and helpful hints for animal owners while her complicated heroine investigates a tricky case." —Kirkus ReviewsEveryone in the charming Hudson Valley town of Oak Falls expected Flynn Keegan, their handsome blond "Golden Boy" to make it big in Hollywood. So when veterinarian Kate Turner identifies a bone dug up by one of her dog patients as human, no one thinks back ten years to remember Flynn. Until DNA and a smashed skull prove he was murdered.With few clues available to the forensic team, the grieving family begs Kate to investigate. His four closest friends plead ignorance. Neighbors and teachers remember the charismatic young man but offer no real help. Meanwhile, Kate is juggling her eccentric house call clients, a silly pot-bellied pig wedding and the sudden re-appearance of an old college boyfriend. Anthropologist Jeremy Engels, who returns like Indiana Jones from an African dig, is eager to rekindle their romance and offer his help. Together, they plan to crash Flynn's high school reunion, a re-creation of his senior prom, and interview his fellow students. Time isn't of the essence with a ten-year-old cold case. Right? Her Gramps is convinced the killer is long gone, just like the illegally captured brown bear she helped save, now roaming free in the woods. But Kate soon discovers that chains of love can be as strong as those made of steel—and some deadly secrets have put her next on the kill list.Kate Turner, DVM, Mysteries:Muzzled (Book 1)Unleashed (Book 2)Chained (Book 3)Penned (Book 4)Praise for Eileen Brady:"Here is a novel written with exacting authority, along with a frolicking sense of humor about life, animals, and the lengths to which someone will go to right a wrong, all while still maintaining a solid sense of tension and suspense." —JAMES ROLLINS, New York Times bestselling author for Muzzled"Brady's sophomore effort is an appealing mix of murder and medicine. Kate is an amiable heroine with lots of spunk. Not willing to leave well enough alone, she joins the list of cozy amateur sleuths such as Laura Childs's Theodosia Browning and Jane Cleland's Josie Prescott." —Library Journal for Unleashed"Veterinarian Brady imbues this page-turner with authentic details about a vet and the critters she treats." —Kirkus Reviews

Cattle Kate: A Novel

by Jana Bommersbach

"A fascinating and disturbing look at a very dark chapter in the annals of the American West."—C.J. BOX, New York Times bestselling authorCattle Kate is the only woman ever lynched as a cattle rustler. History called it "range land justice" when she was strung up in Wyoming Territory on July 20, 1889, tarring her as a dirty thief and a filthy whore. But history was wrong. It was all a lie.Her real name was Ella Watson. She wasn't a rustler. She wasn't a whore. And she'd never been called Cattle Kate until she was dead and they needed an excuse. She was really a 29-year-old immigrant homesteader, lynched with her husband by her rich and powerful cattle-baron neighbors who wanted her land and its precious water rights.Some people knew the truth from the start. Their voices were drowned out by the all-powerful Wyoming Stock Growers Association. And those who dared speak out—including the eyewitnesses to the hangings—either disappeared or mysteriously died. There was no one left to testify against the vigilantes when the case eventually came to trial. Her six killers walked away scot-free. But the legend was stronger than the truth. For over a century, newspapers, magazines, books—movies, too—spread her ugly legacy.Now, on the 125th anniversary of her murder, the real Ella comes alive in Cattle Kate to tell her heartbreaking story. Jana Bommersbach's debut novel bares a legend central to the western experience.

'n Kristal Engel

by Dawn Brower

’n Dronk belofte van verlowing het Thor se familie teen hom gedraai. Sal Thor Pia se vergifnis verdien en hulle weghardlopende kinders betyds vir Kersfees vind? Na 'n nag van kaarte en drinkery, was Thor se skeurende hoofpyn die minste van sy bekommernisse. Wanneer 'n boodskapper opdaag met 'n kontrak vir hom om te teken, ontdek sy vrou Pia hy het ingestem om hulle seun aan die graaf van Devon se dogter te verloof. Pia is verby woedend en eis dat hy dit regmaak—of anders. Nadat hulle die argument tussen hulle ouers gehoor het, besluit die tweeling Liam en Lily om weg te hardloop uit protes teen die kontrak. Thor en Pia gaan op soek na hulle opstandige kinders voordat iets verskrikliks met hulle gebeur. Sal Thor Pia oortuig om hom te vergewe en die tweeling voor Kersfees te vind, of sal hulle gesin vir altyd uitmekaar val?

Mi Ruina (Salvajes de la Mafia #1)

by Lu Aranha

Nada en mi vida es sencillo. Nunca lo ha sido. Solo que ahora el destino parece jugarme una mala pasada. Pasé años aislado, sin saber quién era, para ver cómo asesinaban a mi madre en la puerta de mi casa y descubrir de la forma más inesperadamente posible que mi padre es un mafioso italiano. No solo eso: quiere que mis dos hermanos y yo nos unamos a la "familia". Pero, como ya he dicho, nada en mi vida es sencillo, y una de sus exigencias es que me case con una mujer que más bien parece una monja. La familia Rossi está llena de secretos y tradiciones, pero yo soy Sage Wilder y nunca he sabido seguir las reglas...

O Segredo de Cynthia

by P. D. Workman

Um dia, a vida de Carmina Kavalcanti, uma adolescente de quinze anos, era perfeita; no outro, havia sido virada de cabeça para baixo. Sua família, sua casa, quase tudo que conhecia. Sozinha nas ruas, ela não podia confiar em ninguém, mas também não conseguiria seguir adiante sozinha. Nilo Corveira é o investigador do caso Kavalcanti. Ele sabe que precisa desvendar a teia de mentiras e encontrar Carmina o mais rápido possível; caso contrário, não haverá ninguém para salvar.  

Die skandalöse Witwe (Gotische Bräute #3)

by Erica Monroe

Ein Skandal erweist sich als tödlich in dieser Gothic Regency Romance... Lady Jemma Forster weiß nur zu gut, wie rücksichtslos Klatschbasen sein können. Sie hat ihr eigenes Glück geopfert, um den Ruf ihrer Familie wiederherzustellen. Ihre Vernunftehe mit einem wohlhabenden Earl bedeutete den Abschied von der Leidenschaft und jeder Chance auf Liebe mit dem schneidigen Gesetzeshüter, der ihre Seele entflammt hatte. Sie führt ein behäbiges, praktisches Leben als Gräfin von Wolverston. Bis ihr Mann ermordet wird und der einzige Mann, der seine Mörder zur Rechenschaft ziehen kann, ihre frühere Liebe ist. Der Bow Street Runner Gabriel Sinclair hat die letzten drei Jahre damit verbracht, die kluge, schöne Lady Jemma zu vergessen, die ihm das Herz brach, als sie seinen besten Freund heiratete. Der Tod des Earl of Wolverston bringt Gabriel und Jemma wieder zusammen, während sie daran arbeiten, seinen Mörder zu finden. Ihre Ermittlungen führen sie in die dunkelsten und gefährlichsten Gegenden Londons, wo die Bedrohung von allen Seiten kommt. Sie sind die perfekten Partner, um Verbrechen aufzuklären, aber können sie auch Partner in der Liebe sein?

Smoke and Shadows (Smoke #1)

by Tanya Huff

Tanya Huff, bestselling author of the Blood Price books, starts a new series where a street kid-turned-production assistant must juggle his vampire ex, a crush on a hot straight actor, and the potential end of the world…Working on a direct-to-syndication show about a vampire detective doesn’t much compare to Tony Foster’s past as an actual vampire’s lover. True, he’s still wrangling beautiful people with big egos and the power to crush him, but there are far fewer demons, and TV blood is just corn syrup.When shadows on set start moving independent of the people they’re supposed to be attached to, though, Tony can’t dismiss it as a trick of the light. Especially when he finds the beauty of the week dead in a locked dressing room. Before long, he’s discovered the head of the special effects department is an actual wizard, and brought in his ex, the vampire Henry Fitzroy, to help defend against an attack so terrifying survival seems unlikely. Tony will have to assist his butt off to give them anything like a chance. But being thrust into a spotlight doesn’t make him a hero…

El modelo para ganar dinero de ChatGPT para emprendedores: Descubra los secretos para monetizar ChatGPT y obtener ingresos masivos

by John Alexander

En la vertiginosa era digital, la clave del éxito reside en adoptar tecnologías de vanguardia. Prepárese para liberar el potencial del lenguaje y la inteligencia artificial con "Ganar dinero con Chat GPT". Esta guía indispensable le lleva en un viaje cautivador, revelando los secretos para aprovechar Chat GPT, el modelo de lenguaje avanzado de OpenAI, para la máxima generación de ingresos. Descubra su camino hacia los beneficios: Entre en el lucrativo mundo del trabajo autónomo y potencie sus habilidades con la destreza lingüística de Chat GPT. Destaque en el abarrotado mercado, presentando ofertas en proyectos que muestren su experiencia mejorada por la IA. Sea testigo de cómo sus ingresos se disparan a medida que se convierte en el experto al que acudir, ofreciendo resultados de primera categoría con el poder de la IA al alcance de su mano. Cree Chatbots irresistibles para el éxito: Revolucione la forma en que las empresas interactúan con los clientes mediante la creación de chatbots inteligentes. Vea cómo la automatización de la atención al cliente alcanza nuevas cotas a medida que Chat GPT proporciona respuestas rápidas y precisas. Genere confianza, gane lealtad y aumente los ingresos a medida que sus clientes experimentan una satisfacción sin precedentes. Libere su potencial de escritura: Eleve su juego de creación de contenido con Chat GPT como su asistente de escritura. Experimente la magia de generar entradas de blog convincentes, artículos cautivadores y descripciones de productos persuasivas. Atraiga a su audiencia como nunca antes, generando tráfico y conversiones mientras ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo. Conquiste el marketing en redes sociales: Llame la atención en las redes sociales con la delicadeza de Chat GPT. Lance exitosas campañas publicitarias, domine las publicaciones atractivas y cultive un seguimiento masivo. Vea cómo el alcance de su marca se expan

Envoûté par mon charmeur

by Dawn Brower

Au milieu du chaos et de l'incertitude, Zane et Callista pourront-ils découvrir l'un chez l'autre quelque chose qu'ils croyaient tous deux perdu pour eux ? Zane Rossington, le marquis de Seabrook est désillusionné et s'ennuie. Il ne croit pas à l’amour et vit sa vie comme il l’entend. Tout change lorsqu'il trouve une femme mystérieuse errant dans sa véranda lors de son bal masqué annuel sur le thème de la Régence. Lady Callista Lyon, la comtesse de Marin n'avait qu'un désir : se venger. En train d'atteindre enfin son objectif, elle est balayée sur une terrasse et se retrouve d'une manière ou d'une autre dans la véranda de Seabrook Manor. Incertaine si elle a réussi sa vengeance, mais déterminée à enfin passer à autre chose, elle fait de son mieux pour s'adapter à sa nouvelle vie. Au milieu du chaos et de l'incertitude, Zane et Callista pourront-ils découvrir l'un chez l'autre quelque chose qu'ils croyaient tous deux perdu pour eux ?

A Roubar o Coração do Trapaceiro (Trapaceiros das Espeluncas #4)

by Erica Monroe

Patifes, ladrões e rebeldes habitam as espeluncas — onde as mulheres são selvagens e os homens são perigosos. QUANDO UMA PRINCESA DO SUBMUNDO… A bonita e inocente Mina Mason teve uma vida sobre-protegida como a irmã do mais notado Lorde do Crime em Inglaterra. A fortuna da familia dela e expectativas mantém-na enjaulada, sem nunca poder dar voz aos seus verdadeiros desejos. Como beijar — e participar de muito mais escandalosos comportamentos com — Charlie Thatcher, o seu amigo de infância. Como um membro de uma quadrilha rival, Charlie está definitivamente fora dos limites. SE APAIXONA PELO HOMEM ERRADO… Charlie Thatcher sempre soube desde pequeno onde a sua lealdade devia estar: com os Ladrões de Chapman Street, que o salvaram de uma morte brutal num dos becos escuros das espeluncas de Ratcliffe. Como empregado do bar Três Javalis, ele protege os seus irmãos companheiros com a sua mente e os seus punhos. Mas quando um dos membros ameaça a segurança de Mina, os instintos primitivos e protectores de Charlie são testados — e a defesa dele por ela coloca ambos em perigo. A PAIXÃO PODE SER A RUINA DE AMBOS.

Rebel Skies (Rebel Skies)

by Ann Sei Lin

Ann Sei Lin's enchanting and action-packed debut, first in a series, will sweep readers away to an aerial world of magic, danger and political intrigue. Perfect for fans of Elizabeth Lim, Kalynn Bayron and the films of Studio Ghibli.Kurara has never known any other life than being a servant onboard the Midori, a flying ship serving the military elite of the Mikoshiman Empire, a vast realm of floating cities. Kurara also has a secret — she can make folded paper figures come to life with a flick of her finger. But when the Midori is attacked and Kurara's secret turns out to be a power treasured across the empire, a gut-wrenching escape leads her to the gruff Himura, who takes her under his wing. Under Himura's tutelage, and with the grudging support and friendship of his crew, Kurara learns to hunt shikigami — wild paper spirits sought after by the Princess of Mikoshima.But what does the princess really want with the shikigami? Are they merely enchanted figures without will or thought, or are they beings with souls and minds of their own? As fractures begin to appear both across the empire and within Kurara's understanding of herself, Kurara will have to decide who she can trust. Her fate, and the fate of her friends — and even the world — may rest on her choice. And time is running out.

Dynamics in Logistics: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference LDIC 2024, Bremen, Germany (Lecture Notes in Logistics)

by Michael Freitag Aseem Kinra Herbert Kotzab Nicole Megow

This book reports on interdisciplinary research and developments in logistics. It describes cutting-edge methods from business economics, operations research, computer science, and electrical and production engineering, applied to solve current problems in logistics. It includes empirical, theoretical, methodological, and practice-oriented contributions addressing the modeling, planning, optimization, and control of processes in supply chains, logistic networks, production systems, and material flow systems and facilities. Gathering peer-reviewed papers presented at the 9th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2024), held on February 14-16, 2024, in Bremen, Germany, and continuing the tradition of previous volumes, this book offers extensive information to both researchers and professionals in logistics. Moreover, it emphasizes current challenges such as those related to sustainable business development and digitalization, proposing novel, effective solutions to cope with current issues in different types of industry.

Data Science and Information Security: First International Artificial Intelligence Conference, IAIC 2023, Nanjing, China, November 25–27, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part II (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2059)

by Hai Jin Yi Pan Jianfeng Lu

This 3-volume set, CCIS 2058-2060 constitutes the First International Conference, on Artificial Intelligence, IAIC 2023, held in Nanjing, China, in November 2023. The 85 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 428 submissions. The papers are clustered in parts on: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; Data Security and information Security; Computer Networks and IoT. The papers present recent research and developments in artificial intelligence and its applications in machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and ethical considerations.

Entscheidungen in die weite Zukunft: Ungewissheiten bei der Entsorgung hochradioaktiver Abfälle (Energiepolitik und Klimaschutz. Energy Policy and Climate Protection)

by Anne Eckhardt Frank Becker Volker Mintzlaff Dirk Scheer Roman Seidl

In diesem Open-Access-Buch werden Wege aufgezeigt, mit verschiedenen Formen von Ungewissheiten und der Dynamik von Ungewissheiten bezüglich der Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle umzugehen. Die sichere Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle erfordert es, über Zeiträume von bis zu einer Million Jahre hinaus zu planen. Ein solches Vorhaben ist von erheblichen Ungewissheiten begleitet, die sich zudem auf dem Entsorgungsweg verändern. Dem Sammelband liegen inter- und transdisziplinäre Forschungsergebnisse zugrunde. Die Autor:innen sprechen in allgemein verständlicher Sprache eine breite Leserschaft an, die sich für die Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle oder grundlegender für den Umgang mit Vorhaben, die sehr langfristig angelegt sind, interessiert.

Mad Dog & Englishman: A Mad Dog And Englishman Mystery (Mad Dog & Englishman Series #6)

by J. M. Hayes

"A suspenseful tale, told from the title to the end with wit and warmth by a very talented writer." —Nancy Pickard, award-winning authorSummer in Benteen County, Kansas, is a season possessed of all the gentle subtlety of an act of war. Winter, of course, is no better, but remembrance of its frosts and blizzards and winds that begin to suck away your life before you walk a dozen steps has grown faint by the early hours of a Sunday morning in late June. While some try to sleep, and Sheriff English and his ex-wife try sex, the Reverend Peter Simms takes an early walk in the park and encounters someone counting coup. When the Sheriff's part-Cheyenne brother, Mad Dog, arrives to meditate, he finds the Reverend's mutilated corpse. Mad Dog is the obvious suspect and he begins to hang out in the town jail while Sheriff English widens his net. English picks up several suspicious characters, and an increasingly dark history for the Simms family. The case grows stormier, and so does the weather. As a tornado gathers to hurl its fury on the hapless town, the fury of the killer rises to meet it.

Serpents in Eden: Countryside Crimes (British Library Crime Classics #0)

by Edited by Martin Edwards

Mystery crime fiction written in the Golden Age of Murder'The lowest and vilest alleys in London do not present a more dreadful record of sin than does the smiling and beautiful countryside.... Think of the deeds of hellish cruelty, the hidden wickedness which may go on, year in, year out, in such places, and none the wiser.' —Sherlock HolmesMany of the greatest British crime writers have explored the possibilities of crime in the countryside in lively and ingenious short stories. Serpents in Eden celebrates the rural British mystery by bringing together an eclectic mix of crime stories written over half a century. From a tale of poison-pen letters tearing apart a village community to a macabre mystery by Arthur Conan Doyle, the stories collected here reveal the dark truths hidden in an assortment of rural paradises.Among the writers included here are such major figures as G. K. Chesterton and Margery Allingham, along with a host of lesser-known discoveries whose best stories are among the unsung riches of the golden age of British crime fiction between the two world wars.

Easy Errors: A Posadas County Mystery (Posadas County Mysteries #22)

by Steven F. Havill

"Put on the coffee pot, whip up a batch of muffins (yes, two recipes are included), and enjoy this thoroughly original tale. Strongly recommended for fans of offbeat mysteries." —Library Journal STARRED reviewOne day, Corinna Chapman, high profile accountant and banker, walked out on the money market and her dismissive and unpleasant husband James, threw aside her briefcase, and doffed her kitten heels forever. Now she is a baker with her own business, Earthly Delights, in Melbourne, Australia, living in an eccentric building on the Roman model called Insula with a lot of similarly eccentric people.She and her cat Horatio are quite content with this new life until a junkie falls half dead on her grate, a gorgeous sabra stalks along her alley telling her that she is beautiful, and threatening letters accusing her of being a scarlet woman begin to arrive. Then suddenly Goths, lost girls, fraud, late nights, nerds, and beautiful slaves complicate life for Corinna. And she still needs to get her bread out for the morning rush....

Unraveled (Texas Red River Mysteries #6)

by Reavis Z. Wortham

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, now streaming on Netflix, starring Essie Davis as the honourable Phryne Fisher"Among Phryne's pleasantly dashing adventures, this one stands out for its emphasis on sexual orientation and institutional coverups." —Kirkus Reviews STARRED reviewThe decidedly raven-haired Miss Phryne Fisher returns to delve deep into the dark side of Melbourne, Australia.It's 1929, and girls are going missing. Little, pretty golden-haired girls. And they're not just pretty. Three of them are pregnant, poor girls from the harsh confines of the Magdalene Laundry. People are getting nervous.Polly Kettle, a pushy, self-important girl reporter with ambition and no sense of self preservation, decides to investigate and promptly goes missing herself.It's time for Phryne and Dot to put a stop to this and find Polly Kettle before something quite irreparable happens to all of the missing girls. It's all piracy and dark cellars, convents and plots, murder and mystery...and Phryne finally finds out if it's true that blondes have more fun.

Murdering Ministers: An Oliver Swithin Mystery (Oliver Swithin Mysteries #2)

by Alan Beechey

""Academia (n.): a profession filled with bad food, knee-jerk liberalism, and murder... Being a member of the House of Lords and Mistress of St Marthas College in Cambridge might seem enough to keep anyone busy, but Baroness (Jack) Troutbeck likes new challenges. When a combination of weddings, work, and spookery deprives her of five of her closest allies, she leaps at an invitation to become a Distinguished Visiting Professor on an American campus. With her head full of romantic fantasies inspired by 1950s Hollywood, and accompanied by Horace, her loquacious and disconcerting parrot, this intellectually-rigorous right-winger sets off from England blissfully unaware that academia in the United States is dominated by knee-jerk liberalism, contempt for Western civilization, and the institutionalisation of a form of insane political-correctness. Will the bonne viveuse Baroness Troutbeck be able to cope with the culinary and vinous desert that is New Paddington, Indiana? Can this insensitive and tactless human battering-ram defeat the thought-police who run Freeman State University like a gulag? Does she believe the late Provost was murdered? If so, what should she do about it? And will she manage to persuade Robert Amisswho describes himself bitterly as Watson to her Holmes and Goodwin to her Nero Wolfeto abandon his honeymoon and fly to her side?

Sorrow Without End (Medieval Mysteries #3)

by Priscilla Royal

"Siger paints travelogue-worthy pictures of a breathtakingly beautiful—if politically corrupt—Greece." —Publishers Weekly STARRED reviewDid the warriors of ancient Sparta simply vanish without a trace along with their city, or did they find sanctuary at the tip of the mountainous Peloponnese? That stark, unforgiving region's roots today run deep with a history of pirates, highwaymen, and neighbors ferociously repelling any foreigner foolishly bent on occupying this part of Greece. Less well-recorded are the Mani's families' strict code of honor and their history of endless vendettas with neighbors and with their own relatives. No wonder their farms look like fortresses.When Special Crimes Division Detective Yiannis Kouros is summoned from Athens to the Mani by his uncle, Kouros fears his loyalty to his boss, Chief Inspector Andreas Kaldis, is about be to be tested by family pressure on the detective to act in some new vendetta, for this uncle once headed the Mani's most significant criminal enterprise. Instead, Kouros learns the family is about to become rich through the sale of its property—until the uncle is killed, and thus the deal. Acting swiftly to head off a new cycle of violence, Kouros satisfactorily solves the murder. Or so it seems until, back in Athens, Kaldis' probe into deeply entrenched government corruption leads straight back to the Mani. Both cops now confront a host of unexpected twists, unanticipated players, unanswered questions—and people yet to die.

Come Dark: A Posadas County Mystery (Posadas County Mysteries #21)

by Steven F. Havill

Next book in the Posadas County Mystery SeriesWhen a series of minor crimes culminate in murder, Undersheriff Estelle Reyes-Guzman will have to partner with a retired sheriff to get to the bottom of the casePosadas County, New Mexico, is in the news.NightZone, a mammoth astronomy theme park, is bringing in jobs, media, and much-needed new infrastructure. The property's recently been vandalized, but that's hardly a concern for the county. Plus, the Posadas High School girls' volleyball team is on a hot winning streak, exciting everyone.But more news, not good, breaks. Volleyball Coach Clint Scott has been found gunned-down by the high school, a bullet fired nearly point blank into his heart. A partially finished piece of graffiti outside the school implies that there is a witness, but law enforcement has no idea who it could be. And the next morning, a former volleyball star disappears without a trace—the two instances must be connected, but why?The lead on the murder is Undersheriff Estelle Reyes-Guzman, a "lady cop" who's earned the trust of Posadas County. Still, she calls on the retired small town sheriff, Bill Gastner to assist with the baffling investigation. They'll need to track a slippery witness and nab the killer before the town's panic spirals out of control or another person is hurt.When the murder of one of their own shakes up Posadas County, Undersheriff Estelle Reyes-Guzman takes on a series of baffling mysteries to make her town safe again.This acclaimed mystery series is:Perfect for fans of C.J. Box and Michael McGarrityFor readers who enjoy police procedurals and Southwest desert mysteries

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