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Showing 51 through 75 of 20,099 results

Industrial Dynamics and Firm Strategies in the Agrochemical Industry (SpringerBriefs in Economics)

by Gianluca Biggi

The Brief explores the relationship between industrial dynamics, business strategies, and environmental regulations in the agrochemical industry. Focusing on contested technologies that continue to be used despite evidence of their hazardous impacts, the book calls for investigating the potential hazards during the inventive phase of companies to anticipate future risks. Combining patent analysis with computational chemistry and toxicology, the author examines the toxicity of chemical inventions and the effectiveness of environmental regulations in curbing harmful products. The result is a comprehensive dataset that combines patent data with chemical structures, which provides valuable insights into firms' innovation strategies as well as their potential hazards. Underscoring the importance of effective regulation in addressing social and environmental challenges, this Brief will be of interest to researchers and practitioners at the intersection of numerous fields, including economic policy, industrial economics, agribusiness, management, life sciences, and sustainability.

Creativity in the Age of Digital Reproduction: xArch Symposium (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #343)

by Giancarlo Di Marco Davide Lombardi Mia Tedjosaputro

Inspired by this symposium we would like to rethink and provide an insight about the use of new technologies in architecture and design. The consideration spans over (but not limited to) computational design, virtual experience, digital fabrication, artificial intelligence and sustainability/environment. Readers of the proceedings will benefit from discussions on how adoption of new technologies can benefit the Construction Industry rather than just for the sake of leveraging new technologies. The book targets scholars and high-education level students, as well as Ph.D.s which research falls into the broad realm of digital design.

Industrial Color Physics (Springer Series in Optical Sciences #154)

by Georg A. Klein

Colors arise only in the brain, normally originating from electromagnetic waves from the outside world. This book is based on courses given by the author in the Department of Colors, Paints and Plastics at the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart and continued at the University of Applied Sciences in Esslingen, Germany. The development of color physics in industry began in the middle of the 19th century with the large-scale manufacturing of natural colors. Since that time, a great variety of new, especially synthetic, colorants have been produced in order to meet increasing demands for non-self-luminous colors with regard to color applications. The rapid progress in color physics and accompanying applications over the last three decades are the reasons for this work. Here, the fundamentals of color physics are outlined and the most important recent developments and applications in the color industry are discussed. 1 In comparison to the ?rst German edition, all chapters of the book have been revised and expanded with regard to effect pigments. After the introd- tory chapter, the optical fundamentals of absorbing and effect colorants are discussed. The exceptional spectral and colorimetric properties of effect p- ments are detailed in combination with further characterizing parameters. Color spaces are presented as well as the ef?ciency of recent color difference f- mulas. In addition to the normal spectral measuring methods for absorbing colorants, modi?ed procedures for effect colorations are outlined.

Textbook of Surgery of Larynx and Trachea

by Marc Remacle Hans Edmund Eckel

This comprehensive volume covers all the subspecialities of laryngology, from phonosurgery to cancer. Each surgical procedure is explained and well illustrated in a step-by-step manner. In addition, coverage evaluates different surgical methods such as endoscopic versus open surgery and the use of cold instrument versus laser so that the reader receives guidance for the use of these complimentary methods.

Krachten en kansen: Initiatieven voor vernieuwingin zorg en welzijn (Methodisch werken)

by M. van der Weijde-van der Helm L. Joanknecht S. Spinder A.J. van Hout R. van Pagee

Krachten en kansenHoe kunnen professionals, vrijwilligers en studenten in de sociale beroepen worden getraind om besluitvorming door de cliënt zelf, samenhang met zijn familie en sociele netwerk, een structurele plaats te geven in de methodiek? Dat is de vraag die central in dit doek. Om een antwoord te formuleren verkent krachten en kansen uiteenlopende onderwerpen als burgerschap, vraaggericht werken, empowerment, macht en zeggenschap, activering en professionalisering venuit het perspectief van het welzijnwerk.In het denken over sociale vernieuwing zijn autonomie’ en eigen verantwoordelijkheid’ op dit moment de kernbegrippen. Hulp en dienstverlenders worden in dit boek uitgedaagd om sociale kwesties op een andere manier te benaderen, en op zoek te gaan naar de kracht en kennis die aanwezing zijn in de samenleving, Aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden op verschillende terreinen (zoals sociale vernieuwing, gezinnen in armoede veilige school, cohesie in de buurt, opvang van ouderen, problemen in gezinnen) is er aandacht voor autonomie en ondersteuning venuit empowerment.

Marketing: Eine Einführung auf der Grundlage von Case Studies (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Gianfranco Walsh Alexander Deseniss Thomas Kilian

Dieses Lehrbuch richtet sich an alle, die sich fundiert in das Thema Marketing einarbeiten wollen, dabei aber nicht auf anschauliche Praxisbeispiele verzichten möchten. Das Buch führt grundlegend und systematisch in die Konzepte, Methoden und Abläufe des Marketing ein und bietet einen kompakten Überblick über das gesamte Stoffgebiet. Darüber hinaus enthält jedes Hauptkapitel eine aktuelle Fallstudie, die den Kapitelinhalt anschaulich auf ein Praxisbeispiel anwendet. Mit dieser Case-Study-Methode werden konkrete, managementbezogene Phänomene praxisnah beschrieben und problemorientiert analysiert. Neben den klassischen Lehrbuchinhalten (strategisches und operatives Marketing) enthält das Buch Kapitel zum Konsumentenverhalten und zu spezifischen Marketingbereichen wie Dienstleistungs- und Online-Marketing. Dozentenfolien, Kontrollaufgaben und Lösungshinweise finden sich als "Extras im Web".

American Economic Development since 1945: Growth, Decline and Rejuvenation (The Contemporary United States)

by S. Rosenberg

This clearly-written book provides an historical analysis of postwar economic development in the United States, helping the reader to understand the nation's current economic position. Samuel Rosenberg investigates three postwar phases: the creation of an institutional framework setting the stage for prosperity in the U.S. after World War II; the forces undermining this institutional framework and the resulting stagflation of the 1970s; and the recreation of a new institutional structure in the 1980s. Basic economic concepts are introduced and explained throughout and specific attention is paid to macroeconomic policy, industrial relations, the role of the U.S. in the world economy, social and labour policy, the structure of the labour force, and the distribution of income by race and gender.

Arbeitsmarkttheorien: Eine ökonomisch-juristische Einführung (Physica-Lehrbuch)

by Werner Sesselmeier Lothar Funk Bernd Waas

Das Lehrbuch bietet eine Einführung in die ökonomische und juristische Analyse der Institutionen und Abläufe auf dem Arbeitsmarkt sowie der Verhaltensweisen von Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern. Der Leser erhält einen Überblick über die vielfältigen mikroökonomischen Ansätze und die empirisch-sozialwissenschaftlich fundierten segmentationstheoretischen Erklärungsmodelle. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Rolle des Arbeitsrechts und die unterschiedlichen Einschätzungen von Ökonomie und Recht zu relevanten Sachverhalten gelegt. Indem auf mathematisch-modelltheoretische Darstellung weitgehend verzichtet wird, ermöglicht das Werk auch dem mit der mikroökonomischen Arbeitsweise weniger vertrauten Leser einen fundierten Einblick in die Funktionsweise von Arbeitsmärkten und wirtschaftspolitische Einflussmöglichkeiten. Durch gezielte Literaturhinweise zu den einzelnen Kapiteln erhält der interessierte Leser Ansatzpunkte für die weitergehende Beschäftigung mit dieser in der aktuellen Politik zentralen Thematik.

Video-interactiebegeleiding (Methodisch werken)

by A.I.T., OCK Het Spalier J.M. Dekker J. den Dekker

Dit basisboek gaat over video interactiebegeleiding (VIB), een methode die gebruik maakt van videobeelden en de principes van basiscommunicatie om de begeleiding van cliënten en professionals vorm te geven. De methode is breed inzetbaar en kan worden toegepast in jeugdhulpverlening, thuiszorg, gehandicaptenzorg, jeugdgezondheidszorg, maatschappelijk werk enzovoort.De auteurs belichten video interactiebegeleiding in al haar facetten en behandelen de uitgangspunten en de wijze waarop de videobeelden van interacties met behulp van basiscommunicatie worden geanalyseerd.De illustratieve praktijkverhalen in Video interactiebegeleiding maken duidelijk hoe VIB-ers de uitgangspunten van de VIB-theorie toepassen. Ter verduidelijking van de tekst zijn foto's opgenomen.Op de bij het boek behorende website wordt video-interactiebegeleiding in de praktijk zichtbaar maakt. Drie ouders en enkele pedagogische medewerkers laten zien dat - door gebruik van videobeelden bij de begeleiding - een betere afstemming tussen de gezinssituatie en de groepssituatie tot stand komt.

Cultural Memory and Popular Dance: Dancing to Remember, Dancing to Forget (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies)

by Clare Parfitt

This book focuses on the myriad ways that people collectively remember or forget shared pasts through popular dance. In dance classes, nightclubs, family celebrations, tourist performances, on television, film, music video and the internet, cultural memories are shared and transformed by dancing bodies adapting yesterday’s steps to today’s concerns. The book gathers emerging and seasoned scholarly voices from a wide range of geographical and disciplinary perspectives to discuss cultural remembering and forgetting in diverse popular dance contexts. The contributors ask: how are Afro-diasporic memories invoked in popular dance classes? How are popular dance genealogies manipulated and reclaimed? What is at stake for the nation in the nationalizing of folk and popular dances? And how does mediated dancing transmit memory as feelings or affects? The book reveals popular dance to be vital to cultural processes of remembering and forgetting, allowing participants to pivot between alternative pasts, presents and futures.

Thuisloosheid bij jongeren en volwassenen (Werken in SPH)

by M. Magnee Marijke van Bommel M.J. van Deutekom B. Fontaine A.J. Ravelli

Dit cahier gaat over jonge en volwassen thuislozen. De auteurs bespreken wie deze thuislozen zijn en hoe ze in die situatie zijn terechtgekomen. In de afgelopen decennia zijn allerlei voorzieningen voor thuislozen geïnitieerd. De huidige trend is om het gefragmentariseerde aanbod meer op elkaar af te stemmen en organisatorisch onder één noemer te brengen. Tegelijkertijd zijn er veranderingen aan de gang in de methodieken voor jongeren en volwassenen. Deze veranderingen zijn onder meer terug te vinden in de opleidingen voor hulpverleners en in de professionalisering van de zorg. Dit cahier biedt een beknopt overzicht van de stand van zaken.

Modern Development Paths of Agricultural Production: Trends and Innovations

by Volodymyr Nadykto

This book presents the latest trends and challenges in the development of general engineering and mechanical engineering in the agriculture and horticulture sectors.

ECDL Module 2: ECDL - the European PC standard (European Computer Driving Licence #2)

by David Penfold

••••••••• Preface This book is intended to help you successfully complete the test for Module 2 of the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL). However before we start working through the actual content of the guide you may find it useful to know a little bit more about the ECDL in general and where this particular Module fits into the overall framework. What Is The ECDL? The European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is a European-wide qualification that enables people to demonstrate their competence in computer skills. It certifies the candidate's knowledge and competence in personal computer usage at a basic level and is based upon a single agreed syllabus. This syllabus covers a range of specific knowledge areas and skill sets, which are broken down into seven modules. Each of the modules must be passed before the ECDL certificate can be awarded, though they may be taken in any order but must be completed within a three year period. Testing of candidates is at audited testing centres, and successful completion of the test will demonstrate the holder's basic knowledge and competence in using a personal computer and common computer applications. The implementation of the ECDL in the UK is being managed by the British Computer Society. It is growing at a tremendous rate and is set to become the most widely recognised qualification in the field of work-related computer use.

Logic Circuit Design: Selected Topics and Methods

by Shimon P. Vingron

The 2nd edition has been thoroughly revised and is intended as a wakeup call in the stagnant and dormant field of switching algebra and logic circuit design. It presents the material in a concise but thorough way. The topics selected are an in-depth presentation of switching algebra, a theory of memory circuits (sometimes called flop flops), a new approach to asynchronous circuits, and a newly added part presenting a unique programming technique (or language) for programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Be ready for the unorthodox and controversial.

The Dutch House: A Read with Jenna Pick

by Ann Patchett

Pulitzer Prize Finalist | New York Times Bestseller | A Read with Jenna Today Show Book Club Pick | A New York Times Book Review Notable Book | TIME Magazine's 100 Must-Read Books of the YearNamed one of the Best Books of the Year by NPR, The Washington Post; O: The Oprah Magazine, Real Simple, Good Housekeeping, Vogue, Refinery29, and BuzzfeedFrom Ann Patchett, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Commonwealth, comes a powerful, richly moving story that explores the indelible bond between two siblings, the house of their childhood, and a past that will not let them go. The Dutch House is the story of a paradise lost, a tour de force that digs deeply into questions of inheritance, love and forgiveness, of how we want to see ourselves and of who we really are.At the end of the Second World War, Cyril Conroy combines luck and a single canny investment to begin an enormous real estate empire, propelling his family from poverty to enormous wealth. His first order of business is to buy the Dutch House, a lavish estate in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia. Meant as a surprise for his wife, the house sets in motion the undoing of everyone he loves.The story is told by Cyril’s son Danny, as he and his older sister, the brilliantly acerbic and self-assured Maeve, are exiled from the house where they grew up by their stepmother. The two wealthy siblings are thrown back into the poverty their parents had escaped from and find that all they have to count on is one another. It is this unshakeable bond between them that both saves their lives and thwarts their futures.Set over the course of five decades, The Dutch House is a dark fairy tale about two smart people who cannot overcome their past. Despite every outward sign of success, Danny and Maeve are only truly comfortable when they’re together. Throughout their lives they return to the well-worn story of what they’ve lost with humor and rage. But when at last they’re forced to confront the people who left them behind, the relationship between an indulged brother and his ever-protective sister is finally tested.

Whisky Business: A Novel

by Elliot Fletcher

Opposites attract when a fish-out-of-water actress and a grumpy Scottish whisky distiller are forced to work together to save the business they both love.As a child, April Sinclair dreamt of escaping her quiet island life to become a world-famous actress. Now fully grown and with her once-flourishing career at an all-time low, what better way to figure out where it all went wrong than to go back to the beginning? April has her sights set on a new challenge, and that is saving her family’s distillery on the idyllic Scottish Isle of Skye. What she doesn’t expect to find is Malcolm Macabe, short-tempered and exceedingly attractive, living in the home she has just inherited. He may be a million miles away from the shy teenager she knew growing up, but one thing is for certain: he doesn’t want her around anymore.Master distiller Mal has three loves in his life: whisky, his dog, and silence. He has no time for the pampered princess poking her nose around his distillery, even if said princess is the one who got away. More comfortable in the shadows than the spotlight, Mal is content to wait her out. She’ll grow bored and run back to her glamorous world of nail salons and takeaway coffee eventually. When sparks begin to fly, he tells himself it doesn’t matter… because April Sinclair could never want a man like him, right?

The Survivors of the Clotilda: The Lost Stories of the Last Captives of the American Slave Trade

by Hannah Durkin

Joining the ranks of Rebecca Skloot’s The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and Zora Neale Hurston’s rediscovered classic Barracoon, an immersive and revelatory history of the Clotilda, the last slave ship to land on US soil, told through the stories of its survivors—the last documented survivors of any slave ship—whose lives diverged and intersected in profound ways.The Clotilda, the last slave ship to land on American soil, docked in Mobile Bay, Alabama, in July 1860—more than half a century after the passage of a federal law banning the importation of captive Africans, and nine months before the beginning of the Civil War. The last of its survivors lived well into the twentieth century. They were the last witnesses to the final act of a terrible and significant period in world history.In this epic work, Dr. Hannah Durkin tells the stories of the Clotilda’s 110 captives, drawing on her intensive archival, historical, and sociological research. The Survivors of the Clotilda follows their lives from their kidnappings in what is modern-day Nigeria through a terrifying 45-day journey across the Middle Passage; from the subsequent sale of the ship’s 103 surviving children and young people into slavery across Alabama to the dawn of the Civil Rights movement in Selma; from the foundation of an all-Black African Town (later Africatown) in Northern Mobile—an inspiration for writers of the Harlem Renaissance, including Zora Neale Hurston—to the foundation of the quilting community of Gee’s Bend—a Black artistic circle whose cultural influence remains enormous.An astonishing, deeply compelling tapestry of history, biography, and social commentary, The Survivors of the Clotilda is a tour de force that deepens our knowledge and understanding of the Black experience and of America and its tragic past. The Survivors of the Clotilda includes 30 artworks and photographs.

Extraordinary Wing Women: True Stories of Life-Altering, World-Changing Sisterhood

by Kimothy Joy

A beautifully illustrated gift book celebrating the beauty, power, and joy of female friendship. Wingman: a pilot who flies behind and outside the leader of a flying formation.While researching her first book, That’s What She Said, Kimothy Joy discovered that the famous women she was profiling were not alone in their success. Each of them were propelled forward by a supporter—a wing woman—a sister, a mom, a best friend, a close confidant. The remarkable partnerships they shared were as multifaceted and complex as the individual women themselves. Extraordinary Wing Women is Joy’s tribute to the importance of female camaraderie. This collection features 33 stories, each varying in length, accompanied by watercolor portraits, illustrations, and hand-lettered quotes. Some will be familiar power duos—Oprah and Gayle, Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan, Venus and Serena Williams. Others are less known though just as inspiring such as the friendship of Julia Child and her editor Avis DeVoto, Junko Tabei and her all-women mountaineering team, and the Mariposas—the Mirabel sisters who overthrew a dictator in the Dominican Republic. The women featured are from across the world and from diverse periods of history. They are activists, artists, scientists, politicians, athletes, musicians, writers, and more—role models for every woman.Joy dedicates Extraordinary Wing Women to the generations of women who are dismantling the myth that we must compete with one another to pursue and achieve our dreams. History and fiction have shown that we are stronger when we support one another. Joy hopes to inspire and teach us that we, too, have our own wings and can soar higher than ever before with our wing women beside us.The book includes a blank spread at the end which readers can use to honor the Extraordinary Wing Woman in their own lives by writing or drawing their own tribute story.

How to Solve Real-world Optimization Problems: From Theory to Practice (SpringerBriefs in Operations Research)

by Eugene J. Zak

Written by an experienced operations research practitioner with a strong applied mathematics background, this book offers practical insights into how to approach optimization problems, how to develop intelligent and efficient mathematical models and algorithms, and how to implement and deliver software products to customers. With a focus on revealing the similarities and differences between academia and industry in mathematical modeling, the book provides useful tips and advice based on the author’s extensive experience as a principal developer working to solve real-world optimization problems for several major high-tech companies.The book offers valuable food for thought for researchers and practical guidance for graduate students preparing for their future projects in the industry. It is also an essential resource for practitioners working in the industrial, business, and service sectors.

Interkulturelle Kompetenz online vermitteln (Key Competences for Higher Education and Employability)

by Gundula Gwenn Hiller Ulrike Zillmer-Tantan Reema Fattohi

Bei interkulturellen Trainings geht es um den Erwerb des kommunikativen Handlungswissens sowie die Arbeit an der inneren Haltung. Voraussetzungen dafür sind eine vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre und Interaktion. Wie lässt sich das online umsetzen? Dieses Buch liefert darauf Antworten, in 3 Teilen:• Theoretische Grundlagen vermitteln didaktische Prinzipen • Praxisberichte inspirieren zur Umsetzung innovativer Lehr-Lernkonzepte, und • Eine praxiserprobte Methoden-Sammlung von über 50 Trainer*innen liefert eine breite Auswahl an Tools für interkulturelles Lernen. Trainer*innen und Lehrende finden hier solides handwerkliches Wissen mit konkreten Umsetzungstipps.

Theranostic Applications of Nanotechnology in Neurological Disorders

by Akash Gautam Vishal Chaudhary

This book comprehensively reviews the theranostic applications of nanomaterials against various neurological disorders. The initial chapters briefly introduce various neurological disorders, their molecular mechanism, available treatments, and the latest research. It further reviews the challenges associated with the current theranostics strategies, including blood-brain-barrier. This book examines the synthesis of nanoparticles, development of efficient biosensors, fabrication of nanomaterials, diagnosis through nano-chips, and their interaction with neuronal cells. The chapter also discusses the various nanoformulations or nanocarriers of natural therapeutics, including herbal products, peptides, nootropics, and dietary supplements used to prevent and delay neurological disorders. Additionally, the book provides information on the commonly used molecular imaging tools and biosensors, using different nanomaterials for the early detection of neurological disorders. Towards the end,the book covers the imaging techniques like gold nanocages and photoacoustic imaging for diagnosing and targeted drug delivery for neurological disorders. The chapter presents the current challenges in using nanotechnology for neurological disorders and their potential solutions.

Organisation: Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung. Mit Fallstudien (Veröffentlichungen Des Instituts Für Deutsches, Europäisches Und Internationales Medizinrecht, Gesundheitsrecht Und Bioethik Der Universitäten Heidelberg Und Mannheim Ser. #25)

by Georg Schreyögg Daniel Geiger

​Didaktisch gekonnt aufbereitet stellen Georg Schreyögg und Daniel Geiger Konzepte und Methoden zum Verständnis der Probleme der Organisationsgestaltung und zur Entwicklung fundierter Lösungen vor. Zahlreiche aktuelle Fallbeispiele illustrieren die Ansätze und regen zur praktischen Anwendung des theoretischen Wissens an. Diskussionsfragen dienen der Vertiefung des Gelernten.Für die siebte Auflage wurde das Lehrbuch aktualisiert und gestrafft, die Reihenfolge der Kapitel wurde umgestellt, die didaktisch bewährte Grundkonzeption wurde jedoch erhalten.

Interior Design: Conceptual Basis

by Anthony Sully

This book introduces interior design as a conceptual way of thinking, which is about ideas and how they are formulated. Now in its second edition, the book is enlarged to include topical subjects such as artificial intelligence, sustainability and climate change. The book prepares designers to focus on each concept independently as much as possible, whilst acknowledging relative connections without unwarranted influences unfairly dictating a conceptual bias, and is about that part of the design process called conceptual analysis. The major themes of this second edition of Interior Design: Conceptual Basis are the seven concepts of planning, circulation, 3D, construction, materials, colour and lighting, which cover the entire spectrum of a designer’s activity. It is assumed that the site, location, building and orientation as well as the client’s brief of activities and needs have been digested and analysed to provide the data upon which the design process can begin. Designed as a highly visual illustrative book, as the interior design medium demands, the hands-on creative process of designing is detailed with original drawn illustrations. Concentrating on the conceptual process of designing interiors, and defining what these concepts are, this book helps the designer to organise his/her process of designing and to sharpen the links between the various skill bases necessary to do the job. This book is stimulating for students and instructors alike and is aimed at any student who maybe majoring in interior design, interior architecture, architecture, design thinking or furniture design. It is also useful reference for students of design management and design leadership.

Tracing Private Conversations in Early Modern Europe: Talking in Everyday Life

by Johannes Ljungberg Natacha Klein Käfer

This open access book provides a multifold exploration of how people in early modern Europe understood, conducted, and actively used private conversations. From sharing personal matters to discussing delicate secrets, all layers of early modern society had their motives for wanting to keep certain exchanges out of public eyes and ears, and ways of trying to achieve this. Detecting such instances in historical sources typically becomes a complex pursuit, full of subtle references that require creative approaches, especially when it comes to more informal practices. Yet, in a reading against the grain, different sources can offer us hints of how conversations took place in private. The book consists of a historiographical and methodological introduction to the study of private conversations, followed by ten case studies from a variety of cities, villages, and countryside across early modern Europe. The concluding epilogue suggests some pathways to further explore the terrain of how people have talked in private in past societies.

Ethics and Human Resource Development: Societal and Organizational Contexts

by Darlene F. Russ-Eft Amin Alizadeh

This book adds to the debate around HRD and ethical dimensions in the workplace, evaluating the micro and macro environments and their role in designing a moral organizational culture. It assesses contemporary issues such as CSR and DEI and culture and their impact on the organization and employees. Examining the definition, purpose, and scope of ethics applied in HRD, this book will offer readers an in-depth understanding of current and future ethical challenges in the workplace and in society. It will provide theoretical and practical knowledge for creating and sustaining ethical climates in organizations.

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