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The Equity Expression: Six Entry Points for Nonnegotiable Academic Success

by Fenesha Hubbard

Create space for equity conversations that empower Equity work is not a destination, but a journey. Equity work is nuanced and often difficult to discuss. In The Equity Expression, Hubbard creates space for equity conversations and empowers practitioners to be equity change agents. Built around the framework of six entry points—systems, mindsets, relationships, products, spaces, and processes—this guide serves as a tool for deliberate and productive planning for equitable change. Reaching into the deepest layers of self to identify personal beliefs, practitioners can use this book to tackle hard truths and challenge themselves to do better. This book provides a fresh take on dissecting equity with a lens to positively impact all students, including Concrete sequential steps to work towards solutions A set of tools to identify problems of practice and establish implementation plans through the six entry points for equity Reflection questions to help educators turn findings into actionable plans For those committed to helping students succeed, the steps outlined in this book provide meaningful solutions to embed equity into every learning culture.

Systems, Smart Technologies and Innovation for Society: Proceedings of CITIS´2023, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #870)

by Juan Pablo Salgado-Guerrero Hector Rene Vega-Carrillo Gonzalo García-Fernández Vladimir Robles-Bykbaev

This book is dedicated to exploring the practical applications and future perspectives of intelligent technologies. It delves into various domains, including industry, mobility, telecommunications, and environmental considerations.The innovative nature of this text enables us to draw connections between technical advancements and experiences aimed at enhancing the integration of emerging technologies on local, national, and regional scales. It showcases the strides made in diverse engineering domains, underlining the book’s multidisciplinary appeal. This book is intended for a wide readership, catering to master's and doctoral students, professors, and researchers in the field of cutting-edge technologies. It also extends its relevance to businesses engaged in engineering development. The contents offer insights into novel methodologies, real-world case studies, and innovative techniques designed to optimize systems, ultimately contributing to societal progress.

Chatbot Research and Design: 7th International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2023, Oslo, Norway, November 22–23, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14524)

by Asbjørn Følstad Theo Araujo Symeon Papadopoulos Effie L.-C. Law Ewa Luger Morten Goodwin Sebastian Hobert Petter Bae Brandtzaeg

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Chatbot Research and Design, CONVERSATIONS 2023, which was held during November 2023.The 12 regular papers were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. They were organized in following topical sections: Understanding and Enhancing Conversational Interactions, LLM-driven Conversational Design and Analysis, Ethical Perspectives and Bias, Complementing Perspectives.

Brexit and the European Insurance Market: An empirical Analysis of the Impact on the Structure of the European Insurance Market, Stock Market Reactions and the Solvency II Supervisory Regime (Business, Economics, and Law)

by Antonia Müller

With the Brexit referendum more than 50% of the British population voted in favour of the UK leaving the EU. Since that event, much speculation has been about Brexit impact on the global economy, also affecting the insurance market. Existing papers and literature indicate potential significant Brexit implications on the structure of the European insurance market due to the loss of the European Passport, the European Solvency II supervisory regime, as well as on stock prices of insurance companies based in the EU and UK, but so far there is no holistic view on this topic. The dissertation aims to bring together the fragmentary information on Brexit implications for the European insurance market, develop methodological approaches further, conduct new analyses, and reflect a holistic picture of the impact of Brexit on the European insurance market, focusing on the structure of the European insurance market, stock market reactions and the Solvency II supervisory regime.

Green Hydrogen in Power Systems (Green Energy and Technology)

by Vahid Vahidinasab Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo Jeng Shiun Lim

​Green Hydrogen in Power Systems examines state-of-the-art applications and the latest developments in technology, protocols, implementation, and application of green hydrogen in power and energy systems. The first book to comprehensively analyze the opportunities and challenges in this field, it brings together global experts from different disciplines to provide a comprehensive study of the role of green hydrogen in power systems of the future and its important role in energy evolution and decarbonization efforts around the world. The book is a multidisciplinary reference for researchers and industry stakeholders who have focused on the field of hydrogen integration into the power and energy systems, as well as researchers and developers from different branches of engineering, energy, computer sciences, data, economic, and operation research fields.

The Centenary of the Irish Free State Constitution: Constituting a Polity? (Palgrave Modern Legal History)

by Laura Cahillane Donal K. Coffey

This book deals with the role, development, and legacy of the first Constitution of independent Ireland within the wider context of the establishment of the State. After decades of relative neglect, the 1920s have been receiving increased attention from historians recently thanks to the centenary of the State’s foundation. This book continues this trend of re-examination of this period and looks at key themes, such as the establishment of institutions under the Irish Free State Constitution and the focus on the ideals of popular sovereignty and democracy. It does so from novel and cross-disciplinary perspectives, and it also looks at areas which have received little to no previous attention; from individual aspects like property rights, the Irish language and environmental rights to aspects such as opposition and partition.

Health Data Management: Schlüsselfaktor für erfolgreiche Krankenhäuser

by Viola Henke Gregor Hülsken Henning Schneider Julian Varghese

Neben der Einführung und Umsetzung einer Digitalstrategie spielt die ganzheitliche Verwaltung und Organisation von Gesundheitsdaten eine essenzielle Rolle für den Erfolg bei der digitalen Transformation in Krankenhäusern – kurz: ein professionelles Health Data Management (HDM).Dieses Buch widmet sich dieser Herausforderung, indem es in zahlreichen Expertenbeiträgen die dafür notwendigen Handlungsfelder aufzeigt – sie reichen von der Informationsstruktur und -architektur über die Datenerfassung und den interoperablen Datenaustausch bis hin zur Datenanalyse mit Künstlicher Intelligenz, Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit. Anhand von Praxisbeispielen werden Bedeutung, Chancen, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze des Health Data Managements erläutert und konkrete Umsetzungsempfehlungen für den Wissenstransfer in den Klinikalltag gegeben.Die technischen Faktoren sollten bei der Planung und Umsetzung des HDM idealerweise durch „weiche“ Faktoren ergänzt werden, wie Unternehmenskultur, Führungsqualität und Mitarbeitermotivation, damit die Interaktion zwischen Mensch, Technologie, Prozessen und Kultur bei der digitalen Transformation im Krankenhaus gelingen kann. Nur so können Arbeitsabläufe verbessert, die Patientenversorgung optimiert, Prozesse vereinfacht, Diagnosen zielgenauer, Pflegekräfte und Ärzte entlastet und das Krankenhaus als Ganzes effizienter und wirtschaftlicher werden. Ein Blick in die Gesundheitssysteme anderer Länder und ihre Datenstrategien rundet dieses Buch ab.Health Data Management ist nicht nur ein technisches, sondern vielmehr ein gesellschaftliches Projekt mit dem Potenzial, das Gesundheitswesen grundlegend zu verändern und die Versorgung der Patienten auf ein neues und nachhaltiges Level zu heben.

Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen erfolgreich initiieren und gestalten: Psychologische Perspektiven und Handlungsempfehlungen für Manager:innen (essentials)

by Paula Maria Bögel

Die aktuellen Geschehnisse zeigen, dass eine rasche und entschiedene Wende hin zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung unumgänglich ist, wenn wir uns und unseren Planeten retten wollen. Gerade Unternehmen können hier einen großen Beitrag leisten. Trotzdem kommen wir oft nicht ins Handeln oder es fehlen die Mitstreiter:innen im Unternehmen. Das essential stellt die wichtigsten Strategien für eine erfolgreiche Veränderung hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit vor und zeigt, wie Mitstreiter:innen für diese Transformation gewonnen werden. Es geht konkret der Frage nach, was wir aus der Psychologie für die Nachhaltigkeitstransformation lernen können. So werden psychologische Theorien verständlich vorgestellt, inspirierende Fallbeispiele gezeigt und konkrete Impulse für die Umsetzung im eigenen Unternehmen (und privatem Umfeld) gegeben.

Klinische und psychologische Perspektiven des Foulspiels

by Stephen J. Morewitz

Dieses Buch untersucht ein breites Spektrum von Faktoren, die Einfluss darauf haben können, wie die Polizei das Fremdverschulden in möglichen Mordfällen und bei anderen möglichen Verbrechen feststellt. Es wird eine neue Theorie der Unsicherheit auf der Mikro-, Meso- und Makroebene entwickelt, um zu erklären, wie Juristen zu dieser Entscheidung gelangen. Insbesondere wird untersucht, inwieweit die Unsicherheit in diesen Situationen durch die Medienberichterstattung, den Druck der Familie und der Gemeinschaft, sozioökonomische Faktoren, demografische Elemente der Opfer sowie das Wissen und die Ressourcen der Polizei beeinflusst werden kann. Dieses Buch beschreibt, wie forensische Fachleute die Strafverfolgungsbehörden in Fragen wie der Inszenierung von Tatorten zur Verschleierung des Vorsatzes, der Einleitung von Gemeinschaftsstrategien zur Suche nach vermissten Personen und der Zuverlässigkeit von Verhaltensprofilen beraten können. Die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Foul Play Project und dem Missing Persons Project werden herangezogen, um die Empfehlungen in diesem Buch zu untermauern und den Weg für weitere Forschungen in diesem Bereich zu weisen.

IT Crisisology Models: Object-Based Optimization for Sustainable Development (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #381)

by Sergey V. Zykov

The book focuses on modeling real-world crisis management in digital product development. This includes models and methods for forecasting, responding, and agile engineering/managing for sustainable product development. This book suggests an approach that contains principles, formal models, and semi-formal practice-oriented methods, patterns and techniques to efficiently manage these crises and provide sustainable development. The book also introduces a set of principles, models, and methods for sustainable management as a blend, the components of which have been carefully selected from a few domains adjacent to digital production such as IT-intensive operation, human resource management, and knowledge engineering, to name a few. The key ingredients of this crisis management framework include smart data modeling, trade-off optimizing, agile product controlling, and knowledge transferring.

Sullivanesque: Urban Architecture and Ornamentation

by Ronald E. Schmitt

Sullivanesque offers a visual and historical tour of a unique but often overlooked facet of modern American architecture derived from Louis Sullivan.Highly regarded in architecture for inspiring the Chicago School and the Prairie School, Sullivan was an unwilling instigator of the method of facade composition--later influenced by Frank Lloyd Wright, William Gray Purcell, and George G. Elmslie--that came to be known as Sullivanesque. Decorative enhancements with botanical and animal themes, Sullivan's distinctive ornamentation mitigated the hard geometries of the large buildings he designed, coinciding with his "form follows function" aesthetic.Sullivan's designs offered solutions to problems presented by new types and scales of buildings. Widely popular, they were also widely copied, and the style proliferated due to a number of Chicago-based interests, including the Radford Architectural Company and several decorative plaster and terra-cotta companies. Stock replicas of Sullivan's designs manufactured by the Midland Terra Cotta Company and others gave distinction and focus to utilitarian buildings in Chicago's commercial strips and other confined areas, such as the downtown districts of smaller towns. Mass-produced Sullivanesque terra cotta endured as a result of its combined economic and aesthetic appeal, blending the sophistication of high architectural art with the pragmatic functionality of building design.Masterfully framed by the author's photographs of Sullivanesque buildings in Chicago and throughout the Midwest, Ronald E. Schmitt's in-depth exploration of the Sullivanesque tells the story of its evolution from Sullivan's intellectual and aesthetic foundations to its place as a form of commercial vernacular. The book also includes an inventory of Sullivanesque buildings.Honorable Mention recipient of the 2002 PSP Awards for Excellence in Professional/Scholarly Publishing

Give 'Em Soul, Richard!: Race, Radio, and Rhythm and Blues in Chicago

by Richard E. Stamz

As either observer or participant, radio deejay and political activist Richard E. Stamz witnessed every significant period in the history of blues and jazz in the last century. From performing first-hand as a minstrel in the 1920s to broadcasting Negro League baseball games in a converted 1934 Chrysler to breaking into Chicago radio and activist politics and hosting his own television variety show, the remarkable story of his life also is a window into milestones of African American history throughout the twentieth century. Dominating the airwaves with his radio show "Open the Door, Richard" on WGES in Chicago, Stamz cultivated friendships with countless music legends, including Willie Dixon, Sonny Boy Williamson, Little Walter, Howlin' Wolf, Memphis Slim, and Leonard Chess. The pioneering Chicago broadcaster and activist known as "The Crown Prince of Soul" died in 2007 at the age of 101, but not before he related the details of his life and career to college professor Patrick A. Roberts. Give 'Em Soul, Richard! surrounds Stamz's memories of race records, juke joints, and political action in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood with insights on the larger historical trends that were unfolding around him in radio and American history. Narrated by Stamz, this entertaining and insightful chronicle includes commentary by Roberts as well as reflections on the unlikely friendship and collaboration between a black radio legend and a white academic that resulted in one of the few existing first-hand accounts of Chicago's post-war radio scene.

Counterfeiting Labor's Voice: William A. A. Carsey and the Shaping of American Reform Politics (Working Class in American History)

by Mark A. Lause

Confidence man and canny operative, charlatan and manipulator--William A. A. Carsey emerged from the shadow of Tammany Hall to build a career undermining working-class political organizations on behalf of the Democratic Party. Mark A. Lause’s biography of Carsey takes readers inside the bare-knuckle era of Gilded Age politics. An astroturfing trailblazer and master of dirty tricks, Carsey fit perfectly into a Democratic Party that based much of its post-Civil War revival on shattering third parties and gathering up the pieces. Lause provides an in-depth look at Carsey’s tactics and successes against the backdrop of enormous changes in political life. As Carsey used a carefully crafted public persona to burrow into unsuspecting organizations, the forces he represented worked to create a political system that turned voters into disengaged civic consumers and cemented America’s ever-fractious two-party system.

The Music of Bill Monroe (Music in American Life)

by Neil V. Rosenberg Charles K. Wolfe

Spanning over 1,000 separate performances, The Music of Bill Monroe presents a complete chronological list of all of Bill Monroe’s commercially released sound and visual recordings. Each chapter begins with a narrative describing Monroe’s life and career at that point, bringing in producers, sidemen, and others as they become part of the story. The narratives read like a “who’s who” of bluegrass, connecting Monroe to the music’s larger history and containing many fascinating stories. The second part of each chapter presents the discography. Information here includes the session’s place, date, time, and producer; master/matrix numbers, song/tune titles, composer credits, personnel, instruments, and vocals; and catalog/release numbers and reissue data. The only complete bio-discography of this American musical icon, The Music of Bill Monroe is the starting point for any study of Monroe’s contributions as a composer, interpreter, and performer.

Music and Cultural Rights

by Nimrod Baranovitch Adriana Helbig Javier F León Ana María Ochoa Silvia Ramos Helen Rees Felicia Sandler Amy Ku'Uleialoha Stillman Ricardo D Trimillos Andrew N. Weintraub Bell Yung

Framing timely and pressing questions concerning music and cultural rights, this collection illustrates the ways in which music--as a cultural practice, a commercial product, and an aesthetic form--has become enmeshed in debates about human rights, international law, and struggles for social justice. The essays in this volume examine how interpretations of cultural rights vary across societies; how definitions of rights have evolved; and how rights have been invoked in relation to social struggles over cultural access, use, representation, and ownership. The individual case studies, many of them based on ethnographic field research, demonstrate how musical aspects of cultural rights play out in specific cultural contexts, including the Philippines, China, Hawaii, Peru, Ukraine, and Brazil. Contributors are Nimrod Baranovitch, Adriana Helbig, Javier F. Leon, Ana María Ochoa, Silvia Ramos, Helen Rees, Felicia Sandler, Amy Ku'uleialoha Stillman, Ricardo D. Trimillos, Andrew N. Weintraub, and Bell Yung.

Process Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Based on Multivariable Statistical Analysis (Engineering Applications of Computational Methods #19)

by Xiangyu Kong Jiayu Luo Xiaowei Feng

This book reports the developments of the Total Least Square (TLS) algorithms for parameter estimation and adaptive filtering. Specifically, this book introduces the authors’ latest achievements in the past 20 years, including the recursive TLS algorithms, the approximate inverse power iteration TLS algorithm, the neural based MCA algorithm, the neural based SVD algorithm, the neural based TLS algorithm, the TLS algorithms under non-Gaussian noises, performance analysis methods of TLS algorithms, etc. In order to faster the understanding and mastering of the new methods provided by this book for readers, before presenting each new method in each chapter, a specialized section is provided to review the closely related several basis models. Throughout the book, large of procedure of new methods are provided, and all new algorithms or methods proposed by us are tested and verified by numerical simulations or actual engineering applications. Readers will find illustrative demonstration examples on a range of industrial processes to study. Readers will find out the present deficiency and recent developments of the TLS parameter estimation fields, and learn from the the authors’ latest achievements or new methods around the practical industrial needs. In my opinion, this book can be assimilated by advanced undergraduates and graduate (PH.D.) students, as well as statisticians, because of the new tools in data analysis, applied mathematics experts, because of the novel theories and techniques that we propose, engineers, above all for the applications in control, system identification, computer vision, and signal processing.

Recent Research on Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geophysics and Earthquake Seismology: Proceedings of the 1st MedGU, Istanbul 2021 (Volume 3) (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)

by Attila Çiner Zeynal Abiddin Ergüler Mourad Bezzeghoud Mustafa Ustuner Mehdi Eshagh Hesham El-Askary Arkoprovo Biswas Luca Gasperini Klaus-Günter Hinzen Murat Karakus Cesare Comina Ali Karrech Alina Polonia Helder I. Chaminé

This edited book is based on the accepted papers for presentation at the 1st MedGU Annual Meeting, Istanbul, 2021. With five parts spanning a large spectrum of geological, geotechnical, and geophysical topics, this book presents a series of newest research studies that are nowadays relevant to Middle East, Mediterranean region, and Africa.The book includes the latest research studies on seismic hazard and risk assessment, earthquake geodesy, seismotectonics, archaeoseismology and active faulting, well logging methods, geodesy and exploration/theoretical geophysics, geological engineering, geotechnical engineering and geoenvironment, geo-informatics, remote sensing and geohazards, basement architecture and potential data, and numerical and analytical methods in mining sciences and geomechanics.

New Approaches to CSR, Sustainability and Accountability, Volume V (Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application)

by Kıymet Tunca Çalıyurt

This book continues the discussion from the first four volumes on the challenges that organizations face in order to implement sustainability, ethics, and effective corporate governance, all of which are important elements of “standing out” from other companies. Examining the background of the New European Consensus on development with the new guiding motto ‘Our World, Our Dignity, Our Future,’ the authors explore how this new legislation on sustainability issues around the world is forcing companies to deal directly with sustainability issues. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), adopted by the United Nations in September 2015, is the international community’s response to global challenges and trends in connection with sustainable development. With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its core, the 2030 Agenda is a transformative political framework designed to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development globally. It balances the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, including the key issues of governance and peaceful and inclusive societies, and recognizes the essential interlinkages between its goals and targets, i.e., that they must be implemented as a whole and not selectively. The respective chapters in this volume raise a number of questions regarding corporate social responsibility, ethics, and corporate governance in the face of new technology and new approaches to climate change and sustainability reporting.

Datenvisualisierungen mit Julia: Erstellen von Grafiken, interaktiver Oberflächen sowie Animationen

by Daniel Jaud

Dieses Buch stellt eine Einführung in das Programmieren und das Erstellen publikationsfertiger Grafiken oder interaktiver Animationen mit der Julia-Programmiersprache dar. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf einer schrittweise Auseinandersetzung mit den verschiedenen Plot-Möglichkeiten. Im Buch werden aufeinander aufbauend alle wichtigen Programmierkonstrukte zum Erstellen von Grafiken ausgearbeitet. Durch zusätzliche Aufgaben mit Beispiellösungen kann der Leser sein gelerntes Wissen nochmals selbst in der Praxis anwenden.Der InhaltErste SchritteSchleifen in JuliaErstellen einfacher GrafikenDarstellungsoptionen von Plots und Schleifen mit FunktionenVektorfelder, 3d-Plots, Oberflächen und KonturenInteraktive Anwendungen und AnimationenDer AutorDr. Daniel Jaud studierte Mathematik und Physik mit anschließender Promotion. Er unterrichtet an einem Gymnasium und ist weiterhin als freier Wissenschaftler im Bereich der mathematischen Physik tätig.

Application-Specific Arithmetic: Computing Just Right for the Reconfigurable Computer and the Dark Silicon Era

by Florent de Dinechin Martin Kumm

Written by two experts of the domain, this book presents the most recent advances in computer arithmetic hardware, with a focus on application-specific arithmetic beyond the classic operators and the standard precisions. It targets silicon designers who have to do better with less in the post-Moore era, and FPGA developers who want to exploit the full possibilities of reconfigurable computing platforms.

Pliocene Hydrocarbon Sedimentary Series of Azerbaijan (Advances in Oil and Gas Exploration & Production)

by Akif Alizadeh Ibrahim Guliyev Parviz Mamedov Elmira Aliyeva Akper Feyzullayev Dadash Huseynov Lev Eppelbaum

This book demonstrates different stages of hydrocarbon deposit localization in a tectonically complex region—the South Caspian Mega-Basin (SCMB). Each of the stages: tectonics, sedimentation, lithology, structural analysis, and geophysical method application is described in detail and accompanied by numerous color (major) and black-white (minor) illustrations. The main benefit of this book is that the Azerbaijan hydrocarbon province has been investigated for more than 150 years, resulting in a very comprehensive archive of geological information. This book is intended not only for students of various degrees, but also for professional geologists studying principles of hydrocarbon accumulations under difficult geological environments.

BRICS Countries: Challenges and Opportunities

by Yiping Li Hirok Chaudhuri Otto Corrêa Rotunno Filho Natalia Guseva Faizal Bux

This book provides a detailed study and assessment of water resources management andpollution control in different BRICS countries. The regions involved areBrazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. This book gives importantinsight into how future sustainability depends on the development of effectivewater governance mechanisms at the level of countries. According to theregional characteristics from different aspects it cuts into the waterenvironment problems and studies in different ways, which is multifaceted andtargeted. Using case studies that include environmentally integrated basinexperiments (eibex) of Brazil, groundwater overflow zone of India, semi-aridriver basin of South Africa and so on, this volume provides criticalinformation for researchers and policymakers.

The Proceedings of 2023 International Conference on Wireless Power Transfer: Volume III (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1160)

by Chunwei Cai Xiaohui Qu Ruikun Mai Pengcheng Zhang Wenping Chai Shuai Wu

This book includes original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 2023 International Conference on Wireless Power Transfer (ICWPT2023), held in Weihai, China. The topics covered include but are not limited to: wireless power transfer technology and systems, coupling mechanism and electromagnetic field of wireless power transfer systems, latest developments in wireless power transfer system, and wide applications. The papers share the latest findings in the field of wireless power transfer, making the book a valuable asset for researchers, engineers, university students, etc.

Creative Practice as a Way of Life: After Barthes (Palgrave Studies in Creativity and Culture)

by Eddie Tay

This book combines autoethnographic reflections, poetry, and photography with the aim to bridge the gap between creative practice and scholarly research. Drawing on an innovative combination of different forms of knowledge, creative writing and street photographs are presented as means to reflect on the development of knowledge and self-knowledge through a thought-provoking dialogue with Roland Barthes’ post-structuralist work. What does it mean to be a creative practitioner in a world traversed by values of capitalism and artificial intelligence? What does it mean to teach creative practices in such an environment?The urban landscape of Singapore, with the Jewel Changi mall, the Universal Studios, and Little India in the background, is the stage where the capitalist demands of modern city life grapple with the solitary act of writing poetry and taking photographs through the personal experience of the author. Capitalist realism and depression realism entwine with Barthes' notion of vita nova in a mesmerizing phantasmagoria that drags the reader to the bowels and secret pleasures of the creative process.

The Household Finance Issues in China

by Sibo Zhao Dawei Zhao

This book systematically studies and discusses pertinent issues related to household finance in China. This book not only elucidates the concept and connotation of household finance, but also extensively examines the significance and necessity of enhancing household finance and upholding household financial well-being. Drawing upon theories from economics, psychology, sociology, and behavioral finance, it conducts a quantitative analysis of family finance and its influencing factors by constructing models such as Probit model, Tobit model, and APC model to empirically test the underlying mediation mechanism. In addition, from the perspective of inclusive finance development and safeguarding the rights and interests of financial consumers, this book expounds on its profound impact on household finance.This book is a valuable reference for researchers in related fields, and it also provides some insights into residents’ and families’ awareness of financial health. Furthermore, itaids in formulating and improving consumption policies, adjusting economic structures, and preventing household financial risks. This research provides valuable guidance for enhancing family welfare and increasing property income for Chinese residents.

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