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The Debacle

by Émile Zola

Conservative and working-class, Jean Macquart is an experienced, middle-aged soldier in the French army, who has endured deep personal loss. When he first meets the wealthy and mercurial Maurice Levasseur, who never seems to have suffered, his hatred is immediate. But after they are thrown together during the disastrous Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71, the pair are compelled to understand one other. Forging a profound friendship, they must struggle together to endure a disorganised and brutal war, the savage destruction of France's Second Empire and the fall of Napoleon III. One of the greatest of all war novels, The Debacle is the nineteenth novel in Zola's great Rougon-Macquart cycle. A forceful and deeply moving tale of close friendship, it is also a fascinating chronicle of the events that were to lead, in the words of Zola himself, to 'the murder of a nation'.

The Drinking Den

by Émile Zola

Set in the taverns of Paris, this is perhaps the first classical tragedy of working-class people living in the slums of a city. The Drinking Den (1877) is part of the Rougon-Macquart series, a naturalistic history of two branches of a family traced through several generations. Zola's work was influenced by contemporary theories of heredity and experimental science, and the behaviour of the two families is shown to be conditioned by environment and inherited characteristics, chiefly drunkenness and mental instability.

The Earth

by Émile Zola

When Jean Macquart arrives in the peasant community of Beauce, where farmers have worked the same land for generations, he quickly finds himself involved in the corrupt affairs of the local Fouan family. Aging and Lear-like, Old Man Fouan has decided to divide his land between his three children: his penny-pinching daughter Fanny, his eldest son - a far from holy figure known as 'Jesus Christ' - and the lecherous Buteau, Macquart's friend. But in a community where land is everything, sibling rivalry quickly turns to brutal hatred, as Buteau declares himself unsatisfied with his lot. Part of the vast Rougon-Macquart cycle, The Earth was regarded by Zola as his greatest novel. A fascinating portrayal of a struggling but decadent community, it offers a compelling exploration of the destructive nature of human ignorance and greed


by Émile Zola

Considered by André Gide to be one of the ten greatest novels in the French language, Émile Zola's Germinal is a brutal depiction of the poverty of a mining community in northern FranceÉtienne Lantier, an unemployed railway worker, is a clever but uneducated young man with a dangerous temper. Compelled to take a back-breakin job at Le Voreux mine when he cannot get other work, he discovers that his fellow miners are ill, hungry and in debt, unable to feed and clothe their families. When conditions in the mining community deteriorate even further, Lantier finds himself leading a strike that could mean starvation or salvation for all. The thirteenth novel in Zola's great Rougon-Macquart sequence, Germinal expresses outrage at the exploitation of the many by the few, but also shows humanity's capacity for compassion and hope.Translated with an introduction by Roger Pearson in Penguin Classics If you enjoyed Germinal, you might like Zola's Thérèse Raquin, also available in Penguin Classics.


by Émile Zola

Born to drunken parents in the slums of Paris, Nana lives in squalor until she is discovered at the Théâtre des Variétés. She soon rises from the streets to set the city alight as the most famous high-class prostitute of her day. Rich men, Comtes and Marquises fall at her feet, great ladies try to emulate her appearance, lovers even kill themselves for her. Nana's hedonistic appetite for luxury and decadent pleasures knows no bounds - until, eventually, it consumes her. Nana provoked outrage on its publication in 1880, with its heroine damned as 'the most crude and bestial sort of whore', yes the language of the novel makes Nana almost a mythical figure: a destructive force preying on a corrupt society.

The Dragonheart Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Merkabah

by Tiamara Zohar

The writing of The Dragonheart Workbook was commissioned by the Galactic Council of Alpha Draconis. It is presented in two main sections: ‘The Teachings of the Divine Feminine’ and ‘The Teachings of the Divine Masculine’. Including 25 meditations gifted from the ascended masters, angelic realms and galactic emissaries, The Dragonheart Workbook is an ideal follow-up to books that have been channelled from galactic sources, especially the Pleiadian Emissaries and Archangels.

Prisoner of the State: The Secret Journal of Premier Zhao Ziyang

by Zhao Ziyang

Premier Zhao Ziyang reveals the secret workings of China's government behind the Tiananmen massacre—and why he was deposed for trying to stop it.Prisoner of the State is the story of Premier Zhao Ziyang, the man who brought liberal change to China and who was dethroned at the height of the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989 for trying to stop the massacre. Zhao spent the last years of his life under house arrest. An occasional detail about his life would slip out, but scholars and citizens lamented that Zhao never had his final say. But Zhao did produce a memoir, secretly recording on audio tapes the real story of what happened during modern China&’s most critical moments. He provides intimate details about the Tiananmen crackdown, describes the ploys and double crosses used by China&’s leaders, and exhorts China to adopt democracy in order to achieve long-term stability. His riveting, behind-the-scenes recollections form the basis of Prisoner of the State. The China that Zhao portrays is not some long-lost dynasty. It is today&’s China, where its leaders accept economic freedom but resist political change. Zhao might have steered China&’s political system toward openness and tolerance had he survived. Although Zhao now speaks from the grave, his voice still has the moral power to make China sit up and listen.

Dreams and Thunder: Stories, Poems, and the Sun Dance Opera

by Zitkala-Sa

Zitkala-Ša (Red Bird) (1876-1938), also known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, was one of the best-known and most influential Native Americans of the twentieth century. Born on the Yankton Sioux Reservation, she remained true to her indigenous heritage as a student at the Boston Conservatory and a teacher at the Carlisle Indian School, as an activist in turn attacking the Carlisle School, as an artist celebrating Native stories and myths, and as an active member of the Society of American Indians in Washington DC. All these currents of Zitkala-Ša's rich life come together in this book, which presents her previously unpublished stories, rare poems, and the libretto of The Sun Dance Opera. <p><p> Zitkala-Ša is the author of American Indian Stories and Iktomi and the Ducks and Other Sioux Stories, both available in Bison Books editions. P. Jane Hafen (Taos Pueblo) is an associate professor of English at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and the coeditor of A Great Plains Reader, available in a Bison Books edition.

Work with What You Got: A Memoir

by Zion Clark and James S. Hirsch

Mega-Dams in World Literature: Literary Responses to Twentieth-Century Dam Building

by Margaret Ziolkowski

Mega-Dams in World Literature reveals the varied effects of large dams on people and their environments as expressed in literary works, focusing on the shifting attitudes toward large dams that emerged over the course of the twentieth century. Margaret Ziolkowski covers the enthusiasm for large-dam construction that took place during the mid-twentieth-century heyday of mega-dams, the increasing number of people displaced by dams, the troubling environmental effects they incur, and the types of destruction and protest to which they may be subject. Using North American, Native American, Russian, Egyptian, Indian, and Chinese novels and poems, Ziolkowski explores the supposed progress that these structures bring. The book asks how the human urge to exploit and control waterways has affected our relationships to nature and the environment and argues that the high modernism of the twentieth century, along with its preoccupation with development, casts the hydroelectric dam as a central symbol of domination over nature and the power of the nation state. Beyond examining the exultation of large dams as symbols of progress, Mega-Dams in World Literature takes a broad international and cultural approach that humanizes and personalizes the major issues associated with large dams through nuanced analyses, paying particular attention to issues engendered by high modernism and settler colonialism. Both general and specialist readers interested in human-environment relationships will enjoy this prescient book.

The Mad Boy, Lord Berners, My Grandmother, and Me: An Aristocratic Family, a High-Society Scandal, and an Extraordinary Legacy

by Sofka Zinovieff

Like The Bolter and Portrait of a Marriage, this beguiling, heady tale of a scandalous ménage à trois among England's upper classes combines memoir and biography to re-create an unforgettably decadent world.Among the glittering stars of British society, Sofka Zinovieff's grandparents lived and loved with abandon. Robert Heber-Percy was a dashing young man who would rather have a drink than open a book, so his involvement with Jennifer Fry, a gorgeous socialite famous for her style and charm, was not surprising. But by the time Robert met and married Jennifer, he had already been involved with a man—Gerald, Lord Berners—for more than a decade.Stout, eccentric and significantly older, Gerald was a composer, writer and aesthete—a creative aristocrat most at home in the company of the era's best and brightest minds. He also owned one of Britain's loveliest stately homes, Faringdon House, in Oxfordshire, which under his stewardship became a beacon of sybaritic beauty. Robert and Gerald made an unlikely couple, especially because they lived together at Faringdon House when homosexuality was illegal. And then a pregnant Jennifer moved into Faringdon in 1942, creating a formidable ménage à trois.In this gorgeous, entertaining narrative of bohemian aristocracy, Sofka Zinovieff probes the mysteries of her grandparents and the third man in their marriage: Gerald, the complex and talented heir to a legendary house, its walls lined with priceless art and its gardens roamed by a bevy of doves, where he entertained everyone from Igor Stravinsky to Gertrude Stein. What brought Robert and Jennifer together under his roof, and why did Jennifer stay—and marry Robert? Blending memoir and biography in her quest to lay old ghosts to rest, Zinovieff pieces together the complicated reality behind the scandals of revelry and sexuality. The resulting story, defined by keen insight, deep affection and marvelous wit, captures the glory and indulgence of the age, and explores the many ways in which we have the capacity to love.

Algorithmic Thinking, 2nd Edition: Learn Algorithms to Level Up Your Coding Skills

by Daniel Zingaro

Get in the game and learn essential computer algorithms by solving competitive programming problems, in the fully revised second edition of the bestselling original. (Still no math required!)Are you hitting a wall with data structures and algorithms? Whether you&’re a student prepping for coding interviews or an independent learner, this book is your essential guide to efficient problem-solving in programming.UNLOCK THE POWER OF DATA STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS:Learn the intricacies of hash tables, recursion, dynamic programming, trees, graphs, and heaps. Become proficient in choosing and implementing the best solutions for any coding challenge.REAL-WORLD, COMPETITION-PROVEN CODE EXAMPLES:The programs and challenges in this book aren&’t just theoretical—they&’re drawn from real programming competitions. Train with problems that have tested and honed the skills of coders around the world.GET INTERVIEW-READY:Prepare yourself for coding interviews with practice exercises that help you think algorithmically, weigh different solutions, and implement the best choices efficiently.WRITTEN IN C, USEFUL ACROSS LANGUAGES:The code examples are written in C and designed for clarity and accessibility to those familiar with languages like C++, Java, or Python. If you need help with the C code, no problem: We&’ve got recommended reading, too.Algorithmic Thinking is the complete package, providing the solid foundation you need to elevate your coding skills to the next level.

Partial Truths: How Fractions Distort Our Thinking

by James C. Zimring

A fast-food chain once tried to compete with McDonald’s quarter-pounder by introducing a third-pound hamburger—only for it to flop when consumers thought a third pound was less than a quarter pound because three is less than four. Separately, a rash of suicides by teenagers who played Dungeons and Dragons caused a panic in parents and the media. They thought D&D was causing teenage suicides—when in fact teenage D&D players died by suicide at a much lower rate than the national average. Errors of this type can be found from antiquity to the present, from the Peloponnesian War to the COVID-19 pandemic. How and why do we keep falling into these traps?James C. Zimring argues that many of the mistakes that the human mind consistently makes boil down to misperceiving fractions. We see slews of statistics that are essentially fractions, such as percentages, probabilities, frequencies, and rates, and we tend to misinterpret them. Sometimes bad actors manipulate us by cherry-picking data or distorting how information is presented; other times, sloppy communicators inadvertently mislead us. In many cases, we fool ourselves and have only our own minds to blame. Zimring also explores the counterintuitive reason that these flaws might benefit us, demonstrating that individual error can be highly advantageous to problem solving by groups. Blending key scientific research in cognitive psychology with accessible real-life examples, Partial Truths helps readers spot the fallacies lurking in everyday information, from politics to the criminal justice system, from religion to science, from business strategies to New Age culture.

Sustainability Leadership: Wie Führungskräfte mitteltständischer Unternehmen Nachhaltigkeit verankern können (essentials)

by Wolfgang Zimmermann Felix Richter Andre Stuer

​Das Buch zeigt, wie Mittelstands- und Familienunternehmen die Nachhaltigkeitswende ihres Unternehmens mit Hilfe von Sustainability Leadership meistern können. Denn zunehmende staatliche Vorgaben und die ökologische Transformation veranlassen viele Unternehmer dazu, sich aktiv mit dem Thema auseinanderzusetzen. Dabei stehen Unternehmen und Organisationen vor neuen Herausforderungen – alte Führungs- und Managementmuster passen nicht mehr. Als Führungskraft ist es nicht immer leicht, angesichts hoher Komplexität und Unsicherheit die Orientierung zu behalten und die eigene Unternehmensstrategie mit den Bedürfnissen von Mitarbeitenden und externen Stakeholdern in Einklang zu bringen. Die Autoren zeigen anhand von praxisnahen Beispielen und konkreten Werkzeugen einen ganzheitlichen und integrativen Leadershipansatz auf, wie Führungskräfte mittelständischer Unternehmen Nachhaltigkeit erfolgreich in ihrem Unternehmen verankern können. Besonders bemerkenswert: Dies kann die Geburtsstunde eines „Unternehmertum 2.0“ sein. Es basiert auf den oftmals tiefen Wurzeln des Unternehmens und neuen, innovativen Perspektiven. Interviews mit Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten vermitteln Impulse und geben Einblicke zu ihren Erfahrungen mit der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation.

International Relations: Theories in Action

by Hubert Zimmermann Milena Elsinger Alex Burkhardt

The definitive applied theory textbook that helps you make sense of global issues through theoretical concepts. Not presupposing any prior knowledge, this introduction equips you with the skills to use theories as adaptable tools to tackle complex global issues. Adopting a critical and questioning approach, you will be equipped in theory as a series of tools to be used, adapted, combined, and applied when grappling with some of the most contested issues in global politics. Theoretical perspectives are brought alive as a vital tool to understand concrete historical and contemporary examples. This indispensable text starts by examining key theories spanning constructivism and postcolonialism to realism and liberalism with a real-world perspective which prioritises empirical purchase. From here, chapters take a critical, questioning approach to tackle core problems of international politics – from armed conflict and financial markets to the climate crisis, global inequality, gender and race. This text is the ideal companion for all undergraduate and postgraduate students of global affairs. Hubert Zimmermann is Professor of International Relations at Philipps University of Marburg, Germany. Milena Elsinger is Head of the student information department at Philipps University of Marburg, Germany. Alex Burkhardt teaches at the Bundessprachenamt in Koblenz, Germany and previously taught at Philipps University Marburg, Germany.

International Relations: Theories in Action

by Hubert Zimmermann Milena Elsinger Alex Burkhardt

The definitive applied theory textbook that helps you make sense of global issues through theoretical concepts. Not presupposing any prior knowledge, this introduction equips you with the skills to use theories as adaptable tools to tackle complex global issues. Adopting a critical and questioning approach, you will be equipped in theory as a series of tools to be used, adapted, combined, and applied when grappling with some of the most contested issues in global politics. Theoretical perspectives are brought alive as a vital tool to understand concrete historical and contemporary examples. This indispensable text starts by examining key theories spanning constructivism and postcolonialism to realism and liberalism with a real-world perspective which prioritises empirical purchase. From here, chapters take a critical, questioning approach to tackle core problems of international politics – from armed conflict and financial markets to the climate crisis, global inequality, gender and race. This text is the ideal companion for all undergraduate and postgraduate students of global affairs. Hubert Zimmermann is Professor of International Relations at Philipps University of Marburg, Germany. Milena Elsinger is Head of the student information department at Philipps University of Marburg, Germany. Alex Burkhardt teaches at the Bundessprachenamt in Koblenz, Germany and previously taught at Philipps University Marburg, Germany.

Matria Redux: Caribbean Women Novelize the Past (Caribbean Studies Series)

by Tegan Zimmerman

In Matria Redux: Caribbean Women Novelize the Past, author Tegan Zimmerman contends that there is a need for reading Caribbean women’s texts relationally. This comprehensive study argues that the writer’s turn to maternal histories constitutes the definitive feature of this transcultural and transnational genre. Through an array of Caribbean women’s historical novels published roughly between 1980 and 2010, this book formulates the theory of matria—an imagined maternal space and time—as a postcolonial-psychoanalytic feminist framework for reading fictions of maternal history written by and about Caribbean women. Tracing the development of the historical novel in four periods of the Caribbean past—slavery, colonialism, revolution, and decolonization—this study argues that a pan-Caribbean generation of women writers, of varying discursive racial(ized) realities, has depicted similar matria constructs and maternal motifs. A politicized concept, matria functions in the historical novel as a counternarrative to traditional historical and literary discourses. Through close readings of the mother/daughter plots in contemporary Caribbean women’s historical fiction, such as Andrea Levy’s The Long Song, Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones, Paule Marshall’s Praisesong for the Widow, and Marie-Elena John’s Unburnable, Matria Redux considers the concept of matria an important vehicle for postcolonial-psychoanalytic feminist literary resistance and political intervention. Matria as a psychoanalytic, postcolonial strategy therefore envisions, by returning to history, alternative feminist fictions, futures, and Caribbeans.

The Jazz Masters: Setting the Record Straight (American Made Music Series)

by Peter C. Zimmerman

The Jazz Masters: Setting the Record Straight is a celebration of jazz and the men and women who created and transformed it. In the twenty-one conversations contained in this engaging and highly accessible book, we hear from the musicians themselves, in their own words, direct and unfiltered. Peter Zimmerman’s interviewing technique is straightforward. He turns on a recording device, poses questions, and allows his subjects to improvise, similar to the way the musicians do at concerts and in recording sessions. Topics range from their early days, their struggles and victories, to the impact the music has had on their own lives. The interviews have been carefully edited for sense and clarity, without changing any of the musicians’ actual words.Peter Zimmerman tirelessly sought virtuosi whose lives span the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The reader is rewarded with an intimate look into the past century’s extraordinary period of creative productivity. The oldest two interview subjects were born in 1920 and all are professional musicians who worked in jazz for at least five decades, with a few enjoying careers as long as seventy-five years. These voices reflect some seventeen hundred years of accumulated experience yielding a chronicle of incredible depth and scope.The focus on musicians who are now emeritus figures is deliberate. Some of them are now in their nineties; six have passed since 2012, when Zimmerman began researching The Jazz Masters. Five of them have already received the NEA’s prestigious Jazz Masters award: Sonny Rollins, Clark Terry, Yusef Lateef, Jimmy Owens, and most recently, Dick Hyman. More undoubtedly will one day, and the balance are likewise of compelling interest. Artists such as David Amram, Charles Davis, Clifford Jordan, Valery Ponomarev, and Sandy Stewart, to name a few, open their hearts and memories and reveal who they are as people.This book is a labor of love celebrating the vibrant style of music that Dizzy Gillespie once described as “our native art form.” Zimmerman’s deeply knowledgeable, unabashed passion for jazz brings out the best in the musicians. Filled with personal recollections and detailed accounts of their careers and everyday lives, this highly readable, lively work succeeds in capturing their stories for present and future generations. An important addition to the literature of music, The Jazz Masters goes a long way toward “setting the record straight.”

Unrooted: Botany, Motherhood, and the Fight to Save an Old Science

by Erin Zimmerman

"Evolutionary botanist Zimmerman discusses her passion for plants and inveighs against sexism in the sciences in her marvelous debut memoir...Throughout, Zimmerman&’s enthusiasm and expertise make the science accessible even to those without a background in the subject. The results are as edifying as they are galvanizing." - Publishers Weekly STARRED Review"Erin Zimmerman has exposed a rooted gender failure in science. Her book is important not for this alone. Her work is essential for understanding the future resilience of all flora on this planet." -Diana Beresford-Kroeger, author of To Speak for the TreesAn exploration of science, motherhood, and academia, and a stirring account of a woman at a personal and professional crossroads . . .Growing up in rural Ontario, Erin Zimmerman became fascinated with plants—an obsession that led to a life in academia as a professional botanist. But as her career choices narrowed in the face of failing institutions and subtle, but ubiquitous, sexism, Zimmerman began to doubt herself.Unrooted: Botany, Motherhood, and the Fight to Save an Old Science is a scientist&’s memoir, a glimpse into the ordinary life of someone in a fascinating field. This is a memoir about plants, about looking at the world with wonder, and about what it means to be a woman in academia—an environment that pushes out mothers and those with any outside responsibilities. Zimmerman delves into her experiences as a new mom, her decision to leave her position in post-graduate research, and how she found a new way to stay in the field she loves.She also explores botany as a &“dying science&” worth fighting for. While still an undergrad, Zimmerman&’s university started the process of closing the Botany Department, a sign of waning funding for her beloved science. Still, she argues for its continuation, not only because we have at least 100,000 plant species yet to be discovered, but because an understanding of botany is crucial in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss.Zimmerman is also a botanical illustrator and will provide 8 original illustrations for the book.

Spatial Linear Models for Environmental Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied Environmental Statistics)

by Dale L. Zimmerman Jay M. Ver Hoef

Many applied researchers equate spatial statistics with prediction or mapping, but this book naturally extends linear models, which includes regression and ANOVA as pillars of applied statistics, to achieve a more comprehensive treatment of the analysis of spatially autocorrelated data. Spatial Linear Models for Environmental Data, aimed at students and professionals with a master’s level training in statistics, presents a unique, applied, and thorough treatment of spatial linear models within a statistics framework. Two subfields, one called geostatistics and the other called areal or lattice models, are extensively covered. Zimmerman and Ver Hoef present topics clearly, using many examples and simulation studies to illustrate ideas. By mimicking their examples and R code, readers will be able to fit spatial linear models to their data and draw proper scientific conclusions. Topics covered include: Exploratory methods for spatial data including outlier detection, (semi)variograms, Moran’s I, and Geary’s c. Ordinary and generalized least squares regression methods and their application to spatial data. Suitable parametric models for the mean and covariance structure of geostatistical and areal data. Model-fitting, including inference methods for explanatory variables and likelihood-based methods for covariance parameters. Practical use of spatial linear models including prediction (kriging), spatial sampling, and spatial design of experiments for solving real world problems. All concepts are introduced in a natural order and illustrated throughout the book using four datasets. All analyses, tables, and figures are completely reproducible using open-source R code provided at a GitHub site. Exercises are given at the end of each chapter, with full solutions provided on an instructor’s FTP site supplied by the publisher.

Learning About the Grade 10 Global History Curriculum: An Evidence-Based Approach

by Stuart Zimmer James Killoran

This book is organized around the New York State Grade 10 Social Studies Framework. If it has anything to do with the Grade 10 curriculum in Social Studies, it is covered in this book. The book is designed to help you do your best in Global History and Geography. To accomplish that end, the book is divided into three parts: Introductory Unit, Content Chapters, and Final Review Unit.

Blast Foundations PRSW: Student Workbook, Book 2, Units 15-25

by Shari Zimmer Shawna Forni Amy Vanden Boogart Janeen Hergert

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Polyneuropathie: So überwinden Sie quälende Nervenschmerzen

by Udo Zifko

Kribbeln und Stechen, brennende Schmerzen, aber auch Taubheit in bestimmten Körperteilen können erste Anzeichen für eine Polyneuropathie sein. Der Ratgeber erklärt in einer dritten aktualisierten Auflage einfach und verständlich das Krankheitsbild, deutet mögliche Frühwarnsignale oder Symptome anhand von Beispielen, und zeigt den Weg zur gesicherten Diagnose mit Vorstellung der unterschiedlichen medizinischen Verfahren. Zudem werden die therapeutischen Möglichkeiten samt Selbsthilfe der Patienten beschrieben. Vorgestellt werden nicht nur ein breites Spektrum an erfolgsversprechenden Behandlungen, sondern auch eine Reihe von Selbsthilfemaßnahmen. Ergänzt wird das Buch mit praxisnahen Fallbeispielen, einem umfangreichen Serviceteil mit hilfreichen Adressen sowie Antworten auf häufige Patientenfragen. Die Neuauflage wurde erweitert mit aktuellen Informationen zu Covid-19, Long Covid und hilfreichen Bewegungsübungen. Das Buch richtet sich in erster Linie an alle Betroffene und deren Angehörigen, bietet aber auch für Allgemeinmediziner oder Vertreter anderer Gesundheitsberufen einen guten Überblick zum Krankheitsbild und den therapeutischen Ansätzen.

Green Empire: The St. Joe Company and the Remaking of Florida's Panhandle

by Kathryn Ziewitz June Wiaz

Since the Great Depression, the St. Joe Company (formerly the St. Joe Paper Company) has been Florida's largest landowner, a forestry and transportation conglomerate whose influence has been commensurate with its holdings. The company owns nearly one million acres, mainly in northwestern Florida, where undeveloped coastal and riverside landscapes boast some of the state's most scenic and ecologically diverse areas. For 60 years, the company focused on growing trees, turning them into paper, and managing its ancillary businesses. In the late 1990s, the company shifted directions: it sold its paper mill, changed its name, and launched a concerted drive to turn its natural-resource assets into greater profits. Today the St. Joe Company is a critical and fiscally powerful force in the real-estate development of northwest Florida, with access to the most influential people in government. Based on hundreds of sources--including company executives, board members, and investors, as well as outside observers--this factual and balanced history describes the St. Joe Company from the days of its founders to the workings and dealings of its present-day heirs. For anyone concerned with land use and growth management, particularly those with an interest in Florida's fragile wildlife and natural resources, Green Empire will illuminate the issues surrounding the relationship between one of the most ambitious players in Florida's real-estate market and the state's last frontier.

Musikermedizin in der Physiotherapie und Ergotherapie: Befund und Behandlung spielbedingter Beschwerden

by Clemens Ziesenitz

In diesem Buch werden die theoretischen Grundlagen der Musikermedizin sowie die besonderen Anforderungen und Belastungen von professionellen Musikerinnen und Musikern praxisorientiert vermittelt. Der herausfordernde Berufsalltag kann durch die asymmetrische Haltung, der statischen Beanspruchung am Instrument oder durch langanhaltende, repetitive Bewegungsabfolgen zu muskulären Dysbalancen oder Überlastungssyndromen führen. Der Autor beschreibt anhand häufiger Störungsbilder die Befunderhebung und Behandlung in der Physiotherapie und Ergotherapie Das Praxisbuch erweitert das Wissen auf diesem spezialisierten Gebiet und hilft dabei, Musikerinnen und Musiker bestmöglich zu unterstützen, um typische Beschwerden vorzubeugen und ihre Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern.

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