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by Amanda Mariel Christina McKnight

Μια αποφασισμένη γυναίκα… Ένας φιλόδοξος άνδρας… Ο Φέλτον και η Τζωρτζίνα είναι παγιδευμένοι σε μια ασταμάτητη λαχτάρα, η οποία απειλεί να καταστρέψει τα σχέδιά τους. Κι ακόμα χειρότερα, είναι αδύναμοι να σταματήσουν την καυτή επιθυμία που υπάρχει ανάμεσά τους. Η Τζωρτζίνα πρέπει να βάλει το στοίχημά της: Ή θα ανοίξει την καρδιά της για άλλη μια φορά ή θα ρισκάρει να χάσει τα πάντα.

Αγάπα Μόνο Εμένα

by Amanda Mariel

Γεννημένη μια τίμια γυναίκα, μεγαλωμένη σαν διαβολάκι, η Λαίδη Ναρίσσα κινείται ελεύθερη ανάμεσα στους κοινωνικούς κύκλους του Λονδίνου. Ο Σεθ Μπλέικι, ο Δούκας του Μπλάκμορ, ασχολείται διαρκώς με τους μπελάδες που του προκαλεί το ανήσυχο πνεύμα της αδελφής του. Τους ενώνει το πάθος, καθώς ανακαλύπτουν πως η αγάπη είναι πιο σημαντική, από τις υποχρεώσεις και την πίστη, που απειλούν να τους κρατήσουν χώρια.

سلسلة التمرينات البدنية للمرأة

by د. ليلى فتحي زيد الكيلاني, د. أحمد إبراهيم التايه, ا. د. هاشم عدنان الكيلاني

كتاب "سلسلة التمرينات البدنية للمرأة". تُعدّ التمرينات البدنية للمرأة على اختلاف أنواعها في الملعب أو بداخل الوسط المائي؛ إحدى دعائم صحة الجسد والعقل والروح. وتعد أسلوبًا واعيًا للتعامل مع جسم المرأة والاستعداد لحملٍ صحيٍّ وجيلٍ سليم. فالأمم تتنافس في صحة مجتمعاتها المبنيَّة على صحة المرأة قبل فترة الحمل وخلالها وبعد الولادة، لإنجاب أطفالٍ أقوياء أصحّاء قادرين على تكوين لبِنات البلاد ودعم اقتصادها. إن التطور في حجم الجنين يرتبط بتغيُّراتٍ فسيولوجيةٍ تتناسبُ واحتياجاتِ جسم المرأة وجنينها للحركة لما تضيفه لهما من صحةٍ وقوةٍ من دون التعرض للخطورة. وعليه؛ يوضح سلسلةً من التمرينات وبرنامجًا تدريبيًا منهجيًا يتناول إرشاداتٍ تستفيد منه كلٌّ من مدرّسات هيئة التدريس، وطالبات العلوم البدنية ومدربات اللياقة، والسيدات في شهور الحمل التسعة وفي فترة ما بعد الولادة، مدعَّمًا بالصور التوضيحية لطريقة الممارسة السليمة والتنبيهات عن الممارسات الحركية الخاطئة.

Τα παιδιά της Ελίζας

by Núria Añó

Φιναλίστ του Βραβείου Ramon Llull 2004 Η Ελίζα είναι μια δασκάλα με αναμφισβήτητο ταλέντο και κλίση στη διδασκαλία, ικανή να απορρίψει ερωτικούς συντρόφους στα τριάντα της, ακόμη και όταν νιώθει μια ιδιαίτερη έλξη για τους εφήβους. Εκείνη ελέγχει τη ζωή της. Μέχρι που η υπόθεση αρχίζει να μπερδεύεται όταν βρίσκει ένα δεκατριάχρονο αγόρι με ανησυχητική οικογενειακή κατάσταση, ικανό να περπατήσει πέντε χιλιόμετρα με τη δικαιολογία να πάρει πίσω τα γάντια του. Σε έναν τόπο όπου ο χειμώνας καταπίνει την άνοιξη και η κοινωνία γίνεται υπολογιστική και εγωιστική, η αφηγηματική φωνή ενός νεαρού άνδρα θυμάται μια κρίσιμη στιγμή που θα τον σημαδέψει για όλη του τη ζωή. Κάποιος που φαίνεται να έχει μόνο δύο πράγματα στο μυαλό του: να μην καταλήξει σαν τους γονείς του· και να γνωρίσει την Ελίζα.

1,000 Amazing World Facts (DK 1,000 Amazing Facts)

by DK

Dive into a world of mind-blowing facts that may defy belief, but they are all absolutely true!Can you believe the Eiffel Tower would fit inside a Sahara sand dune? Wow your friends and amaze your family with hundreds of new facts in this fun-filled, picture-packed bumper book for children aged 9+. 1,000 Amazing World Facts contains striking images, visual comparisons, and informative diagrams in one unforgettable journey around the world. From the tiniest microchip to our unimaginably enormous Universe, no subject is left unexplored. Celebrate your child's curiosity as they explore:- 1,000 mind-blowing facts that will be sure to wow family and friends. - CGI graphics, fun visual comparisons, and diagrams make stats and facts easy to understand.- Science boxes that are illustrated with engaging diagrams to explain information.Did you know that Earth could fit inside Jupiter more than 1,000 times? Or the blue whale's heart is as big as a car? Children will love all these facts and more, presented either with impressive CGI illustrations or eye-popping photography – plus additional boxes feature diagrams that make information easy to understand. More in the SeriesIf you like 1,000 Amazing World Facts then why not complete the collection? Journey to the Jurassic era with 1,000 Amazing Dinosaur Facts, learn about all things weird and wonderful with 1,000 Amazing Weird Facts, or discover the secret science of everything icky and sticky with 1,000 Amazing Gross Facts.

The 10 Keys to Success

by John Bird

In his inimitable no-nonsense style, John Bird - founder of the Big Issue - shows us how to be successful in whatever we choose in just ten easy steps.No one is born deserving anything - you only deserve what you achieve by yourself. Drawing from this, John's philosophy is based on the idea that success is about deciding what you want, working out what is important to you and then going out to grab it. The beauty of this approach is that we can all achieve whatever we want; we just need to go after it. With unique lessons such as 'Don't be afraid to make mistakes along the way. Instead, make mistakes and learn from them' and 'Take responsibility for yourself as you are no one else's problem', The 10 Keys to Success shows us how uncomplicated success can be.

10 Minutes, 10 Years: Your Definitive Guide to a Beautiful and Youthful Appearance

by Frederic Brandt

If you find yourself lost and alone in the skin-care aisle; if you're thinking of going under the knife, but hoping you won't have to; if you need specific, detailed information about how to get rid of the bags under your eyes or those ever-deepening furrows in your brow; if you've gone to your girlfriends, women's magazines, cosmetics counters, facialists, and plastic surgeons and gotten lots of conflicting answers; then Dr. Fredric Brandt's simple, streamlined system is for you. With 10 Minutes/10 Years, one of the world's most famous cosmetic dermatologists offers a breakthrough skin-care program that will take you only ten minutes a day -- and will reverse your skin's aging process by ten years. There is a skin-care revolution taking place; the days of washing your face with soap and water and slapping on some cream are long gone. But this means that skin care isn't simple anymore. As new products appear, seemingly overnight, it becomes harder to know what's right for your skin. With warmth and humor, Dr. Brandt cuts through the information overload to provide concrete information and advice for women of all ages and of every skin type. He helps you determine who to go to and who not to go to as well as what to ask. 10 Minutes/10 Years is a uniquely formatted, problem/solution-driven guidebook that reveals many unknown threats to the skin which age it before its time, such as sugar and diet (Chapter 3). Need to know about the brown spots on your cheeks? Turn to Chapter 6. Sick of your drooping chin? Read Chapter 14. Driven to despair by your thinning hair? Look at Chapter 19. But before you decide what system you need, consult Chapter 4 for a comprehensive list of the best products, treatments, and procedures available. Dr. Brandt explains what they are and how they work -- from the least invasive, over-the-counter creams to the most cutting-edge injectibles. Once you understand the basics, you can move on to your specific area of concern in the book's final section, which offers precise information for every skin type. There is no one-shot solution -- we are constantly aging, and we have to keep maintaining ourselves. 10 Minutes/10 Years is Dr. Brandt's targeted approach to this maintenance. His system has already helped thousands of people look younger, and now readers will have their own one-way ticket back to a youthful appearance.

10 Ways to Make Money in a Free World (Penguin Specials)

by Nicholas Lovell

Free is coming. We all know how artists and are at risk from filesharing; now digital manufacturing and 3D printing mean that no industry is immune. But the same technology that enables easy piracy also offers a huge opportunity: artists and businesses can share what they do at low cost, while building relationships with fans.So how can you embrace free, while finding the superfans who will help you thrive? How can you make money in the Free world? Here are ten ideas to reshape your future. Welcome to the Curve.Nicholas Lovell is an author and consultant who helps companies embrace the transformative power of the internet. His blog, GAMESbrief, is read by those seeking to learn how digital is transforming gaming - and how to apply that knowledge to other industries. His clients have included Atari, Firefly, nDreams and Square Enix (creators of Tomb Raider), as well as Channel 4 and IPC Media. He is a columnist for Gamasutra, a contributor to the Wall Street Journal, and his articles have appeared in TechCrunch andWired. He lives in London.

10 Years Younger Cosmetic Surgery Bible

by Jan Stanek

10 Years Younger, launched in April 2004, was the first lifestyle series on British television to feature cosmetic surgery. Since then, increased acceptability, availability and affordability have prompted a massive rise in the number of cosmetic procedures carried out each year in the UK, with that number set to top a quarter of a million in 2007. It is now believed that 45% of women and 37% of men in the UK would consider cosmetic surgery.10 Years Younger has undoubtedly influenced the public's perception of cosmetic surgery and here, in the 10 Years Younger Cosmetic Surgery Bible, Jan Stanek openly and honestly discusses the pros and cons of each procedure. All aspects of each process are discussed - what it involves, who should consider it, what will it solve, what it won't solve, the cost, the potential risks, the potential reactions and the length of recovery. There are even before and after photos to show you what can be achieved. So, if you're considering a face lift, a boob job, a tummy tuck, or even just a Botox injection, this is the book for you.

100 Classic Coastal Walks in Scotland: the essential practical guide to experiencing Scotland's truly dramatic, extensive and ever-varying coastline on foot

by Andrew Dempster

If you are keen to explore the six thousand miles of coastline that Scotland has to offer, then this is the perfect guide for you. Complete with maps and illustrations and covering walks ranging from gentle strolls, family friendly outings and full-scale hikes, this is the perfect handbook for any Scottish adventure!'An invaluable accessory to the boots and the backpack' -- Daily Record'This selection of day trips, including maps and useful information, is a welcome sight' -- Scottish Field'Superb book with some great walks in it - ideal for new and old hikers alike' -- ***** Reader review'Excellent and very informative' -- ***** Reader review'Brilliant - very impressed, nicely laid out and nice maps too' -- ***** Reader review**************************************************************************************Scotland and its islands encompass more than 10,000 miles of breath-taking coastline. The 100 routes outlined by Andrew Dempster in this essential guide take in the quaint fishing ports, long sun-bleached strands and vast golf links of the east coast; the grand Gothic cliffs, natural arches and storm-tossed sea-stacks that comprise much of the fractured edge of the Atlantic; the kaleidoscopic wildflower carpet of the Western Isles machair; the romantic castles and Clearance settlements of Skye; and myriad idyllic secluded beaches and awe-inspiring clifftop vantage points.This unique guide covers the whole spectrum, from short hour-long beach strolls to serious full-day hikes that require mountain gear and total commitment.Compiled in a user-friendly format, containing maps and illustrations throughout, 100 Classic Coastal Walks in Scotland provides a wealth of walking possibilities for anyone with an interest in outdoor pursuits, with many of the walks also suitable for children.Book that staycation now!

100 Days On Holy Island: A Writer's Exile

by Peter Mortimer

It was the worst winter in a decade, the winter of foot-and-mouth, when island power cuts ran for up to 72 hours - and two days before Peter Mortimer's planned departure, his father died.100 DAYS ON HOLY ISLAND is a quirky and often moving account of one man's self-imposed exile to a remote island off the coast of North-east England. Eschewing the usual historical or religious portrayal, Mortimer gives a vivid, humourous and often dramatic account of a confirmed urbanite in a small, tight-knit community cut off twice daily by the tides. Throwing himself into island life, he explores the landscape, people and myths that surround this remote `cradle of Chrisianity'. All of Mortimer's experiences within this unique island community are depicted with warmth and humour. The bleak winter scenery and idiosyncrasies of the island's inhabitants are described with an insight and understanding that could only have been achieved from personal experience. He helped in the local school, worked on the land, was the first person to be voluntarily cut off in the island refuge box and spent three tides isolated on the exposed outcrop, St Cuthbert's Island. The 100 days changed him - and probably changed the island. 100 DAYS ON HOLY ISLAND is a personal homage to the island and a remarkable account of a micro-society unique in modern Britain.

100 GAA Greats: From Christy Ring to Joe Canning

by John Scally

In 100 GAA Greats, John Scally celebrates the most significant players Gaelic games have brought us in their 125-year history. He selects those footballers, hurlers, managers and camogie players who have lit up Irish sport, becoming national treasures in the process, and highlights their remarkable skills.Amongst those included in this unique who's who of the sport are Christy Ring, Mick O'Connell, Nicky Rackard, Mick Mackey, John Joe O'Reilly, Nicky English, Mickey Harte, Kevin Moran, Enda Colleran, D.J. Carey, Angela Downey, Ger Loughnane, John O'Mahony, Justin McCarthy, Colm O'Rourke, Matt Connor and Liam Griffin.Many of the profiles featured in the book are based on exclusive interviews with the stars themselves, as well as with some of their competitors. The entries offer candid insights into the many pivotal events, major controversies, epic matches and thrilling contests to have occurred during the GAA's existence.Laced with humour and packed with entertaining anecdotes, 100 GAA Greats pulsates with insider's knowledge. It will inform, entertain, enlighten, amuse and spark debate, and is a must for all GAA fans.

100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design

by Steven Heller Veronique Vienne

New in the "100 Ideas that Changed..." series, this book demonstrates how ideas influenced and defined graphic design, and how those ideas have manifested themselves in objects of design. The 100 entries, arranged broadly in chronological order, range from technical (overprinting, rub-on designs, split fountain); to stylistic (swashes on caps, loud typography, and white space); to objects (dust jackets, design handbooks); and methods (paper cut-outs, pixelation).

100 Ideas that Changed the World: Our Most Important Discoveries, Selected By Our Greatest Minds

by Jheni Osman

Every once in a while, an idea comes along that makes the entire world sit up and take notice. From the earliest understandings of our place in the solar system, via Darwinism, DNA, neutrons and quarks, right up to the theories that are pushing the boundaries of our knowledge today, we are forever propelled forward by our most gifted scientific minds. In this fascinating book, former BBC Focus magazine editor Jheni Osman explores 100 of the most forward thinking, far-reaching and downright inspired ideas and inventions in history, each nominated by experts from all fields of science and engineering. With selections from established authorities such as Brian Cox, Patrick Moore, Richard Dawkins and Marcus du Sautoy, Osman covers topics as diverse as the Big Bang, vaccination, computing, radioactivity, human genomes, the wheel and many more. Each essay looks at the logic behind these great inventions, discoveries, theories and experiments, studying the circumstances that brought them into being and assessing the impact that they had on the world at large. An intriguing and thought-provoking collection, 100 Ideas that Changed the World offers us a glimpse into the minds behind history's greatest eureka moments.

100 Irish Rugby Greats

by John Scally

Bursting with humour and full of amusing anecdotes, 100 Irish Rugby Greats is a unique celebration of the most significant stars of the sport from the 1930s to the present day. A veritable who’s who of Irish rugby, it takes in all of the true greats, including Jack Kyle, Tony O’Reilly, Mike Gibson, Willie John McBride, Moss Keane, Keith Wood, Brian O’Driscoll and Paul O’Connell.Many of the in-depth and revealing profiles are based on interviews with the legends themselves, as well as with those who have lined up against them. The result offers remarkable insights into the myriad controversies, epic matches, thrilling contests and pivotal events on and off the field in which each player has been involved.Written with an insider’s knowledge, 100 Irish Rugby Greats will prove to be a thrilling read for all fans of the sport.

100 Places That Made Britain

by Dave Musgrove

In 100, carefully selected places, BBC History Magazine editor Dave Musgrove takes us on an unforgettable historical tour through British history, from the Roman invasion to 1960s Liverpool. Musgrove has asked foremost British historians such as Dominic Sandbrook, to nominate the sites they believe to be the most important in our history, and has travelled to each place to provide a visitor's point of view alongside the captivating stories that make each one great.Covering the length and breadth of the British mainland and two thousand of years of history, 100 Places that Made Britain visits renowned sites such as the Tower of London and Runnymede, as well as less well-known places like Rushton Triangular Lodge in Northamptonshire - a three-sided, three-themed house built during the Reformation and designed to represent the Holy Trinity - and Jarrow, home of the first chronicler of Anglo-Saxon Britain, The Venerable Bede. Each essay adds another layer to our understanding of Britain's story, whether it be an advance in politics, religion, law or culture.Bringing the vast history of this small island to life, 100 Places that Made Britain is a captivating historical compendium that will have every reader criss-crossing the country to explore its myriad treasures.

100 Questions You'd Never Ask Your Parents: Straight Answers to Teens' Questions About Sex, Sexuality, and Health

by Elisabeth Henderson Nancy Armstrong

Teens have questions about sex. This simple manual answers their questions--honestly, simply, and reliably.What does an orgasm feel like?Does masturbating have any long-term negative effects?Does alcohol kill brain cells?Teens have questions about sex; it's a matter of who they ask and how reliable the answers are. Collected directly from teens and presented in a simple and accessible Q&A format, Elisabeth Henderson and Dr. Nancy Armstrong's 100 QUESTIONS YOU'D NEVER ASK YOUR PARENTS provides information about sex, drug, body, and mood in a way that's honest, nonjudgmental, and responsible.

100 Tips to Motivate Your Workouts

by Pílula Digital

The word MOTIVATION comes from the Latin 'motivus', which means 'cause of movement'. The great IMPORTANCE of motivation is that it is the FUEL that drives us to DO DAILY activities. It also INFLUENCES human behavior to ACHIEVE goals, satisfy needs and obtain pleasurable sensations. A person can have multiple REASONS to exercise, such as LOSS WEIGHT, maintain a good state of HEALTH, feel better about THEMSELVES, among others. All of these reasons are REASONS that DRIVE us to do physical activity. Furthermore, when a person begins to FEEL and see the RESULTS, this ENCOURAGES them to maintain the CONVICTION to continue EXERCISING.

1001 Ways to Meet Mr. Right

by Elizabeth Shimer Bowers

They say that there are no good men out there, but they're wrong. Eligible, good men are everywhere—and author Elizabeth Shimer Bowers shows how you can find them in the unlikeliest ways.You don't have to look very far to meet the man of your dreams. There are plenty of timeless and creative ways to find the perfect man for you, such as:#210: Tour a brewery #946: Learn to sail #470: Volunteer at an animal rescue #778: Become a tour guide at a local attraction #505: Attend a scotch-tasting night #768: Tag along to a friend's company picnic #398: Visit Pedro's South of the BorderAs well as 992 other ways and places to find your Mr. Right! Not only will you learn the pros and cons of meeting men in the various venues, but you can also use the handy rating scale to find out how much time each activity takes, whether you should bring a girlfriend along, and how much money (if any) you must invest. Your future plus-one could be as close as a few seats away on the subway, a few paces behind you in line at the movies, or right outside your own front door. So, grab this book and go!

101 Bets You Will Always Win: Jaw-Dropping Illusions, Remarkable Riddles, Scintillating Science Stunts, and Cunning Conundrums That Will Astound and Amaze Everyone You Know

by Richard Wiseman

YouTube sensation, psychologist Richard Wiseman, shows you how to astound your friends with 101 Bets You Will Always WinEveryone loves a winner. Imagine being able to challenge anyone with seemingly impossible bets, safe in the knowledge that you will always win. Imagine no more. Richard Wiseman is a psychologist who has traveled the globe in search of the world's greatest bets and in "101 Bets You Will Always Win" he shows you how to use science, logic and a healthy dose of trickery always to be on the winning side of every bet you make. Using coins, dice, matchsticks and ordinary objects, you'll discover, among many other things, - how to balance a coin on the edge of a dollar bill - pick a cup up with a balloon - balance two forks and a matchstick on your fingertip - separate two glasses without touching them In explaining the bets, Wiseman also explains the science behind them making what at first seems mystifying as natural as the laws of gravity. Let YouTube sensation Richard Wiseman turn you into one of those smart people who can say "I'll bet I can..." and know that you'll never lose.

101 Career Myths Debunked: The Ultimate Career Planning Workbook

by Elizabeth L. Campbell

What if everything you know about careers is false? Bombarded by toxic misinformation about unemployment and failing career prospects, job hunters are often halted by fear. 101 Career Myths Debunked is essential reading for college students, job hunters, and career changers to discover the myths holding them back and reveal the surprising truths and practical steps that will set them on the path to career success.Written by a counseling psychologist and career psychology expert, 101 Career Myths Debunked is your personal career coach and ultimate planning guide. This easy-to-use workbook will show you how to boost your confidence and build a life you love. It walks you through the entire career development process and helps you deal successfully with everything you need to consider. You’ll learn practical new ways to move forward from your present uncertainty into a promising future.

101 Damnations: Dispatches from the 101st Tour de France

by Ned Boulting

Join Ned Boulting as he reports on his dozen-th Tour de France, an event in which blokes do amazing things on bikes, and, we’re oft told, the biggest annual sporting event in the world.101 Damnations is a chance to relive the 2014 race, stage for stage, fall after fall, tantrum by tantrum; just the good bits mind, without all the aerial shots of castles. Or sunflowers. (Though it does wax lyrical about some stunning Alpine scenery . . . and, with the race starting in Yorkshire, even some stunning scenery not far from Bradford).From Leeds to Paris (how often do you say that?), Ned details the minutiae of his encounters with the likes of Vincenzo Nibali, David Millar, Chris Froome, Chris Boardman (or ‘Broadman’ as some would have it), Marcel Kittel, Mrs Cavendish (Mark’s wife), Peter Sagan and the rest. Their endeavours, achievements, humour and occasional rancour, sit alongside his own decade-long quest for the ideal end-of-race T-shirt.Ned weaves together the interesting, amusing and unheralded threads of the race itself, and reflects on his own perennial struggle to get round, get on and get by. 101 Damnations encapsulates all that is incredible – and incredibly ordinary – about the greatest race on earth.

101 Things Everyone Should Know about Economics: A Down And Dirty Guide To Everything From Securities And Derivatives To Interest Rates And Hedge Funds - And What They Mean For You

by Peter Sander

Economics, demystified!From the collapse of housing prices to the thousand-point drops in the stock market, the past has been full of economic crises. These changes not only affect the overall market—they can also drastically influence your personal finances and day-to-day life. In this easy-to-understand guide, Peter Sander explains how the financial system works, as well as the most important concepts, terms, and programs in economics. Using simple language, he details how the evolving climate will affect world economies—and what kind of shifts you are going to see in your finances as a result.In this updated edition, Sander also includes valuable information on:-The housing market and what it may do in the future-The impact of Obamacare on the economy-The scope of the Great Recession and how the U.S. is still struggling to recover-How to take advantage of the economy as it begins to rise againAn essential guide, 101 Things Everyone Should Know about Economics, 2nd Edition helps you fully understand today's economy and shows you how to secure your financial future even as the market changes.

101 Things to Do Before You're Five: The funny, bizarre and downright yucky things to expect from your little people

by Sally Norton

Is that gurgle the best you can do? With five years of pleasure ahead of you, there are 101 amusing and infuriating things for you to get up to . . .Go ahead . . .· Play your jam sandwich in the DVD machine.· Worship the cardboard box your most expensive present came in.· Stick that pea right up your nose.· Take your place in the middle of your parents' bed.· Drop that tiny car in the massive ball pit and scream until your scrambling parents unearth it.After all, you're only young once.Destined to make new parents laugh and/or cry, Sally Norton's hilarious 101 Things to Do Before You're Five coaches babies through the essential skills to be mastered in those pre-school days, while guiding grown-ups through the 'joys' of those first five crucial years.

101 Uses Of A Dead Roach

by Simon Bond Howard Marks

Howard Marks is king of the dope-smoking world: Mr Nice is now at a staggering half a million copies sold, and the Book of Dope Stories has sold 100,000 copies in six months. Simon Bond is a well-known cartoonist: the classic 101 Uses For A Dead Cat came out in an omnibus edition last year - twenty years after it was first published. 101 Uses For A Dead Roach will be a humour classic - 101 cartoons ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, of how to use the un-useable part of your joint.

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