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¡Se Retiran Todos Los Cargos!: Relatos Devocionales Desde la Corte Terrenal Hasta el Trono de la Gracia, Tomo 2 (¡Se Retiran Todos Los Cargos! #2)

by Haroldo S Camacho

Se siente un profundo temor cuando uno es llamado a comparecer ante un juez. Aunque solo sea por una multa de trá nsito. Especialmente si uno comparece sin un abogado. ¿ Cuá l será la multa? ¿ Habrá una defensa? ¿ Me declaro culpable, o pido un juicio? Pero cuando comparecemos ante el tribunal de Dios, todo temor se disipa: ¡ se retiran todos los cargos! Pero ¿ es verdad realmente? Hemos hecho tantas cosas que estamos convencidos de que no tenemos perdó n. Pensamos: « Tal como no se puede confiar plenamente en el sistema judicial, tampoco se puede confiar plenamente en el perdó n de nuestros pecados» . Pero el martillo del juez interrumpe nuestros titubeos: « Por causa de Cristo, se retiran todos los cargos, no hay nada pendiente. ¡ El defendido queda perdonado! ¡ Para siempre!» .El segundo tomo de ¡ Se retiran todos los cargos! continú a el viaje desde la corte terrenal hasta el trono de la gracia de Dios, en tanto Haroldo Camacho nos muestra que cada pecador recibe un veredicto de inocente, ¡ sin importar cuá n culpable sea!

A Murder Most French (An American in Paris Mystery #2)

by Colleen Cambridge

Postwar Paris is surging back to life, and its citizens are seizing every opportunity to raise a glass or share a delicious meal. But as American ex-pat Tabitha Knight and chef-in-training Julia Child discover, celebrations can quickly go awry when someone has murder in mind . . . The graceful domes of Sacré Coeur, the imposing cathedral of Notre Dame, the breathtaking Tour Eiffel . . . Paris is overflowing with stunning architecture. Yet for Tabitha Knight, the humble building that houses the Cordon Bleu cooking school, where her friend Julia studies, is just as notable. Tabitha is always happy to sample Julia&’s latest creation and try to recreate dishes for her Grand-père and Oncle Rafe. The legendary school also holds open demonstrations, where the public can see its master chefs at work. It&’s a treat for any aspiring cook—until one of the chefs pours himself a glass of wine from a rare vintage bottle—and promptly drops dead in front of Julia, Tabitha, and other assembled guests. It&’s the first in a frightening string of poisonings that turns grimly personal when cyanide-laced wine is sent to someone very close to Tabitha. What kind of killer chooses such a means of murder, and why? Tabitha and Julia hope to find answers in order to save innocent lives—not to mention a few exquisite vintages—even as their investigation takes them through some of the darkest corners of France&’s wartime past . . .

The British Booksellers

by Kristy Cambron

Inspired by real accounts of the Forgotten Blitz bombings, The British Booksellers highlights the courage of those whose lives were forever changed by war—and the stories that bind us in the fight for what matters most.A tenant farmer&’s son had no business daring to dream of a future with an earl&’s daughter, but that couldn&’t keep Amos Darby from his secret friendship with Charlotte Terrington…until the reality of the Great War sobered youthful dreams. Now decades later, he bears the brutal scars of battles fought in the trenches and their futures that were stolen away. His return home doesn&’t come with tender reunions, but with the hollow fulfillment of opening a bookshop on his own and retreating as a recluse within its walls.When the future Earl of Harcourt chose Charlotte to be his wife, she knew she was destined for a loveless match. Though her heart had chosen another long ago, she pledges her future even as her husband goes to war. Twenty-five years later, Charlotte remains a war widow who divides her days between her late husband&’s declining estate and operating a quaint Coventry bookshop—Eden Books, lovingly named after her grown daughter. And Amos is nothing more than the rival bookseller across the lane.As war with Hitler looms, Eden is determined to preserve her father&’s legacy. So when an American solicitor arrives threatening a lawsuit that could destroy everything they&’ve worked so hard to preserve, mother and daughter prepare to fight back. But with devastation wrought by the Luftwaffe&’s local blitz terrorizing the skies, battling bookshops—and lost loves, Amos and Charlotte—must put aside their differences and fight together to help Coventry survive.From deep in the trenches of the Great War to the storied English countryside and the devastating Coventry Blitz of World War II, The British Booksellers explores the unbreakable bonds that unite us through love, loss, and the enduring solace that can be found between the pages of a book.Split timeline: WWI and WWIIStand-alone novelBook length: 118,000 wordsIncludes discussion questions for book clubs

The Emperor's Sword: Pre-order the brand new adventure in the Chivalry series! (Chivalry #6)

by Christian Cameron

The penultimate instalment in the Chivalry series from a master of historical fiction.The Chivalry series follows young William Gold, who runs away from London to follow the Black Prince, from the killing fields of France, through life as a routier and criminal, and to redemption with the Knights of Saint John, further disillusion and an eventual career as a professional soldier and knight. Rich in the details of life in the High Middle Ages, the series also deals with modern issues about the role of violence in society, rules of conflict and war, and the price that people pay for using violence.'One of the finest historical fiction writers in the world' BEN KANE'The master of historical fiction' SUNDAY TIMES'A storyteller at the height of his powers' HISTORICAL NOVEL SOCIETY

The Emperor's Sword: Pre-order the brand new adventure in the Chivalry series! (Chivalry #6)

by Christian Cameron

The penultimate instalment in the Chivalry series from a master of historical fiction.The Chivalry series follows young William Gold, who runs away from London to follow the Black Prince, from the killing fields of France, through life as a routier and criminal, and to redemption with the Knights of Saint John, further disillusion and an eventual career as a professional soldier and knight. Rich in the details of life in the High Middle Ages, the series also deals with modern issues about the role of violence in society, rules of conflict and war, and the price that people pay for using violence.'One of the finest historical fiction writers in the world' BEN KANE'The master of historical fiction' SUNDAY TIMES'A storyteller at the height of his powers' HISTORICAL NOVEL SOCIETY

The Emperor's Sword: Pre-order the brand new adventure in the Chivalry series! (Chivalry #6)

by Christian Cameron

The penultimate instalment in the Chivalry series from a master of historical fiction.The Chivalry series follows young William Gold, who runs away from London to follow the Black Prince, from the killing fields of France, through life as a routier and criminal, and to redemption with the Knights of Saint John, further disillusion and an eventual career as a professional soldier and knight. Rich in the details of life in the High Middle Ages, the series also deals with modern issues about the role of violence in society, rules of conflict and war, and the price that people pay for using violence.'One of the finest historical fiction writers in the world' BEN KANE'The master of historical fiction' SUNDAY TIMES'A storyteller at the height of his powers' HISTORICAL NOVEL SOCIETY

Die Braut des Falken (Ein Walzer mit einem Schwerenöter #2)

by Collette Cameron

Warum war ihre Liebe nicht genug gewesen? Vor vielen Jahren hatte Ivonne Wimpleton Chancy Faulkenhurst geliebt und darauf gehofft, ihn zu heiraten. Dann eines Tages, ohne irgendeine Erklärung, war er plötzlich nach Indien gesegelt. Nun, nach fünf erfolglosen Saisons und einem Reitunfall, von dem sie ein leichtes Hinken zurückbehalten hatte, waren ihre einzigen Verehrer Mitgiftjäger und heruntergekommene Wüstlinge. Gerade dann, als Ivy sich der Ehelosigkeit verschrieben hat, kehrt Chance unerwartet zurück. Unglücklicherweise geschieht seine Rückkehr genau zu dem Zeitpunkt, als ihre Eltern von ihr verlangen, innerhalb von 14 Tagen einen ihrer Verehrer zu heiraten. Als Chance nach England zurückkehrt, ist er desillusioniert und seelisch vernarbt, aber seine Liebe für Ivy ist heil geblieben. Fast pleite, denn es ist ihm nicht gelungen, ein Vermögen anzuhäufen, um die Erlaubnis zu erhalten, sie zu heiraten. Dennoch, als er herausfindet, dass Ivy zur Heirat gezwungen werden soll, damit ein skandalöses Geheimnis nicht aufgedeckt wird, ist er dazu entschlossen, sie zu seiner Frau zu machen. Allerdings ist Ivy wütend, da sie glaubt, dass Chance in all diesen Jahren nicht den Versuch unternommen hat, sie zu kontaktieren. Mehr noch, in seiner Abwesenheit, hat sein Vater eine vorteilhafte Hochzeit für Chance arrangiert. Während er mit seinen inneren Dämonen kämpft, muss er Ivy davon überzeugen, ihn wieder zu lieben. Aber wird die Einmischung ihrer Eltern Chance und Ivys Glück wieder in Gefahr bringen?

Ein Kuss für Miss Kingsley: Ein liebreizender bis pikanter, zeitloser Liebesroman (Ein Walzer mit einem Schwerenöter #1)

by Collette Cameron

Kann ein wunderschönes Fräulein der Liebe wieder vertrauen? Besonders bei dem Schurken, der ihr das erste Mal das Herz gebrochen hatte? Olivia Kingsley hatte nicht damit gerechnet, dass ihr Herz im Sturm erobert werden würde und sie einen Heiratsantrag nur zwei Wochen nach Beginn ihrer ersten Saison zu erhält. Jedoch, ein herrlicher Tanz mit Allen Wimpleton, Erbe eines Viscountstitels, und ihre Zukunft ist besiegelt. So denkt sie jedenfalls, bis ihr exzentrischer Vater plötzlich ankündigt, dass er mit der gesamten Familie für ein Jahr in die Karibik geht. Mit dem Wissen, dass ihr Vater wahrscheinlich seine Bitte um Olivias Hand ausschlagen wird, bittet Allen sie, mit ihm durchzubrennen. Sie weigert sich, da sie erst kürzlich ihre Mutter verloren hat und sich Sorgen darüber macht, dass ihr Vater ebenfalls erkrankt ist – wobei er darauf besteht, dass dies ein Geheimnis bleiben muss. Verzweifelt über ihren Weggang und nichts ahnend vom schlechten Gesundheitszustand ihres Vaters, zweifelt Allen an ihrer Liebe für ihn und besteht törichterweise darauf, dass sie sich entscheiden muss – zwischen ihm oder ihrem Vater. Todunglücklich über Allens Herzlosigkeit, aber dankbar dafür, dass er seine wahre Natur vor ihrer Hochzeit offenbart hat, kehrt Olivia ihrer Liebe den Rücken zu. Aus dem einen Jahr werden drei, genügend Zeit für ein gebrochenes Herz, um zu heilen, und nachdem ihr Vater gestorben ist, kehrt Olivia nach England zurück. Auf einem Ball Allen gegenüberstehend, erkennt sie, dass sie ihn nie aus ihrem Herzen gelöscht hat. Aber können sie ihre Vergangenheit und alte Wunden hinter sich lassen, um die Liebe wieder zu finden? Oder hat Allen bereits eine andere gefunden?

Le comte de Wainthorpe

by Collette Cameron

Pourrait-elle un jour aimer le débauché impénitent qui l’avait gagnée lors d’un pari ? Il n’a pas parié qu’il allait perdre son cœur en la gagnant aux tables de jeu. Pierce, le comte de Wainthorpe, a finalement vaincu son pire ennemi. Sauf qu’il ne peut pas se réjouir de sa victoire après avoir gagné la pupille de son adversaire dans un pari où le vainqueur remporte tout. Si Pierce refuse d’assumer la tutelle de Bianca Salisbury, la belle aux cheveux de feu et au tempérament tout aussi ardent pourrait très bien se retrouver vendue au plus offrant. Le secret honteux qu’elle garde rend impossible pour elle d’aimer un scélérat. Désespérée d’échapper à son cousin, une fripouille notoire, Bianca Salisbury s’aventure à Londres dans le but de trouver un mari ou un emploi. À la place, elle se fait troquer par son cousin et devient la propriété d’un débauché. Elle a le choix entre accepter la protection du comte de Wainthorpe et risquer d’être compromise, ou fuir celui-ci et son tuteur. Mais sans argent et sans endroit où aller, elle craint de connaître le même sort tragique que sa mère. Afin de protéger Bianca de son cousin, Pierce l’emmène dans son domaine isolé à la campagne. Ni lui ni Bianca ne sont préparés à l’attraction grandissante qu’ils éprouvent l’un pour l’autre, et tous deux redoutent le jour où il retournera à Londres pendant qu’elle restera cachée. Pierce parviendra-t-il à persuader une Bianca méfiante de faire confiance à un voyou réformé, ou s’en ira-t-il, laissant derrière lui son cœur et son amour ?

Un Bacio per Miss Kingsley (Un Valzer Con un Libertino- Libro 2 #1)

by Collette Cameron

Può una bella giovane nubile fidarsi di nuovo dell'amore? Soprattutto quando un mascalzone le ha spezzato il cuore? Olivia Kingsley non si aspettava di trovare un corteggiatore e di ricevere una proposta di matrimonio alla sua prima Stagione. Eppure, era stata sufficiente una danza con Allen Wimpleton, erede di un viscontado, perchè il suo futuro fosse deciso. O almeno, così Olivia aveva creduto, finchè il suo eccentrico genitore non le aveva annunciato che tutta la famiglia si sarebbe trasferita ai Caraibi per un anno. Certo che il padre dell'amata avrebbe rifiutato la sua proposta, Allen chiede ad Olivia di fuggire insieme. Ma la ragazza, che ha perduto da poco la madre ed è molto preoccupata per i problemi del padre, di cui nessuno conosce la natura, lo rifiuta. Sconvolto, Allen arriva a dubitare dell'amore di Olivia e stupidamente le chiede di scegliere tra lui e il padre. Addolorata per l'insensibilità dell'amato, ma anche grata per aver scoperto la sua vera natura prima di sposarlo, Olivia volta le spalle al loro amore. Gli anni di permanenza ai Caraibi diventano tre e ormai il cuore di Olivia sembra essere guarito. Così, dopo la morte del padre, ritorna in Inghilterra, e, durante un ballo, si ritrova faccia a faccia con Allen. Allora si rende conto che in realtà il suo cuore non lo ha mai dimenticato. Ma sarà possibile mettersi alle spalle il passato e risanare antiche ferite per riaccendere l'amore? Oppure Allen ha trovato un'altra donna?

Death on Bloody Ridge: Chunuk Bair - the battle that decided the fate of the Gallipoli Campaign

by David W. Cameron

The August Offensive or &‘Anzac Breakout&’ at Gallipoli was an attempt to break the stalemate of the campaign. It saw some of the bloodiest fighting since the landing as Commonwealth and Turkish troops fought desperate battles at Lone Pine, German Officers&’ Trench, Turkish Quinn&’s, The Chessboard, The Nek, The Farm, Hill Q, Chunuk Bair, and Hill 971. The offensive was designed to allow the allied forces to &‘break out&’ of the Anzac beachhead below the Sari Bair Range. The capture of Chunuk Bair by the New Zealanders resulted in some of the bloodiest fighting at Gallipoli and was key to the entire August offensive. While it was taken and held for a few days - it&’s recapture by the Turks on 10 August 1915 decided the fate of the Gallipoli Campaign. Within four months the Allies were forced to evacuate the peninsula, leaving it to the Turks - a decisive victory for the Ottoman Empire Death on Bloody Ridge: Chunuk Bair - the battle that decided the fate of the Gallipoli Campaign, focuses solely on this one decisive battle.

Let the Bastards Come: The Battle for Kapyong Korea, 23 – 25 April 1951

by David W. Cameron

Anzac Day 2024 represents the 73rd anniversary of the critical battle of Kapyong (23 to 25 April 1951) This book for the first time tells the full story of the Australian, Canadian, New Zealand and American units involved. Fewer than 1,000 Australian and Canadian infantrymen, supported by New Zealand artillery and 15 American Sherman tanks fought off an entire Chinese Division of over 12,000 men and contributed significantly to defeating the great Chinese August offensive. The battle of Kapyong was fought during a heavy downpour in mountainous terrain, with Chinese units infiltrating the Australian lines which extended for seven kilometres. Given the small number of men involved and the long defensive line, several strong points were quickly established. The Australians almost alone, but with support from New Zealand gunners and some American tanks, for the first 24 hours held back the Chinese and were at times surrounded by large numbers of Chinese who launched ongoing human wave attacks against their isolated positions — but the line held with Australians leading bayonet counter charges against the Chinese. Within 24 hours, Canadian troops were committed to the battle and for 12 hours also faced significant attempts by the Chinese to surround their position – they too held their ground. The battle of Kapyong was truly a decisive battle of the Korean War, and for their heroic actions during the battle of Kapyong, the Australian and Canadian infantrymen and American tankers were awarded a rare US Presidential Unit citation.

Brute Force (A Jericho Quinn Thriller #6)

by Marc Cameron

Are these the last days of America? A thriller starring &“a compelling, never-give-an-inch hero who will appeal to Jack Reacher fans&” (Booklist). In the aftermath of a devastating biological attack, America stands on the brink of disaster. The President of the United States is controlled by terrorists. The Vice President, global mastermind Lee McKeon, is plotting his next move. And special agent Jericho Quinn is running for his life. Desperate to clear his name—and expose the conspirators in the White House—Quinn must race against time before McKeon can execute his evil plan. It begins with heightened security, mass surveillance, and the establishment of a brutal police state. It can only end in the takeover of America. The only thing standing between democracy and destruction is a man named Quinn…and one perfectly aimed bullet. From the New York Times-bestselling author of Tom Clancy Oath of Office, this heart-pounding thriller features &“a formidable warrior readers will want to see more of&” (Publishers Weekly).

Stone Cross: An Action-Packed Crime Thriller (An Arliss Cutter Novel #2)

by Marc Cameron

An Apple Books Best of the Month SelectionA USA Today Bestseller &“Suspenseful . . . builds to a satisfying, if violent, conclusion . . .&”—Publishers Weekly In a remote Alaskan village, Deputy US Marshal Arliss Cutter searches for a stone-cold killer amid a hotbed of corruption and long-buried secrets . . . It&’s hunting season in Stone Cross, Alaska—but Arliss Cutter has come here for a very different game. A federal judge is receiving death threats and refuses protection. Cutter and his deputy Lola Teariki have been assigned to keep him safe. But no one is ever really safe in a place like this. And no one is above suspicion . . . When Cutter and Lola arrive, the village is already gripped with fear. A young couple has disappeared from their fishing lodge. Their handyman has been found dead next to a crude drawing of a mysterious symbol. With the judge&’s life still at risk, and two people still missing, navigating the blood-bound traditions of this close-knit community won&’t be easy. When the secrets come out, the deadly hunt is on . . . &“A spectacular crime story here . . . well worth hunting for it.&” —Booklist

The Last Man and Gothic Sympathy (Elements in the Gothic)

by null Michael Cameron

This Element explores the theme of 'Gothic sympathy' as it appears in a collection of 'Last Man' novels. A liminal site of both possibility and irreconcilability, Gothic sympathy at once challenges the anthropocentric bias of traditional notions of sympathetic concern, premising compassionate relations with other beings – animal, vegetal, etc. – beyond the standard measure of the liberal-humanist subject, and at the same time acknowledges the horror that is the ineluctable and untranslatable otherness accompanying, interrupting, and shaping such a sympathetic connection. Many examples of 'Last Man' fiction explore the dialectical impasse of Gothic sympathy by dramatizing complicated relationships between a lone liberal-humanist subject and other-than-human or posthuman subjects that will persist beyond humanity's extinction. Such confrontations as they appear in Mary Shelley's The Last Man, H.G. Wells's The Time Machine, and Richard Matheson's I Am Legend will be explored.

The Naked Drinking Club

by Rhona Cameron

'It was dark when I came to. What woke me was the cold and the water on my legs. I was doing spoons with Scotty, me behind him. We were on a beach. We didn't speak for the first minute, we were so disorientated. I had to genuinely think very hard about where I was. Then I remembered I was in Australia.'It's the late eighties and 24-year-old Kerry has been drifting aimlessly through life in Edinburgh. Rarely having plans of any kind, she gets drunk and things happen: sex, drugs, parties, relationships, and, when she's really pushed, work.Setting off on a hastily arranged visit to Australia, Kerry packs only three items of clothing, a pair of flip-flops, two hundred pounds and her young persons' work visa. Soon broke, hungry and homeless, she joins ART, a likeable but mismatched band of travellers who sell dodgy oil paintings door-to-door in the suburbs. Young, beautiful and free, they drink wildly and live for the moment. Embarking on a riotous road trip together, their lives become deeply entangled, and the drinking spirals out of control. Eventually, Kerry is forced to admit that her journey to Australia isn't quite what it seems ...

Key Performance Indicators: The Complete Guide to KPIs for Business Success

by Emanuel Camilleri

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are widely used across organisations. But are they fully understood in how they can properly shape, improve, or even undermine organisational systems and outcomes? This book presents a framework and tools for measuring and managing performance at various levels within an organisation, and helps managers re-think the ways KPIs can be implemented to meet organisational goals.Innovative performance measurement and management is a vital function within any organisation irrespective of its size and industry. Measuring and managing performance (whether on an individual, team, or departmental basis) assists management in calibrating their established strategic goals by providing an insight into how well their employees and the organisation are doing and identifying areas of concern for rectification and improvement. This book focuses on the practicality of performance management tools (for example, Performance Analytics; Performance Reporting; Critical Success Factors; Balanced Scorecard; Benchmarking; Six Sigma; Business Excellence Models; Enterprise Risk Management) and illustrates their use, and the changing nature of how organisational performance will be evaluated in the future. This includes the application of Artificial Intelligence as an important trend in performance measurement and management.This book provides a universal framework for implementing a performance measurement and management system that is applicable to both the private and public sectors. It is particularly relevant to HR and operational managers, and organisational leaders and public administrators at all levels.

The Social Brain: The Psychology of Successful Groups

by Tracey Camilleri Samantha Rockey Robin Dunbar

'A remarkable and important book . . . a highly accessible, timely and invaluable guide to anybody working in groups.' Prof Paul Gilbert OBE___________________________________________________How many people does the ideal team contain? How do groups bond, earn trust and forge shared identities? How can leaders build environments adaptable enough to respond to shocks and still enable people to thrive together? How can you feel close to people if your only point of contact is a phone or a computer?In The Social Brain leading experts from the worlds of evolutionary psychology and business management come together to offer a primer on great team working. They explain what size groups work and how to shape them according to the nature of the task at hand. They offer practical hints on how to diffuse tensions and encourage cooperation. And they demonstrate the vital importance of balancing unity and the need for different views and outlooks. By explaining precisely how the 'social brain' works, they show how human groups function and how to create great, high-performing teams._____________________________________'This wonderful book reminds us that businesses are also biological and social . . . It could not be more timely, wise and useful.' Margaret Heffernan, author of Wilful Blindness'Buy it for yourself and your colleagues. Essential reading.' Mark Earls, author of HERD

Treasured (Secrets of the Loch #1)

by Candace Camp

Love is in the cards for a young Scottish heiress in the first book of a delicious new trilogy of historical romances, Secrets of the Loch, from New York Times bestselling author Candace Camp.A family legend of hidden treasure mingles with the mist over the shores of Loch Baille… But it’s not the cache of gold dating back to Culloden that Jack Kensington claims when he arrives in the Highlands; it’s the house he won in a London card game from a luckless Scotsman. Stunned to learn that her wastrel brother wagered their family estate, Isobel Rose must find a way to save her home and the people she loves…even if it means accepting a loveless marriage. Or perhaps not so loveless? Isobel unlocks the secrets of desire in the arms of the mysterious and handsome Englishman, but a series of “accidents” makes her fear that she will soon be a widow instead of a wife. As their hunt for lost riches turns into the search for a killer, Isobel fights her attraction to the man who stole her birthright…but can Jack convince Isobel that he can provide a home for her heart, and a love to treasure?

Freedom and Power in Classical Athens

by null Naomi T. Campa

Athenian democracy was distinguished from other ancient constitutions by its emphasis on freedom. This was understood, Naomi T. Campa argues, as being able to do 'whatever one wished,' a widely attested phrase. Citizen agency and power constituted the core of democratic ideology and institutions. Rather than create anarchy, as ancient critics claimed, positive freedom underpinned a system that ideally protected both the individual and the collective. Even freedom, however, can be dangerous. The notion of citizen autonomy both empowered and oppressed individuals within a democratic hierarchy. These topics strike at the heart of democracies ancient and modern, from the discursive principles that structure political procedures to the citizen's navigation between the limitations of law and expression of individual will to the status of noncitizens within a state. This title is part of the Flip it Open Programme and may also be available Open Access. Check our website Cambridge Core for details.

Reimagining the Recipe for Research & Innovation: the Secret Sauce of Social Science

by Campaign for Social Science

There is a critical yet under-explored role for the social sciences within the UK’s research, development and innovation system. This report argues that the social sciences can elevate this country’s research output to a world-leading level. There is, however, a danger of the social sciences being seen as an add-on or afterthought to STEM research whereby social scientists’ contributions are limited to identifying or ameliorating potentially negative ethical, legal or societal implications of scientific or technological advances. Our argument in this report is that social scientists have an essential role to play across the entire recipe - catalysing the development of new flavours - rather than simply being a garnish to a dish created by STEM. Ideas from social science need to be incorporated into STEM research right from the beginning, thereby enriching our perspectives and understanding of global challenges. Case studies include how social science can help us to develop effective climate change policies, combat AIDS rates amongst young people in South Africa, and assess the impact of AI technology on human rights. The report provides a systematic overview of the ways in which social science can benefit STEM research: 1. Social sciences enable whole systems thinking. 2. Social sciences are critical for good policy development. 3. Social sciences underpin smart & responsible innovation. 4. Social sciences are essential to international collaboration and tackling shared global challenges.

Reimagining the Recipe for Research & Innovation: the Secret Sauce of Social Science

by Campaign for Social Science

There is a critical yet under-explored role for the social sciences within the UK’s research, development and innovation system. This report argues that the social sciences can elevate this country’s research output to a world-leading level. There is, however, a danger of the social sciences being seen as an add-on or afterthought to STEM research whereby social scientists’ contributions are limited to identifying or ameliorating potentially negative ethical, legal or societal implications of scientific or technological advances. Our argument in this report is that social scientists have an essential role to play across the entire recipe - catalysing the development of new flavours - rather than simply being a garnish to a dish created by STEM. Ideas from social science need to be incorporated into STEM research right from the beginning, thereby enriching our perspectives and understanding of global challenges. Case studies include how social science can help us to develop effective climate change policies, combat AIDS rates amongst young people in South Africa, and assess the impact of AI technology on human rights. The report provides a systematic overview of the ways in which social science can benefit STEM research: 1. Social sciences enable whole systems thinking. 2. Social sciences are critical for good policy development. 3. Social sciences underpin smart & responsible innovation. 4. Social sciences are essential to international collaboration and tackling shared global challenges.

Diaries Volume One: Prelude to Power (The Alastair Campbell Diaries #1)

by Alastair Campbell

As Alastair Campbell said in the introduction to The Blair Years, it was always his intention to publish the full version, covering his time as spokesman and chief strategist to Tony Blair. Prelude to Power is the first of four volumes, and covers the early days of New Labour, culminating in their victory at the polls in 1997.Volume 1 details the extraordinary tensions between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown as they resolved the question as to which one should stand to become Labour leader. It shows that right from the start, relations at the top were prone to enormous strain, suspicions and accusations of betrayal. Yet it also shows the political and personal bonds that tied them together, and which made them one of the most feared and respected electoral machines anywhere in the world. A story of politics in the raw, Prelude to Power is above all an intimate, detailed portrait of the people who have done so much to shape modern history.

Diaries Volume Three: Power and Responsibility (The Alastair Campbell Diaries #3)

by Alastair Campbell

POWER AND RESPONSIBILITY is the third volume of Alastair Campbell's unique daily account of life at the centre of the Blair government. It begins amid conflict in Kosovo, and ends on September 11, 2001, a day which immediately wrote itself into the history books, changing the course of both the Bush presidency and the Blair premiership. In this volume, we see that New Labour's honeymoon is well and truly over. In addition to detailing the continuing tensions at the top, here we find graphic accounts of a variety of domestic crises: foot-and-mouth disease and protests over fuel prices which almost brought Britain to a halt. Volume Three includes Peter Mandelson's second resignation, the agonies of the Millennium Dome, and the most unexpected slow-handclapping in memory, when the Women's Institute turned against Tony Blair. Yet despite all the problems - not least the most accident-prone manifesto launch in history, complete with deputy prime minister John Prescott punching a voter - Labour won a second successive landslide election victory. That triumph is intimately recorded here, alongside the high points of this period, such as devolution to Northern Ireland and the fall of Milosevic.

Diaries Volume Two: Power and the People (The Alastair Campbell Diaries #2)

by Alastair Campbell

Power & the People covers the first two years of the New Labour government, beginning with their landslide victory at the polls in 1997. This second voume of Campbell's unexpurgated diaries details the initial challenges faced by Labour as they come to power and settle into running the country. It covers an astonishing array of events and personalities, progress and setbacks, crises and scandals, as Blair and his party make the transition from opposition to office.

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