Listen to human-narrated audiobooks on Apple computer

Listen to books in MP3 format with iTunes/Apple Music

  1. Set your download preference to MP3 audio.
  2. Download a book from our human-narrated audio reading list in “audio” format.
  3. Audiobooks take a bit longer to prepare to download, so if the status of the book indicates “In Progress” you may need to wait a few minutes to a few hours before you can save it to your computer.
  4. The book will show as “Available” when it is ready to download. Select the “Available” link to download the file to your computer.
  5. When you select the zipped file for your book in your downloads folder, it will unzip automatically and create a folder containing all the audio files for your book.
  6. You can drag the unzipped folder to the iTunes/Apple Music icon, or use “ctrl + click” to open options for the unzipped folder and then “open with” and iTunes/Apple Music to save them in that program.
  7. If you would like to listen on your Apple mobile device, you can sync your device to your computer.