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If you are using a new BrailleNote Touch device, the easiest way is to use Go Read. Learn more here.Otherwise, you'll need to use removable media such as a flash drive or memory card to copy books to a BrailleNote.If copying a DAISY book, please do the following:... more
The latest Victor Reader Stream includes built in Wifi allowing Bookshare users to log in, search, and download Bookshare content directly on the device itself. If you have this device click here for more information.If you wish to use a computer to download and... more
The “Options” dialog allows you to set items such as download location, default download type, and whether the Braille Sense U2 automatically unpacks the Bookshare book or periodical. To open the “Options” dialog, Tab to the “Options” button and press “Enter” or press... more
You can manually download Bookshare books to your Dynavox Maestro, V/Vmax, or V+/Vmax+ by saving them as a DAISY Text file, then opening the book in Dynavox's eBook Reader. To download the DAISY Text file on your Dynavox:Log in to your Bookshare account in a web... more