Using VoiceOver with Bookshare on iOS

We recommend iOS users install a Bookshare-integrated app (Dolphin EasyReader, Voice Dream Reader, or Capti Narrator) when downloading books to their mobile device. However, if you wish to verify a book is in our collection by searching our website, please follow the instructions below after opening Safari on your iOS device.

Navigate to Bookshare's website:

  1. Locate the address bar, which is near the top center of the screen.
  2. Double-tap to activate the edit box, and type, then double-tap the Go button, located in the bottom right corner of the keyboard.

Sign in to your Bookshare account:

  1. Rotate two fingers on the screen to activate the Rotor, and select Links from the Rotor options.
  2. Swipe down with 1 finger to move to the Log In link, then double-tap to activate it.
  3. Double-tap to edit the Bookshare username field and type in your username.
  4. Swipe right with one finger to navigate to the password field, then double-tap and enter in your Bookshare password.
  5. Swipe right with one finger to navigate to the Remember Me checkbox, and double-tap if you wish to have Bookshare remember your login information.
  6. Swipe right with one finger once more to navigate to the Sign In button, then double tap to activate it.

Search for a book:

  1. Rotate two fingers on the screen to activate the Rotor, and select Text Fields.
  2. From the top of the page, swipe down with one finger to move to the first Text Field (the search box).
  3. Double-tap to activate the edit field, then type in the title, author, or ISBN of the book you wish to search for.
  4. Double-tap the Search button, located in the bottom right corner of the keyboard, to activate the search. The next page will display your search results.
  5. Rotate two fingers on the screen to activate the Rotor, and select Headings from the Rotor options.
  6. Each search result is its own heading, so you can swipe down with one finger to navigate by headings to locate the title of each book.
  7. To learn more about a book, swipe right with one finger to move through the author information and synopsis.
