Opportunities in the U.S.

Improve Bookshare's Collection!

  • Scan books: using your scanner and OCR software, scan books in RTF that we don't have in the collection. This is a remote volunteer opportunity!
  • Proofread scanned files: clean up scanned RTF files from other volunteers and format them. This can be done remotely!

Bookshare is not accepting volunteers at this time. Please check back periodically for updates.

Make Bookshare the Best It Can Be!

  • Become a mentor teacher: connect with other teachers using Bookshare and train those at your school to use Bookshare successfully.
  • Become a parent ambassador: raise awareness about Bookshare in general and help train other parents with children using Bookshare's services. 
  • Offer your pro-bono services: do you have a skill that we could use? Send a resume and cover letter to the link below this page!