Bookshare for Post-Secondary Students

College students working on devices.

Learning After High School

Did you know that Bookshare remains FREE for students enrolled in a higher education program? 

Bookshare can help ensure success after high school. Whatever postsecondary pursuits are next, reading is an integral part of education, building a career, entertainment, and lifelong learning. This checklist helps to make the most of a Bookshare account during the transition out of high school and into the next phase of life:

  1. Make sure to have a  Bookshare Individual Membership. Bookshare continues to be free if enrolled in college or another educational program. Some state vocational programs or state branches of the National Library Service might sponsor your membership. Update your Bookshare account with any new information.
  2. Promote reading independence by knowing how to find a book. Also, request books that aren’t already in the collection.
  3. Review Reading Options for reading Bookshare books on preferred devices. Check out our Guides and Videos.
  4. Questions? Contact our Customer Support team via email or phone.

Read Your Way

Experience Bookshare ebooks in many different ways:

Access books needed for school and leisure:


FREE for U.S. students with qualifying disabilities

To join Bookshare, students must have a qualifying disability, and membership is FREE for all U.S. students of any age and schools, including K-12 public, charter, and private schools, colleges and universities, trade schools, homeschool environments, Perkins School for the Blind, and Hadley School for the Blind.

Student listening to book on iPad

College Bound with Bookshare

Brian was diagnosed with dyslexia in third grade. Since then, he used Bookshare and assistive technology to help him read and study. His studies took him to an Ivy League college and a bright professional career. Read Brian’s story

Who Uses Bookshare?

Check out our these other user stories! 


Kayley and Ella
