Whale Rider


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Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
128 Pages
Date of Addition:
Copyrighted By:
Witi Ihimaera
Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
Children's Books, Animals, Literature and Fiction, Australiana, Politics and Government
Submitted By:
Noel Romey
Proofread By:
Amber W
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


5 out of 5

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As a Maori woman, the book for me was exhilirating on many levels.The notion that a 'girl's' destiny could be that of a Maori chief was music to my eyes. For many young girls, particularly Maori girls, it sent a positive message of courage, strength and belief in oneself. The story tells of the Maori traditions of that particular tribe and gives an insight into the wonderful Maori culture. I loved the Maori humour too which is hard to describe but if I could I'd say it comes in all shades, edging to the black.The area where the story is set is also near where my family are from in New Zealand.The old Koro with his sexist attitudes is reminiscent of the history of the invisibility of women in history due to the patriarchal attitudes of men just like Koro.They're everywhere, they're everywhere!However he does eventually see the error of his ways, so he can't be all bad.The book too is written by a Maori man, which makes me proud.It gives me hope that the future of my son has endless possibilities. He has seen the Whale Rider movie and loved it so much his Aunty in NZ had to get it for him.We talked about the movie afterwards and I mentioned the sexist attitudes of the Koro. My boy is only 5, nearly 6, but still young enough to learn what is right and fair and what is sexixt and not. To go further and beyond these days you need to come out of the tunnel and open yourself up to new concepts and ideas.Koro had to do that and that is kapai!(Maori for good)