The Forgotten Star


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Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
21 Pages
Golden Press
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Copyrighted By:
Golden Press, Inc.
Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
Children's Books, Teens, Literature and Fiction, Science Fiction and Fantasy
Submitted By:
Jonathan Cooper
Proofread By:
Paul Boucher
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


5 out of 5

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I got a hardcover copy of this book for my sixth birthday and it completely hooked me on science fiction. It remained one of my prized possessions through the years and was read repeatedly until it fell apart.<p> One needn't be six years old to appreciate either the plot, the characters or the style in which the story is told; it remains timeless enough that I, in my fifties now, would dearly love to read it once again.<p> Digby Allen's search for his missing space explorer father foreshadows Luke and Anakin without the religious overtones or mysticism.<p> Joe Greene never quite got the accolades heaped upon Arthur C. Clark, but anyone who's read "Rendevous With Rama" has seen a pale imitation of "the Forgotten Star."<p> Digby and his buds Ken and Jim find Dig's dad's spaceship moored to a rouge asteroid with an alien civilization living inside. <p> They've been living within an artificial environment for so many generations that they have no idea who built their spaceship, where it might be going, or even that it is not their natural habitat.<p> I opened the gift wrap on this book in the early afternoon of November 4th, 1959; by bedtime I had finished it. The next day, I read it again. <p> It opened the door to a new world for me - the world of science fiction!<p> The Forgotten Star inspired me to check out and devour everything in my local library by Heinlein, Tolkein and the hordes of imitators and wannabees. <p> It made the study of math and science and even English more fun and more richly rewarding than any of them had been before I read this book.<p> Five stars might seem like especially high praise for a little known book by a little known author, and it is true that I have read better constructed stories - Zallazny, Saberhagen and Salvatore come to mind - but I cannot think of any other book, and certainly no other work of fiction, that has had such a profound and positive influence on my life and on the way in which I learned to see the world when I read it.<p> In more than fifty years this book is the best birthday present I ever got, and I want to thank my Mom and Dad for it and for their love for me that inspired them to pick it off a shelf filled with other books that would never have meant as much to me. <p> Thanks, Mom & Dad, I love you! / bogod