The Only Way Out


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Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
186 Pages
Date of Addition:
Copyrighted By:
Deborah Kent
Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
Children's Books, Literature and Fiction
Submitted By:
Deborah Kent Stein
Proofread By:
Amber W
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


5 out of 5

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The only way out by deborah Kent.For the past few years, fourteen year old shannor Thomas has undergone chemotherapy treatments for Hodgkin's diease. Now shes is free of her symptoms and very overwellmed towards the end. When her old doctor moves away her new doctor shocks her with eriable news stating'she needs more chemo" Shannon is hurt it's like her heart was ripped out of her body and stomped on repeatdly. She has had enough now she is taking back whats hers!Suddenly when shannon discovers that a women in new york can heal her and allow her to go on with her life she realizes that her parents would not corripate. So she takes things into her own hands and decides to go alone. she decides to go! now shannon is about to make one of the most important decisions of a lifetime. Will she back of when she arrives at the place? Or will she get hurt or even face death? Should she have disobyed her mother and father? if you want a solution to these questions read the book. If i were to rate this book 1-10 i would give it a super 10!by: laque cole

5 out of 5

By on

The only way out by deborah Kent.For the past few years, fourteen year old shannor Thomas has undergone chemotherapy treatments for Hodgkin's diease. Now shes is free of her symptoms and very overwellmed towards the end. When her old doctor moves away her new doctor shocks her with eriable news stating'she needs more chemo" Shannon is hurt it's like her heart was ripped out of her body and stomped on repeatdly. She has had enough now she is taking back whats hers!Suddenly when shannon discovers that a women in new york can heal her and allow her to go on with her life she realizes that her parents would not corripate. So she takes things into her own hands and decides to go alone. she decides to go! now shannon is about to make one of the most important decisions of a lifetime. Will she back of when she arrives at the place? Or will she get hurt or even face death? Should she have disobyed her mother and father? if you want a solution to these questions read the book. If i were to rate this book 1-10 i would give it a super 10!