The Summer Guest


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The Dial Press
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Justin Cronin
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Literature and Fiction
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5 out of 5

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Reading this book, ten years after its date of publication, has made me contemplate how much the novels of our lives have changed over the last decade. "The Summer Guest" is a multi-generational chronicle, and certainly those kinds of family and geographical - all about a magical, meaningful place -- sagas are still written. But, this novel seemed like a much more intimate relic from the past - a relic I'm so glad I discovered and immersed myself into. This one is set in northern Maine, very near the Canadian border. The time ranges across the past 40 or 45 years, and, since that time period encompasses significant decades of my own life, every event resonated in my consciousness and memories (although the events from my own story are very different from the events that dominated the lives of the family whose members populate the narrative of this novel. I have known Justin Cronin as the author of" The Passage" and "The Twelve," two science fiction/zombie novels that couldn't be more different from this family saga about the love between people who are defined by a place and a way of life that determines the kinds of lives they lead and the kinds of relationships they form and nurture. There are anti-war heroes who remind me of my own opposition to the war in Vietnam, and a diverse array of characters whose values and life decisions are based on equally valid values and commitments to one another. This is the kind of novel that leaves a reader in tears - but grateful tears for the emotions a writer has stirred and gratitude for the experience of knowing such consequential heroes and heroines.. I found "The Summer Guest" at BookShare and recommend it highly to any reader who wants to visit the emotionally charged and character driven novels which don't seem to be written so much any more. You won't regret reading "The Summer Guest" by Justin Cronin (even as you wait with baited breath for the third and final installment of "The Passage" trilogy. What a talented writer is Justin Cronin. I am so happy to have discovered his multi-faceted talents and look forward to reading his other novels, those I have yet to discover, and those he has yet to write.