The Traveling Vampire Show



Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
390 Pages
Date of Addition:
Copyrighted By:
Richard Laymon
Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
Horror, Literature and Fiction, Mystery and Thrillers
Submitted By:
Scott Blanks
Proofread By:
Scott Blanks
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


5 out of 5

By on

Similar in style to "Boy's Life", or King's "It", Laymon follows the odd events surrounding three teens, in a small town set in the late 50's. A little graphic at times, Laymon manages to find the right line between reality and nasty. Written from a boys perspective, and read by a man, I found it to be a refreshingly honest look at the mentality and emotions that boys go thru in any time... It was a book I just couldn't stop reading until I finished it. The events which surround the novel all take place in a single day... and when I look back Laymon did a really amazing job staying within that idea. In all, I was really pleased to have found this new-to-me author. Similar to King, an McCann - but NOT a copy of them, Laymon has his own original style. If you like horror, with characters that "feel" real, then this is a must read guy.

5 out of 5

By on

Similar in style to "Boy's Life", or King's "It", Laymon follows the odd events surrounding three teens, in a small town set in the late 50's. A little graphic at times, Laymon manages to find the right line between reality and nasty. Written from a boys perspective, and read by a man, I found it to be a refreshingly honest look at the mentality and emotions that boys go thru in any time... It was a book I just couldn't stop reading until I finished it. The events which surround the novel all take place in a single day... and when I look back Laymon did a really amazing job staying within that idea. In all, I was really pleased to have found this new-to-me author. Similar to King, an McCann - but NOT a copy of them, Laymon has his own original style. If you like horror, with characters that "feel" real, then this is a must read guy.