And Less Than Kind (Doubled Edge #4)

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Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
610 Pages
Baen Publishing Enterprises
Date of Addition:
Copyrighted By:
Mercedes Lackey, Roberta Gellis
Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
Literature and Fiction, Science Fiction and Fantasy
Submitted By:
Worth Trust
Proofread By:
Worth Trust
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


4 out of 5

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And Less Than Kind by Mercedes Lackey. With political drama to rival any other in history, And Less Than Kind brings out the last stage of Queen Elisabeth’s trials to become queen. I am thoroughly astounded how Lackey keeps her characters straightened out with all of their political standings. I personally did not like so much politics, but I understand that it is necessary to make one understand the book. The action in this book, although nothing like the last book, has a bigger stake in both worlds than ever before. Although Albertus is part of the dark court, the readers are more inclined to like him after this book. I also kind of think Dakari was interesting. But the one creature that has sparked my interest is the server in The Inn of Kindly Laughter. I am intrigued to know what it is and about its realm and lands. I sincerely hope another book is either written in this series, or another series is written about Elizabeth and her friends. I recommend this book to anyone who has read the other books before this book. This book should not be read as a first book in the series, it will not be understood very well. I am looking forward to learning about the Golden Age and what happens to everyone who is Underhill in the latter years.