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Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
292 Pages
Random House Publishing Group
Date of Addition:
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Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
Literature and Fiction, Science Fiction and Fantasy
Submitted By:
Eric Troup
Proofread By:
Ann Tate
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


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A glowing sphere lands on Earth many thousands of years ago. A strange and utterly alien creature follows, crashing into the Arctic ice sheets and is frozen for many hundreds of years. In 1897 the creature is discovered by a captain of a ship that was unfortunate enough to be struggling through that region of the world. The captain investigates and is blinded by a release of energy. He is institutionalized because he is believed to be mad. In the present time his great great-grandson Sam is just a normal teen, trying to attract the attention of his sweetheart. This all changes when Sam and his father explore a car dealership. Sam chooses a yellow Camaro. Later Sam follows the car which he believes is being stolen. Many miles away, a chopper is destroying a military base searching for information regarding his lost leader. A third machine is hacking into Air Force One's network. Nobody can trace the hacker and finally the hardlines to the network are cut. Sam and his girlfriend witness a battle between Sam's car (Bumblebee) and a Decepticon police car (Barricade). Sam, his girlfriend, and Bumblebee are captured and are taken to Sector Seven's base of operations. While there, the base is attacked by several Decepticons and Megatron is freed. The book ends in a final battle for the glowing sphere known as the Allspark.