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District List: SDP-2018 Summer Reading List for Grades 9-10

Description: School District of Philadelphia Summer Reading List for Grades 9-10 #teens #sdp

Showing 26 through 43 of 43 results

Fast Food Nation

by Eric Schlosser

New York Times Bestseller, With a New Afterword"Schlosser has a flair for dazzling scene-setting and an arsenal of startling facts . . . Fast Food Nation points the way but, to resurrect an old fast food slogan, the choice is yours."--Los Angeles TimesIn 2001, Fast Food Nation was published to critical acclaim and became an international bestseller. Eric Schlosser's exposé revealed how the fast food industry has altered the landscape of America, widened the gap between rich and poor, fueled an epidemic of obesity, and transformed food production throughout the world. The book changed the way millions of people think about what they eat and helped to launch today's food movement.In a new afterword for this edition, Schlosser discusses the growing interest in local and organic food, the continued exploitation of poor workers by the food industry, and the need to ensure that every American has access to good, healthy, affordable food. Fast Food Nation is as relevant today as it was a decade ago. The book inspires readers to look beneath the surface of our food system, consider its impact on society and, most of all, think for themselves."As disturbing as it is irresistible . . . Exhaustively researched, frighteningly convincing . . . channeling the spirits of Upton Sinclair and Rachel Carson."--San Francisco Chronicle"Schlosser shows how the fast food industry conquered both appetite and landscape."--The New YorkerEric Schlosser is a contributing editor for the Atlantic and the author of Fast Food Nation, Reefer Madness, and Chew on This (with Charles Wilson).

Date Added: 04/30/2019

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

by David Levithan and John Green

Two award-winning and New York Times–bestselling author join forces for a collaborative novel of awesome proportions.

One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two teens—both named Will Grayson—are about to cross paths. As their worlds collide and intertwine, the Will Graysons find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, building toward romantic turns-of-heart and the epic production of history’s most fabulous high school musical.

Hilarious, poignant, and deeply insightful, John Green and David Levithan’s collaborative novel is brimming with a double helping of the heart and humor that have won them both legions of faithful fans.

Date Added: 04/30/2019

Yo soy Malala

by Malala Yousafzai

Cuando los talibanes tomaron el control del valle de Swat en Pakistán, una niña alzó su voz. Malala Yousafzai se negó a ser silenciada y luchó por su derecho a la educación.El martes 9 de octubre de 2012, con quince años de edad, estuvo a punto de pagar el gesto con su vida. Le dispararon en la cabeza a quemarropa mientras volvía a casa de la escuela en autobús, y pocos pensaron que fuera a sobrevivir.Sin embargo, la milagrosa recuperación de Malala la ha llevado en un extraordinario periplo desde un remoto valle en el norte de Pakistán hasta las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York. A los dieciséis años se ha convertido en un símbolo global de la protesta pacífica, y es la nominada más joven de la historia para el Premio Nobel de la Paz.Yo soy Malala es el excepcional relato de una familia desterrada por el terrorismo global, de la lucha por la educación de las niñas, de un padre que, él mismo propietario de una escuela, apoyó a su hija y la alentó a escribir y a ir al colegio, y de unos padres valientes que quierena su hija por encima de todo en una sociedad que privilegia a los hijos varones.Yo soy Malala nos hace creer en el poder de la voz de una persona para cambiar el mundo. [With contributions by Christina Lamb and translated by Julia Fernandez]

Date Added: 04/30/2019

I Am Malala

by Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb

When the Taliban took control of the Swat Valley in Pakistan, one girl spoke out. Malala Yousafzai refused to be silenced and fought for her right to an education.On Tuesday, October 9, 2012, when she was fifteen, she almost paid the ultimate price. She was shot in the head at point-blank range while riding the bus home from school, and few expected her to survive. Instead, Malala's miraculous recovery has taken her on an extraordinary journey from a remote valley in northern Pakistan to the halls of the United Nations in New York. At sixteen, she has become a global symbol of peaceful protest and the youngest nominee ever for the Nobel Peace Prize.I AM MALALA is the remarkable tale of a family uprooted by global terrorism, of the fight for girls' education, of a father who, himself a school owner, championed and encouraged his daughter to write and attend school, and of brave parents who have a fierce love for their daughter in a society that prizes sons.I AM MALALA will make you believe in the power of one person's voice to inspire change in the world.

Date Added: 04/30/2019


by Barack Obama and Elie Wiesel and Marion Wiesel and Samantha Power and Elisha Wiesel

A memorial edition of Elie Wiesel’s seminal memoir of surviving the Nazi death camps, with tributes by President Obama and Samantha PowerWhen Elie Wiesel died in July 2016, the White House issued a memorial statement in which President Barack Obama called him “the conscience of the world.” The whole of the president’s eloquent tribute will appear as a foreword to this memorial edition of Night. “Like millions of admirers, I first came to know Elie through his account of the horror he endured during the Holocaust simply because he was Jewish,” wrote the president.In 1986, when Wiesel received the Nobel Peace Prize, the Norwegian Nobel Committee wrote, “Elie Wiesel was rescued from the ashes of Auschwitz after storm and fire had ravaged his life. In time he realized that his life could have purpose: that he was to be a witness, the one who would pass on the account of what had happened so that the dead would not have died in vain and so the living could learn.” Night, which has sold millions of copies around the world, is the very embodiment of that conviction. It is written in simple, understated language, yet it is emotionally devastating, never to be forgotten.Born in the town of Sighet, Transylvania, Wiesel was a teenager when he and his family were deported to Auschwitz and then Buchenwald. Night is the shattering record of his memories of the death of his mother, father, and little sister, Tsipora; the death of his own innocence; and his despair as a deeply observant Jew confronting the absolute evil of man. “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night,” writes Wiesel. “Never shall I forget . . . even were I condemned to live as long as God Himself.” These words are etched into the wall of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. Far more than a chronicle of the sadistic realm of the camps, Night also addresses many of the philosophical and personal questions implicit in any serious consideration of the Holocaust.The memorial edition of Night includes the unpublished text of a speech that Wiesel delivered before the United Nations General Assembly on the sixtieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz entitled “Will the World Ever Know.” These remarks powerfully resonate with Night and with subsequent acts of genocide.

Date Added: 04/30/2019

The Chocolate War

by Robert Cormier

One of the most controversial YA novels of all time, The Chocolate War is a modern masterpiece that speaks to fans of S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders and John Knowles's A Separate Peace. After suffering rejection from seven major publishers, The Chocolate War made its debut in 1974, and quickly became a bestselling--and provocative--classic for young adults. This chilling portrait of an all-boys prep school casts an unflinching eye on the pitfalls of conformity and corruption in our most elite cultural institutions. "Masterfully structured and rich in theme; the action is well crafted, well timed, suspenseful."--The New York Times Book Review "The characterizations of all the boys are superb."--School Library Journal, starred review "Compellingly immediate. . . . Readers will respect the uncompromising ending."--Kirkus Reviews, starred review An ALA Best Book for Young Adults A School Library Journal Best Book of the Year A Kirkus Reviews Editor's Choice A New York Times Outstanding Book of the YearFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Date Added: 04/30/2019

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep Omnibus

by Philip Dick

San Francisco lies under a cloud of radioactive dust. The World War has killed millions, driving entire species to extinction and sending mankind off-planet. Those who remain covet any living creature, and for people who can't afford one, companies build incredibly realistic fakes: horses, birds, cats, sheep...even humans. Rick Deckard is an officially sanctioned bounty hunter tasked to find six rogue androids. They're machines, but look, sound, and think like humans

Date Added: 04/30/2019

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

by David Levithan and John Green

Dos chicos, dos vidas, un nombre. Dos autores, dos personajes, un gran libro. Will Grayson tiene dos reglas en la vida: guardar silencio y no implicarse en nada. Sin embargo, su mejor amigo, Tiny Cooper, está decidido a buscarle novia y a montar su musical autobiográfico: Tiny Dancer. Muy cerca de él hay otro Will Grayson: un chico melancólico que no tiene nada bueno a lo que agarrarse. Lo único que hace que su vida merezca la pena es su relación online con Isaac, al que nunca ha visto en persona. Una fría noche de invierno, los dos Will Grayson se cruzarán en una esquina cualquiera de Chicago. Por suerte para ambos, Tiny está decidido a empujarlos hacia la felicidad, el amor y, por supuesto, el musical más fabuloso jamás representado en un instituto. Divertidísima, conmovedora y profundamente perspicaz, la novela de John Green y David Levithan reflexiona sobre la amistad y la identidad con todo el humor y la emoción propios de dos maestros del género. Los bloggers, la prensa y otros autores opinan...«Es curioso: este es el tercer libro de John Green que leo y le adoro... y este es el tercer libro de David Levithan que leo y también le adoro, sabía que algo escrito entre los dos sería buenísimo. Bien, pues me quedo corta.»Polly en plumaespadayvarita.blogsopot.com.es «Una arrolladora historia de amor.»Booklist «¡Alucinante! La que une a Will G. y Tiny Copper es una de las amistades literarias más bonitas de todos los tiempos.»Rainbow Rowell, autora de Eleanor & Park «Cuando dos escritores de la talla de John Green y David Levithan se alían para llevar a cabo un proyecto conjunto, el resultado solo puede ser bueno. [...] Empecé esta historia con las expectativas muy altas y os aseguro que las ha rebasado de manera airosa.»Hermochi, masalladelaspalabras.com «Con Will Grayson, Will Grayson John Green y David Levithan demuestran que la unión hace la fuerza, pues han logrado combinar sus formas de narrar para crear una historia que cala hondo. Si buscáis romance fácil esta no es vuestra novela, pero si os apetece leer una interesante reflexión sobre la amistad con personajes fantásticos, adelante.»Mike Lightwood, alaspapel.com «Una lectura ágil, positiva, refrescante y muy, muy conmovedora.[#] Una novela enternecedora, llena de sensibilidad, de dudas de agobios. Por no hablar de los desternillantes diálogos. [#] Si queréis reír, si queréis llorar, si queréis emocionaros. Una de las novelas más conmovedoras de amor y amistad que he leído en muchísimo tiempo.»Sebas G. Mouret, El coleccionista de mundos «Un libro que desde hace muchísimo tiempo estaba deseando leer. [#] Dos de los mejores autores de literatura juvenil que hay ahora mismo en Estados Unidos van y se juntan y escriben una novela juntos. Esto es maravilloso...»Javier Ruescas en Youtube «De las lecturas más divertidas y que más me han hecho reír. Un libro maravilloso que todo el mundo debería leer. Will Grayson, Will Grayson lo primero.»La estancia de los libros

Date Added: 04/30/2019

Going Over

by Beth Kephart

It is February 1983, and Berlin is a divided city with a miles-long barricade separating east from west. But the city isn't the only thing that is divided. Ada lives among the rebels, punkers, and immigrants of Kreuzberg in West Berlin. Stefan lives in East Berlin, in a faceless apartment bunker of Friedrichshain. Bound by love and separated by circumstance, their only chance for a life together lies in a high-risk escape. But will Stefan find the courage to leap? Or will forces beyond his control stand in his way? National Book Award finalist Beth Kephart presents a story of daring and sacrifice, and love that will not wait.

Date Added: 04/30/2019

The Maze Runner Series Complete Collection

by James Dashner

This five-book collection of the blockbuster phenomenon The Maze Runner now includes the highly-anticipated series conclusion, The Fever Code, the book that finally reveals the story of how the maze was built! When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name. He's surrounded by strangers--boys whose memories are also gone. Outside the towering stone walls that surround them is a limitless, ever-changing maze. It's the only way out--and no one's ever made it through alive. Then a girl arrives. The first girl ever. And the message she delivers is terrifying. Remember. Survive. Run. Featuring the bestselling titles The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure, The Kill Order, and the eagerly awaited series conclusion, The Fever Code, this five-book collection takes readers from the Glade to the Maze to the Scorch and back again.

Date Added: 04/30/2019

El juego infinito

by James Dashner

El adictivo videojuego Red Virtual convierte a uno de sus mejores jugadores, el joven Michael, en el responsable de dar caza a un cyber-terrorista que está sembrando el pánico en la red Michael es un hacker de Red Virtual, el adictivo juego de realidad virtual que arrasa entre los adolescentes.

Allí tiene amigos de verdad: Sarah y Bryson, y gracias a su capacidad para manipular la tecnología y saltarse las normas pueden exprimir al máximo la plataforma y vivir experiencias al límite. Sin embargo, la diversión acabará cuando el gobierno dé alcance a Michael... Su objetivo: que les ayude a detener a un jugador sin identificar que está sembrando el pánico en Red Virtual.

Date Added: 04/30/2019


by James Dashner

Las inteligencias artificiales han empezado a tomar el control de cuerpos humanos... y solo Michael y sus amigos podrán detenerlos Junto con sus amigos Sarah y Bryson, Michael completó el Camino para enfrentarse al peligroso cyber-terrorista Kaine y proteger a los usuarios de Red Virtual. Pero, en el último momento, descubrió que habían sido engañados... y que Kaine, una inteligencia artificial, los había utilizado para lanzar una guerra contra los humanos.

Kaine ha hallado la manera de habitar y controlar el cuerpo de las personas en el mundo real. Su plan es poblar la Tierra de mentes artificiales albergadas en cuerpos humanos: cualquiera de los millones de jugadores de Red Virtual está en peligro de ser abducido... La ofensiva ha empezado. ¿Será Michael capaz de detenerla?

Date Added: 04/30/2019

La batalla final

by James Dashner

El mundo real y la realidad virtual se entremezclan y solo Michael puede volver a poner las cosas en su sitio antes de que sea demasiado tarde...Empieza la batalla final. Michael vivía para jugar, pero los juegos a los que jugaba ahora son demasiado reales. Hace solo unas semanas todo era divertido, sin embargo, ahora todo es demasiado peligroso.

VirNet se ha convertido en un mundo catastrófico y el plan de Kaine, una inteligencia artificial, de poblar la Tierra de mentes artificiales albergadas en cuerpos humanos está a punto de ser completado. Si se sale con la suya conseguirá cyber-dominar el mundo y Michael y sus amigos son los únicos que pueden evitarlo. Pero antes, Michael deberá averiguar quiénes son sus amigos realmente...

Date Added: 04/30/2019


by Ally Condie

Cassia has always trusted the Society to make the right choices for her: what to read, what to watch, what to believe. So when Xander's face appears on-screen at her Matching ceremony, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is her ideal mate . . . until she sees Ky Markham's face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black. The Society tells her it's a glitch, a rare malfunction, and that she should focus on the happy life she's destined to lead with Xander. But Cassia can't stop thinking about Ky, and as they slowly fall in love, Cassia begins to doubt the Society's infallibility and is faced with an impossible choice: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she's known and a path that no one else has dared to follow.Look for CROSSED, the sequel to MATCHED, in Fall 2011!Watch a Video

Date Added: 04/30/2019

El cementerio de barcos

by Paolo Bacigalupi

UN JOVEN HÉROE. UN MUNDO PELIGROSO. UNA GRAN AVENTURA.Cable de cobre. Planchas de hierro. Chatarra. A veces aceite o incluso un bidón de petróleo, un recurso de otra época. Estos son los tesoros que el joven Nailer rescata de los barcos varados en la playa.En la costa de lo que una vez fue el golfo de México, la gente sobrevive desguazando antiguos petroleros y buques mercantes, y malvendiendo a las grandes empresas. Nailer y sus compañeros, la «cuadrilla ligera», afrontan el trabajo más arriesgado: meterse en las entrañas de los barcos. Es una profesión dura en un mundo duro, en el que nadie cuida de nadie y gana quien es más rápido. Solo hay una manera de escapar: con un golpe de suerte.Y la suerte sonríe a Nailer el día que descubre un hermoso velero, uno de los clíperes con los que siempre ha soñado, encallado en las rocas. Con lo que saque del naufragio, podría abandonar la playa. Aunque dentro también hay una chica prisionera: si la mata, será rico; si la ayuda a regresar con los suyos... empezará la aventura.«Una aventura fascinante en un mundo devastado ... EL CEMENTERIO DE BARCOS es una de las mejores novelas que he leído en los últimos tiempos.» SCOTT WESTERFELD«A los lectores que saborearon ese mundo sombrío y duro de LOS JUEGOS DEL HAMBRE y están buscando una historia distinta, les encantará EL CEMENTERIO DE BARCOS. El futuro que imagina y los maravillosos personajes hacen de esta novela una lectura inolvidable.» SUITE101.COM«Un mundo extraordinariamente bien imaginado; unos personajes excelentes; un ritmo imparable; ni un segundo de aburrimiento.» SF SIGNAL«Una novela de aventuras con una historia trepidante, un ritmo exquisito y unos protagonistas llenos de vida.» THE ZONE

Date Added: 04/30/2019

De como las muchachas Garcia perdieron el acento

by Julia Alvarez

Cuando las hermanas García --Carla, Sandra, Yolanda y Sofía-- y sus padres huyen de la República Dominicana buscando refugio de la persecución política, encuentran un nuevo hogar en los Estados Unidos. Pero el Nueva York de los años sesenta es marcadamente diferente de la vida privilegiada, aunque conflictiva, que han dejado atrás. Bajo la presión de asimilarse a una nueva cultura, las muchachas García se alisan el pelo, abandonan la lengua española y se encuentran con muchachos sin una chaperona. Pero por más que intentan distanciarse de su isla natal, las hermanas no logran desprender el mundo antiguo del nuevo. Lo que las hermanas han perdido para siempre --y lo que logran encontrar-- se revela en esta novela magistral de una de las novelistas más celebradas de nuestros tiempos.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Date Added: 04/30/2019


by Mike Smith

Experience the most devastating storms of the last fifty years through the eyes of the scientific visionaries who took them on and tamed them. Science and politics collide in this thrilling account of America's struggle for protection against the deadly threat of violent weather. Warnings tells the dramatic true stories of the unsung weather warriors who save innocent lives, often by risking their own.

Date Added: 09/19/2019

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

by Philip K. Dick

A masterpiece ahead of its time, a prescient rendering of a dark future, and the inspiration for the blockbuster film Blade Runner By 2021, the World War has killed millions, driving entire species into extinction and sending mankind off-planet. Those who remain covet any living creature, and for people who can’t afford one, companies built incredibly realistic simulacra: horses, birds, cats, sheep. They’ve even built humans. Immigrants to Mars receive androids so sophisticated they are indistinguishable from true men or women. Fearful of the havoc these artificial humans can wreak, the government bans them from Earth. Driven into hiding, unauthorized androids live among human beings, undetected. Rick Deckard, an officially sanctioned bounty hunter, is commissioned to find rogue androids and “retire” them. But when cornered, androids fight back—with lethal force. Praise for Philip K. Dick “The most consistently brilliant science fiction writer in the world.”—John Brunner “A kind of pulp-fiction Kafka, a prophet.”—The New York Times“[Philip K. Dick] sees all the sparkling—and terrifying—possibilities . . . that other authors shy away from.”—Rolling Stone

Date Added: 05/19/2017

Showing 26 through 43 of 43 results