Special Collections

Nebula Award Winners (science fiction)

Description: The Nebula Award is given by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America for exceptional science fiction or fantasy fiction published in the United States. The following titles were awarded the Nebula Award for best novel. #award

Showing 1 through 25 of 61 results
Year Title Author Date Added Action
1965 Dune Frank Herbert 05/25/2017
1966 Flowers for Algernon Daniel Keyes 05/25/2017
1966 Babel-17 Samuel R. Delany 05/25/2017
1967 Einstein Intersection Neil Gaiman and Samuel R. Delany 05/25/2017
1968 Rite of Passage Alexei Panshin 05/25/2017
1969 The Left Hand of Darkness Ursula K. Le Guin 05/25/2017
1970 Ringworld Larry Niven 05/25/2017
1971 A Time Of Changes Robert Silverberg 05/25/2017
1972 The Gods Themselves Isaac Asimov 05/25/2017
1973 Rendezvous with Rama Arthur C. Clarke 05/25/2017
1974 The Dispossessed Ursula K. Le Guin 05/25/2017
1975 The Forever War Joe Haldeman 05/25/2017
1976 Man Plus Frederik Pohl 05/25/2017
1977 Gateway Frederik Pohl 05/25/2017
1978 Dreamsnake Vonda N. Mcintyre 05/25/2017
1979 The Fountains of Paradise Arthur C. Clarke 05/25/2017
1980 Timescape Gregory Benford 05/25/2017
1981 The Claw of the Conciliator Gene Wolfe 05/25/2017
1982 No Enemy But Time Michael Bishop 05/25/2017
1983 Startide Rising David Brin 05/25/2017
1984 Neuromancer William Gibson 05/25/2017
1985 Ender's Game Orson Scott Card 05/25/2017
1986 Speaker for the Dead Orson Scott Card 05/25/2017
1987 The Falling Woman Pat Murphy 05/25/2017
1988 Falling Free Lois Mcmaster Bujold 05/25/2017

Showing 1 through 25 of 61 results