Special Collections

Disability Collection

Description: Bookshare is pleased to offer a collection focused on the topic of disability and accessibility. #disability

Showing 51 through 75 of 108 results
Category Title Author Date Added Action
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Seeing Voices Oliver Sacks 05/25/2017
Physical Disabilities The Disabled Disciple Elizabeth J. Browne 05/25/2017
Deaf and Hard of Hearing The Unheard Josh Swiller 05/25/2017
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Outsiders in a Hearing World Paul C. Higgins 05/25/2017
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Guidelines Theresa B. Smith 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities Learning Outside the Lines David Cole and Jonathan Mooney 05/25/2017
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Independence without Sight or Sound Dona Sauerburger 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities A Different Life Quinn Bradlee and Jeff Himmelman 05/25/2017
Visual Impairments: Culture and the Arts Moving over the Edge Pamela K. Walker 05/25/2017
Physical Disabilities Disabled, Female and Proud! Harilyn Rousso and Susan Gushee O'Malley and Mary Severance 05/25/2017
Deaf and Hard of Hearing A Loss for Words Lou Ann Walker 05/25/2017
Teens, Children and Disabilities I Have A Sister -- My Sister Is Deaf Jeanne Whitehouse Peterson 05/25/2017
Physical Disabilities Queer Crips John R. Killacky and Bob Guter 05/25/2017
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Lend Me Your Ear Brenda Jo Brueggemann 05/25/2017
Physical Disabilities Moving Violations John Hockenberry 05/25/2017
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Of Sound Mind Jean Ferris 05/25/2017
Teens, Children and Disabilities Helen Keller Katharine E. Wilkie 05/25/2017
Physical Disabilities Let's Talk About Disabled People Pete A. Sanders 05/25/2017
Visual Impairments: Culture and the Arts What I Learned in America Jalil Mortazavi 05/25/2017
History of Disabilities Louis Braille Margaret Davidson and Compere 05/25/2017
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Through the Rain and Rainbow Lyle M. Crist 05/25/2017
Teens, Children and Disabilities Collaborative Assessment Stephen A. Goodman and Stuart H. Wittenstein 05/25/2017
Visual Impairments: Culture and the Arts An Enemy of the People Henrik Ibsen and Arthur Miller 05/25/2017
History of Disabilities Woeful Afflictions Mary Klages 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities One Word at a Time Linda G. Tessler 05/25/2017

Showing 51 through 75 of 108 results