Special Collections

Disability Collection

Description: Bookshare is pleased to offer a collection focused on the topic of disability and accessibility. #disability

Showing 26 through 50 of 108 results
Category Title Author Date Added Action
General The Disability Rights Movement Doris Z. Fleischer and Freida Zames 03/08/2018
General The Job Developer's Handbook Cary Griffin and David Hammis and Tammara Geary 05/25/2017
General Digital Outcasts Kel Smith 05/25/2017
General Job-Hunting for the So-Called Handicapped (Second Edition) Richard Nelson Bolles and Dale S. Brown 05/25/2017
General Career Counseling for People with Disabilities Karen E. Wolffe 05/25/2017
History of Disabilities Louis Braille Margaret Davidson and Compere 05/25/2017
History of Disabilities A Brief History of Dog Guides for the Blind Nelson Coon 05/25/2017
History of Disabilities Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language Nora E. Groce 05/25/2017
History of Disabilities Signs of Resistance Susan Burch and Paul K. Longmore and Lauri Umansky 05/25/2017
History of Disabilities Woeful Afflictions Mary Klages 05/25/2017
History of Disabilities The New Disability History Paul K. Longmore and Lauri Umansky 05/25/2017
History of Disabilities The War Come Home Deborah Cohen 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities A Different Life Quinn Bradlee and Jeff Himmelman 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities What Do You Mean I Have a Learning Disability? Kathleen M. Dwyer 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities IEP Guide Lawrence Siegel 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities Bob Algozzine and James E. Ysseldyke 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities Learning Outside the Lines Jonathan Mooney and David Cole 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities Looking Beyond Limitations Joan Kilbourne and Steve Köehmstedt 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities Steps to Independence for People with Learning Disabilities Dale S. Brown 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities The Social Dimensions of Learning Disabilities Mavis Donahue and Bernice Y. L. Wong 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities A Special Kind Of Brain Nancy Russell Burger 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities College Students with Learning Disabilities Susan A. Vogel 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities Turnabout Children Mary Maccracken 05/25/2017
Learning Disabilities One Word at a Time Linda G. Tessler 05/25/2017
Mental Disabilities Your Life is Not A Label Jerry Newport 05/25/2017

Showing 26 through 50 of 108 results