Special Collections

Disability Collection

Description: Bookshare is pleased to offer a collection focused on the topic of disability and accessibility. #disability

Showing 101 through 108 of 108 results

Seeing Voices

by Oliver Sacks

Sign language is, in the hands of its masters, a most beautiful and expressive language.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Deaf in Japan

by Karen Nakamura

Until the mid-1970s, deaf people in Japan had few legal rights and little social recognition. Legally, they were classified as minors or mentally deficient, unable to obtain driver's licenses or sign contracts and wills.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Words in My Hands

by Diane Chambers

Bert Riedel, an 86-year-old deaf-blind pianist, cut off from the world since age 45, discovers a new life through hand-over-hand sign, taught to him by the author.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Deaf and Hard of Hearing

The Unheard

by Josh Swiller

Swiller spent his early years in frustrated limbo on the sidelines of the hearing world. So he decided to abandon the well-trodden path after college, setting out to find a place so far removed that his deafness would become irrelevant.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Outsiders in a Hearing World

by Paul C. Higgins

Sociological observations on several topics in the deaf community: identity, deviance among the deaf, stigma, and encounters with the hearing.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Train Go Sorry

by Leah Hager Cohen

This portrait of New York's Lexington School for the Deaf is not just a work of journalism. It is also a memoir, since Leah Hager Cohen grew up on the school's campus and her father is its superintendent. As a hearing person raised among the deaf, Cohen appreciates both the intimate textures of that silent world and the gulf that separates it from our own.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Deaf and Hard of Hearing


by Theresa B. Smith

How does deaf-blindness affect communication? How does one guide a person who is deaf and blind? How does all of this affect the role of the interpreter etc.?

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Deaf and Hard of Hearing

The Other Side of Silence

by Arden Neisser

The history of the struggle to legitimize sign language against the pressure of a hearing educational establishment intent on forcing upon the deaf the almost impossible task of learning lipreading and speech.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Showing 101 through 108 of 108 results