Special Collections

Oprah's Book Club

Description: Enjoy Oprah's picks from the past few years! #adults #bookclub

Showing 76 through 100 of 101 results
Title Author Date Added Action
Fall on Your Knees Ann-Marie Macdonald 05/25/2017
Ellen Foster Kaye Gibbons 05/25/2017
East of Eden John Steinbeck 05/25/2017
Drowning Ruth Christina Schwarz 05/25/2017
Demon Copperhead Barbara Kingsolver 10/18/2022
The Deep End of the Ocean Jacquelyn Mitchard 05/25/2017
Deacon King Kong James McBride 07/06/2020
Daughter of Fortune Isabel Allende 05/25/2017
Cry, the Beloved Country Alan Paton 05/25/2017
The Covenant of Water Abraham Verghese 11/22/2023
The Corrections Jonathan Franzen 05/25/2017
Caste Isabel Wilkerson 08/04/2020
Cane River Lalita Tademy 05/25/2017
Breath, Eyes, Memory Edwidge Danticat 05/25/2017
The Book of Ruth Jane Hamilton 05/25/2017
The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison 05/25/2017
Black and Blue Anna Quindlen 05/25/2017
Bittersweet Susan Cain 02/15/2023
Bewilderment Richard Powers 05/12/2022
Behold the Dreamers Imbolo Mbue 06/29/2017
Becoming Michelle Obama 12/04/2018
Back Roads Tawni O'Dell 05/25/2017
As I Lay Dying William Faulkner 05/25/2017
Anna Karenina Constance Garnett and Leo Tolstoy 05/25/2017 Read Now
An American Marriage Tayari Jones 05/04/2018

Showing 76 through 100 of 101 results