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Pulitzer Prize Award Winners

Description: Bookshare is pleased to offer the following titles, winners of the Pulitzer Prize Award. Note: Some drama winners are available and are listed under Fiction awards. #award

Showing 26 through 50 of 359 results

Theodore Roosevelt

by Henry F. Pringle

This is a carefully revised and--perhaps happily--shortened version of a biography first published almost a quarter of a century ago. The author said then, and reiterates now, that Theodore Roosevelt was polygonal. He was a man of many ideas, and few of them lacked brilliance. The book still attempts to tell the whole story of an extraordinarily full life.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1932

Category: Biography

The Good Earth

by Pearl S. Buck

The Pulitzer Prize–winning, New York Times–bestselling novel about a peasant farmer and his family in early twentieth-century China.The Good Earth is Buck&’s classic story of Wang Lung, a Chinese peasant farmer, and his wife, O-lan, a former slave. With luck and hard work, the couple&’s fortunes improve over the years: They have sons, and save steadily until one day they can afford to buy property in the House of Wang—the very house in which O-lan used to work. But success brings with it a new set of problems. Wang soon finds himself the target of jealousy, and as good harvests come and go, so does the social order. Will Wang&’s family cherish the estate after he&’s gone? And can his material success, the bedrock of his life, guarantee anything about his soul? Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the William Dean Howells Award, The Good Earth was an Oprah&’s Book Club choice in 2004. A readers&’ favorite for generations, this powerful and beautifully written fable resonates with universal themes of hope and family unity. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Pearl S. Buck including rare images from the author&’s estate.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1932

Category: Fiction

Lamb in His Bosom

by Caroline Miller

In 1934, Caroline Miller's novel LAMB IN HIS BOSOM won the Pulitzer Prize for Literature. It was the first novel by a Georgian to win a Pulitzer, soon followed by Margaret Mitchell's GONE WITH THE WIND in 1937. In fact, LAMB was largely responsible for the discovery of GONE WITH THE WIND; after reading Miller's novel, Macmillan editor Harold S. Latham sought out other southern novels and authors, and found Margaret Mitchell.

Caroline Miller was fascinated by the other Old South-not the romantic inhabitant of GONE WITH THE WIND, but rather the poor people of the south Georgia backwoods, who never owned a slave or planned to fight a war. The story of Cean and Lonzo, a young couple who begin their married lives two decades before the Civil War, LAMB IN HIS BOSOM is a fascinating account of social customs and material realities among settlers of the Georgia frontier. At the same time, LAMB IN HIS BOSOM transcends regional history as Miller's quietly lyrical prose style plays poignant tribute to a woman's life lived close to nature-the nature outside her, and the nature within.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1934

Category: Fiction

The People's Choice, from Washington to Harding

by Herbert Agar

A candid inquiry into the policies & personalities of America's presidents, sweeping away popular misconceptions. A U. S. history as seen from the White House.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1934

Category: History

Now in November

by Josephine W. Johnson and Nancy Hoffman

Brilliant, evocative, poetic, savage, this first novel (1934) depicts a white, middle-class urban family that is turned into dirt-poor farmers by the Depression and the great drought of the thirties.

The novel moves through a single year and, at the same time, a decade of years, from the spring arrival of the family at their mortgaged farm to the winter 10 years later, when the ravages of drought, fire, and personal anguish have led to the deaths of two of the five. Like Ethan Frome, the relatively brief, intense story evokes the torment possible among people isolated and driven by strong feelings of love and hate that, unexpressed, lead inevitably to doom. Reviewers in the thirties praised the novel, calling its prose "profoundly moving music," expressing incredulity "that this mature style and this mature point of view are those of a young women in her twenties," comparing the book to "the luminous work of Willa Cather," and, with prescience, suggesting that it "has that rare quality of timelessness which is the mark of first-rate fiction."

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1935

Category: Fiction

Honey in the Horn

by H. L. Davis

In this epic work by award-winning novelist, poet, and essayist H.L. Davis, the virtues of the frontier live again in the lives and characters of Oregon settlers during the homesteading period from 1906-1908.

Winner of the 1936 Pulitzer Prize for fiction.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1936

Category: Fiction

Gone with the Wind

by Pat Conroy and Margaret Mitchell

Since its original publication in 1936, Gone With the Wind--winner of the Pulitzer Prize and one of the bestselling novels of all time--has been heralded by readers everywhere as The Great American Novel.

Widely considered The Great American Novel, and often remembered for its epic film version, Gone With the Wind explores the depth of human passions with an intensity as bold as its setting in the red hills of Georgia. A superb piece of storytelling, it vividly depicts the drama of the Civil War and Reconstruction.

This is the tale of Scarlett O'Hara, the spoiled, manipulative daughter of a wealthy plantation owner, who arrives at young womanhood just in time to see the Civil War forever change her way of life. A sweeping story of tangled passion and courage, in the pages of Gone With the Wind, Margaret Mitchell brings to life the unforgettable characters that have captured readers for over seventy years.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1937

Category: Fiction

The Late George Apley

by John P. Marquand

Sweeping us into the inner sanctum of Boston society, into the Beacon Hill town houses and exclusive private clubs where only the city's wealthiest and most powerful congregate, this novel gives us-through the story of one family and its patriarch, the recently deceased George Apley-the portrait of an entire society in transition.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1938

Category: Fiction

The Yearling

by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

No novel better epitomizes the love between a child and a pet than The Yearling. Young Jody adopts an orphaned fawn he calls Flag and makes it a part of his family and his best friend. But life in the Florida backwoods is harsh, and so, as his family fights off wolves, bears, and even alligators, and faces failure in their tenuous subsistence farming, Jody must finally part with his dear animal friend. There has been a film and even a musical based on this moving story, a fine work of great American literature.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1939

Category: Fiction

The Grapes of Wrath

by John Steinbeck and Robert Demott

The Pulitzer Prize-winning epic of the Great Depression, a book that galvanized--and sometimes outraged--millions of readers.

First published in 1939, Steinbeck's Pulitzer Prize-winning epic of the Great Depression chronicles the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930s and tells the story of one Oklahoma farm family, the Joads-driven from their homestead and forced to travel west to the promised land of California. Out of their trials and their repeated collisions against the hard realities of an America divided into Haves and Have-Nots evolves a drama that is intensely human yet majestic in its scale and moral vision, elemental yet plainspoken, tragic but ultimately stirring in its human dignity.

A portrait of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless, of one man's fierce reaction to injustice, and of one woman's stoical strength, the novel captures the horrors of the Great Depression and probes into the very nature of equality and justice in America.

The Grapes of Wrath summed up its era in the way that Uncle Tom's Cabin summed up the years of slavery before the Civil War. Sensitive to fascist and communist criticism, Steinbeck insisted that "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" be printed in its entirety in the first edition of the book--which takes its title from the first verse: "He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored." At once a naturalistic epic, captivity narrative, road novel, and transcendental gospel, Steinbeck's powerful landmark novel is perhaps the most American of American Classics.

This edition contains an introduction and notes by Steinbeck scholar Robert Demott.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1940

Category: Fiction

In This Our Life

by Ellen Glasgow

A woman steals her sister's husband and succeeds in ruining several lives, revealing the differences between generations of her troubled family.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1942

Category: Fiction

Admiral of the Ocean Sea

by Samuel Eliot Morison

Admiral of the Ocean Sea is Admiral Samuel Eliot Morison's classic biography of the greatest sailor of them all, Christopher Columbus. It is written with the insight, energy, and authority that only someone who had himself sailed in Columbus' path to the New World could muster. Morison undertook this expedition in a 147-foot schooner and a 47-foot ketch, the dimensions of these craft roughly matching those of Columbus' Santa Maria and Niña. The result is this vivid and definitive biography that accurately details the voyages that, for better or worse, changed the world.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1943

Category: Biography

Dragon's Teeth

by Upton Sinclair

Lanny Budd faces the unstoppable tide of Nazi terror in the third installment of Upton Sinclair's monumental saga of twentieth-century world history

In the wake of the 1929 stock market crash, Lanny Budd's financial acumen and his marriage into great wealth enable him to continue the lifestyle he has always enjoyed. But the devastation the collapse has wrought on ordinary citizens has only strengthened Lanny's socialist ideals--much to the chagrin of his heiress wife, Irma, a confirmed capitalist.

In Germany to visit relatives, Lanny encounters a disturbing atmosphere of hatred and jingoism. His concern over the growing popularity of the Nazi Party escalates when he meets Adolf Hitler, the group's fanatical leader, and the members of his inner circle. But Lanny's gravest fear is the threat a national socialist government poses to the German Jewish family of Hansi, the musician husband of Lanny's sister, Bess--a threat that will impel the international art dealer to risk his wealth, his future, even his life in a courageous attempt to rescue his loved ones from a terrible fate.

Dragon's Teeth brilliantly captures the nightmarish march toward the Second World War. An astonishing mix of history, adventure, and romance, the Lanny Budd Novels are a testament to the breathtaking scope of Upton Sinclair's vision and his singular talents as a storyteller.

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize:

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1943

Category: Fiction

Journey in the Dark

by Martin Flavin

Sam Braden worked to get everything he had ever wanted--wealth, love, and respect. But in the end, his loneliness revealed the folly of those dreams.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1944

Category: Fiction

Western Star

by Stephen Vincent Benét


Not for the great, not for the marvelous, Not for the barren husbands of the gold; Not for the arrowmakers of the soul, Wasted with truth, the star-regarding wise; Not even for the few Who would not be the hunter nor the prey, Who stood between the eater and the meat, The wilderness saints, the guiltless, the absolved, Born out of Time, the seekers of the balm Where the green grass grows from the broken heart; But for all these, the nameless, numberless Seed of the field, the mortal wood and earth Hewn for the clearing, trampled for the floor, Uprooted and cast out upon the stone From Jamestown to Benicia. This is their song, this is their testament, Carved to their likeness, speaking in their tongue And branded with the iron of their star. I say you shall remember them. I say When night has fallen on your loneliness And the deep wood beyond the ruined wall Seems to step forward swiftly with the dusk, You shall remember them. You shall not see Water or wheat or axe-mark on the tree and not remember them."

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1944

Category: Poetry

A Bell for Adano

by John Hersey

An Italian-American major in World War II wins the love and admiration of the local townspeople when he searches for a replacement for the 700 year-old town bell that had been melted down for bullets by the fascists.

Winner of a 1945 Pulitzer Prize.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1945

Category: Fiction

Son of the Wilderness

by Linnie M. Wolfe

Working closely with Muir’s family and with his papers, Wolfe was able to create a full portrait of her subject, not only as America’s firebrand conservationist and founder of the national park system, but also as husband, father, and friend. All readers who have admired Muir’s ruggedly individualistic lifestyle, and those who wish a greater appreciation for the history of environmental preservation in America, will be enthralled and enlightened by this splendid biography.

The story follows Muir from his ancestral home in Scotland, through his early years in the harsh Wisconsin wilderness, to his history-making pilgrimage to California.

This book, originally published in 1945 and based in large part on Wolfe’s personal interviews with people who knew and worked with Muir, is one that could never be written again. It is, and will remain, the standard Muir biography.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1946

Category: Biography

The Age of Jackson

by Arthur Schlesinger Jr.

This readable history presents the complicated issues and events which characterize Jackson's presidency. It is a readable history.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1946

Category: History

All the King's Men

by Robert Penn Warren

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Robert Penn Warren's tale of ambition and power set in the Depression-era South is widely considered the finest novel ever written about American politics.All the King's Men traces the rise and fall of demagogue Willie Stark, a fictional character loosely based on Governor Huey "Kingfish" Long of Louisiana. Stark begins his political career as an idealistic man of the people but soon becomes corrupted by success and caught between dreams of service and an insatiable lust for power, culminating in a novel that Sinclair Lewis pronounced, on the book's release in 1946, "one of our few national galleries of character."

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1947

Category: Fiction

Tales of the South Pacific

by James A. Michener

This thrilling work invites the reader to enter the exotic world of the South Pacific and luxuriate in the endless ocean, the coconut palms, the waves breaking into spray against the reefs, the full moon rising behind the volcanoes. And yet here also are the men and women caught up in the heady drama of World War II: the young Marine who falls for a beautiful Tonkinese girl; the Navy nurse whose prejudices are challenged by a French aristocrat; and all the soldiers and sailors preparing for war against the seemingly peaceful backdrop of a tropical paradise.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1948

Category: Fiction

Across the Wide Missouri

by Bernard A. Devoto

Across the Wide Missouri tells the compelling story of the climax and decline of the Rocky Mountain fur trade during the 1830s. More than a history, it portrays the mountain fur trade as a way of business and a way of life, vividly illustrating how it shaped the expansion of the American West.

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the Bancroft Prize.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1948

Category: History

The Way West

by A. B. Guthrie Jr.

An enormously entertaining classic, THE WAY WEST brings to life the adventure of the western passage and the pioneer spirit. The sequel to THE BIG SKY, this celebrated novel charts a frontiersman's return to the untamed West in 1846. Dick Summers, as pilot of a wagon train, guides a group of settlers on the difficult journey from Missouri to Oregon. In sensitive but unsentimental prose, Guthrie illuminates the harsh trials and resounding triumphs of pioneer life. With THE WAY WEST, he pays homage to the grandeur of the western wilderness, its stark and beautiful scenery, and its extraordinary people.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1950

Category: Fiction

Art and Life in America

by Oliver W. Larkin

The history of art in America.

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1950

Category: History

John C. Calhoun

by Margaret L. Coit

Pulitzer Prize winning biography of the prominent politician during the early 1800s.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1951

Category: Biography

The Town

by Conrad Richter

In this superb novel--the longest Mr. Richter has written--Sayward, the eldest daughter of Worth and Jary Luckett, completes her mission and lives to see the transition of her family and her friends, American pioneers, from the ways of the wilderness to the ways of civilization. Here is the tumultuous story of the Lucketts, an American family born in the wilderness, grown to face the changing ways of America during the turmoil that was the first half of the nineteenth century. The Trees began the story of Worth and Jary, a wild and woodsfaring family who lived a roaming life, pushing ever westward as the frontier advanced and as new settlements threatened their isolation. How young Sayward and her family, facing the realization that the forests had become fields and settlements, took up the arduous task of tilling the Ohio soil was the story continued in The Fields. But The Town is a much bigger book in every way than its predecessors; it is in fact a major literary event and with them comprises a great American epic.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Year: 1951

Category: Fiction

Showing 26 through 50 of 359 results