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Career Resources

Description: Looking to start your career? Pivot to a new one? Get out of a work funk? Check out these books to jump start your next move in your career. #general

Showing 1 through 25 of 165 results

You're Hired!

by Lorne Epstein

You're Hired! - Interview Skills to Get the Job demystifies the interviewing process with wisdom and wit from an authoritative source. For first-time job seekers and seasoned professionals alike, the realities of the current job market make a competitive edge mission-critical. In You're Hired! Interview Skills to Get the Job, corporate recruitment specialist and motivational speaker Lorne Epstein prepares both novice and just-plain-nervous job seekers for the interviewing experience with insider tips and strategic advice. This book is a practical, engaging and altogether indispensable career companion. After reading this book you will learn what to do before, during, and after the interview to ensure your success!

Date Added: 09/21/2018

Category: Interview Skills

The Young Professional's Survival Guide

by C. K. Gunsalus

Imagine yourself in your new job, doing your best to make a good impression-and your boss asks you to do something that doesn’t feel right, like fudge a sales report, or lie to a customer. You have no idea how to handle the situation, and your boss is hovering. When you’re caught off guard, under pressure from someone more powerful, it’s easy to make a mistake. And having made one, it’s easier to rationalize the next one.

The Young Professional’s Survival Guide shows how to avoid these traps in the first place, and how to work through them if you can’t avoid them. Many of the problems that arise in the workplace are predictable. C. K. Gunsalus, a nationally recognized expert on professional ethics, uses short, pungent real-world examples to help people new to the work world recognize the situations that can lead to career-damaging missteps-and prevent them. Gunsalus offers questions to ask yourself (and others) to help you recognize trouble and temptation, sample scripts to use to avoid being pressured into doing something you’ll regret, and guidance in handling disputes fairly and diplomatically. Most of all, she emphasizes, choose your mentors for their characters as well as their titles and talents.

You can’t control the people around you, but you can control what you do. Reliance on a few key habits and a professional persona, Gunsalus shows, can help you advance with class, even in what looks like a “casual” workplace.

Date Added: 09/21/2018

Category: Students and Young Job-seekers

You Can Do Anything

by George Anders

In a tech-dominated world, the most needed degrees are the most surprising: the liberal arts

Did you take the right classes in college? Will your major help you get the right job offers? For more than a decade, the national spotlight has focused on science and engineering as the only reliable choice for finding a successful post-grad career. Our destinies have been reduced to a caricature: learn to write computer code or end up behind a counter, pouring coffee. Quietly, though, a different path to success has been taking shape. In YOU CAN DO ANYTHING, George Anders explains the remarkable power of a liberal arts education - and the ways it can open the door to thousands of cutting-edge jobs every week.

The key insight: curiosity, creativity, and empathy aren't unruly traits that must be reined in. You can be yourself, as an English major, and thrive in sales. You can segue from anthropology into the booming new field of user research; from classics into management consulting, and from philosophy into high-stakes investing. At any stage of your career, you can bring a humanist's grace to our rapidly evolving high-tech future. And if you know how to attack the job market, your opportunities will be vast.

In this book, you will learn why resume-writing is fading in importance and why "telling your story" is taking its place. You will learn how to create jobs that don't exist yet, and to translate your campus achievements into a new style of expression that will make employers' eyes light up. You will discover why people who start in eccentric first jobs - and then make their own luck - so often race ahead of peers whose post-college hunt focuses only on security and starting pay. You will be ready for anything.

Date Added: 09/21/2018

Category: Occupation Specific Information

Writer's Market 2018

by Robert Lee Brewer

Want to get published and paid for your writing? Let Writer's Market 2018 guide you with thousands of publishing opportunities--including listings for book publishers, consumer and trade magazines, contests and awards, and literary agents. These listings feature contact and submission information so you can get started right away.

Beyond the listings, you'll find all-new material devoted to the business and promotion of writing. Discover the secrets to writing better queries and selling more articles, tips to earn money from blogging, and how to develop a standout author brand. Plus, you'll learn how to create an effective e-mail newsletter, improve organization, and build a solid foundation for long-term writing success. This edition includes the ever-popular pay-rate chart and book publisher subject index.

You'll also gain access to:

  • Lists of professional writing organizations
  • Sample query letters
  • Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Occupation Specific Information

    Working Identity

    by Herminia Ibarra

    Whether as a daydream or a spoken desire, nearly all of us have entertained the notion of reinventing ourselves. Feeling unfulfilled, burned out, or just plain unhappy with what we're doing, we long to make that leap into the unknown. But we also hold on, white-knuckled, to the years of time and effort we've invested in our current profession.

    In this powerful book, Herminia Ibarra presents a new model for career reinvention that flies in the face of everything we've learned from "career experts." While common wisdom holds that we must first know what we want to do before we can act, Ibarra argues that this advice is backward. Knowing, she says, is the result of doing and experimenting. Career transition is not a straight path toward some predetermined identity, but a crooked journey along which we try on a host of "possible selves" we might become.

    Based on her in-depth research on professionals and managers in transition, Ibarra outlines an active process of career reinvention that leverages three ways of "working identity": experimenting with new professional activities, interacting in new networks of people, and making sense of what is happening to us in light of emerging possibilities.

    Through engrossing stories from a literature professor turned stockbroker to an investment banker turned novelist Ibarra reveals a set of guidelines that all successful reinventions share. She explores specific ways that hopeful career changers of any background can:

  • Explore possible selves
  • Craft and execute "identity experiments"
  • Create "small wins" that keep momentum going
  • Survive the rocky period between career identities
  • Connect with role models and mentors who can ease the transition
  • Make time for reflection without missing out on windows of opportunity
  • Decide when to abandon the old path in order to follow the new
  • Arrange new events into a coherent story of who we are becoming.
  • A call to the dreamer in each of us, Working Identity explores the process for crafting a more fulfilling future. Where we end up may surprise us.

    Date Added: 05/25/2017

    Category: Transition and Career Change

    Work and Disability

    by Randall M. Parker and Edna Mora Szymanski

    Work is a central aspect of human life in every culture and every society. In certain societies work may be a means by which individuals define themselves and/or maintain their quality of life. However, as a whole, work is the essential means by which we all attain our basic needs such as food and water.

    In our modern society, persons with disability face a society in which jobs and education are not as easily accessible or attainable. Disability often complicates the delicate interrelationships between people and work. It may affect work productivity, relationships with coworkers, and relationships at home.

    This third edition covers the latest in legislative background and other contextual matters regarding employment of people with disabilities; vocational theories and research related to disability; counseling interventions, multicultural issues, vocational assessment, labor market information, and accommodation of people with disabilities in the workplace; job placement and job development; outreach through business consultation; and supported employment for individuals with developmental disabilities.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Disabilities and Employment

    What You're Really Meant to Do

    by Robert Steven Kaplan

    How do you create your own definition of success—and reach your unique potential?

    Building a fulfilling life and career can be a daunting challenge. It takes courage and hard work. Too often, we charge down a path leading to “success” as defined by those around us—and ultimately, are left feeling dissatisfied.

    Each of us is unique and brings distinctive skills and qualities to any situation. So why is it that most of us fail to spend sufficient time learning to understand ourselves and creating our own definition of success? The truth is, it can seem so natural and so much easier to just do what everyone else is doing—for now—leaving it for later to develop our best selves and figure out our own unique path. Is there a road map that will enable you to defy conventional wisdom, resist peer pressure, and carve out a path that fits your unique skills and passions?

    Robert Steven Kaplan, leadership expert and author of the highly successful book What to Ask the Person in the Mirror, regularly advises executives and students on how to tackle these questions. In this indispensable new book, Kaplan shares a specific and actionable approach to defining your own success and reaching your potential. Drawing on his years of experience, Kaplan proposes an integrated plan for identifying and achieving your goals. He outlines specific steps and exercises to help you understand yourself more deeply, take control of your career, and build your capabilities in a way that fits your passions and aspirations.

    Are you doing what you’re really meant to do? If you’re ready to face this question, this book can help you change your life.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Career Assessment and Choosing a Job

    What's Your Type of Career?

    by Donna Dunning

    Match Your Personality Type to Your Perfect Career-and Find Success!

    The simple truth is that to be happy and successful in your work, you need a career that not only matches your interests but fits your personality type as well. In this approachable book, author Donna Dunning uses the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to introduce eight distinct ways of working. Encouraging you to reflect on your own natural preferences-using checklists, exercises, strategies and tips-What's Your Type of Career? provides all the tools you need to discover your own natural preferences and find your ideal career.

    Are you a Contributor, Expeditor, Explorer or Responder? An Analyzer, Assimilator, Enhancer or Visionary? An Extravert or an Introvert? If you identify yourself as an Extravert and a Responder, you tend to like action, scenarios that are rapidly changing and are not inclined toward a desk job. A profession as an emergency worker, a fire fighter or a police officer may be for you.

    This best-selling career guide-now in a fully updated second edition-has been expanded to include the training and educational requirements of a variety of different occupations, and highlights those most in demand. It also includes details on developing type differences later in life, advice for balancing your work and personal life and many, many more preference-based career suggestions.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Career Assessment and Choosing a Job

    What Color Is Your Parachute? Guide to Rethinking Resumes

    by Richard N. Bolles

    The first resume book from the What Color Is Your Parachute? career guru Richard Bolles.

    Resumes get an average of eight seconds of attention before going in the trash—or getting on the shortlist. That’s just one of the findings reported here, as legendary career expert Richard N. Bolles presents new research about resumes in a guide that summarizes everything job-hunters and career-changers need to know about this essential tool.

    This timely resource features the latest research on important resume topics such as key words, soft skills, scanning software, social media, and online posting. Bolles argues that on the basis of what we now know, we need to rethink what a resume is—and how it should be written. He details the words that must be avoided, and the words that must be used, on a resume that wins you interviews.

    This slim volume distills a huge amount of information down to its very essence. Armed with tips and shortcuts based on the author’s decades of experience, you can craft a resume and cover letter that will stand out to your dream employers—and increase your chances of getting interviews and landing jobs.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Resumé and Cover Letter Writing

    What Color Is Your Parachute? 2019

    by Richard N. Bolles

    With more than 10 million copies sold in 28 countries, the world's most popular job-search book is updated for 2019, tailoring Richard Bolles's long-trusted guidance with up-to-the-minute information and advice for today's job-hunters and career-changers.

    In today's challenging job-market, the time-tested advice of What Color Is Your Parachute? is needed more than ever. Recent grads facing a tough economic landscape, workers laid off mid-career, and people searching for an inspiring work-life change all look to career guru Richard N. Bolles for support, encouragement, and advice on which job-hunt strategies work—and which don't. This revised edition combines classic elements like the famed Flower Exercise with updated tips on social media and search tactics. Bolles demystifies the entire job-search process, from writing resumes to interviewing to networking, expertly guiding job-hunters toward their dream job.

    Date Added: 10/26/2018

    Category: Job Searching

    What Color Is Your Parachute? 2018

    by Richard N. Bolles

    With more than 10 million copies sold in 28 countries, the world's most popular job-search book is updated for 2018 and tailors Richard Bolles's long-trusted guidance with up-to-the-minute information and advice for today's job-hunters and career-changers.

    In today's challenging job-market, the time-tested advice of What Color Is Your Parachute? is needed more than ever. Recent grads facing a tough economic landscape, workers laid off mid-career, and people searching for an inspiring work-life change all look to career guru Richard N. Bolles for support, encouragement, and advice on which job-hunt strategies work--and which don't. This revised edition combines classic elements like the famed Flower Exercise with updated tips on social media and search tactics. Bolles demystifies the entire job-search process, from writing resumes to interviewing to networking, expertly guiding job-hunters toward their dream job.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Job Searching


    by Jocelyn K. Glei

    A modern, no-nonsense guide to getting rid of email anxiety, reclaiming your productivity, and spending more time on the work that matters.

    Let's face it: Email is killing our productivity. The average person checks their email 11 times per hour, processes 122 messages a day, and spends 28 percent of their total workweek managing their inbox. What was once a powerful and essential tool for doing our daily work has become a near-constant source of frustration, anxiety, and distraction from our work.

    Unsubscribe will show you how to tame your inbox and reclaim your focus, with tips on how to:

  • Break free from email addiction and the "inbox zero" obsession
  • Build a daily email routine that reduces stress and anxiety
  • Process your inbox based on what (and who) really matters to you
  • Write messages that get people to pay attention and take action
  • Set boundaries and say "no" to time-wasting distractions
  • Plan your day around meaningful work -- not busywork
  • Productivity isn't about just "keeping busy," it's about leaving a legacy. Are you ready to Unsubscribe?

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: General Career Advice

    Ultimate Job Search

    by Lynn Williams

    Do you want to find your ideal job? Do you need to be able to prepare an excellent CV, answer tough interview questions and impress prospective employers? A 'one-stop shop' for all job hunters, this 5th edition of Ultimate Job Search takes the stress out of job hunting and provides advice on every stage of the job hunting process, from preparing a powerful CV that will get you noticed; sample cover letters and emails that come across as genuine; making a great impression at interviews; to dealing with offers and rejections in a positive manner.

    From the best-selling Ultimate series, the guidance in this book will help you shine and will demonstrate to future employers that you're the person for the job. With an exhaustive breadth of detail and real-life up-to-date comments from employers and recruitment professionals, Ultimate Job Search is invaluable to anyone looking to get their dream job at any stage of their career.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Job Searching

    The Ultimate Freelancer's Guidebook

    by Yuwanda Black

    The definitive resource for a new generation of freelancers!

    Freelance writer, internet marketer, and mobile entrepreneur Yuwanda Black specializes in helping young freelancers build a business and "live the freelance life," and in The Ultimate Freelancer's Guidebook, she gives you the tools you need to be successful in the ever-growing freelance market. Whether you're just starting out or looking to grow and expand, you'll learn how to:

  • Break into the freelance market
  • Find the best-paying jobs
  • Negotiate a contract
  • Build a brand
  • Create a strong online presence and portfolio
  • You'll also learn how to build your reputation in the freelance market, form long-lasting professional relationships, and start taking control of your own employment destiny--and success!

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Occupation Specific Information

    Ultimate Cover Letters

    by Martin John Yate

    Does your cover letter have the X factor? How can you make sure that it communicates what employers really want? Ultimate Cover Letters, from best-selling author and careers expert Martin John Yate, describes how to write the very best cover letters, helping you to open doors to job interviews and offers of employment, and outshine all other candidates.

    From the very popular Ultimate series, the book offers sound advice on assembling letters and how to use key 'power phrases' to get results, as well as over 100 sample letters to cover a variety of situations. These include e-mail responses to online applications, speculative letters, letters to answer advertised vacancies, follow-up letters, networking letters and even acceptance and resignation letters. Now including a chapter on how to develop your professional image and integrate it into your job search letter, Ultimate Cover Letters 5th edition covers all aspects of this crucial part of the job-hunting process in an engaging and approachable way, ensuring you put every chance of success by your side. Ultimate Cover Letters will help you make the perfect first impression.

    About the series: The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job search skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you all the way from starting your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or résumé and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and other employment tests, and reliable advice for interviewing.

    Date Added: 02/12/2019

    Category: Resumé and Cover Letter Writing

    Top 100 Careers Without a Four-Year Degree

    by Michael Farr and Laurence Shatkin

    Many jobs without a four-year degree are growing. Explore 100 careers that don t require a bachelor s degree, assess which ones match your skills, and get the job you want quickly with this authoritative resource. In one time-saving volume, job seekers and students find everything they need to research careers; learn about pay, outlook through 2018, education, and skills for the 100 jobs; match their personal skills to the jobs; and take seven steps to land a good job in less time. This book provides--in alphabetical order--thorough, current, and interesting descriptions of 100 jobs that you can obtain without four years in college.

    A special book-within-a-book section describes the seven steps that cut job search time in half and includes sample targeted resumes by professional resume writers. An easy-to-use assessment matches your personal skills with the characteristics of the occupations described in the book. This book is part of JIST's Top Careers series, which gives job seekers, students, and others a convenient, helpful combination of career information. All books in the series offer high-quality, current labor market information--a key consideration for anyone doing career research and planning.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Job Searching

    They Don't Teach Corporate in College

    by Alexandra Levit

    When straight A student Alexandra Levit graduated from college, she was hell-bent on skipping up New York City's corporate ladder. But after six months on the job, Levit was so stressed out that she was ready to ditch the corporate world completely and head to graduate or law school. Eventually, by sticking around and paying attention to the few people around her who weren't dropping from stress-induced coronaries, Levit developed many of the skills that are crucial to staying sane and building a career. By her mid-twenties, she had been promoted four times.

    Highlights include: Unorthodox but proven job-hunting techniques. Making a memorable first impression. Navigating a company's social scene. Practicing cringe-free networking. Mastering goal-setting and self-promotion. Combating negativity. Coping with difficult personalities. Finding a new position, and gracefully exiting from the old.

    At 28 years old, Alexandra Levit has spent all of her post-college career in Corporate America. She most recently worked in marketing communications for Computer Associates, the fourth largest software company in the world. Levit was previously an account manager at Edelman Public Relations Worldwide, where she developed award-winning PR campaigns for Fortune 500 clients, including Microsoft, Pfizer, Philip Morris, Procter & Gamble, and Unilever.

    Date Added: 05/25/2017

    Category: Students and Young Job-seekers

    There Is Life After College

    by Jeffrey J. Selingo

    From the bestselling author of College Unbound comes a hopeful, inspiring blueprint to help alleviate parents’ anxiety and prepare their college-educated child to successfully land a good job after graduation.

    Saddled with thousands of dollars of debt, today’s college students are graduating into an uncertain job market that is leaving them financially dependent on their parents for years to come—a reality that has left moms and dads wondering: What did I pay all that money for?

    There Is Life After College offers students, parents, and even recent graduates the practical advice and insight they need to jumpstart their careers. Education expert Jeffrey Selingo answers key questions—Why is the transition to post-college life so difficult for many recent graduates? How can graduates market themselves to employers that are reluctant to provide on-the-job training? What can institutions and individuals do to end the current educational and economic stalemate?—and offers a practical step-by-step plan every young professional can follow. From the end of high school through college graduation, he lays out exactly what students need to do to acquire the skills companies want.

    Full of tips, advice, and insight, this wise, practical guide will help every student, no matter their major or degree, find real employment—and give their parents some peace of mind.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Students and Young Job-seekers

    Targeting the Job You Want

    by Kate Wendleton

    The best book on the market to help you figure out who you are, what you enjoy doing, and what you want to do with your life. Landing the job of your dreams means you need to have a dream to begin with. TARGETING THE JOB YOU WANT helps you Identify that dream... make it specific... and figure out step by step how you can achieve it.

    Date Added: 05/25/2017

    Category: Career Assessment and Choosing a Job

    Talk Your Way To The Top

    by Laura Daley-Caravella and Kevin Daley

    Field-proven presentation tips and communication skills, from two of today's top corporate coaches.

    Every business situation is both a presentation and a chance to leave a positive impression. In Talk Your Way to the Top, corporate communications gurus Kevin Daley and Laura Daley-Caravella give readers the know-how to recognize and maximize the opportunities they face throughout the day.

    Each chapter represents a specific situation, from running a meeting to disagreeing with the boss, and outlines the steps needed to handle it with poise, skill, and success.

    Communication has a tremendous impact on how professionals are judged. Talk Your Way to the Top gives them the skills they need to:

  • Know when and where to speak up--versus when to shut up
  • Convey passion and make it contagious
  • Connect with an audience on multiple levels
  • Date Added: 05/25/2017

    Category: General Career Advice

    Take Charge

    by Diane Croft and Rami Rabby

    Provides guidance for blind job seekers.

    Date Added: 05/25/2017

    Category: Disabilities and Employment

    StrengthsFinder 2.0

    by Tom Rath

    Chances are, you don't. All too often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths.

    To help people uncover their talents, Gallup introduced the first version of its online assessment, StrengthsFinder, in the 2001 management book Now, Discover Your Strengths. The book spent more than five years on the bestseller lists and ignited a global conversation, while StrengthsFinder helped millions to discover their top five talents.

    In its latest national bestseller, StrengthsFinder 2.0, Gallup unveils the new and improved version of its popular assessment, language of 34 themes, and much more (see below for details). While you can read this book in one sitting, you'll use it as a reference for decades.

    Loaded with hundreds of strategies for applying your strengths, this new book and accompanying website will change the way you look at yourself -- and the world around you -- forever.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Career Assessment and Choosing a Job

    Strategies for Successful Career Change

    by Martha E. Mangelsdorf

    Are you ready for a change?

    Whether you’re seeking a more fulfilling job or rethinking your career goals after a layoff, the questions you face are crucial. In Strategies for Successful Career Change, seasoned business and career journalist Martha E. Mangelsdorf distills lessons from a diverse group of people who have made the leap and landed on their feet. To help you navigate the challenges, pitfalls, and rewards of career transition, this book will show you how to:

  • Align your professional life with your personal goals
  • Identify your transferable skills, strengths, and constraints
  • Explore possible new careers in low-risk ways
  • Change careers while still paying the bills
  • You’ll assess your current work life and aspirations, while taking into account logistical realities such as finances, health insurance, and family obligations. Through exercises, resources, and inspiring stories from successful career-changers, this supportive and empowering guide will help you find your very best next work life.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Transition and Career Change

    Start Your Own Child-Care Service

    by The Staff of Entrepreneur Media and Jacquelyn Lynn

    Start your own child-care service and get paid to care for kids!

    As the number of working parents grows the number of children who need quality childcare grows along with it. That need is creating a tremendous entrepreneurial opportunity for people who love children and want to build a business caring for them. This guide has the latest trends, facts, and figures, along with an updated list of resources to help you create a stable and enriching environment for child development, as well as a sound and profitable business.

    Learn how to:

  • Choose the type of child care program and services to offer
  • Acquire the right licensing, permits, insurance protection, and state-specific child care licensing
  • Analyze the market, asses the needs of the community, and match services to fit those needs
  • Find the right location, or decide to operate from home
  • Comply with safety regulations and child-care provisions of the Disabilities Act
  • Consider zoning laws, space requirements, and legal determinations of offsite properties
  • Calculate startup costs, get funded, manage finances, create a business plan, and account for the day-to-day operating costs
  • Stay competitive in the market with low-cost marketing tactics
  • Find, hire, and keep good employees
  • Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Occupation Specific Information

    Starting Your Career as an Interior Designer

    by Robert K. Hale and Thomas L. Williams

    Starting Your Career as an Interior Designer contains all the necessary tools and strategies to successfully launch and grow a professional design business in the competitive world of interior design. Drawing on the authors' extensive experience, this book includes case studies, and personal anecdotes that help teach you how to:

  • choose a design field
  • obtain and keep clients
  • garner referrals
  • market and position your business
  • bid competitively on projects
  • manage sales
  • organize a budget
  • manage start-up costs and cash flow
  • promote your business
  • branch out into product and architectural design
  • design within a retail environment
  • set pricing guidelines
  • sell to your target demographic
  • set up your office
  • Readers will find a history of the business side of interior design as well as various career tracks available to today’s budding entrepreneur. Any early career interior designer or student looking for practical advice on the ins and outs of running a design firm will need this one-stop guide.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Occupation Specific Information

    Showing 1 through 25 of 165 results