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Career Resources

Description: Looking to start your career? Pivot to a new one? Get out of a work funk? Check out these books to jump start your next move in your career. #general

Showing 151 through 165 of 165 results

At Your Best as a Carpenter

by Juan Carosso

The only series of step-by-step guides to succeeding in the skilled trades and achieving the American dream.

At Your Best as a Carpenter is your playbook for learning if a career as a carpenter is right for you, progressing from pre-apprentice to journeyman to master carpenter, and launching your own small business. Learn:

  • What does a career as a carpenter look like?
  • Why should you consider becoming a carpenter?
  • How do you become a successful craftsman as a carpenter?
  • How much can you make as a carpenter?
  • What are your career options once you become a carpenter?
  • How long does it take to be successful at each stage in a carpenter’s career?
  • How and where do you find work as a carpenter?
  • What does it take to strike out on your own?
  • What does it take to launch and build a successful small business?
  • At Your Best is the only step-by-step handbook to finding if a career in the trades is right for you, educating yourself and earning the proper certifications, establishing yourself as an excellent apprentice and journeyman in the industry, and moving on to start your own small business in the trades. At each step of the way, your At Your Best playbook and its companion, www.AtYourBest.com, provide the information, recommendations, outside resources, and concrete actions needed for taking the next successful step in You, Inc. Whether you are beginning your first career, changing careers, or ready to move up and start your own business as a carpenter, plumber, HVAC/R tech, or other tradesman, this is the book that will tell you how.

    There are currently over 6.5 million unfilled jobs in the skilled trades in the US. Despite being well-paying and secure, these jobs remain open because enough qualified candidates with the skills, attitude, and experience required do not exist. Moreover, plenty of opportunity exists for established tradespeople to start their own business, but they have no guidance. The At Your Best Playbooks series changes that.

    Date Added: 02/12/2019

    Category: Occupation Specific Information

    The Art of Work

    by Jeff Goins

    Jeff Goins, a brilliant new voice counting Seth Godin and Jon Acuff among his fans, explains how to abandon the status quo and live a life that matters with true passion and purpose. The path to your life's work is difficult and risky, even scary, which is why few finish the journey. This is a book about discovering your life's work, that treasure of immeasurable worth we all long for. It's about the task you were born to do.

    As Jeff Goins explains, the search begins with passion but does not end there. Only when our interests connect with the needs of the world do we begin living for a larger purpose. Those who experience this intersection experience something exceptional and enviable. Though it is rare, such a life is attainable by anyone brave enough to try. Through personal experience, compelling case studies, and current research on the mysteries of motivation and talent, Jeff shows readers how to find their vocation and what to expect along the way.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Career Assessment and Choosing a Job

    All Work, No Pay

    by Lauren Berger

    Land Killer Internships—and Make the Most of Them!

    These days, a college resume without internship experience is considered “naked.” Indeed, statistics show that internship experience leads to more job offers with highersalaries—and in this tough economy, college grads need all the help they can get.

    Enter Lauren Berger, internships expert and CEO of Intern Queen, Inc., whose comprehensive guide reveals insider secrets to scoring the perfect internship, building invaluable connections, boosting transferable skills, and ultimately moving toward your dream career. She’ll show you how to:

  • Discover the best internship opportunities, from big companies to virtual internships
  • Write effective resumes and cover letters
  • Nail phone, Skype, and in-person interviews
  • Know your rights as an intern
  • Use social networking to your advantage
  • Network like a pro
  • Impress your boss
  • Get solid letters of recommendation
  • Turn internships into job opportunities
  • With exercises, examples, and a go-getter attitude, this next-generation internship manual provides all the cutting-edge information students and recent grads will need to get a competitive edge in the job market. So what are you waiting for?

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Students and Young Job-seekers

    301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions

    by Vicky Oliver

    In today's job market, how you perform in an interview can make or break your hiring possibilities. If you want to stand a head above the rest of the pack, 301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions is the definitive guide you need to the real, and sometimes quirky, questions employers are using to weed out candidates.

    Do you know the best answers to:

  • It looks like you were fired twice. How did that make you feel?
  • Do you know who painted this work of art?
  • What is the best-managed company in America?
  • If you could be any product in the world, what would you choose?
  • How many cigars are smoked in a year?
  • Are you a better visionary or implementer? Why?
  • Leaning on her own years of experience and the experiences of more than 5,000 recent candidates, Vicky Oliver shows you how to finesse your way onto a company's payroll.

    Date Added: 05/25/2017

    Category: Interview Skills

    300 Best Jobs Without a Four-Year Degree

    by Michael Farr and Laurence Shatkin

    No bachelor's degree? As people like Bill Gates and Thomas Edison have shown, it's no problem! Discover the 300 jobs with the best pay, fastest growth, and most openings--no four-year degree required. The authors have taken massive date from the Department of Labor's Occupational Information Network (O*NET) database and other sources and turned it into a useful, interesting resource for workers who want good jobs and career advancement without four years in college.

    Features over 60 insightful "best jobs" lists and 300 job descriptions. In just two steps, 300 Best Jobs Without a Four-Year Degree helps you quickly and easily narrow your career options (step 1: the lists) and learn more about jobs of interest (step 2: the job descriptions).

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Job Searching

    The 250 Job Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked ...and the Answers That Will Get You Hired!

    by Peter Veruki

    Why do you want this job? Why should I hire you? Why do you want to leave your current job?

    Do you have convincing answers ready for these important questions? Landing a good job is a competitive process and often the final decision is based on your performance at the interview. By following the advice of prominent career planning and human resources expert Peter Veruki, you'll know you have the right answers at your job interview.

    Date Added: 05/25/2017

    Category: Interview Skills

    201 Best Questions to Ask On Your Interview

    by John Kador

    Asking the right questions can help job seekers ace the interview and land that job. The most critical question job interviewers ask is often the last one. That's when they lean forward and say, "Do you have any questions?" As author John Kador points out, that's the applicants' moment to shine, to demonstrate that they have done their homework and that they're good fit with the organization. Most of all, it provides an applicant with an opportunity to ask for the job.

    A powerful resource for vast and growing numbers of job seekers, this book fills readers in on the pivotal questions they need to ask to ace the interview. With chapters organized around major themes, such as "the company," "the job," and "the community," 201 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview not only supplies readers with the right questions for virtually every context but also coaches them on the right ways to ask them.

    Date Added: 05/25/2017

    Category: Interview Skills

    15-Minute Cover Letter

    by Louise Kursmark

    This popular guide demystifies the process of crafting cover letters by providing revolutionary advice in six brief chapters

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Resumé and Cover Letter Writing

    132 Career Tips for Women

    by Melody R Green

    If it's been a while since you looked for a new job the chances are the job market has changed while you've been employed.

    To keep ahead of the rest it's wise to have the best tips for the process at your finger tips and 132 Career Tips for Women e-book gives you these.

    No matter if you are a first time job hunter, looking to change industry sectors, re-entering the workforce, consolidating your career or enhancing your direction 132 Career Tips for Women has been written with you in mind.

    The better you understand what motivates a boss when hiring staff, or know the tips that help you engage better with time poor recruiters, the easier your job process will be. This knowledge will build your self-confidence by allowing you to appreciate what you have to offer a prospective employer.

    Filled with practical tips and strategies let 132 Career Tips for Women help you make your next career move and see the difference.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: General Career Advice

    The 10 Laws of Career Reinvention

    by Pamela Mitchell

    Reinvention is the key to success in these volatile times—and Pamela Mitchell holds the key to reinvention!

    In The 10 Laws of Career Reinvention, America's Reinvention Coach Pamela Mitchell offers every tool readers need to navigate the full arc of career change. Part I introduces the Reinvention Mindset, with what you need to know to be prepared mentally to get started. In Part II, you read the real-life stories of ten individuals who successfully made the leap to new and unexpected careers, using the 10 laws:

  • The 1st Law: It Starts With a Vision for Your Life
  • The 2nd Law: Your Body Is Your Best Guide
  • The 3rd Law: Progress Begins When You Stop Making Excuses
  • The 4th Law: What You Seek is on the Road Less Traveled
  • The 5th Law: You’ve Got the Tools in Your Toolbox
  • The 6th Law: Your Reinvention Board is Your Lifeline
  • The 7th Law: Only a Native Can Give You the Inside Scoop
  • The 8th Law: They Won't "Get" You Until You Speak Their Language
  • The 9th Law: It Takes the Time That it Takes
  • The 10th Law: The World Buys Into an Aura of Success
  • Each story is followed by an in-depth lesson that explains how to adapt these laws to your own career goals, and what actions and precautions to take. The lessons answer all your tactical concerns about navigating the roadblocks, getting traction and managing your fears. The final section provides workbook exercises for fine-tuning your reinvention strategies for maximum results.

    Clear-headed, calming, practical, and thorough, this is the ideal action plan for getting through any career crisis and ending up securely in the lifestyle you've always dreamed of having.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Transition and Career Change

    The 10% Entrepreneur

    by Patrick J. Mcginnis

    Choosing between the stability of a traditional career and the upside of entrepreneurship? Why not have both?

    Becoming a full-time entrepreneur can look glamorous from the outside. Who doesn’t want to chase their dreams, be their own boss, and do what they love? But the truth is that entrepreneurship is often a slog, with no regular hours, no job security, and very little pay.

    What if there was a way to have the stability of a day job with the excitement of a startup? All of the benefits of entrepreneurship with none of the pitfalls? In The 10% Entrepreneur, Patrick McGinnis shows you how, by investing just 10% of your time and resources, you can become an entrepreneur without losing a steady paycheck.

    McGinnis details a step-by-step plan that takes you from identifying your first entrepreneurial project to figuring out the smartest way to commit resources to it. He shows you how to select and engage in projects that will provide you with upside outside the office while making your better at your day job. He also profiles real-world 10% Entrepreneurs such as...

  • Luke Holden, a cash-strapped recent college graduate, who started his own lobster-roll empire and oversaw much of its first year of operations, all while working full time in corporate America
  • Dipali Patwa, a designer and mom whose side project designing and selling infant clothing is now a sensation.
  • A group of friends who met at a 6am Bible study class and went on to start a brewery that now generates millions in sales
  • A successful 10% Entrepreneur himself, McGinnis explains the multiple paths you can follow to invest your cash, time, and expertise in a start-up—including as a founder, angel, adviser, or aficionado. Most importantly, you don’t have to have millions in disposable income to become a 10% Entrepreneur. When you put McGinnis’s 10% principles into action, you’ll quickly start racking up small wins, then watch as they snowball into your new (and far more entrepreneurial) life.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Occupation Specific Information

    101 Smart Questions to Ask on Your Interview (Fourth Edition)

    by Ron Fry

    101 Smart Questions to Ask on Your Interview is for every job candidate who thinks the question "Do you have any questions for me?" marks the end of an interview. In Fry's view, it marks the beginning of the last and perhaps most important interview phase, one that's so important that failing to properly prepare for it can undo all the rest of your hard work, including providing great answers to tough questions.

    Fry shows you how to take charge of the interview process, presenting yourself as the self-managing, versatile, and confident candidate most employers are seeking. He demonstrates how to use the interview process to sell the company on you while obtaining the information necessary to make sure you are sold on them.

    From what to ask, when to ask it, and the kinds of answers to expect, 101 Smart Questions to Ask on Your Interview gives every candidate, from first-timers to seasoned pros, the practical information and advice they need to ace the entire interview…and get their dream job.

    Date Added: 10/26/2018

    Category: Interview Skills

    101 Job Interview Questions You'll Never Fear Again

    by James Reed

    Learn the secrets to excelling at job interviews, directly from top interviewers and recruiters.

    You can't prepare an answer for every interview question. So, of the thousands of questions a potential employer might ask, which ones will they ask? And what should you say? After extensive research among hundreds of interviewers and thousands of interviewees, finally here's the book that will give you the answer. 101 Job Interview Questions You'll Never Fear Again is based on direct input from top interviewers. It offers powerful preparation techniques, the lowdown on how to answer the most common questions and - above all - how to adopt a winning mindset at interviews, one that will help you stand out from the pack and land the job.

    From classic questions like "Tell me about yourself" and "What are your greatest weaknesses?" to puzzlers like "Sell me this pen" and "How many traffic lights are there in New York?," James Reed reveals what interviewers are really asking and gives you the best possible answers.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Interview Skills

    101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions (25th Anniversary Edition)

    by Ron Fry

    No matter how good you look, how much research you've done, or how perfectly your qualifications match the job description, if you're not prepared with great answers to the toughest interview questions, you won't get the job.

    101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions is a manual that will help you home in on exactly what the interviewer is trying to learn…with each and every question he or she asks. If you've never done well on interviews, never even been on a job interview, or just want to make sure a lousy interview doesn't cost you a job you really want, Ron Fry will help you get that job--as he has helped literally millions of people nationwide and throughout the world.

    This brand-new 25th Anniversary Edition of 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions is thoroughly updated to reflect the realities of today's job market. Whatever your age and experience, whether you are seeking your very first job or finally breaking into the executive office, this is the one book you need to get that job.

    Date Added: 10/26/2018

    Category: Interview Skills

    1,001 Phrases You Need to Get a Job

    by Nancy Schuman

    Find the right words for the best job!

    It's not enough to have the talent and experience to land the right job—you have to be able to put that talent and experience into words. With just the right phrase, you can highlight your achievements in your resume, make the cover letter pitch that sets you apart from the crowd, and underscore your unique skill set in the interview that lands you the job.

    In 1,001 Phrases You Need to Get a Job, employment gurus Nancy Schuman and Burton Jay Nadler show you how to walk the walk and talk the talk you need to win the job you want.

    Date Added: 09/21/2018

    Category: Resumé and Cover Letter Writing

    Showing 151 through 165 of 165 results