Special Collections

American Foundation for the Blind

Description: American Foundation for the BlindPress offers a wide range of information for students, professionals, researchers, and blind and visually impaired people and their families. #teachers #disability

Showing 26 through 50 of 66 results

The Community of the Blind

by Yoon Hough Kim

Dr. Kim has investigated the validity of the widely-held view that while there are a large number of blind persons whose social lives are centered in the mainstream, that is with sighted persons, there are an equally large number of blind persons whose social lives are restricted mainly to other blind persons.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Non-Fiction

Business Owners Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired

by Deborah Kendrick

The second title in the exciting Jobs That Matter series written by an award-winning blind journalist, Business Owners Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired demonstrates the wide range of careers and talents that can be pursued by persons with visual impairments. Each profile features a successful individual who has accomplished his or her dream of business ownership and who shares important insights. From a lawyer and an accountant to a florist and a gourmet cook, the range of engaging stories told will inspire young adults with visual impairments and the parents, teachers, and counselors who advise them.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Career Education

Recreation Programming for Visually Impaired Children and Youth

by Jerry D. Kelley

The book is designed primarily for the recreation consultant or trainer concerned with assisting the community recreation leader in his or her efforts to provide recreation programs and services for the visually impaired child.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Teens, Children and Disabilities

The Development of Social Skills by Blind and Visually Impaired Students

by Sharon Zell Sacks and Linda S. Kekelis and Robert J. Gaylord-Ross

The book, using an ethnographic approach, outlines the theoretical background of social-skills development, presents case studies and suggests guidelines for helping Blind and Visually Impaired children shape those encounters into satisfying ones.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Teens, Children and Disabilities

Perceptual Factors in Braille Word Recognition

by Carson Y. Nolan and Cleves J. Kederis

This monograph presents the findings of several years of study of the braille system as a communication process.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Braille Literacy

HIV/AIDS Prevention

by Judy Matsuoka and Christine E. Pawelski. and Gaylen Kapperman

This manual is designed to help rehabilitation teachers, educators, and other practitioners who work with blind and visually impaired persons provide their clients with the facts they need to deal with the issues concerning HIV/AIDS.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Non-Fiction

Ability Structure and Loss of Vision

by Jyrki Juurmaa

Psychological testing of the ability structures of the blind and sighted was commenced almost simultaneously during the first decades of this century. However, a majority of the studies concerning the blind, and the most crucial among them, sought to develop IQ-type test batteries, intended mainly for appraising their school achievement. By contrast, systematic studies have not been carried out to explore the relationships among different, mutually relatively independent traits and the quantitative contributions of such traits to different test performances. This lack of interest is perhaps due to the narrow range of occupations regarded as suitable for the blind: there has been no acute need for a more differentiated picture.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Non-Fiction

The Effects of Blindness and Other Impairments on Early Development

by Zofja S. Jastrazembska

A scientific study of blind children, where there are frequently marked delays in locomotor achievements by sighted standards.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Teens, Children and Disabilities

Hand in Hand

by Elga Joffee and Jeanne Glidden Prickett and Kathleen Mary Huebner and Therese Rafalowski Welch

This series was designed to develop resources for educators of children who are visually impaired, hearing impaired, and severely disabled. The Hand In Hand materials emphasize the communication and mobility skills crucial to independence, and provide important information to help service providers do their jobs effectively. Containing contributions from more than 30 nationally recognized experts in the field of deaf-blindness, this groundbreaking information consists of four components that can be used separately or together. A two-volume, self-study text that explains how deaf-blind students learn, focusing on essential communication and mobility skills. Designed to provide comprehensive information in an easy-to-read way, this invaluable resource includes identified key concepts, self-study questions and answers, and references. The user-friendly format includes concise "Help at a Glance" and "From Theory to Practice" sections throughout. Sidebars, figures, tables, graphs, and photos offer additional perspectives and information.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Orientation and Mobility

The Profession of Orientation and Mobility in the 1980s

by Mark M. Uslan and Everett W. Hill and Alec F. Peck

This book is a report of two national studies to compile descriptive statistical information about the demographic trends that will influence the future of the O&M profession--one conducted in 1983 and the other in 1985.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Orientation and Mobility

Orientation and Mobility Techniques

by Purvis Ponder and Everett W. Hill

A large-format manual covering definitions, techniques, and devices, designed for administrators, educators, rehabilitation counselors, and other professionals concerned with the mobility training process. A classic compilation of information on an essential subject.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Orientation and Mobility

Program Planning and Evaluation for Blind and Visually Impaired Students

by Kathleen Mary Huebner and Jack Hazekamp

The guidelines have been developed as a resource for parents, staff, and administrators in identifying and assessing the unique needs of visually impaired students and planning, providing, evaluating, and improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of programs serving these students.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: General Academic Skills

Piagetian Reasoning and the Blind

by Yvette Hatwell

The book reports the results of a series of studies undertaken in the early 1960s on the cognitive development of children with congenital blindness.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Teens, Children and Disabilities

Prescriptions for Independence

by Nora Griffin-Shirley and Gerda Groff

Prescriptions for Independence: Working with Older People Who Are Visually Impaired has been designed to provide comprehensive information in a clear and readable way so that visually impaired people, their friends and families, and those who work with them have simple suggestions within easy reach. Readers will find that most people who are visually impaired do have usable vision and do not require special assistance, but they will also find what they need to know about common forms of visual impairment and adaptations and information that are useful to some visually impaired people in daily life.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Senior

Living with Impaired Vision

by Anne Yeadon and Dava Grayson

Blind and visually impaired people: active, concerned about their jobs, their families, their communities, obtaining a good education, discovering interesting ways to use their leisure time, and above all, as different from one another as any other group of people who happen to have one characteristic in common. Today there are visually impaired people in every major area of employment from professional occupations to technical and clerical work. There are blind lawyers and college professors and insurance salesmen and social workers, blind typists and switchboard operators, auto mechanics and chemical engineers.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Non-Fiction

An Introduction to Working with the Aging Person Who Is Visually Handicapped (2nd edition)

by Dava Grayson

This book deals with aged blind persons, the ways and means of lending them a helping hand, services available to them, and solving other problems.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Senior

Collaborative Assessment

by Stephen A. Goodman and Stuart H. Wittenstein

This comprehensive text published by AFB in 2003 is the first to present assessment in a way that can be understood by professionals and families alike.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Assessment

The Demography of Blindness Throughout the World

by Hyman Goldstein

Most of the world's blindness could be prevented, and the attack on it and its consequences proceeds apace through such organizations as the World Council for the Welfare of the Blind, the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, and the World Health Organization.

For greatest effectiveness, their programs must be based upon accurate data, as a WHO study quoted here by Dr. Goldstein makes clear: "In order to establish appropriate priorities for prevention and treatment at the national and international level, it is essential that reliable up-to-date statistical data on prevalence, age of onset, and causes of blindness be obtained."

But even in the United States, where collection of data on blindness began in 1830, there are still no reliable trend data. In much of the rest of the world data are fragmentary, and data that would allow valid country by country comparisons are almost non-existent.

Dr. Goldstein has done a valuable service in pulling together such statistics as can be found, and in discussing their weaknesses and strengths.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Non-Fiction

The Demography and Causes of Blindness

by Hyman Goldstein

A report on the statistics of blindness from an international point of view.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Non-Fiction

What Museum Guides Need to Know

by Gerda Groff and Laura Gardner

This book provides practical, easy-to-use suggestions on how to greet and assist blind and visually impaired visitors. It also covers aesthetics and visual impairment, legal requirements for accessibility, and resources. It includes a training outline for museum professionals, a bibliography on art and museum access for blind and visually impaired persons, and guidelines for preparing large print, braille, and cassette materials.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Non-Fiction

From Homer to Helen Keller

by Richard Slayton French

From Homer to Helen Keller, Homer stands for the greatest achievement of the blind in the times antecedent to their systematic education. He stands for all those bards, many of them blind or blinded, creators of literature and makers of our language, who through ballads, always of great vigor and sometimes of surpassing beauty, have handed down to us the glorious traditions of far-off heroic times.

Miss Keller stands for the supreme achievement of education. The blind claim her, but the deaf can claim her, too, and modern education can claim her more than either--and all humanity claims her with the best claim of all. For she is the epitome of all that is best in humanity, all that is most spiritual; and all this through conscious aim and directed effort, through education in its best sense.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Non-Fiction

English / Spanish Basics for Orientation and Mobility Instructors

by Christian J. Foy

This book was written as a teaching aid for orientation and mobility (O&M) instructors. Author's intention is not to teach the techniques of the profession but to supply the vocabulary instructors might use to teach students in Spanish.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Orientation and Mobility

Early Focus

by Jessica S. Lambert and Diane L. Fazzi and Rona L. Pogrund

Stressing the importance of early intervention in working with children with visual impairment, Pogrund (formerly special education, California State U.) and Fazzi (special education, California State U.) offer practitioners (teachers and other specialized professionals) an edited guide to working with children under age five. Eleven chapters review the developmental areas that are likely to be affected by vision loss and discuss the theory and knowledge base behind suggested educational practices in these areas. Chapters cover working with families, medical and functional implications, cognitive development, literacy, social development, promotion of independence and daily living skills, behavioral supports, motor and mobility development, and working with other professionals. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: General Academic Skills

When You Have a Student with Visual and Multiple Disabilities in Your Classroom

by Jane N. Erin and Susan J. Spungin

As a special educator, a classroom teacher, or an educational team member, you may be working with a visually impaired student for the first time or as an experienced professional. This booklet provides information on how visual impairment affects learning in communication, movement, self-care skills, and other important areas, and on how to work effectively with students who have visual and other disabilities.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: General Academic Skills

Images of Blind and Visually Impaired People in the Movies, 1913-1985

by Diane Wolfe and Wendy Erickson

Listed in this book are the titles and other information about movies that include characters who are blind or visually impaired.

Date Added: 05/25/2017

Category: Non-Fiction

Showing 26 through 50 of 66 results