Special Collections

Job Corps Book List

Description: A list of recommended books for those participating in Job Corps programs. #adults #general

Showing 26 through 50 of 117 results
Category Title Author Date Added Action
TABE Bob Miller's Math for the TABE Level A Bob Miller 07/20/2017
Construction (Carpenter) Carpentry Floyd Vogt 11/02/2020
Finance & Business Century 21 Accounting Claudia Bienias Gilbertson and Mark W. Lehman 05/25/2017
Finance & Business Century 21 Accounting Claudia Bienias Gilbertson and Mark W. Lehman and Kenton E. Ross 05/25/2017
Finance & Business The Complete CPA Reference Nick A. Dauber and Jae K. Shim and Joel G. Siegel 11/02/2020
Finance & Business Comptia A+ Certification Michael Meyers 05/25/2017
Food and Hospitality Culinary Careers Rick Smilow and Anne E. Mcbride 11/02/2020
Food and Hospitality Culinary Essentials Johnson and Wales University Staff and McGraw-Hill Staff 10/30/2020
Food and Hospitality Culinary Essentials Karl Guggenmos and Paul J. McVety and Johnson and Wales University 10/30/2020
Food and Hospitality Culinary Essentials Johnson Wales University 10/30/2020
Food and Hospitality Culinary Fundamentals American Culinary Federation and The Culinary Institute of America 10/30/2020
Construction (Electrician) Electrical Insulation for Rotating Machines Edward A. Boulter and Ian Culbert and Greg C. Stone and Hussein Dhirani 11/02/2020
Construction (HVAC) Electricity For HVACRTechnicians The Training Authority 10/29/2020
Health (EMT) EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) Crash Course Book + Online Christopher Coughlin 10/29/2020
Food and Hospitality Food and Beverage Service, 10th Edition John Cousins and Suzanne Weekes 11/02/2020
Food and Hospitality Food and Beverage Service for Levels 1 and 2 John Cousins and Dennis Lillicrap 11/02/2020
Construction (HVAC) Fundamentals of HVACR (2nd Edition) Carter Stanfield and David Skaves 10/29/2020
Health Care: Nursing Get a Job in Nursing Adams Media 11/02/2020
Transition and Career Change Green at Work Horst Rechelbacher and Susan Cohn and Lynda Grose 11/02/2020
Transition and Career Change Green Careers Jim Cassio and Alice Rush 11/02/2020
Transition and Career Change Green Careers in Building and Landscaping Peterson's 05/25/2017
Transition and Career Change Green Careers in Building and Landscaping Peterson's 05/25/2017
Transition and Career Change Green Careers in Building and Landscaping Peterson's 05/25/2017
Transition and Career Change Green Careers in Energy Peterson'S 11/02/2020
Health Care Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care Hartman Publishing 05/25/2017

Showing 26 through 50 of 117 results