Special Collections

Alternate History

Description: Dive into a world of alternate possibilities. This list features titles that ask - and answer - the 'What if...' questions of our past and the road not taken. #adults #teens

Showing 1 through 25 of 35 results
Title Author Date Added Action
The Alteration Kingsley Amis and William Gibson 05/25/2017
Lion's Blood Steven Barnes 05/25/2017
The Yiddish Policemen's Union Michael Chabon 05/25/2017
1862 Robert Conroy 05/25/2017
1942 Robert Conroy 04/06/2020
Revisions Julie E. Czerneda and Isaac Szpindel 05/25/2017
The Rebel Jack Dann 05/25/2017
SS-GB Len Deighton 05/25/2017
The Man in the High Castle Philip K. Dick 05/25/2017
The Two Georges Richard Dreyfuss and Harry Turtledove 05/25/2017
Resurrection Day Brendan Dubois 06/22/2017
Aztec Century Christopher Evans 05/25/2017
Virtual History Niall Ferguson 05/25/2017
The Difference Engine Bruce Sterling and William Gibson 05/25/2017
Pashazade Jon Courtenay Grimwood 05/25/2017
West of Eden Harry Harrison 05/25/2017
11/22/63 Stephen King 06/14/2019
The Calculating Stars Mary Kowal 04/06/2020
Wolf Hall Hilary Mantel 04/06/2020
Romanitas Sophia McDougall 05/25/2017
Machines Like Me Ian McEwan 06/14/2019
Gloriana Michael Moorcock 05/25/2017
Bring The Jubilee Ward Moore 05/25/2017
Airborn Kenneth Oppel 05/25/2017
The Years of Rice and Salt Kim Stanley Robinson 05/25/2017

Showing 1 through 25 of 35 results