Special Collections

Author Study: Katherine Paterson

Description: Books by Katherine Paterson make a wonderful author study for middle or high school students. She's been recognized for her contribution to children's literature through the Hans Christian Anderson and Laura Ingalls Wilder Awards. #teachers #teens #kids

Showing 51 through 53 of 53 results

The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks

by Katherine Paterson

A pair of mandarin ducks, separated by a cruel lord who wishes to possess the drake for his colorful beauty, reward a compassionate couple who risk their lives to reunite the ducks.

[This text is listed as an example that meets Common Core Standards in English language arts in grades 6-8 at http://www.corestandards.org.]

Date Added: 06/26/2017

Award: n/a

The Wide-Awake Princess

by Katherine Paterson

In this amusing, eloquently told story, created by Katherine Paterson specifically for artist Vladimir Vagin to illustrate with his beautifully detailed watercolors, there was born a wise little princess who was different from everyone else. Miranda had been granted the gift of being wide awake all her waking hours. Thus, unlike those before her, she was able to see that the peasants of the kingdom were overworked and starving while the nobles lived in selfish luxury. Miranda, with confidence and determination, forms an innovative plan to help her people overcome their oppression, and in the process reveals the power of words to vanquish ignorance and bring about change.

Date Added: 06/26/2017

Award: n/a

The World in 1492

by Katherine Paterson and Jean Fritz and Patricia C. Mckissack and Jamake Highwater and Fredrick L. Mckissack and Margaret Mahy

Introduces the history, customs, beliefs, and accomplishments of people living in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania, and the Americas during the fifteenth century.

Date Added: 06/26/2017

Award: n/a

Showing 51 through 53 of 53 results