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Libros para niños (primeros lectores)

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Showing 1 through 13 of 13 results

Compórtate, Pablo Picasso

by Jonah Winter and Kevin Hawkes

From Jonah Winter and Kevin Hawkes (both beloved bestsellers and award winners), the story of how Pablo Picasso painted the way he wanted to paint, and left the world speechless! Pablo Picasso may have been one of the most famous artists of the 20th century, but that doesn't mean he painted what people wanted him to paint! In fact, some people hated his paintings! But Picasso didn't listen to all those people, and kept on working the way he wanted to work, until he created something so different. . . that people didn't know what to say! Pablo Picasso puede ser uno de los pintores más famosos del siglo XX, pero eso no quiere decir que él siempre pintó las cosas que los demás querían que pintara. De hecho, algunas personas detestaban sus pinturas. Pero a Picasso no le importaba la opinión de esas personas y se mantuvo pintando lo que él quería hasta llegar a pintar algo tan diferente que la gente no supo qué decir.

Date Added: 08/11/2017

Dani Salva el día (Edificando el reino de Dios)

by Andy Holmes

Edificando el reino de Dios: un paso a la vez. ¡Dani salva el día! ¡Es tiempo de ponerse a trabajar! ¡Los camiones tienen su tarea y están listos para construir! Pero se encuentran con una sorpresa: una pequeña ardilla llama Earl que se ha perdido. ¿Cómo harán sus trabajos y ayudarán a Earl a encontrar el camino a su casa? Dozer, Diggit, Stretch y Tibi deben usar sus características especiales y trabajar juntos para ayudar a Earl y dar gloria a Dios.Hay pocos libros animados y basados en la fe para varones. Esta nueva marca inspiracional para niños se hace eco de la fuerte tendencia a la construcción, como Where Do Diggers Sleep At Night? y Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site. La construcción y los camiones son siempre temas interesantes para los niños, haciendo de estos libros destacados títulos por sí solos.A los padres y madres les encantará esta divertida historia que ayuda a los niños a aprender de manera colorida y activa sobre ser amables y ayudar a otros.Andy Holmes es un autor de best sellers infantiles, con más de 500.000 libros vendidos.

Date Added: 08/11/2017

Don't Say a Word, Mama / No Digas Nada, Mama

by Joe Hayes and Esau Andrade Valencia

Mamá says she has the best daughters in the world. The two women live near their mother-Rosa with her husband and children, Blanca by herself. They both have flourishing gardens. Rosa and Blanca are so generous and kind and thoughtful-well, everyone, including Mamá, ends up with too much corn, tomatoes, and red hot chiles! It's crazy! It's also Joe Hayes at his finest, telling one of those stories young kids love, full of mishaps, surprise endings, and happy mommas! In fact, one seven-year old-after hearing Joe tell Don't Say a Word, Mama!-came home and told her mother, "I heard a story today that I think changed my life!" That's a pretty fantastic endorsement!

Date Added: 08/11/2017

Hermie, una oruga común Libro Ilustrado

by Max Lucado

¡Cuidado! Hermie podrá ser una oruga más, pero su agusanado estilo le robará el corazón. Hermie, un adorable personaje del renombrado autor de grandes éxitos y pastor Max Lucado, y su amigo del alma, Wormie, se preguntan por qué Dios -su buen amigo y Creador- decidió hacerlos tan poca cosa. No es para menos, pues las demás criaturas que encuentran siempre tienen algo remarcado o bello que los destaca. Pero Hermie y Wormie se arrastran bajo el peso de las comparaciones. . . y siempre salen mal. Entonces se produce el milagro. En una maravillosa transformación, comprenden la verdad que hay tras el impecable plan de Dios. Y su propósito. Y su amor. Es una historia que en un nivel sencillo dejará embelesados a sus hijos. Pero lo que enseña la Biblia en cuanto a confiar en la agenda de Dios profundizará su sentido de identidad y el gozo de aceptar el asombroso diseño de Dios en ellos.

Date Added: 08/11/2017

Katy No-Pocket Bilingual

by H. A. Rey and Emmy Payne

Katy Kangaroo is sad because she has no pocket in which to carry her son, Freddy. While all the other kangaroo children ride comfortably in their mothers' pockets, poor Freddy has to walk. This makes Freddy sad, too, and tired! But one day Katy has an idea: why not find out how other animals carry their babies? She asks crocodiles, monkeys, and birds how they carry their children, but none of their methods seems to work. Finally, when the wise old owl suggests a plan, Katy and Freddy take off for the big city. There she finds enough pockets to carry Freddy and all of his friends!

Date Added: 08/11/2017

Lupita's First Dance

by Gabriela Baeza Ventura and Lupe Ruiz-Flores and Gabhor Utomo

Lupita is excited about dancing la raspa, a Mexican folk dance, with her first-grade class at a celebration of Childrens Day. But she's devastated when she learns right before the show that her partner Ernesto sprained his right ankle. She had been practicing for weeks. And now her family won't get to see her, swishing and swaying in her beautiful dress full of colorful ribbons.

Date Added: 08/11/2017

Marimba! Animales from A to Z

by Pat Mora

After the visitors have left the zoo and the animals have settled down for the night, a mischievous monkey starts a ting-tong rhythm on the marimba and slowly the animals awaken. Lions and llamas samba and cougars and coyotes conga as all the animals join in the fun to create a rollicking fiesta. Infused with Mexican American flavor, MARIMBA! is a unique alphabet book that also introduces the concept of cognates--words in different languages that are similar. Young Spanish speakers will be delighted to find they are already familiar with twenty-six words in English, and English speakers with find they already know some Spanish. Author's note, pronunciation guide, rebus dictionary.

Date Added: 08/11/2017

Perro Grande... Perro Pequeno

by P. D. Eastman

Bilingual edition of the children's classic "Big Dog, Little Dog."

Date Added: 08/11/2017

Qué cosas dice mi abuela

by Ana Galán

Using traditional Spanish-language sayings, a grandmother teaches manners to her grandchildren and their friends. A boy narrates the events of a regular day, relating along the way his grandmother's advice on manners, which come in the form of traditional Spanish-language sayings.

Date Added: 08/11/2017

Señor Pancho Had a Rancho

by Elwood H. Smith and René Colato Laínez

"Old MacDonald Had a Farm" goes multi-cultural in this rollicking Spanish-English rendition, in which the cow says moo--and la vaca says mu!

Date Added: 08/11/2017

Sing, Froggie, Sing

by Carolyn Dee Flores and Natalia Rosales-Yeomans

A updated version of a traditional Spanish folksong in which each creature is hushed by the one which follows it. Includes musical notation for the folksong.

Date Added: 08/11/2017

The Pinata

by Rita Rosa Ruesga and Soledad Sebastian

Scholastic and Latin Grammy nominee Rita Rosa Ruega have rejoined to bring a new book of songs from the Hispanic tradition for all ages. Scholastic and Latin Grammy nominee Rita Rosa Ruega have rejoined to bring a new book of songs from the Hispanic tradition for all ages. Among the fourteen new songs are "Antón Pirulero," "Las mañanitas," and "A la rueda rueda". Full of beautiful illustrations and a brief description of the origin of each song, La piñata / The Piñata also include a link from where the songs--sung by the author--can be downloaded, as well as their music notation and guitar chords. Scholastic y Rita Rosa Ruesga, nominada al Grammy Latino, reanudan su colaboración con un nuevo libro de canciones hispanoamericanas para grandes y chicos que presenta catorce nuevas canciones de la tradición popular, entre ellas "Antón Pirulero", "La piñata" y "A la rueda rueda". Además de las hermosas ilustraciones y un enlace donde podrán bajar las canciones interpretadas por la autora, el libro también incluye partituras, acordes para guitarra y una breve explicación de la procedencia de cada canción.

Date Added: 08/11/2017

Showing 1 through 13 of 13 results