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Who Was? A Series of Biographies for Kids

Description: This series tells the incredible stories of trailblazers, legends, innovators, and creators. Explore this non-fiction collection of biographies written especially for children. #kids #series

Showing 1 through 25 of 208 results

Who Was Helen Keller?

by Gare Thompson

At age two, Helen Keller became deaf and blind. She lived in a world of silence and darkness and she spent the rest of her life struggling to break through it. But with the help of teacher Annie Sullivan, Helen learned to read, write, and do many amazing things.

Date Added: 10/30/2017

Who Was Sally Ride?

by Megan Stine

In 1978, Sally Ride, a PhD candidate at Standford University, responded to a newspaper ad to join the US astronaut program. She was accepted and became the first American woman astronaut to fly in space! Among her other accomplishments, she played tennis like a professional, was an astrophysicist who helped develop a robotic arm for space shuttles, and later, through Sally Ride Science, worked to make science cool and accessible for girls. Sally Ride, who died on July 23, 2012, will continue to inspire young children.

Date Added: 10/30/2017

Who Was Richard Nixon?

by Megan Stine and Who HQ

Learn more about Richard Nixon--one of America's most unpopular presidents and the only one to resign from the position.On August 8, 1974, millions sat stunned as they watched Richard Nixon on TV when he announced he was stepping down as the President of the United States. He'd participated in a scandal that included secret tape recordings, a burglary, and a cover-up, and now his secrets and lies were catching up to him. How could Nixon, a man who had been reelected in a landslide victory just two years earlier, now be leaving office in disgrace? Author Megan Stine takes readers through President Nixon's life--from his childhood and military experiences during World War II--to his long political career and the Watergate scandal that tarnished his legacy and deepened American's mistrust of the government.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

Who Was Michael Jackson?

by Megan Stine

Born in Gary, Indiana, on August 29, 1958, Michael Jackson was definitely not a regular kid. A superstar with The Jackson 5 before he was eight years old, he became the King of Pop as a solo artist. Michael was a creative--yet deeply troubled--genius who always remained devoted to his art right up until his death is 2009 before a much anticipated tour. He had a pitch-perfect voice and footwork that his idol Fred Astaire admired. Who will ever forget the Moonwalk? Kids today who only know Jackson through video performances are nevertheless fascinated by him. Megan Stine provides a sensitive, fair-minded depiction of this unique music legend.

Date Added: 10/30/2017

Where Is the Vatican?

by Megan Stine and Who HQ

Did you know that the Vatican is a country--the smallest in the world? Find out the amazing history of the headquarters of the Catholic Church.It's time to elect a new pope. Hundreds of thousands of people gather in front of St. Peter's Basilica to learn who will be the next leader of the Catholic Church. A white puff of smoke from a chimney signals the cardinals--the "princes" of the church--have elected one of their own who will continue to be the leader of the faith that has been around for more than two thousand years. Author Megan Stine charts the beginning of Christianity and its hold on members of the faith as well as the countless struggles for power (one pope was poisoned by his own men!), the building of the Vatican and creation of the Sistine Chapel, and the Secret Archives that hold papers the church has accumulated over the centuries.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

Where Is the Congo?

by Megan Stine and Who HQ

Discover what lives and grows in the Congo Basin in Central Africa, one of the planet's most remarkable regions.Running through six countries in the middle of Africa, the Congo Basin contains some of the largest tropical rainforests in the world. Dealing with present-day issues of climate change, it is home to bonobo apes, mountain gorillas, forest elephants, and more. With details about the exploration (and exploitation) by the European colonialists and the aftermath of their arrival in the Congo, this book will give readers a better understanding of the second largest rainforest in the world.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

Who Was Walt Disney?

by Whitney Stewart

Walt Disney always loved to entertain people. Often it got him into trouble. Once he painted pictures with tar on the side of his family's white house. His family was poor, and the happiest time of his childhood was spent living on a farm in Missouri. His affection for small-town life is reflected in Disneyland Main Streets around the world. This biography reveals the man behind the magic. This book is not authorized, licensed or endorsed by the Walt Disney Company or any affiliate.

Date Added: 10/30/2017

Where Is Broadway?

by Francesco Sedita and Douglas Yacka and Who HQ

Take your seats, because Where Is Broadway? is ready to take center stage!In a lively and engaging style, authors Douglas Yacka and Francesco Sedita cover the development of the first theaters and the birth of the American musical, as well as the shows and stars that have become Broadway legends. Readers will get the inside story on their favorite shows and may even discover some new ones.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

Who Was Cesar Chavez?

by Dana Meachen Rau

A biography of Cesar Chavez, the famous Latino American civil rights activist. When Cesar was young, he and his Mexican American family toiled in the fields as migrant farm workers. He knew all too well the hardships farm workers faced. His public-relations approach to unionism and aggressive but nonviolent tactics made the farm workers' struggle a moral cause with nationwide support. Along with Dolores Huerta, he cofounded the National Farmworkers Association. His dedication to his work earned him numerous friends and supporters, including Robert Kennedy and Jesse Jackson.

Date Added: 10/30/2017

Who Is Pope Francis?

by Stephanie Spinner and Dede Putra

Follow the amazing journey of Pope Francis, whose warmth and humility have made him beloved around the world.Jorge Mario Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis, from Argentina, is the first Jesuit pope, the first from the Americas, and the first from the Southern Hemisphere. Since being elected pope he has shown a humbler, less formal approach to his office than his predecessors: a warm style that has been referred to as "no frills." His common touch and accessibility, as well as his insistence that the church be more open and welcoming, has quickly endeared him not only to Roman Catholics but to millions of others around the world.This title in the New York Times best-selling series includes eighty illustrations that help bring Pope Francis's amazing story to life.

Date Added: 02/22/2018

Who Is R. L. Stine?

by Who HQ and M. D. Payne

Reader beware! The biography of R. L. Stine, author of the hugely popular Goosebumps series, is a scary-good time! R. L. Stine began writing stories at the age of nine, after finding a typewriter in his family's attic. (Was it a haunted typewriter? Who can be sure?) Often referred to as the "Stephen King of children's literature," R.L. has created some of the scariest books to have ever been passed around a campfire, leaving readers wide awake at night. With over 400 million copies of his horror fiction novels sold across the world, R.L. Stine is one of the best-selling authors in history.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

What Is the Story of Scooby-Doo?

by Who HQ and M. D. Payne

Your favorite characters are now part of the Who HQ library! Nothing mysterious about it! Learn all about how Scooby and his friends took over Saturday mornings--and then the world--in this debut title in the What Is the Story Of? series.Most kids are familiar with the always-hungry, scaredy-cat Great Dane called Scooby-Doo and his true-blue friends of Mystery Inc. But how did Scooby and the gang make it onto the silver screen? Author M. D. Payne lays out the whole groovy tale in this book that's sure to have readers shouting, "Zoinks!"

Date Added: 11/10/2020

Who Was Abraham Lincoln?

by Janet B. Pascal

As the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln guided the nation through the Civil War and saw the abolition of slavery. But Lincoln was tragically the first President to be assassinated.

Date Added: 10/30/2017

What Was the Vietnam War?

by Jim O'Connor and Who HQ

Learn how the United States ended up fighting for twenty years in a remote country on the other side of the world.The Vietnam War was as much a part of the tumultuous Sixties as Flower Power and the Civil Rights Movement. Five US presidents were convinced that American troops could end a war in the small, divided country of Vietnam and stop Communism from spreading in Southeast Asia. But they were wrong, and the result was the death of 58,000 American troops. Presenting all sides of a complicated and tragic chapter in recent history, Jim O'Connor explains why the US got involved, what the human cost was, and how defeat in Vietnam left a lasting scar on America.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

What Is LEGO?

by Jim O'Connor and Who HQ

Find out how these fun, stackable blocks became the most popular toys in the world.The LEGO toy company was founded in 1934 by a Danish carpenter who loved making wooden pull toys. From its humble beginnings, the company has lived up to its name--which comes from the Danish phrase meaning to always "play well"--encouraging children to use their imagination and build whatever they can dream up. In this book, author Jim O'Connor describes how a simple concept--small plastic bricks that snap together--morphed into a cultural phenomenon.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

Who Was Marie Antoinette?

by John O'Brien and Dana Meachen Rau

From the palaces of Austria to the mirrored halls of Versailles, Marie Antoinette led a charmed life. She was born into royalty in 1755 and married the future king of France at age 15. By 21 she ascended to the throne and enjoyed a lavish lifestyle of masquerade balls, sky-high wigs, and extravagant food. But her taste for excess ruffled many feathers. The poor people of France blamed Marie Antoinette for their poverty. Her spending helped incite the French Revolution. And after much public outcry, in 1793 she quite literally lost her head because of it. Whether she was blameless or guilty is debatable, but Marie Antoinette remains woven into the fabric of history and popular culture.

Date Added: 12/04/2018

Who Was Andrew Jackson?

by Douglas Yacka and Jake Murray

Controversial in his day and still controversial now, President Andrew Jackson left his mark on American history.Seventh President Andrew Jackson was a man of contradictions: quick tempered and brash, he often seemed to look for fights, but he was so devoted to his wife, he quit Congress twice to be by her side. He was a celebrated war hero who nevertheless most enjoyed his serene life in Tennessee. Although he saw himself as a champion of the poor, he grew to be a rich plantation owner owning many slaves. He adopted a young Native American as his son despite ordering the expulsion of tribes —hundreds of thousands of people—from their homeland in the Southeast. Douglas Yacka captures the many sides of Andrew Jackson, whose life began just before the Revolution and ended not long before the Civil War.This book in the New York Times best-selling series contains eighty illustrations that help bring the story to life.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Date Added: 10/30/2017

Where Is the Serengeti?

by Nico Medina and Who HQ

If you've never known what a wildebeest is, you'll find out now in this latest Where? Is title about the Serengeti.Each year, over 1.5 million wildebeest make a harrowing journey (more than one thousand miles!) between Tanzania and Kenya. They are in search of new land to graze. Even if these creatures avoid vicious attacks from lions and crocodiles, they could still fall prey to thirst, hunger, and exhaustion. This book not only follows the exciting Migration, but also tells about the other creatures and peoples that co-exist along these beautiful landscapes of the Serengeti.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

What Was Stonewall?

by Nico Medina and Who HQ

How did a spontaneous protest outside of a New York City bar fifty years ago spark a social movement across America? Find out about the history of LGBTQ rights in this Who HQ title.In the early-morning hours of June 28, 1969, police arrived at the Stonewall Inn's doors and yelled, "Police! We're taking the place!" But the people in this New York City neighborhood bar, members of the LGBTQ community, were tired of being harassed. They rebelled in the streets, turning one moment into a civil rights movement and launching the fight for equality among LGBTQ people in the United States.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

Who Was Harriet Tubman?

by Yona Zeldis McDonough and Who HQ

Born a slave in Maryland, Harriet Tubman knew first-hand what it meant to be someone's property; she was whipped by owners and almost killed by an overseer. It was from other field hands that she first heard about the Underground Railroad which she travelled by herself north to Philadelphia. Throughout her long life (she died at the age of ninety-two) and long after the Civil War brought an end to slavery, this amazing woman was proof of what just one person can do.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

Where Were the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?

by Who HQ and Yona Z. McDonough

Explore the most amazing wonders of the ancient world!More than 2,000 years ago, travelers wrote about the incredible sights they saw while on their journeys. They told tales of hanging gardens that were built for a Babylonian queen, and a colossal statue that guided ships through the harbor of Rhodes in Greece. These writers compiled a list of the very best of these sights that are now known as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Author Yona Zeldis McDonough takes the readers on a trip to the Great Pyramids in Egypt (the only Wonder still standing), the Statue of Zeus at Olympia in ancient Greece, and the other spectacles, detailing the creativity and skill that these early civilizations possessed.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

The Who Was? History of the World

by Paula K. Manzanero and Who HQ

Based on The New York Times Best-Selling series, this timeline of world history gives a fresh take on global events, from King Tut to Malala Yousafzai.For the first time ever, the Who Was? subjects are gathered into a single title! The Who Was? History of the World is a journey along the timeline of history, noting the birthdays of 150 people in the series and what was happening in the world at that moment in time. Follow the timeline to learn who was doing what when, from the days of ancient Egypt, all the way up to the present.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

Where Is Chichen Itza?

by Who HQ and Paula K Manzanero

Discover more about the amazing Maya by "visiting" the city of Chichen Itza.Although it's known more as an important tourist attraction today, the city of Chichen Itza was a powerful religious, political, scientific, and artistic center of the Maya people. Readers will learn about how Chichen Itza began and what happened to cause the downfall of a great society. The book also provides details about the culture of the Maya of Chichen Itza and the stunning architecture they built like the El Castillo pyramid, the Temple of the Warriors, and the massive ball court that was used for games and rituals.

Date Added: 11/10/2020

Who Was William Shakespeare?

by Celeste Mannis

The beloved plays of Shakespeare are still produced everywhere, yet the life of the world's most famous playwright remains largely a mystery.

Young Will left the town of Stratford to pursue theater in London, where his work eventually thrived and made him a famous and wealthy man. With black-and-white illustrations that include a diagram of the famous Globe theater, Celeste Davidson Mannis puts together the pieces of Shakespeare's life and work for young readers. .

Date Added: 10/30/2017

Who Was Pete Seeger?

by Stephen Marchesi and Noel Maccarry

Pete Seeger was an American folk musician and social activist whose outspoken songs about freedom and justice got him blacklisted from radio and TV for years.Pete Seeger was still singing and playing the banjo for tens of thousands of fans even when he was at the age of ninety-four. Born in New York City on May 3, 1919, Pete came from a family of musicians. Despite writing and singing folk songs that all of America knows, not many kids know his name. Why? Because his ties to the Communist Party got him banned from radio and television for many years! Well-known for his civil rights activism with Martin Luther King Jr., Seeger also spearheaded efforts that cleaned up the Hudson River and made it beautiful again. His best-known songs include "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?", "If I Had a Hammer" and "Turn, Turn, Turn."In this easy-to-read biography from the New York Times best-selling series, Pete Seeger is revealed as not just a performer but as a champion for a better world and the eighty illustrations contained in the book help bring his story to life.

Date Added: 10/30/2017

Showing 1 through 25 of 208 results