Special Collections

Anisfield-Wolf Book Award

Description: The Anisfield-Wolf Book Award recognizes books that make important contributions to understanding racism and help develop an appreciation of the rich diversity of human cultures. #award

Showing 26 through 50 of 73 results
Year Category Title Author Date Added Action
2003 Non-Fiction A Problem From Hell Samantha Power 04/02/2018
2003 Fiction World Hotel Reetika Vazirani 04/02/2018
2002 Fiction Q Quincy Jones 04/02/2018
2002 Non-Fiction Vernon Can Read! Annette Gordon-Reed and Vernon Jordan 04/02/2018
2002 Non-Fiction John Henry Days Colson Whitehead 04/02/2018
2001 Lifetime Achievement Blessing the Boats Lucille Clifton 04/02/2018
2001 Non-Fiction W.E.B. Du Bois David Levering Lewis 04/02/2018
2000 Lifetime Achievement Of Love and Dust Ernest J. Gaines 04/02/2018
2000 Fiction A Gesture Life Chang-Rae Lee 04/02/2018
2000 Non-Fiction Out of Place Edward W. Said 04/02/2018
1999 Fiction Cloudsplitter Russell Banks 04/02/2018
1999 Non-Fiction Walking with the Wind John Lewis and Michael D'Orso 04/02/2018
1998 Fiction Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned Walter Mosley 04/02/2018
1998 Lifetime Achievement The Learning Tree Gordon Parks 04/02/2018
1997 Fiction Autobiography Of My Mother Jamaica Kincaid 04/02/2018
1997 Non-Fiction The Color of Water James Mcbride 04/02/2018
1997 Lifetime Achievement The Magic Keys Albert Murray 04/02/2018
1996 Fiction All Souls' Rising Madison Smartt Bell 04/02/2018
1996 Non-Fiction Amazing Grace Jonathan Kozol 04/02/2018
1996 Lifetime Achievement The Wedding Dorothy West 04/02/2018
1995 Non-Fiction Parallel Time Brent Staples 04/02/2018
1994 Fiction The Latin Deli Judith Ortiz Cofer 04/02/2018
1994 Non-Fiction W. E. B. Du Bois David Levering Lewis 04/02/2018
1994 Non-Fiction A Different Mirror Ronald Takaki 04/02/2018
1993 Fiction Woman Hollering Creek Sandra Cisneros 04/02/2018

Showing 26 through 50 of 73 results