Special Collections

District List: NYC Core Curriculum 3rd - ELA

Description: The New York City Core Curriculum program aims to provide a high-quality curricula to NYC students through a seamless instructional program across grades and subjects. This list has been curated by NYCDOE for 3rd Grade English Language Arts materials.

Showing 1 through 25 of 34 results

ReadyGEN Reader's and Writer's Journal, Grade 3


NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Detective [Grade 3]

by Scott Foresman

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Around Our Way On Neighbors' Day

by Charlotte Riley-Webb and Tameka Fryer Brown

Neighbors gather on a hot summer day for a joyful block party: Kids play double Dutch; men debate at the barber shop and play chess; mothers and aunts cook up oxtail stew, collard greens, and other delicious treats; and friends dance and sway as jazz floats through the streets.

A rhythmic tale that celebrates the diversity of a close-knit community, Around Our Way on Neighbors' Day will excite readers and prompt them to discover the magic of their own special surroundings.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

At the Root of It

by Robert Newell

What grow underground and are strong enough to break through rock? The answer is roots. Roots are an amazing part of plants and trees. At the Root of It explains how roots work hard so plants and trees survive and grow.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Let's Classify Organisms

by Kelli Hicks

'Let's Classify Organisms' classifies living organisms into six kingdoms with great detail along with interesting facts for students.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

What Is a Government?

by Logan Everett and Simon Adams

Complete Classroom Library includes one each of the following: Math Library Science Library Social Studies Library Content Area Classroom Libraries include: 1 display box containing 10 6-packs (60 little books) 1 Teacher Resource Portfolio 1 Assessment Book (where available) Classroom Library Add-on Packs include 1 copy of each title from the social studies, science, and math libraries. Add-On Packs include 1 copy of each title.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Brave Girl

by Michelle Markel

From acclaimed author Michelle Markel and Caldecott Honor artist Melissa Sweet comes this true story of Clara Lemlich, a young Ukrainian immigrant who led the largest strike of women workers in U. S. history.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Storm In The Night

by Mary Stolz

Storm in the night. Thunder like mountains blowing up. Lightning licking the navy-blue sky. Rain streaming down the windows, babbling in the downspouts. And Grandfather?... And Thomas? ... And Ringo, the cat? They were in the dark.

Too early to go to bed, and with only flashes of lightning to see by, Thomas and his grandfather happily find themselves re-discovering the half-forgotten scents and sounds of their world, and having a wonderful time learning important, new things about each other in a spirited conversation sparked by darkness. Mary Stolz and Pat Cummings have each brought their unique talents to this lyrical tale about a magical, stormy night and a special relationship.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Nasreen's Secret School

by Jeanette Winter

Based on a true story. After her parents are taken away by the Taliban, young Nasreen stops speaking. But as she spends time in a secret school, she slowly breaks out of her shell.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

The Year of Miss Agnes

by Kirkpatrick Hill

A year they'll never forgetTen-year-old Frederika (Fred for short) doesn't have much faith that the new teacher in town will last very long. After all, they never do. Most teachers who come to their one-room schoolhouse in remote, Alaska leave at the first smell of fish, claiming that life there is just too hard.But Miss Agnes is different -- she doesn't get frustrated with her students, and she throws away old textbooks and reads Robin Hood instead! For the first time, Fred and her classmates begin to enjoy their lessons and learn to read and write -- but will Miss Agnes be like all the rest and leave as quickly as she came?

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Peter Pan

by J. M. Barrie and Dan Andreasen and Arthur Pober and Tania Zamorsky

“All children grow up. All except one. ”That special child is Peter Pan, and since making his debut on the stage in 1904, this eternal youth has carried boys and girls off to magical, marvelous Neverland. It’s a trip that all kids want to make, and with this easy-to-read version of the classic, everyone can fly “second to the right, and straight on till morning” with Peter. Along with Wendy, John, and Michael Darling, they’ll meet the fairy Tinkerbell, the Lost Boys, and the menacing Captain Hook.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Poison Dart Frogs Up Close

by Carmen Bredeson

Why are they called poison dart frogs, anyway? Learn the answer to this question and more in this exciting installment in the ZOOM IN ON ANIMALS! series. Colorful, up-close photos of these beautiful, tiny frogs in their native habitats give readers a stunning view of these fascinating creatures.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Waiting for the Biblioburro

by Monica Brown and John Parra

Ana loves stories. She often makes them up to help her little brother fall asleep. But in her small village there are only a few books and she has read them all. One morning, Ana wakes up to the clip-clop of hooves, and there before her, is the most wonderful sight: a traveling library resting on the backs of two burros-all the books a little girl could dream of, with enough stories to encourage her to create one of her own. Inspired by the heroic efforts of real-life librarian Luis Soriano, award-winning picture book creators Monica Brown and John Parra introduce readers to the mobile library that journeys over mountains and through valleys to bring literacy and culture to rural Colombia, and to the children who wait for the BiblioBurro. A portion of the proceeds from sales of this book was donated to Luis Soriano's BiblioBurro program.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

The Incredible Book Eating Boy

by Oliver Jeffers

Like many children, Henry loves books. But Henry doesn't like to read books, he likes to eat them. Big books, picture books, reference books . . . if it has pages, Henry chews them up and swallows (but red ones are his favorite). And the more he eats, the smarter he gets—he’s on his way to being the smartest boy in the world! But one day he feels sick to his stomach. And the information is so jumbled up inside, he can’t digest it! Can Henry find a way to enjoy books without using his teeth? With a stunning new artistic style and a die-cut surprise, Oliver Jeffers celebrates the joys of reading in this charming and quirky picture book. It’s almost good enough to eat.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

The Case of the Gasping Garbage (and Other Super-Scientific Cases)

by Michele Torrey

Fourth-graders Drake Doyle and Nell Fossey combine their detective and scientific investigation skills to solve a variety of cases, involving a noisy garbage can, endangered frogs, a stuck truck, and a mysterious love letter. Includes a section of scientific experiments and activities.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Living Through a Natural Disaster

by Eve Recht

Complete Classroom Library includes one each of the following: Math Library Science Library Social Studies Library Content Area Classroom Libraries include: 1 display box containing 10 6-packs (60 little books) 1 Teacher Resource Portfolio 1 Assessment Book (where available) Classroom Library Add-on Packs include 1 copy of each title from the social studies, science, and math libraries. Add-On Packs include 1 copy of each title.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Deadly Poison Dart Frogs

by Lincoln James

Poison dart frogs are cute and tiny. They come in many eye-catching colors. These colors, however, aren't meant to make them attractive. The bright colors tell other animals that they shouldn't try to eat them. These vibrant amphibians are covered with a deadly poison that makes predators very sick. Its so strong that some Native American tribes even used it to make poison darts for hunting. Readers will surely enjoy getting up close to these small but deadly poison dart frogs.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

The Ride

by Kitty Griffin

One brave girl, one strong pony, one desperate ride to deliver a crucial message that would change the course of American history. Betsy is the girl power answer to Paul Revere.

Repeated for over two hundred years as an oral tradition, the legend of Betsy Dowdy is a classic American tale of a girl who simply believed she could be free. Inspired by the danger and daring of this ordinary North Carolinian girl, THE RIDE is a story about stepping up to help the cause you believe in, doing even what little you can, and building the United States of America.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

That Book Woman

by Heather Henson

Cal is not the readin' type. Living way high up in the Appalachian Mountains, he'd rather help Pap plow or go out after wandering sheep than try some book learning. Nope.

Cal does not want to sit stoney-still reading some chicken scratch. But that Book Woman keeps coming just the same. She comes in the rain. She comes in the snow. She comes right up the side of the mountain, and Cal knows that's not easy riding. And all just to lend his sister some books. Why, that woman must be plain foolish -- or is she braver than he ever thought?

That Book Woman is a rare and moving tale that honors a special part of American history -- the Pack Horse Librarians, who helped untold numbers of children see the stories amid the chicken scratch, and thus made them into lifetime readers.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

ReadyGEN Reader's and Writer's Journal, Grade 3

by Scott Foresman

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Right On Reader 1

by Diane M. Browder and Pamela J. Mims and Angel Lee and Tracie-Lynn Zakas and Jo Reynolds and Beverly Potts and Linda R. Schreiber

Right On Readers - provides 16 popular works of literature commonly used in the general education classroom, adapted with simplified text, repeated storylines, and symbol supports. The adapted literature includes fiction and nonfiction stories, poetry, theatrical scripts, and research endeavors.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

What is a Community?

by Bobbie Kalman

This educative text explains the common components shared by many communities like people, transport, buildings, culture, etc. It also illustrates how various communities are interdependent and sows the seed for respecting mother earth as the most important community.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Rain School

by James Rumford

It is the first day of school in Chad, Africa. Children are filling the road. "Will they give us a notebook?" Thomas asks. "Will they give us a pencil?” "Will I learn to read?" But when he and the other children arrive at the schoolyard, they find no classroom, no desks. Just a teacher. "We will build our school," she says. "This is our first lesson. " James Rumford, who lived in Chad as a Peace Corps volunteer, fills these pages with the vibrant colors of Africa and the spare words of a poet to show how important learning is in a country where only a few children are able to go to school.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Right On Reader 2

by Diane M. Browder and Pamela J. Mims and Angel Lee and Tracie-Lynn Zakas and Jo Reynolds and Beverly Potts and Linda R. Schreiber

A systematic language arts curriculum for middle and high school studentsResearch has shown Teaching to Standards: English Language Arts to be highly effective in teaching skills that align to grade-level standards.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Explore American History

by Judi Kinney

The Student Book has 9 chronological chapters from Early Years to A New Century. These follow a consistent format: Anticipatory Set, Vocabulary, History Stories, and Quiz. Twenty-five one-page biographies with corresponding comprehension exercises are also aligned to the curriculum's chronology.

Date Added: 07/06/2018

Showing 1 through 25 of 34 results