Special Collections

'Calvin Coconut' Series

Description: Fourth-grader Calvin lives near the beach in Oahu with his mom and little sister. But Calvin’s not great at taking care of his responsibilities. He’s too busy bouncing around with his friends. Lexile Range: 390L to 490L #kids #series

Showing 1 through 8 of 8 results

Calvin Coconut

by Graham Salisbury

Calvin Coconut needs to fix things with Stella—and fast! Stella from Texas is now officially a member of the Coconut household.

As if getting a bossy babysitter isn’t bad enough for Calvin, Stella teases him mercilessly. What’s a nine-year-old boy to do? Calvin decides to “fix” her, and he dumps his neighbor’s cat Zippy on Stella’s bed, knowing she’s allergic.

But when Stella breaks out in hives and misses her first big date, Calvin realizes his “zippy fix” went too far. He’s got to make it up to her, and decides to give her a birthday present. But he has no money. Along with the help of his loyal friends and little sister, Darci, Calvin works hard, and comes up with enough cash to give Stella the best birthday gift ever.

Graham Salisbury’s voice perfectly captures the inner workings of Calvin’s mind, and Jacqueline Rogers’ delightful pictures add zest and humor toThe Zippy Fix.

Date Added: 07/19/2018

Calvin Coconut

by Graham Salisbury

Date Added: 07/19/2018

Calvin Coconut

by Graham Salisbury and Jacqueline Rogers

Calvin and his Mom's boyfriend, Ledward, are good friends. When Ledward wins plane tickets, he invites Calvin to go on a man trip--they'll fly to Hawaii, the Big Island, for a day, and go deep-sea fishing. Wow!

Calvin's never been on a plane, or any boat but his skiff. What a day--Calvin catches his first big fish, an ono. But that's nothing compared to what happens when Ledward hooks a huge, and very angry marlin that charges the boat!

Date Added: 07/19/2018

Calvin Coconut

by Graham Salisbury and Jacqueline Rogers

Calvin's dad is a famous pop singer, and he's going to be in a concert on the island! Everyone wants to go.

Dad gave Calvin's mom 10 tickets, and Calvin has to decide who gets the last ticket: teacher's pet Shayla, who has a crush on him (ick!) or Tito the bully?

But much more important: Calvin hasn't seen his dad in four years. And he's never met Dad's new wife. Will Dad still like Calvin now?

Date Added: 07/19/2018

Calvin Coconut

by Graham Salisbury and Jacqueline Rogers

Calvin Coconut's fourth grade class meets Benni Obi, a weird and likable new kid. Benny brags about knowing kung fu, wears mirrored sunglasses, eats worms, crickets, and chocolate-covered scorpions, and says all the wrong things to bully Tito. Uh-oh.

Meanwhile, the neighborhood kids and pets clear the road--Calvin's babysitter Stella is learning how to drive. She's got a lead foot. Readers will enjoy the humor in Kung Fooey as Calvin's smarts and courage help him learn something new about standing up for friends, and facing a bully.

Date Added: 07/19/2018

Calvin Coconut

by Graham Salisbury and Jacqueline Rogers

Hawaii boy Calvin Coconut has come up with the best idea ever for his sister Darci's birthday party. But a huge tropical storm hits the islands and threatens everything. It rains and rains. And rains.

The river next to Calvin's house rises high. When Calvin's friend Willy falls into the raging water, Calvin grabs his skiff to save him. As Willy is swept into the bay, Calvin struggles in the wild waves. What happens next shows Calvin what heroes are made of.

Date Added: 07/19/2018

Calvin Coconut

by Graham Salisbury and Jacqueline Rogers

There are zombies at Kailua beach!! Well, kind of.

Fourth-grader Calvin Coconut and his friends have been recruited by Benny Obi (the boy from Kung Fooey who liked to tell crazy stories and ate bugs) to be extras in his uncle's movie: Zombie Zoomba! And who ends up with an actual part?

Calvin's babysitter, Stella.

Date Added: 07/19/2018

Showing 1 through 8 of 8 results