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Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) Gold System Grade 4

Description: Leveled Literacy Intervention Gold System for Grade 4 by Fountas & Pinnell. Levels M-T #kids #teachers

Showing 101 through 125 of 155 results

Ice Climbing

by Bob Morrow

Extreme Photography

People don't normally think of photography as an extreme sport. But many nature photographers take up extreme sports, like ice climbing, in order to capture amazing shots.

Imagine breathing thin mountain air, clinging to the ice with one hand and snapping a picture with the other. Photographers often take great risks to share the beauty of the mountains and ice with those on the ground. When reading this book, take a few minutes to examine the photographs. Notice the angle of each one, and imagine the story behind the photograph. What do you think the photographer needed to do to get each shot?

Text Elements:

  • Genre: Nonfiction, Expository
  • Text Structures: Main: Categorical, Embedded: Description, Cause/Effect, Chronological Sequence
  • Text Features: table of contents, headings, photos, captions, pronunciation guides, maps, sidebars
  • Date Added: 05/31/2019

    Category: Level Q

    Octopus Escape Artist of the Sea

    by Caroline Arnold

    A New Home and a New Name

    Recently, a new octopus arrived at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. It needed a name, so the zoo had a contest. The winning name was Pandora, which was suggested by a ten-year-old girl. She chose the name Pandora because it means "curious." Octopuses are famous for their curiosity.

    Pandora is a young giant Pacific octopus that loves to explore her tank. Visitors to the zoo can watch Pandora as she swims around her tank looking for food and places to hide. Visitors can also learn how these eight-armed animals are experts at surviving in the oceans of the world.

    Text Elements:

  • Genre: Nonfiction, Expository
  • Text Structures: Main: Categorical, Embedded: Description, Problem/Solution, Temporal Sequence
  • Text Features: table of contents, photos, captions, diagram, sidebars, map, glossary
  • Date Added: 05/31/2019

    Category: Level Q


    by Josh Timm

    Freezing Fun

    In northern Japan, the month of February is bleak--freezing, dark, and piled with snow. But one city has figured out a way to turn a dreary month into something magical. Every year, the city of Sapporo hosts a snow festival, which turns the city into a fantasyland, filled with huge snow sculptures, delicate ice statues, and warm friendships.

    Text Elements:

  • Genre: Nonfiction, Expository
  • Text Structures: Main: Categorical, Embedded: Temporal Sequence, Cause/Effect, Description
  • Text Features: table of contents, headings, photos, captions, labels, sidebars
  • Date Added: 05/31/2019

    Category: Level Q


    by Marion Bauer

    Runt, the smallest wolf cub in the litter, seeks to prove himself to his father, King, and the rest of the pack and to earn a new name.

    Date Added: 05/30/2019

    Category: Level Q


    by Stephen Krensky

    Seasick by Stephen Krensky illustrated Simon Dupuis

    Date Added: 01/21/2020

    Category: Level R

    The Heroes of Pealand

    by Alison Blank

    Learn how Pea Island, North Carolina, known for it's dangerous coast, became home to many hereoes who rescued those at sea.

    Date Added: 09/20/2019

    Category: Level R

    The Yo-yo Caper

    by Logan Everett

    Yo-yo Surprise! Think a yo-yo is just a silly toy? Well, then, you won't believe what Gus does with his!

    Date Added: 09/17/2019

    Category: Level R

    The Secret World of Caves

    by Will Hurd

    An underground wonderland. You might think caves are dark, damp, and frightening, but cavers all over the world know that caves are full of wonderful secrets and bizarre sights.

    Date Added: 09/16/2019

    Category: Level R

    The Two Brothers

    by Susan McCloskey

    Where Does Greed Lead? Two brothers. One is generous and one is greedy. Which one will be rich in the end?

    Date Added: 09/16/2019

    Category: Level R

    The Corpse Flower

    by Sarah Brockett

    Learn all about the world's stinkiest flower, the titan arum also known as the Corpse flower.

    Date Added: 09/06/2019

    Category: Level R

    Joining Hands with a Village

    by Caren Stelson

    A group of United States teenagers are welcome visitors in a village in Tanzania. In less than a week, their lives are changed forever.

    Date Added: 09/06/2019

    Category: Level R

    The Invitation

    by Isabella Traveler

    The Invitation Author: Isabella Traveler

    Date Added: 09/06/2019

    Category: Level R

    Strange Rain

    by Mary McClellan

    Strange Rain Author: Mary M. McClellan

    Date Added: 09/05/2019

    Category: Level R

    Project Lizard

    by Michael Sullivan

    Project Lizard Author: Michael Sullivan

    Date Added: 09/03/2019

    Category: Level R

    T. Rex Scavenger or Predator

    by Jacqueline Adams

    T. Rex: Scavenger or Predator? Author: Jacqueline Adams

    Date Added: 09/03/2019

    Category: Level R

    Coconut The Tree of Life

    by Cynthia Clampitt

    Coconut: The Tree of Life Author: Cynthia Clampitt

    Date Added: 08/15/2019

    Category: Level R

    Lornah Kiplagat

    by Gary Miller

    Lornah Kiplagat: Long-Distance Hero Author: Gary Miller

    Date Added: 08/06/2019

    Category: Level R

    Odd Couples

    by Julie Winterbottom

    Surprising Partnerships

    Imagine an itty-bitty fish that swims into the mouths of other fish. Does this strike you as a dangerous mission? A small tropical fish helps its neighbors keep clean while getting protection from them in return. This is just one of the unusual give-and-take partnerships revealed in this book.

    Text Elements

  • Genre: Expository
  • Text Structures: Main: Categorical; Embedded: Temporal Sequence
  • Text Features: table of contents, headings, photos, captions, pronunciation guides, maps, labels, glossary
  • Date Added: 07/17/2019

    Category: Level R

    Rescuing Entangled Whales

    by Laura Johnson

    Rescuing Entangled Whales Author: Laura T. Johnson

    Date Added: 07/16/2019

    Category: Level R

    Accidental Inventions

    by Alison Blank

    Accidental Inventions Author: Alison Blank

    Date Added: 06/24/2019

    Category: Level R

    Amazing Brick Artists

    by Jordan Brown

    Can Art Be Made Out of Anything?

    When you think of visiting an art museum, you probably think of oil paintings and marble sculptures. But there's plenty of art that's made from more common materials, and you can see them at a modern art museum. Some artists today make art using things like rubber tires, masking tape, recycled computer parts, and even bubble gum!

    An artist's medium is the material he or she uses to create a work. Any medium can work in the imagination of an artist. Before you throw out an old pen, cereal box, or candy wrapper, think: Could I make art with this?

    Text Elements:

  • Genre: Narrative Nonfiction
  • Text Structures: Main: Chronological Sequence Embedded: Compare/Contrast, Temporal Sequence, Description
  • Text Features: table of contents, headings, photos, captions, glossary
  • Date Added: 06/20/2019

    Category: Level R

    Alien Stepmother

    by Anne Sibley O'Brien

    Alien Stepmother Author: Anne Sibley O'Brien

    Date Added: 06/19/2019

    Category: Level R


    by David Neufield and Javier Joaquin

    Rowbear Author: David Neufeld

    Date Added: 06/19/2019

    Category: Level R

    Student Test Preparation Booklet Lesson 125-128

    by Pinnell Fountas

    Leveled Literacy Intervention GOLD System Student Test Preparation Booklet Lesson 125-128 Level R

    Date Added: 06/19/2019

    Category: Level R

    Andromeda Clark Makes Time Fly

    by Anne Phillips

    Andromeda Clark Makes Time Fly Author: Anne W. Phillips

    Date Added: 06/11/2019

    Category: Level R

    Showing 101 through 125 of 155 results