Special Collections

District List: LAUSD High School Williams List of District Adopted and Approved Textbooks

Description: All instructional materials in the list below are Williams-compliant. Use this collection of textbooks to ensure that every student has instructional materials in the defined curricular areas. #LAUSD #teachers

Showing 176 through 200 of 275 results
Category Title Author Date Added Action
Mathematics Big Ideas Math Ron Larson and Laurie Boswell 07/18/2019
Mathematics Springboard Mathematics Betty Barnett and Allen Dimacali and John Nelson 07/18/2019
Mathematics Core Connections Algebra, Version 5.0 Leslie Dietiker and Michael Kassarjian and Kevin Coffey 07/18/2019
Mathematics Big Ideas Math Ron Larson and Laurie Boswell 07/18/2019
Mathematics Big Ideas Math Algebra 1, A Common Core Curriculum Ron Larson and Laurie Boswell 07/18/2019
Mathematics The Practice of Statistics Daren S. Starnes and Josh Tabor and Daniel S. Yates and David S. Moore 07/18/2019
Mathematics The Practice of Statistics (For the AP Exam) Daren S. Starnes and Dan Yates and Josh Tabor and David Moore 07/18/2019
Mathematics The Practice Of Statistics Dan S. Yates and David S. Moore and Daren S. Starnes 07/18/2019
Mathematics The Practice of Statistics David S. Moore and Daniel S. Yates and Darren S. Starnes 07/18/2019
Mathematics Stats David E. Bock and Paul F. Velleman and Richard D. De Veaux 07/18/2019
Mathematics Statistics in Action, Understanding a World of Data Ann E. Watkins and Richard L. Scheaffer and George W. Cobb 07/18/2019
Mathematics Single Variable Calculus with Vector Functions, Concepts and Contexts James Stewart 07/18/2019
Mathematics Calculus Ross L. Finney and Franklin D. Demana and Bert K. Waits and Daniel Kennedy 07/18/2019
Mathematics Calculus Ross L. Finney 07/18/2019
Mathematics Calculus Ron Larson and Robert Hostetler and Bruce H. Edwards 07/18/2019
Mathematics Calculus with CalcChat & CalcView (AP Edition) Ron Larson and Bruce Edwards 07/18/2019
Mathematics Discrete Mathematics with Applications Susanna S. Epp 06/26/2019
Mathematics Single Variable Calculus with Vector Functions James Stewart 04/01/2019
Mathematics COLLEGE Physics Alan Giambattista and Betty McCarthy Richardson and Robert C. Richardson 03/14/2019
Mathematics Understanding Basic Statistics Charles Henry Brase and Corrinne Pellillo Brase 03/14/2019
Mathematics Understanding Basic Statistics Charles Henry Brase and Corrinne Pellillo Brase 03/14/2019
Mathematics Understanding Basic Statistics (Fourth Edition) Charles Henry Brase and Corrinne Pellillo Brase 03/14/2019
Mathematics Precalculus with Limits with CalcChat® and CalcView® Ron Larson and Paul Battaglia 03/14/2019
Mathematics Precalculus Josea Eggink and Samantha Falkner and Emily Kaffel and Sarah Maile 03/12/2019
Mathematics SpringBoard Mathematics: Precalculus Betty Barnett and Allen Dimacali and John Nelson 03/12/2019

Showing 176 through 200 of 275 results