Special Collections

District List: ELC-4 Unit 4 Author Set: Yoshiko Uchida

Description: Author Set: Yoshiko Uchida Students continue to explore the works of the selected author in Unit 3 by reading two additional books written by their selected author. #mcps

Showing 1 through 5 of 5 results

Journey Home

by Yoshiko Uchida

Yuki, a 12-year-old Japanese American girl, and her family were sent to a concentration camp in Utah. This is the story of their journey back to Berkeley, California after WWII is over.

Date Added: 10/14/2019

Journey to Topaz

by Yoshiko Uchida

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, 11-year-old Yuki Sakane's family is uprooted and shipped with thousands of other West Coast Japanese-Americans to the horse stalls of Tanforan Racetrack and then to a bleak desert concentration camp called Topaz.

Date Added: 10/14/2019

The Bracelet

by Yoshiko Uchida

Emi, a Japanese-American in the second grade, is sent with her family to an internment camp during World War II, but the loss of the bracelet her best friend has given her proves that she does not need a physical reminder of that friendship.

Date Added: 10/14/2019

A Jar of Dreams

by Yoshiko Uchida

When Aunt Waka comes to visit, and brings with her the old-fashioned wisdom of Japan, she teaches Rinko the importance of her Japanese heritage, and the value of her own strengths and dreams.

Date Added: 10/14/2019

The Invisible Thread

by Yoshiko Uchida

Growing up in California, Yoshi knew her family looked different from their neighbors. Still, she felt like an American. But everything changed when America went to war against Japan. Along with all the other Japanese-Americans on the West Coast, Yoshi's family were rounded up and imprisoned in a crowded. badly built camp in the desert because they "looked like the enemy." Yoshiko Uchida grew up to be an award-winning author. This memoir of her childhood gives a personal account of a shameful episode in American history.

Date Added: 10/14/2019

Showing 1 through 5 of 5 results