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Books About Autism or Featuring Autistic Characters

Description: Celebrate Autism Acceptance Month with about autism, by autistic authors, or featuring autistic characters. #autism #autismacceptance #autismawareness

Showing 51 through 53 of 53 results

We're Not Broken

by Eric Garcia

“This book is a message from autistic people to their parents, friends, teachers, coworkers and doctors showing what life is like on the spectrum. It’s also my love letter to autistic people. For too long, we have been forced to navigate a world where all the road signs are written in another language.”

With a reporter’s eye and an insider’s perspective, Eric Garcia shows what it’s like to be autistic across America.

Garcia began writing about autism because he was frustrated by the media’s coverage of it; the myths that the disorder is caused by vaccines, the narrow portrayals of autistic people as white men working in Silicon Valley. His own life as an autistic person didn’t look anything like that. He is Latino, a graduate of the University of North Carolina, and works as a journalist covering politics in Washington D.C. Garcia realized he needed to put into writing what so many autistic people have been saying for years; autism is a part of their identity, they don’t need to be fixed.

In We’re Not Broken, Garcia uses his own life as a springboard to discuss the social and policy gaps that exist in supporting those on the spectrum. From education to healthcare, he explores how autistic people wrestle with systems that were not built with them in mind. At the same time, he shares the experiences of all types of autistic people, from those with higher support needs, to autistic people of color, to those in the LGBTQ community. In doing so, Garcia gives his community a platform to articulate their own needs, rather than having others speak for them, which has been the standard for far too long.

Date Added: 04/13/2022

Category: Adult

Working with Autistic Transgender and Non-Binary People

by Ella Griffin and Isabelle Henault and Lydia Brown and Damian Milton and Shain M. Neumeier and Reubs Walshe and David Jackson-Perry and Kielsgard Taylor and Dr Wenn Lawson and Alyssa Hillary-Zisk and Jo Minchin and Lexi Orchard and Olivia Pountney

Setting out advice, research and personal reflections to inform professionals' daily practice and overall understanding of the lives and experiences of autistic transgender and non-binary people, this edited volume is an invaluable resource for anyone who seeks to engage more with autistic transgender, non-binary or gender-variant people.Aiming to contextualise the overlap of autism and gender variance, this book features chapters by leading authorities such as Wenn Lawson, Damian Milton, Isabelle Hénault, Reubs Walsh, Lydia X. Z. Brown, and Shain Neumeier as well as other contributors from around the world.

The collection is structured in three sections; the first provides interdisciplinary and intersectional approaches on autism and gender as well as the experiences of transgender and non-binary autistic people; the second features professionals discussing their work, the challenges they face and the solutions they find helpful; and the final section presents thoughts and perspectives from trans and non-binary autistic people on various aspects of their experiences, focusing on information that professionals will need to consider and discuss with the people they support.

Combining rich and nuanced accounts of the lives of autistic trans people, practical guidance and information as well as the latest academic research about autistic transgender and non-binary individuals, this unique collection is essential reading for any professional wanting to develop their daily practice.

Date Added: 04/13/2022

Category: Adult

The Young Autistic Adult's Independence Handbook

by Haley Moss

Are you living away from home for the first time, graduating from school or perhaps getting a new job? These transitions can be especially overwhelming to deal with as a young autistic adult. This survival guide is bursting with neurodivergent-friendly advice from autistic people themselves (and a few neurotypicals too) for young adults embarking on their own journeys of self-discovery and independence. From guidance on organising your own money, looking after your home and organising your social life to tips on self-advocacy and important life skills such as driving, voting and volunteering, Haley Moss has you covered.Using personal stories, interviews with experts and tips from other young people, this book gives you tips and tools to boost your confidence, ready to make your mark on the world!

Date Added: 04/13/2022

Category: Young Adult

Showing 51 through 53 of 53 results